Accenture's Bhaskar Ghosh talks about the evolution of AI, IoT & BigData

The Tides Of Change Is Here: Accenture’s Bhaskar Ghosh Talks About AI, IoT and Big Data

With the Fourth Industrial Revolution looming ahead, many would think that we are already in a digital economy era. Well, somewhat it holds true even. There are countless new apps and software programmes that help people hail a cab, make reservations in a hotel or mop floors by using robotic technology. Smart machines have become really smart to do a plethora of highly adept jobs, which would have been a little bit difficult on the part of humans to perform.

The Tides Of Change Is Here: Accenture’s Bhaskar Ghosh Talks About AI, IoT and Big Data

“While technology has long been developed to serve specific business needs, we are now in an era where people are central to the design and development of technologies,” stated Bhaskar Ghosh, group chief executive, Accenture Technology Services. In a recent interview with a leading financial magazine, he talked over Accenture’s Technology Vision 2017 and gave snippets about the latest trends and innovations that have become a pre-requisite to achieve success in the more-than-ever digitised economy.

 Accenture office

Excerpts shared below:

“Technology for people” is the heart of the subject matter of Accenture’s Tech Vision for 2017 – what is fuelling this finding?

Like never before, people are engaging and resting their trust on technology. Though technology has been developed to fulfil respective business needs, we can’t ignore the fact that people are at the focal point of the design and development of technologies. This is why people have the power and influence to mould technology, and that is what the triggering factor is which brings a positive change and transforms the society and business as a whole.

What are the key factors for AI to be seen as the user interface, as per Technology Vision 2017 report?



The growth witnessed in the AI domain is not something out of the blue, numerous technological progression over a considerable period of time have made this happen. The growth of AI is pervasive and has been consistent in integrating human wit with technology.

To what extent Accenture is going to adopt AI for its enterprise landscape?

If you go by our global Accenture Technology vision 2017 survey, which included more than 5400 IT and business executives, you will find out 79% agree that AI will boost technology adoption across the enterprises. In the long run, AI will be the face of a company’s digital brand and become a key factor for ascertainment of core competency.


What will be Accenture’s advice to clients about how to tackle this complex yet promising technology epoch successfully?

We are living in an age where technology, stimulated by robust advances necessitates leaders to act responsibly and be responsive. We, at Accenture believe that the impact of these innovations will be more on a positive side, after all the power lies within the people.



‘Technology for People’ highlights the path to an exhilarating future, where technology is developed by the people, for the people to improve their lives and metamorphose business and society by and large.


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June 23, 2017 6:12 am Published by , , , , , , ,

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