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How Machine Learning and Sensors Help Detect Cyber Threats within Power Distribution Networks

Machine learning in marriage with cutting edge sensor technology helps alpha geeks detect and assess cyber-physical attacks across power-distribution channels.

How Machine Learning and Sensors Help Detect Cyber Threats within Power Distribution Networks

Today, losing power and imagining a life without technology sounds unreal. It’s more than just an inconvenience. The truth is we rely on electricity much more than we even do realize. Even though you are not a techie or someone belonging from the IT domain, you still stay dependent on electricity and power. They have become the BASICS.

For this reason or more, power companies have initiated a ‘deep dependency’ concept, Smart Grid – it’s an effective and powerful power-distribution structure. It’s originally a power-line internet that harbors exceptional capabilities within.

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Machine Learning and Sensors to Ensure Security to Power Grids

A team of eminent researchers are toiling rigorously to integrate machine-learning algorithms, cybersecurity methodology and commercially-available power-system sensor technology into a security monitoring and analysis framework to support power grids.

The team is at present working on the framework’s architecture for detection of cyber-physical attacks on any power-distribution network. “To do this they are using micro-Phasor Measurement Units (µPMUs) to capture information about the physical state of the power distribution grid,” explains Kathy Kincade, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “They then combine this data with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) information to provide real-time feedback about system performance.”

Note: Kathy Kincade published a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory press release: Combination of Old and New Yields Novel Power Grid Cybersecurity Tool, which talks elaborately on this issue.


The notion here is to keep a close watch on the physical behavior of the components within a particular electric grid to understand when devices are under attack, how they are manipulated weirdly. These devices act as a redundant set of measurements that offers veritable ways to monitor everything that’s going within a power distribution grid.

One of the researchers, Sean Peisert (Berkeley Labs) articulates the importance of redundant measurements permitted by implementing both µPMU and SCADA devices. He further says, “Individually it might be possible for an attacker to manipulate what is being represented by any single sensor or source of information, which could lead to damage of the power grid. This approach provides the redundancy and therefore resilience in the view that is available to grid operators.”

System redundancy comes with an additional benefit of distinguishing real attacks from false alarms by comparing µPMU measurements to what the device reports.

An Algorithm for Real-time Reporting

The proud researchers formulated an algorithm in 1954 for their machine learning endeavors. The algorithm aids software in identifying if measurements like active power, reactive power and current magnitude are normal or abnormal by discerning robust changes across the physical environment.

The Last Thoughts

Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly widespread. Every other day, you might find some headlines or tech page news surfacing out, intensifying how cyber attacks are plaguing our lives, digitally. Therefore, it’s high time to learn from the pundits how to work on the issue.

As Peisert concludes, “Using high-resolution sensors in the power-distribution grid and a set of machine-learning algorithms that we developed, in conjunction with a simple model of the distribution grid, our work can be deployed by utilities in their distribution grid to detect cyberattacks and other types of failures,” it stresses on the significance of machine learning algorithms to combat such attacks.

The original article first appeared in –

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Getting Started with Machine Learning: Crack the Code

Getting Started with Machine Learning: Crack the Code

Machine Learning has taken us all to the tipping point from where the entire ballgame of technology and the way we interact with the digital world has started changing and the surge is expected to continue over the next decade. Increasingly, the decisions of the future are going to be made by machines, and we can’t seem to be more excited!!

It’s time to adopt Machine Learning

According to McKinsey reports, AI adoption in the tech sector is at its nascent stage, with few firms implementing it on a large scale. The companies that are yet to deploy it are still in two minds whether they should expect return on investments or not.

Nevertheless, skilled data scientists better be start speeding up the process of implementation of these emerging technologies if they want to stay right on edge ahead of their tailing rivals. Machine Learning is the new in-thing that must be embarked on RN.

And for that, here goes the following tips that will help you ride towards AI success:

Inspect the areas where data science fits into

Leverage data science and Machine Learning within an organization to trigger better optimization and smoother implementation. Imbed data science and machine learning into every department, like HR, marketing, sales and finance. Also, try pairing data scientists with software engineers to build agile models on machine learning, that’s the best way to scale across company operations better.


Treat data as money

Today, data acts as the fuel for an organization. But it can also be treated as money, and diligent data consultants need to manage, protect and obsess over it. Data is powerful but in order to derive the best out of it, it needs to be played well in the hands of experts. And those hands are of data specialists who values data like money.

