Alteryx Certification
Alteryx is a leader in self service analytics.
20 hourslive training
Hands on, Instructor LedUse-Case Project Based Classroom Training Weekend batches
Alteryx Certification
- Hands-on, Instructor-led, Use-Case Project-based, Classroom Training
- 1 Live Project
Predictive Analytics
- Up until recently, predictive analytics was a highly technical and complex endeavour. Companies that performed this kind of analysis spent a lot of money on predictive BI tools, and the statisticians needed to build these models.
- The predictive world is slow moving and expensive. But the payoff has always been the future insight that a well-built model provides.
- The downside is, not every company can afford the staff and software that legacy predictive modelling requires.
- Alteryx brings predictive analytical capabilities to the masses with their suite of PA tools.And because these tools are doing the heavy lifting working with underlying statistical techniques, the user doesn’t need to be a statistician.
- A new open source analytical language called “R” has gained popularity (so much so, it is ‘predicted’ to push the elder tribe of statistical tools, SAS and SPSS into extinction). It’s reshaping predictive modelling. Alteryx uses the R language as the core of its predictive engine. The result is an approachable introduction to predictive analytics.
- Analysts don’t need to write code and understand each statistical technique because Alteryx provides tools (with the drag and drop interface) where users simply and easily integrate well known statistical techniques with a few mouse clicks.
- The choice: expensive legacy predictive tools or accessible, affordable, modern, self-service predictive analytics via Alteryx.

Alteryx Certification
ClassRoom Training

Business Analytics and Data Visualization Certification
Ms Excel, Dashboards, VBA & Macros, SQL and Tableau BI

Python Programming Certification
Data Cleaning, Manipulation, Visualization, Text Mining and Exploratory Data Analysis using Python programming

Data Science and Machine Learning with AI Certification
Python, Machine Learning, Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning

Corporate Trainings
Incase company or an education institute wants to conduct a specific program for their employee or students the same can be worked out. We provide customized trainings workshops to corporate and students according to their need.

R Programming Certification

Data Science Certification
Data Science Certified R Programming & Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling

Business Analytics Certification
Base & Advanced SAS, Core Analytics & Predictive Modeling & Ms Excel