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Why is Data Literacy Important to Stay Relevant in Today’s Workspace?

Why Is Data Literacy Important To Stay Relevant In Today's Workspace?

Today’s workspace has turned volatile in trying to adjust to the new normal. Along with struggling to stay indoors while living a virtual life, adopting new manners of social distancing, people are also having to deal with issues like job loss, pay cut, or, worse, lack of vacancies. Different sectors are getting hit, except for those driven by cutting edge technology like Data Science, Artificial intelligence. The need to transition into a digital world is greater than ever. As per the World Economic Forum, there would be a greater push towards “digitization” as well as “automation”. This signifies the need for professionals with a background in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence in the future that is going to be entirely data-reliant.

So, what are you going to do? Sit back and wait till the storm passes over or are you going to utilize this downtime to upskill yourself with a Data Science course?  With the PM stressing on how the “skill, re-skill and upskill” being the need of the hour,  you can hardly afford to lose more time. Since Data Science is one of the comparatively steadier fields, that is growing despite all odds, it is time to acquire data literacy to stay relevant in a workspace that is increasingly becoming data-driven. From healthcare to manufacturing, different sectors are busy decoding the data in hand to go digital in a pandemic ridden world, and employers are looking for people who are willing to push the envelope harder to remain relevant.

What is data literacy?

Before progressing, you must understand what data literacy even means. Data literacy basically refers to having an in-depth knowledge of data that helps the employees work with data to derive actionable information from it and channelizing that to make informed decisions. However, data literacy has a wider meaning and it is not limited to the data team comprising data scientists, no, it takes all the employees in its ambit, so, that the data flow throughout the organization is seamless. Without there being employees who know their way around data, an organization can never realize its dream of initiating a data-driven culture. Having a background in Data science using Python training is the key to achieving data literacy.

The demand for data scientists and data analysts is soaring up

Despite the ominous presence of the pandemic, the demand for Data Science professionals is there and in August, the demand for Data Analysts and Data Scientists soared. As per a recent study, in India, a Data Science professional can expect no less than ₹9.5 lakh per annum. With prestigious institutes like Infosys, IBM India, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Accenture hiring, it is now absolutely mandatory to undergo Data Science training to grab the job opportunities.

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Getting Data Science certification can help you close the gap

The skill gap is there, but, that does not mean it could not be taken care of. On the contrary, it is absolutely possible and imperative that you take the necessary step of upskilling yourself to be ready for the Data Science field. Having a working knowledge of data is not enough, you must be familiar with the latest Data Science tools, must possess the knowledge to work with different models, must be familiar with data extraction, data manipulation. All of these skills and more, you would need to master before you go seeking a well-paying job.

Self-study might seem like a tempting idea, but, it is not a practical solution, if you want to be industry-ready then you must know what the industry is expecting from a Data Science professional, and only a faculty comprising industry experts can give you that knowledge while guiding you through a well designed Python for data science training course.

An institute such as DexLab Analytics understands the need of the hour and has a great team of industry professionals and experts to help aspiring Data Scientists and Data Analysts fulfill their dream. Along with offering state-of-the-art Data Science certification courses, they also provide courses like Machine Learning Using Python.

No matter which way you look, upskilling is the need of the hour as the world is busy embracing the power of Data Science. Stop procrastinating and get ready for the future.


Probability PART-II: A Guide To Probability Theorems

Probability PART-II: A Guide To Probability Theorems

This is the second part of the probability series, in the first segment we discussed the basic concepts of probability. In this second part we will delve deeper into the topic and discuss the theorems of probability. Let’s find out what these theorems are.

Addition Theorem

    • If A and B are two events and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive then the probability of occurrence of at least one of the two events A and B i.e. P(AUB) is given by

Removing the intersections will give the probability of A or B  or both.
Example:- From a deck of cards 1 card is drawn, what is the probability the card is king or heart or both?

Total cards 52

P(KingUHeart)= P(King)+P(Heart) ─ P(King∩Heart)

  • If A and B are two mutually exclusive events then the probability that either A or B will occur is the sum of individual probabilities of the events A and B.

P(A)+P(B), here the combined probability of the two will either give P(A) or P(B)

  • If A and B are two non mutually exclusive events then the probability of occurrence of event A is given by


Where B’ is 1-P(B), that means probability of  A is calculated as P(A)=1-P(B)

Multiplication Law

The law of multiplication is used to find the joint probability or the intersection i.e. the probability of two events occurring together at the same point of time.

In the above graph we see that when the bill is paid at the same time tip is also paid and the interaction of the two can be seen in the graph.

Joint probability table

A joint probability table displays the intersection (joint) probabilities along with the marginal probabilities of a given problem where the marginal probability is computed by dividing some subtotal by the whole.

Example:- Given the following joint probability table find out the probability that the employee is female or a professional worker.