For machine learning using python courses, drop by DexLab Analytics.

Stop hunting down purple squirrels

No wonder, data scientists are individuals with an exceptionally high aptitude in math and statistics; they are skilled in evaluating insights in data. They don’t necessarily have to be software engineers who only know how to write algorithms and curate tech products. Data scientists are much more than that.

Companies often seek unicorn-like aspirants who are ninja software engineers, ace statisticians and master of industry domain, but the sad part is that they look for all these 3 character traits in a single job candidate, which needs to be changed.

Keep an eye on ‘derived data’

If you are thinking of sharing your algorithms with any other person then the chances are high that they will see your data. But companies that are keen on protecting its data should refrain from such activities. Data for informatics companies is like a new currency – they need to be well-guarded and treasured for life!

Educate about the perks of AI

AI is a blessing, for all you tech nerds and gizmo jerks. And accomplished data professionals should look for ways to promote AI and influence friends and co-workers to embrace this new king-some technology. After all, successful machine learning implementation may become the key to your company’s future growth, provided you treat it in the right manner.

Get amazing Machine Learning course online only at DexLab Analytics. Being an incredible online training platform for data science, they offer the best machine learning training at affordable prices in Delhi NCR.


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AI-Smart Assistants: A New Tech Revolution in the Make

2018 has begun. And this year is going to witness a mega revolution in the field of technology – the rise of AI-powered digital assistants. Striking improvements in key technologies, like natural language processing and voice recognition are making smart assistants more productive, helping us use electronic devices just by interacting with them.

AI-Smart Assistants: A New Tech Revolution in the Make

Smart voice assistants are going mainstream. From Apple’s Siri to Google’s Assistant to Samsung’s Bixby, superior digital assistants are on a quest to make our lives easier, while taking us a step closer to a world where each one of us will have our own personal, 24/7 –all-ears AI assistants to fulfill our every wish and command.

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The Future of Technology is Here: 3 Tech Categories That Will Rule in 2018

The Future of Technology is Here: 3 Tech Categories That Will Rule in 2018

No organization can survive without – technology. It has seeped into our lives for good, and is further predicted to expand its horizons across multiple sectors in the next couple of years. The forecasters has even predicted that 4% more would be spent on purchasing software, technology and hardware by government bodies and corporations, as well.

Now, this kind of growth and development will push the global tech industry to hit the $3 trillion mark. But amidst all this startling stats and discoveries, what still remains under the clouds is the fact how to decide which technology to invest in – or whether you should invest at all.



Communication technology is crucial. It is more important for startups, where employees work remotely, as highlighted by a leading daily. In fact communication platforms offer a gamut of benefits, right from increased productivity to form superior teams and ability to nurture better company cultures. Furthermore, these technologies in the end help entrepreneurs monitor budget closely, which is enough to point out why strong communication is fruitful.

Cutting edge messaging services like HipChat and Slack ensures better communication networking for employees working outside the office. On the other hand, fantastic tools like Basecamp streamlines operations irrespective of the location of staffs, while LinkedIn and Ripple ensures better connectivity on a more personal level.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a must-have technology tool for every organization coming up this year and ahead, because this field of science is expanding very rapidly. A lot of new discoveries and innovations are taking place around AI, and you need to be ahead of the curve. As more and more data gets churned out, deep-learning techniques starts to gain momentum, which tends to evolve the pattern of data analysis.

On this note, Google Home and Amazon Alexa launched their own virtual assistant – though the ability to interact with devices was in existence for quite some time now, these masterminds gave a push to this technology a little more.

Similarly, it’s been revealed in a McKinsey report that around 45% of work activities are going to be automated, thanks to the power of AI.

Blockchain Technology

Much more than just performing financial transactions, blockchain technology is a bright beacon of hope for all tech freaks. Though this technology was in active phase, it’s enjoying heyday now. Market Reports Hub predicts that this market will exceed $2 billion by 2021, and that definitely calls for a celebration!

The main objective of blockchain is to nurture and enhance the trust between enterprises. Though in the beginning, startups and entrepreneurs may feel a little bit intimidated to implement this new-age, ultra-famous tool of technology in their organization but later on they can’t thank more! Right from navigating through sales, finances, marketing, communication and creativity, Blockchain is a sure-fire way to make this New Year a booming success.

