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The Nitty-Gritty When It Comes to SAS 101

The Nitty-Gritty When It Comes to SAS 101

SAS is a state-of-the-art business intelligence tool that is primarily designed to facilitate reporting, data analysis, mining and predictive modeling using convincing visualization and interactive dashboards. Being a powerful programming language, SAS performs complex statistical data analysis; unlike other built-in tools, like Microsoft Excel, SAS lets users to salvage and run data from a plethora of sources, along with ensuring enough control and freedom during data manipulation and compilation.

Statistical Analysis System (SAS) was introduced for organizations to explore their vast datasets in a highly interactive format. Today, SAS is largely used in machine learning, data science and business intelligence applications. Not only does it arms the organizations with the necessary tools and techniques to monitor key BI metrics, but also develops incredible insights and comprehensive reports, facilitating informed decision-making procedures.


SAS Fuelling Career Growth

Business analytics and incredible BI tools have become central for running medium and large-scale enterprises across the globe, efficiently. With data becoming increasingly instrumental in pushing businesses to horizons of success, a majority of organizations is betting on SAS BI analytics.

As a result, the demand for SAS consultants is surging at an accelerating rate. Since more and more companies are adopting SAS analytics and altering the ways they used to work, SAS-related jobs are flooding the market. Handsome pay-packages are being offered to the right candidates, skilled and professional.

According to a recent study, the average salary of a diligent SAS programmer is around 10.8 Lacs – organizations are looking for professionals who would not only know how to slice and dice but also know how to draw the right projections and effectively communicate the insights. This is where SAS training Delhi comes in – Head-start a data journey with DexLab Analytics, as it offers the best SAS analytics training Delhi.

Books: For Enhancing the Level of SAS Knowledge

Besides encompassing SAS certification course modules, books tend to take us all a step closer to the bubbling pool of knowledge – SAS books are carefully written, specifically keeping in mind the requirements and focused areas of programmers and analysts.

Without any further ado, let’s dive into a well-curated list of SAS books that’ll help you ace the language like a pro:


  • SAS Essentials: Mastering SAS for Data Analytics by Elliott and Woodward – With an advanced approach, this book is perfect for master’s students of data analysis and programming and higher-level undergraduates.
  • SAS for Dummies by McDaniel and Hemedinger – An absolute beginner’s approach to SAS, this book is widely popular for its simple language, easier representation of facts and easy-to-follow guidelines.
  • The Little SAS Book by Delwiche and Slaughter – Ideal for beginners and experienced SAS consultants, as well, this book includes self-contained lessons, plenty of examples and interesting visuals.
  • SAS Certification Prep Guide – Released by the SAS institute, this is the final and official test-prep guide to be SAS certified.
  • Learning SAS by Examples: A Programmer’s Guide by Ron Cody – If you are a fast learner, this is the one for you. Each chapter in this book ends with test problems so that you are trained SAS-ready.


As final thoughts, SAS analytics is the most powerful tool for performing complex data analysis. Grasping the fundamentals of SAS language will surely present you a big leg up in the analytical domain. For SAS certification courses, drop by DexLab Analytics.


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Amalgamating SAS and Trilliant to Manage IoT and Energy Management Issues

With the rise of IoT and advanced systems that connects everything from a city’s surveillance grid to its transportation and utility systems, smart cities are evolving each day. They are being equipped with better street lighting, traffic conditions and utility services – an area that is in central focus is the smart street lighting that keeps its citizens safe and sound. In this regard, Trilliant, a top notch global provider of safe, enterprise wide smart energy communication systems has stepped forward with the analytics scion SAS. They have come together to sign an agreement that empowers data-driven decisions to optimize connected grid devices in the respective systems.

Amalgamating SAS and Trilliant to Manage IoT and Energy Management Issues

According to the agreement, Trilliant and SAS will jointly work to strike off system and interface compatibility, especially the analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT). While Trilliant will provide real-time data from a secure, technologically robust and multi-application networking platform, SAS will seamlessly integrate principal event stream processing for both structured and unstructured data. The latter will also provide machine learning for event detection, distributed energy resource optimization and revenue protection.

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Why B2B Marketers Should Use Predictive Analytics in 2018?

The Risks are indispensable. In any business.

But what if you can nullify the risks?

Or find a suitable solution to limit them?

Why B2B Marketers Should Use Predictive Analytics in 2018?

That’s probably where Predictive Analytics ring the bell. Right from logistics and inventory to marketing initiatives and sales to applications in hiring and HR, predictive analytics is the ultimate tool that impacts business decisions across every domain of a B2B enterprise.

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Digital Transformation: Data Scientists Are a Must Now for Enterprises

Data explosion, sprawling around Facebook and Internet of Things need to be nipped now to make sense what’s in there. Data is filled with promises, it offers new significant insights culled from the patterns in the data to just not report what happened but predict future scenarios.

Digital Transformation: Data Scientists Are a Must Now for Enterprises

This has led organizations to hire data scientists who are adept with the expertise and experience to shed some light on the mysteries of NoSQL data lakes and data bases, in which data is hoarded. For best SAS analytics training in Gurgaon, look up to DexLab Analytics – their SAS certification in Delhi is nifty and student-friendly.

