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Researchers Peer into the Hood of Computational Linguistics

Researchers Peer into the Hood of Computational Linguistics


To start, give a look at these two sentences:

“This house is in a detestable location.”

“This detestable house is in this location.”


Well, these two sentences have virtually similar words, but owing to their structure, they exude entirely two different meanings. Understanding the true meaning of the sentences just by having a look at the words was something only reserved for the human intelligence, until now. Breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing (NLP), also known as computational linguistics have blazed a trail in this domain, which was once dominated by humans.

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Wake Up to a World of Data Possibilities: With SAS Certification

Of late, in spite of trending insurgence of cutting edge technology tools, SAS remains one of the most popular, in-demand programming languages for advanced analytics. It’s been more than two decades, yet it didn’t lose its importance in ruling the data science market. This shows how flexible this pioneering analytics tool is, and how adaptable it is in its functionality that it stood strong through the test of time and development.

Wake Up to a World of Data Possibilities: With SAS Certification

Possess the Right SAS Skills, Be In Demand

Organizations are utilizing the perks of advanced analytics inside out. They are realizing that not only big data analytics has secured a niche area of concentration for itself, but it has strived to be an indispensable part of any organization that is on its walk to success.

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Interactive Data Discovery and Predictive Analytics: Extract Useful Knowledge from Data

Impressive predictive analytics coupled with interactive data discovery technology enable rational SAS analysts to distinguish pertinent trends and interactions in datasets, and pan out questions from all dimensions. This smashing concoction of technologies also allows business users to exchange ideas with pundits, to create, modify and pick the best predictive models, constructively.




A comprehensive SAS solution might be the key to empower users in taking better business decisions, without wasting much time. This kind of interactive solution must involve ceaseless communication, giving enough room to even non-technical users to explore data visually, develop analytic models, and share fruitful results.  

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Here’s why SAS Analytics Is a Must-Have IT Skill to Possess

Here’s why SAS Analytics Is a Must-Have IT Skill to Possess

Without the great Analytical surge, everything was looking fit and fine. The economy was performing well. The IT industry was looking stable. The tech honchos were playing fine. And then IT happened! Data Analytics snatched the dazzling limelight all to itself.

It’s true once in a while, our market needs a good shaking, or else things tend to get sluggish and slow. Over time, the industries start decreasing in efficiency and business houses crumples. Therefore, the change induced by Big Data Analytics is one for good: it started pulling back the market to its former position. From medical science to military to security, the reach of Big Data Analytics can be witnessed everywhere.

The evolution of analytics is largely consistent and covers a wide span of industries. It’s not like it suddenly came into a lot of focus, its advancement was slow and steady. Now, it has strived to become extremely important to store, interpret, analyze and develop crucial insights – social media is deriving maximum benefits out of analytics, while customizing their products to make more money from advertisements. On the other hand, the service-oriented companies love to manipulate data that is generated through myriad social channels to trigger customer base.

The ABC of Summary Statistics and T Tests in SAS – @Dexlabanalytics.

Today, SAS certifications are extremely rewarding and scores high for both employee and employer. Analytics is a big word, encompassing a whole array of job roles, such as Forecaster, Market Researcher, Data Miner, Operations Researcher and Statistical Analyst – so when are you choosing this career gateway for a better future! DexLab Analytics is here with its state-of-the-art SAS training courses, help yourself.


3 key benefits of becoming SAS analytics professional:

Increase marketability and reach

SAS Analytics professionals possess higher marketability skills and enjoy a certain edge over competitors. Their job is to deliver nothing but the best, and they are very focused in doing that, leaving no scope for complaints.

Expand credibility for being the right technical professionals

As the SAS certified professionals have a thorough know-how about using SAS Software the employers stay relaxed and trusts their predicaments, hence, enhancing their credibility quotient.

Enhance skill and expertise in SAS area of specialization

No doubt, SAS Analytics professionals are extremely good in their field of work. Owing to their professional nature they tend to attract more lucrative job opportunities.

Data Preparation using SAS – @Dexlabanalytics.

Apart from SAS, R programming is rapidly gaining popularity. Small and large companies have realized the growing the importance of these two tools. SAS combined with R language training in Delhi opens a whole gamut of striking opportunities. Having said that, companies that have stayed traditional, through its very core, have now embraced SAS and R skills, and for the right reasons.

At DexLab Analytics, we increasingly focus on making students totally data-ready. Opt for R programming certification, and give new data-hungry souls the drive to enter the world of analytics. After all, to excel in the analytics career and sail high you need to be well-equipped with SAS and R – they are the tools of combat for the future IT domain.!


