Data Science Certification - DexLab Analytics | Big Data Hadoop SAS R Analytics Predictive Modeling & Excel VBA

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Data Science Certification

Data Science Certified R Programming & Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling

72 hours: Weekdays &Weekend

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Simply put data science is a collection of processes that are put into use in order to extract knowledge and gather insights from the varied forms of data regardless of they are unstructured and structured. The field spreads out across disciplines and in some senses are the continuation of fields of data analysis like data mining, statistics and also predictive analytics.

In their quest to organize and create knowledge from data, employers are seeking for individuals with career profiles that are suitably equipped to ensure success in their endeavor making the students of data science highly in demand in start-ups and large corporations alike.

McKinsey Global Institute reports that by the year 2018 there is predicted to be 1.5 million more jobs for data scientists than the workforce equipped with the necessary skills. This comes as excellent news to aspiring data scientists or employed professionals’ intent to further enhancing their skill sets.

A Data Scientist commands a Salary Range of $85,000 to $170,000 in the US and in India he can expect to make Rs. 510,643 average on a yearly basis.

Data Scientist recruiters include:

  • SocialCops
  • FreeCharge
  • Snapdeal
  • Myntra
  • Flipkart
  • VMWare
  • Housing
  • Mu Sigma
  • Helpchat
  • Belong
Data Science Certification

Data Science Certification

ClassRoom Training

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