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Researchers Peer into the Hood of Computational Linguistics

Researchers Peer into the Hood of Computational Linguistics


To start, give a look at these two sentences:

“This house is in a detestable location.”

“This detestable house is in this location.”


Well, these two sentences have virtually similar words, but owing to their structure, they exude entirely two different meanings. Understanding the true meaning of the sentences just by having a look at the words was something only reserved for the human intelligence, until now. Breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing (NLP), also known as computational linguistics have blazed a trail in this domain, which was once dominated by humans.

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Wake Up to a World of Data Possibilities: With SAS Certification

Of late, in spite of trending insurgence of cutting edge technology tools, SAS remains one of the most popular, in-demand programming languages for advanced analytics. It’s been more than two decades, yet it didn’t lose its importance in ruling the data science market. This shows how flexible this pioneering analytics tool is, and how adaptable it is in its functionality that it stood strong through the test of time and development.

Wake Up to a World of Data Possibilities: With SAS Certification

Possess the Right SAS Skills, Be In Demand

Organizations are utilizing the perks of advanced analytics inside out. They are realizing that not only big data analytics has secured a niche area of concentration for itself, but it has strived to be an indispensable part of any organization that is on its walk to success.

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New and Improved Data Pane in SAS Visual Analytics Now Goes Painless


It seems some good news is waiting for you – honing your data for effective reports are easier now with the 8.1 release of SAS Visual Analytics. In this technical blog, we will understand the structure of data pane, how it exhibits data from an active data source, and a handful number of tasks, which you might want to perform – like viewing measure details, adjusting data item properties and fabricating geographic data items, custom categories and hierarchies.

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Celebrate Christmas in Data Analyst Style With SAS!

Christmas is just at the end of this week, so we at team DexLab decided to help our dear readers who love some data-wizardry, with some SAS magic! You can choose to flaunt your extra SAS knowledge to your peer groups with the below described SAS program.


Celebrate Christmas in Data Analyst Style With SAS!
Celebrate Christmas in Data Analyst Style With SAS!

We are taking things a tad backwards by trying to, almost idiosyncratically complicate things that are otherwise simple. After all some say, a job of a data analyst is to do so! However, be it stupid or unnecessary this is definitely by far the coolest way to wish Merry Christmas, in data-analyst style.

Continue reading “Celebrate Christmas in Data Analyst Style With SAS!”

Data Preparation using SAS

Data Preparation using SAS

Before doing any data analysis, there are tasks which are critical to the success of the data analysis project. That critical task is known as data preparation. You may have heard that in the last years the data production is expanding at an astonishing pace. Experts now point to a 4300% increase in annual data generation by 2020. This can be due to the switch from analog to digital technologies and the rapid increase in data generation by individuals and corporations alike. The most of the data generated in the last few years are unstructured.


In the above context, it is highly important to prepare your data from the unstructured dataset to a structured dataset to do a meaningful analysis.

“Data preparation means manipulation of data into a form suitable for further analysis and processing”

“Data Preparation techniques consists of Cleaning, Integration, Selection and Transformation”

We will discuss some of the data preparation techniques in SAS using SAS. INFORMAT is used to read the data with special characters. FORMAT is used to display the data with special characters.


Data DP.Practice;

length City $10.;
 input City $ ID $ Age Salary DOJ Profit;
 informat Salary dollar6. DOJ ddmmyy10. Profit dollar7.2;
 format Salary dollar6. DOJ ddmmyy10. Profit dollar7.2;
 label DOJ = "Date of Joining";
 rename Salary = Salary_of_Employee;
 Bangalore T101 24 $2,000 12/12/2010 $300.50
 Pune T102 29 $3,000 11/10/2006 $400.50
 Hyderabad T103 $5,000 12/10/2008 $500.70
 Delhi T104 $6,000 12/12/2009 $450.00
 Pune T105 $7,000 12/12/2009 $450.00


On the above SAS code, we have used both the INFORMAT and FORMAT to read and display the data with special characters. The SAS INFORMAT statement read the salary as numeric variable and in a specific format i.e. $5,000 which is of 6 characters including $. The FORMAT statement displays the same in your input data. Rename and label statements helps modify the variables metadata for further understanding of the dataset.


We will apply some transformations techniques in a dataset which helps us to apply some advanced analytical techniques in the data. We have a dataset that has various attributes of a customer who has subscribed or not subscribed an edition. In our dataset we have a categorical variable status which holds the observation either “Subscribed” or “Not Subscribed”.  We can transform the categorical variable into a dichotomous variable to run a logistic regression on our dataset.


Data media01;
 length status $15;
 If status =”subscribed” then status = “0”;
 else status = “1”;


On the above SAS code, we have applied simple If Else statements to transform our dataset called media. Transforming a categorical variable into a dichotomous variable helps us to apply the analytical techniques that we want to run in our dataset. Once after the transformation is done, the dataset is good to go for the next stage i.e. data analysis.

The more you torture your data i.e. Data Preparation, the more the success on the outcome of the data analysis.


DexLab Analytics offer state of the art SAS training courses. They are a premier SAS training institute that caters to the needs of their students round the clock.


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