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Using Predictive Modelling to Determine How Well Michael Jordan Performed Under Pressure

Using Predictive Modelling to Determine How Well Michael Jordan Performed Under Pressure

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How to Determine the Size of a SAS Data Set

How to Determine the Size of a SAS Data Set

When program codes, applications and SAS data sets are developed, enough attention is often not given to EFFECIENCY, especially during the initial phases of development. Since, data size and system conduct can influence a program or an application’s functioning, SAS users need to access information about a data set’s size and content. To ascertain how much disk space a data set is using, users can easily do a few calculations to learn to access metadata content and attain the important information. Determine, estimate and understand information with this following tip, which helps improve SAS performance and fine-tuning of techniques.

Also read: How to Code Colour Values Within SAS Enterprise Guide


The SAS system accumulates valuable information (also known as metadata) about all-familiar SAS libraries, indexes, data sets (tables), system options, views, catalogs, macros and an assemblage of other “read-only” tables called Dictionary tables and SASHELP views. TABLES, a particular Dictionary table and its SASHELP view equivalent, VTABLE, consists details about a SAS session’s data set. Check the following PROC SQL code as its specification will help us get access to the contents of four columns observed in the TABLES Dictionary table, namely BNAME, MEMNAME, MEMTYPE and FILESIZE to exhibit the size of the CARS data set.

Also read: How to Use PUT and %PUT Statements in SAS: 6 Tips

PROC SQL and Dictionary.TABLES:

  TITLE ‘Filesize for CARS Data Set’ ;
        AND MEMNAME = ‘CARS’
        AND MEMTYPE = ‘DATA’ ;




The above results show that the CARS data set filesize is 192KB.

Nota bene: If the SIZEKMG.format is mentioned in a format=option, SAS ascertains whether it should apply KB for kilobytes, MB for megabytes or GB for gigabytes, and divide the filesize value with the help of one of the following values:

KB           1024

MB          1048576

GB           1073741824


In the following example, the provisions of a PROC PRINT are explained to access the constituents of three columns found in the VTABLE SASHELP view, particularly LIBNAME, MEMNAME and FILESIZE to exhibit the size of the CARS data set.

Also read: SAS Still Dominates the Market After Decades of its Inception


  TITLE ‘Filesize for SASHELP.CARS Data Set’ ;




Lastly, a DATA_NULL_ is depicted to approach the contents of the VEXTFL SASHELP view with a FILENAME statement. An assignment statement is specified to determine the FILESIZE value for the size of the CARS data set. The CALL SYMPUTX left supports and chops off the trailing blanks from the digital FILSESIZE value of 196608.

Also read: Things to judge in SAS training centres


filename myfile 'C:\Program Files\SAS9.4\SASFoundation\9.4\\CORE\SASHELP\Cars.sas7bdat' ;
  /* Calculate the Filesize in MB */
  FILESIZE = FILESIZE / (1024 ** 2) ;




Learn more about SAS Predictive Modelling by taking up SAS certification courses in Delhi and Gurgaon. DexLab Analytics offers excellent SAS analytics course for data enthusiasts.

This post originally appeared

Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

How to Simulate Multiple Samples From a Linear Regression Model

In this blog post, we will learn how to simulate multiple samples efficiently. In order to keep the discussion, easy we have simulated a single sample with ‘n’ number of observations, and ‘p’ amount of variables. But in order to use the Monte Carlo method to approximate the distribution sampling of statistics, one needs to simulate many specimens with the same regression model.


How to Simulate Multiple Samples From a Linear Regression Model
How to Simulate Multiple Samples From a Linear Regression Model


The data steps in SAS in  most blogs have 4 steps mentioned for so. However, to simulate multiple samples, put DO loop around these steps that will generate, the error term and the response variable for very observation made in the model.

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How to Code Colour Values Within SAS Enterprise Guide

Colours are amazing, they are the subject of many romantic poems and songs, they are what can alter our moods drastically, they are these magical wavelengths that transform into incredible visions for our eyes.

How to Code Colour Values Within SAS Enterprise Guide

Some feel warm, while others feel cool, some make us happy while others make us sad… but as colours are so important, how to add these values within the SAS Enterprise Guide?

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What is Truly Efficient? Understanding Stratified Random Sample

What is Truly Efficient?  Understanding Stratified Random Sample:

We have discussed several times the efficiency of various techniques for selecting a simple random sample from an expansive dataset. With PROC SURVEYSELECT will do the job easily…


proc surveyselect data=large out=sample
	 method=srs   /* simple random sample */
	 rate=.01;   /* 1% sample rate       */


However, let us assume that our data includes a STATE variable, and one would want to guarantee that a random sample includes the precise proportion of observations from each of the states of America.

Continue reading “What is Truly Efficient? Understanding Stratified Random Sample”

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