For hands-on training on machine learning using Python, drop by DexLab Analytics. Machine Learning course online is effective if you want to pursue a career in data analytics. Go, get enroll now.


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The More, The Better: Why Focus on More Than One Coding Language for Better Developer Jobs?

The More, The Better: Why Focus on More Than One Coding Language for Better Developer Jobs?

Attention all you developers: Be versatile, be ahead of the curve.

Excelling over just one programming language won’t do any good, and will restrict your career pathway. On closer inspection, you’d find that the top 25 Forbes listed companies never rely on a single coding language for their products and services – instead they prefer on applying at least 4 different languages to always be on edge.

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5G Mobile Innovation: 3 Key Takeaways That Every Business Leader Should Know About

5G stands for fifth generation wireless connectivity based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard of broadband technology, though an official standard is yet to be fixed. It comes with a lot of promises – better bandwidth, faster speed and lower latency that affects (positively) customers and businesses, as well.

5G Mobile Innovation: 3 Key Takeaways That Every Business Leader Should Know About

Although it isn’t expected to roll out until 2020, a large number of companies have already started prepping up to adopt and incorporate 5G mobile connectivity into their business scopes and operations. As the biggest shift in technology is looming right ahead, business leaders around the world are leaving no stone unturned to fathom the rich impact of 5G on several next-gen techs, like self-driving cars and cloud computing.

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Here’s Why Indian Techies Need to Imbibe Rich AI and Data Science Skills to Ride High This 2018

Here’s Why Indian Techies Need to Imbibe Rich AI and Data Science Skills to Ride High This 2018

Amid growing anxiety over machines replacing human intelligence, Indian IT sector is seeking out expert skills in new technologies, involving big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. There exists a high demand for skills in such newer streams of technology, which now forms the backbone of businesses. It’s not like these jobs appeared out of thin air; after being labeled as “niche skills” for several years, they are now making their way into the mainstream industry. 

This year, this trend is going to gain more momentum. It is expected to create 180000 to 200000 new jobs in 2018, mostly related to these new technologies – Alka Dhingra, the general manager of IT staffing at TeamLease Services, stated. It is equally applicable for both large service organizations as well as budding startups.


The Hot-List:

Here’re the notable areas, where job creation will hit in 2018:

Artificial Intelligence

Almost all Indian IT bigwigs are going gaga over AI. TCS, Infosys, Flipkart – nearly all native companies have started delving deeper into data to scale up their business operations and secure success in the future.

Though the world is being ruled by MACHINES, at the same time it’s HUMANS who train machines the way they function to perform human-like tasks. For that reason, the country’s IT unicorn, Tata Consultancy Services has trained more than 200000 employees about IoT and AI. Also, last month, India’s e-commerce giant, Flipkart launched an AI-inspired initiative known as AI for India, through which it has planned to leverage all the data it has gathered over the last few years to frame robust AI-driven solutions that will boost their operational activities further. Millions of dollars are being invested in this program – a company representative shared.

All this is going to need professionals skilled in the domains of deep learning, natural language processing and machine learning – look up to DexLab Analytics for data science online courses.

Data Science

For several years, native internet companies have been accumulating massive consumer data, which they now plan to mine it to their best interests. Just like Flipkart’s AI for India initiative, food-delivery-tech startup Swiggy is also working hard on its consumer data so that it can start making deliveries even more efficient and faster.

Some HR experts say that pharmacy analytics – an amalgamation of healthcare and analytics will also generate several new jobs for data scientists this new year– at present, machine learning, data analytics and data scientists’ jobs are the most searched jobs on all leading job portals in India.

Blockchain Technology

While bitcoin and cryptocurrency takes the world by storm, top-notch market specialists predict this advanced field of technology is going to create an exploding number of jobs. Cryptocurrency has already started drawing in a large pool of Indian investors, and legal experts are now asking for regulations.

“There could be regulations (for bitcoin) coming, and hence somebody who knows the subject is going to be in demand,” Aditya Narayan Mishra, CEO of CIEL HR Services, said.

Digital Marketing

Digital technologies are now omnipotent. All startups and matured companies across every domain are adopting suave digital solutions for various functions, like HR, manufacturing, operations, warehousing and communications. In the same manner, marketing too is not limited to its erstwhile conventional mediums; digital marketing is the new talk of the town.

