The 8 Leading Big Data Analytics Influencers for 2018

The 8 Leading Big Data Analytics Influencers for 2018

The 8 Leading Big Data Analytics Influencers for 2018

Big data is one of the most talked about technology topics of the last few years. As big data and analytics keep evolving, it is important for people associated with it to keep themselves updated about the latest developments in this field. However, many find it difficult to be up to date with the latest news and publications.

If you are a big data enthusiast looking for ways to get your hands on the latest data news, then this blog is the ideal read for you. In this article, we list the top 8 big data influencers of 2018. Following these people and their blogs and websites shall keep you informed about all the trending things in big data.


Kirk Borne

Known as the kirk in the field of analytics, his popularity has been growing over the last couple of years.  From 2016 to 2017, the number of people following him grew by 30 thousand. Currently he’s the principal data scientist at Booz Allen; previously he has worked with NASA for a decade. Kirk was also appointed by the US president to share his knowledge on Data Mining and how to protect oneself from cyber attacks. He has participated in several Ted talks. So, interested candidates should listen to those talks and follow him on Twitter.

Ronald Van Loon

He is an expert on not only big data, but also Business Intelligence and the Internet of Things, and writes articles on these topics so that readers become familiar with these technologies. Ronald writes for important organizations like Dataconomy and DataFloq. He has over hundred thousand followers on Twitter. Currently, he works as a big data educator at Simplelearn.

Hilary Manson

She is a big data professional who manages multiple roles together. Hilary is a data scientist at Accel, Vice president at Cloudera, and a speaker and writer in this field. Back in 2014, she founded a machine learning research company called Fast Forward labs. Clearly, she is a big data analytics influencer that everyone should follow.

Carla Gentry

Currently working in Samtec Inc; she has helped many big shot companies to draw insights from complicated data and increase profits. Carla is a mathematician, an economist, owner of Analytic Solution, a social media ethusiat, and a must-follow expert in this field.

Vincent Granville

Vincent Granville’s thorough understanding of topics like machine learning, BI, data mining, predictive modeling and fraud detection make him one the best influencers of 2018. Data Science Central-the popular online platform for gaining knowledge on big data analytics has been cofounded by Vincent.

Merv Adrian

Presently the Research Vice President at Gartner, he has over 30 years of experience in IT sector. His current work focuses on upcoming Hadoop technologies, data management and data security problems. By following Merv’s blogs and twitter posts, you shall be informed about important industry issues that are sometimes not covered in his Gartner research publications.

Bernard Marr

Bernard has earned a good reputation in the big data and analytics world. He publishes articles on platforms like LinkedIn, Forbes and Huffington Post on a daily basis. Besides being the major speaker and strategic advisor for top companies and the government, he is also a successful business author.

Craig Brown

With over twenty years of experience in this field, he is a renowned technology consultant and subject matter expert. The book Untapped Potential, which explains the path of self-discovery, has been written by Craig.

If you have read the entire article, then one thing is very clear-you are a big data enthusiast! So, why not make your career in the big data analytics industry?

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July 20, 2018 3:16 pm Published by , , , , , , , , , , ,

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