Watch this video down below that further explains the theorems.

At the end of this blog, you must have grasped the basics of the theorems discussed here. Keep on tracking the Dexlab Analytics blog where you will find more discussions on topics related to Data Science training.


Probability PART-I: Introducing The Concept Of Probability

Probability PART-I: Introducing The Concept Of Probability

Today we will begin discussion about a significant concept, probability, which measures the likelihood of the occurrence of an event. This is the first part of the series, where you would be introduced to the core concept. So, let’s begin.

What is probability?

It is a measure of quantifying the likelihood that an event will occur and it is written as P(x).

Key concepts of probability

A union comprises of only unique values.

Intersection comprises of common values of the two sets



  • Mutually Exclusive Events:- If the occurrence of one event preludes the occurrence of the other event(s), then it is called mutually exclusive event.

P(A∩B) = 0

  • Independent Events:- If the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event does not have any effect on the occurrence or non-occurrence of other event(s), then it is called an independent event. For example drinking tea is independent of going for shopping.
  • Collectively Exhaustive Events:– A set of collectively exhaustive events comprises of all possible elementary events for an experiment. Therefore, all sample spaces are collectively exhaustive sets.
  • Complementary Events:– A complement of event A will be A` i.e. P(A`) = 1 ─ P(A)

Properties of probability

  • Probabilities are non-negative values ranging between 0 & 1.
  • Ω = 1 i.e. combined probability of sample is 1
  • If A & B are two mutually exclusive events then P(A U B)= P(A) +P(B)
  • Probability of not happening of an event is P(A)= 1 ─ P(A)

Rules of Counting the possibilities

  • The mn counting rule:- When a customer has a set of combinations to choose from like two different engines, five different paint colors and three different interior packages , how will he calculate the total number of options available to him? The answer to the question is “ mn counting rule”. Simply multiply the given options, like in our case 2 * 5 * 3 will give us 30.This means the customer has 30 combinations to choose from when it comes to purchasing a car.
  • Sampling from a population with replacement:- Suppose that you roll a dice three times i.e. the number of trials is 3, now if we want to check how many combinations are possible in this particular experiment we use Nn = 63 = 216
  • Sampling from a population without replacement:- When the sample space shrinks after each trial then you use the following formula :-

Data Science Machine Learning Certification


There is a video covering the same concept attached down the blog, go through it to be more clear about this.

So, with this we wrap up our discussion on the concept of probability. If you want more informative blogs on Data Science training, then follow the Dexlab Analytics blog. Dexlab Analytics provides machine learning certification courses in gurgaon as well.


What Is The Role Of Big Data In The Pharmaceutical Industry?

What Is The Role Of Big Data In The Pharmaceutical Industry?

Big data is currently trending in almost all sectors as now the awareness of the hidden potential of data is on the rise. The pharmaceutical industry is a warehouse of valuable data that is constantly piling up for years and which if processed could unlock information that holds the key to the next level of innovation and help the industry save a significant amount of money in the process as well. Be it making the clinical trial process more efficient or, ensuring the safety of the patients, big data holds the clue to every issue bothering the industry. The industry has a big need for professionals who have Data science using Python training, because only they can handle the massive amount of data and channelize the information to steer the industry in the right direction.

We are here taking a look at different ways data is influencing the pharmaceutical industry.

Efficient clinical-trial procedure

Clinical trial holds so much importance as the effectiveness of a drug or, a procedure on a select group of patients is tested. The process involves many stages of testing and it could be time-consuming and not to mention the high level of risk factors involved in the process. The trials often go through delays that result in money loss and there is risk involved too as side effects of a specific drug or a component can be life-threatening. However, big data can help in so many ways here, to begin with, it could help filtering patients by analyzing several factors like genetics and select the ones who are eligible for the trials. Furthermore, the patients who are participating in clinical trials could also be monitored in real-time. Even the possible side effects could also be predicted and in turn, would save lives.

Successful sales and marketing efforts

The pharmaceutical industry can see a great difference in marketing efforts if only they use data-driven insight. Analyzing the data the companies could identify the locations and physicians ideal for the promotion of their new drug. They can also identify the needs of the patients and could target their sales representative teams towards that location. This would take the guesswork out of the process and increase the chance of getting a higher ROI. The data can also help them predict market trends as well as understand customer behavior. Another factor to consider here is monitoring the market response to a particular drug and also its performance, as this would help fine-tune marketing strategies.

Collaborative efforts

With the help of data, there could be better collaboration among the different segments that directly impact the industry. The companies could suggest different drugs that could be patient-specific and the physicians could use real-time patient data to decide whether the suggestions should be implemented in the treatment plan. There could be internal and external collaborations as well to improve the overall industry functioning. Be it reaching out to researchers or, CROs, establishing a strong link can help the industry move further.