“With more companies in India wanting to increase their digital presence, there is a visible surge in job searches for digital marketing jobs,” Sashi Kumar, the managing director of jobs portal Indeed India, said.

To learn more about how machine learning and artificial intelligence can help transform your business, enroll in a machine learning training course. DexLab Analytics’ Machine Learning Using Python course is superb; it helps students grasp the concepts better.


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Stories of Success: Molecular Modeling Toolkit (MMTK), Open Source Python Library

Stories of Success: Molecular Modeling Toolkit (MMTK), Open Source Python Library

Welcome again!! We are back here to take up another thrilling topic and dissect it inside out to see what compelling contents are hidden within. And this time we will take up our newly launched Python Programming Training Module – Python, invented by Guido Van Rossum is a very simple, well-interpreted and goal-specific intensive programming language.

Programmers love Python. Since there is zero compilation step, debugging Python programs is a mean feat. In this blog, we will chew over The Molecular Modeling Toolkit (MMTK) – it’s an open source Python library for molecular modeling and simulation. Composed of Python and C, MMTK eyes on bio-molecular systems with its conventional standard techniques and schemes, like Molecular Dynamics coupled with new techniques based on a platform of low-level operations.

Get a Python certification today from DexLab Analytics – a premier data science with python training institute in Delhi NCR.

It was 1996, when the officials from Python Org, including Konrad Hinsen (He was then involved in the Numerical Python project, but currently working as a researcher in theoretical physics at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). He is also the author of ScientificPython, a general-purpose library of scientific Python code) started developing MMTK. They initially had a brush off with mainstream simulation packages for biomolecules penned down by Fortran, but those packages were too clumsy to implement and especially modify and extend. In order to develop MMTK, modifiability was a crucial criterion undoubtedly and they gave it utmost attention.


The language chosen

The selection of language took time. The combination of Python and C was an intuitive decision. The pundits of Python were convinced that only a concoction of a high-level interpreted language and a CPU-efficient compiled language could serve their purpose well, and nothing short of that.

For the high-level segment, Tcl was rejected because it won’t be able to tackle such complex data structures of MMTK. Perl was also turned down because it was made of unfriendly syntax and an ugly integrated OO mechanism. Contrary to this, Python ranked high in terms of library support, readability, OO support and integration with other compiled languages. On top of that, numerical Python was just released during that time and it turned out to be a go-to option.

Now, for the low-level segment, Fortran 77 was turned down owing to its ancient character, portability issues and low quality memory management. Next, C++ was considered, but finally it was also rejected because of portability issues between compilers in those days.


The architecture of library

The entire architecture of MMTK is Python-centric. For any user, it will exude the vibes of a pure Python library. Numerical Python, LAPACK, and the netCDF library functions are observed extensively throughout MMTK. Also, MMTK offers multi-threading support for MPI-based parallelization for distributed memory machines and shared memory parallel machines.

The most important constituent of MMTK is a bundle of classes that identify atoms and molecules and control a database of fragments and molecules. Take a note – biomolecules (mostly RNA, DNA and proteins) are administered by subclasses of the generic Molecule class.

Extendibility and modularity are two pillars on which Python MMTK model is based. Without going under any modification of MMTK code, several energy terms, data type specializations and algorithms can be added anytime. Because, the design element of MMTK is that of a library, and not some close program, making it easier to run applications.

Note Bene: MMTK at present includes 18,000 lines of Python code, 12,000 lines of hand-written C code, and several machine-generated C codes. Most of the codes were formulated by one person during eight years as part of a research activity. The user community provided two modules, few functions and many ideas.

For more information, peruse through Python Training Courses Noida, offered by DexLab Analytics Delhi. They are affordable, as well as program-centric.


This article is sourced from –


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Google is Back in China! It Decides to Open an AI Lab in the Far-East

Google is Back in China! It Decides to Open an AI Lab in the Far-East


Google is strengthening its artificial intelligence base, including China.


And it is so doing by establishing a new AI research center in Beijing. Google is digging deep into China, where it contravened the government in 2010 committing a spectacularly principled act of self-sabotage by refusing to self-censor search content and later found most of its services to be blocked. The company’s decision to return back to China is more about safeguarding its future, and acknowledging the supreme importance of technology’s most competitive field: AI.

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