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Here’s All You Need to Know about DexLab Analytics’ Market Risk Modelling Live Demo Session

DexLab Analytics brings Market Risk Modelling training to India. Internet has helped people become technology-driven. Digital transformation is evident all around us. No more, gaining knowledge is a task like moving mountains – right from the confinements of your home, you can now get access to a plethora of information and knowledge, thanks to online learning. Several professionals and students are opting for e-learning method of education, owing to its flexibility and ease of access. And India is not lagging behind in this. Several online classes and sessions are being organized by premier data science learning institutes in India, and DexLab Analytics is one of them. 

Here’s All You Need to Know about DexLab Analytics’ Market Risk Modelling Live Demo Session

DexLab Analytics is here with an intensive live demo session on Market Risk Modelling Online for free. The online workshop is taking place on 25th October, 2017 from 10:00PM IST onwards, and will solely focus on how Market Risk Analytics has grown to be the new in-demand analytics course for the financial sector. Our in-house trainers will extensively explain the nitty-gritty of MRM, including its importance, major components, and why is it a must-to-have skill for the future. The interested candidates are asked to register as soon as possible by penning down a mail to DexLab Analytics, mentioning they would attend the workshop on the specified date and time.

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A New Course Alert! DexLab Analytics Launches Market Risk Analytics and Modelling

We are back again with some great news! Technology enthusiasts and hardcore industry professionals got another reason to cheer for DexLab Analytics, as we feel extremely delighted to announce our new Market Risk Analytics and Modelling online live sessions. We welcome hundreds and thousands of young, aspiring data enthusiasts from various parts of the country who are driven by hunger, passion and robust dreams of a data-friendly future to get enrolled in our online course on Market Risk Analytics using SAS. In our quest for expanding our horizons, these types of analytics course play a significant role.

A New Course Alert! DexLab Analytics Launches Market Risk Analytics and Modelling

Recently, Market Risk Analytics have gained a lot of prominence – a lot of tech pundits and industry practitioners have repeatedly emphasized on the importance of having sound market risk management policies and strong internal controls. Especially, since the global financial crisis, the critical aspect of risk management analytic has doubled.

Continue reading “A New Course Alert! DexLab Analytics Launches Market Risk Analytics and Modelling”

Success factors for Business Intelligence program

Success factors for Business Intelligence program

To implement a successful Business Intelligence program, one needs to understand the dimensions that are critical to success of the BI program. Here we will discuss six critical success factors for the BI program.

Critical Dimension 1 – Strong Executive Support

If there is one dimension or critical attribute that has major influence on successfully implementing the BI program would be strong executive support. If there is any lack of enthusiasm at the top will filter downwards. A key component of obtaining strong executive support is a convincing and detailed business case for BI.


Critical Dimension 2 – Key Stakeholder Identification

Early identification and prioritisation of the key stakeholders are crucial. If we do not know who will benefit from a BI solution, it is unlikely that we can persuade anyone that is in their best interest to support the BI initiative.


Critical Dimension 3 – Creation of Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) Many organizations have created a separate BICC to manage the lifecycle of analytics processes. Organizations must keep in mind while creating a BICC is that the need of Business Intelligence. They should ask all the strategic and tactical question before creating a BICC. Some of the key objective of BICC shall be


  • Maximise the efficiency, deployment and quality of BI across all lines of business.
  • Deliver more value at less cost and in less time through more successful BI deployments.
Also read: Business Intelligence: Now Every Person Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions

Critical Dimension 4 – Clear Outcome Identification

This dimension determines what outcomes the organization desires, and whether they are tactical or strategic.

  • Knowledge – What knowledge is needed for desired outcomes and where is it?
  • Information – What information structures can be identified from knowledge gathering and how can these same structures be beneficial.
  • Data – What sources of raw data are needed to populate the information structures?

Pursuing the answers to these questions requires both logic and creativity. We also need specific information at various steps in the BI process.

Also read: Trends to Watch Out – Global Self-service Business Intelligence (BI) Market 2017

Critical Dimension 5 – Integrating CSFs (Critical Success Factors) and KPIs to Business Drivers

Many business initiatives aim to obtain benefits – greater efficiency, quicker access to information that are hard to quantify. We can easily accept that greater efficiency is a good thing, but trying to quantify its precise cash value to the organization can be a challenge. These benefits are essentially intangible but need to be measured.

Therefore, when identifying these key values, they can be classified as “driving” strategy, organization or operations.

Strategic Drivers Influence:
  • Market attractiveness
  • Competitive strengths
  • Market share
Organisational Drivers Influence:
  • Culture
  • Training and development
Operational Drivers Influence:
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Product Excellence
Also read: Role of R In Business Intelligence

Critical Dimension 6 – Analytics Awareness

Organizations have a tendency to measure what is easy to measure – internal transactional data. Extending the sensitivity of the organization to external and internal data presents a fuller picture to decision makers of the organization and the competitive environment. If measures are appropriate, the organisation can start to improve the processes.

When the above mentioned six critical dimension of BI solution are place. Organizations can benefit the value from the BI solutions are exponential in manner.


For better implementation of BI Program, why not take up effective market risk courses offered by DexLab Analytics! Market Risk Analytics is a growing field of study; for more details visit the site.


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