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Diverse and Scientifically Overpowering, Python is the Holy Grail for Tech Nerds, Here’s Why

Diverse and Scientifically Overpowering, Python is the Holy Grail for Tech Nerds, Here’s Why

Python? What comes to your mind – the venomous snake or the multifaceted programming language?

For data freaks, of course it’s the latter.

If you are thinking of imbibing some cool skills this New Year, consider Data Science with Python Training from DexLab Analytics. Python is open source, 100% free and easily available online. Also, it’s a general-purpose programming language, which is versatile in every way and can be used for a plethora of purposes – video games, websites, business tools, and lot more.


For first-time coders, Python is EPIC

To get started with Python, you just have to install it in your computer, open a notepad app and begin coding. Python is designed immaculately to generate cleaner, easy to gauge lines of code. The code is easy to read and write, and somehow closely resembles English. In terms of readability, words like ‘not’ and ‘in’ are deliberately used to make the language superfluous and not sound like any arcane language.

Moreover, the Python web framework Django is a game-changer. What once used to take hours in PHP could now be completed in minutes in Python. No doubts, codes compiled here will be a lot faster, effective and stable.


Python is productive yet dangerous

It turns complex tasks into a piece of cake. Almost all the programming tasks are made easier with Python than its other counterparts. And this is known as Rapid Application Development. But of course, as it’s said with great power come great responsibility. You have to devise prudent ways of how to use this power to do something good, and not evil. Because, everything comes at a cost.

Python is a scripting language

The programs are furnished into Python’s interpreter, which eventually runs them directly so as to avoid compiling. It happens with some other programming languages too. But in here, the execution is faster and easier. Also, you receive feedback on your python code, like finding errors quickly, which is an added advantage. All this makes programming fun!!

Python is cross platform

Linux, Windows, Mac – Python can run on any computer operating system, large or small. Whether its large company servers or tiny PCs like Raspberry Pi, the cross platform feature poses no problem. In fact, Python programs can be run on iOS and Android devices.

Free and open-source

This means you can use Python without paying a single penny –just download and run python, and make any program your own once you write it with Python and also share if you feel like. The source code of Python is open to all, if you ever want to know how the Python developers drafted their code, take a peep into the code. It will help, trust me (though the code is written in a different programming language).


Who uses Python?

Python has become indispensable. It’s everywhere now. These are the fields in which Python is applied:

  • Space
  • Astronomy
  • Movies
  • Laboratories
  • Medicine
  • Games
  • Music
  • Video
  • Doorbell
  • OS

Now, that you know a lot of things about Python software, how do you start?

Take up Python programming tutorial, it’s bound to make an incredible impact on your future, so hope you master it well. And for that, DexLab Analytics is here.


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