Predictive analysis

A new drug might be effective in handling a particular health issue and could revolutionize the treatment procedure but, the presence of certain compounds might prove to be fatal for certain patients and drug toxicity if not detected at an early stage could endanger a particular patient. So, using predictive analysis a patient data could be analyzed to determine the genetic factors, disease history, as well as lifestyle. The smart algorithms thereby help identify the risk factors and makes it possible to take a personalized approach regarding medication that could prove to be more effective rather than some random medication.

Big data can increase the efficiency of the pharmaceutical industry in more ways than one, but compared to other industries somehow this industry still hasn’t been able to utilize the full potential of big data, due to factors like privacy and, monetary issues. The lack of trained professionals could also prove to be a big obstacle. Sending their select professionals for Data Science training, could prove to be a big boon for them in the future.


How IoT analytics can help your business grow?

How IoT analytics can help your business grow?

Internet of Things or IOT devices are a rage now, as these devices staying connected to the internet can procure data and exchange the same using the sensors embedded in those. Now the data which is being generated in copious amount needs to be processed and in comes IoT Analytics. This platform basically is concerned with analyzing the large amount of data generated by the devices. The interconnectivity of devices is helping different sectors be in sync with the world, and the timely extraction of data is of utmost significance now as it delivers actionable insights. This is a highly skilled job responsibility that could only be handled by professionals having done artificial intelligence course in delhi.

This particular domain is in the nascent stage and it is still growing, however, it is needless to point out that IoT analytics holds the clue to business success, as it enables the organizations to not only extract information from heterogeneous data but also helps in data integration. With the IoT devices generating almost 5 quintillion bytes of data, it is high time the organizations start investing in developing IoT analytics platform and building a data expert team comprising individuals having a background in Machine Learning Using Python. Now let’s have a look at the ways IoT analytics can boost business growth.

Optimized automated work environment

IoT analytics can optimize the automated work environment, especially the manufacturing companies can keep track of procedures without involving human employees and thereby lessening the chances of error and enhancing the accuracy of predicting machine failure, with the sensors monitoring the equipments and tracing every single issue in real-time and sending alerts to make way for predictive maintenance. The production flow goes on smoothly as a result without developing any glitch.

Increasing productivity

In an organization gauging the activity of the employees assumes huge significance as it directly impacts the productivity of the company, with sensors being strategically placed to monitor employee activity, performance, moods and other data points, this job gets easier. The data later gets analyzed to give the management valuable clues that enable them to make necessary modifications in policies.  

Bettering customer experience

Regardless of the nature of your business, you would want to make sure that your customers derive  utmost satisfaction. With IoT data analytics in place you are able to trace their preferences thanks to the data streaming from devices where they have already left a digital footprint of their shopping as well as searching patterns. This in turn enables you to offer tailor-made service or products. Monitoring of customer behavior could lead to devising marketing strategies that are information based.

Staying ahead by predicting trends

One of the crucial aspects of IoT analytics is its ability to predict future trends. As the smart sensors keep tracking data regarding customer behavior, product performance, it becomes easier for businesses to analyze future demands and also the way trends will change to make way for emerging ones and it enables the businesses to be ready. Having access to a future estimate prepares not just businesses but industries be future ready.

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Smarter resource management

Efficient utilization of resources is crucial to any business, and IoT analytics can help in a big way by making predictions on the basis of real-time data. It allows companies to measure their current resource allocation plan and make adjustments to make optimal usage of the available resources and channelizing that in the right direction. It also aids in disaster planning.

Ever since we went digital the streaming of large quantity of data has become a reality and this is going to continue in the coming decades. Since, most of the data generated this way is unstructured there needs to be cutting edge platforms like IoT analytics available to manage the data and processing it to enable industries make informed decisions. Accessing Data Science training, would help individuals planning on making a career in this field.


Skewness and Kurtosis: A Definitive Guide

Skewness and Kurtosis: A Definitive Guide

While dealing with data distribution, Skewness and Kurtosis are the two vital concepts that you need to be aware of. Today, we will be discussing both the concepts to help your gain new perspective.

Skewness gives an idea about the shape of the distribution of your data. It helps you identify the side towards which your data is inclined. In such a case, the plot of the distribution is stretched to one side than to the other. This means in case of skewness we can say that the mean, median and mode of your dataset are not equal and does not follow the assumptions of a normally distributed curve.

Positive skewness:- When the curve is stretched towards the right side more it is called a positively skewed curve. In this case mean is greater than median and median is the greater mode


Let’s see how we can plot a positively skewed graph using python programming language.

  • First we will have to import all the necessary libraries.

  • Then let’s create a data using the following code:-

In the above code we first created an empty list and then created a loop where we are generating a data of 100 observations. The initial value is raised by 0.1 and then each observation is raised by the loop count.

  • To get a visual representation of the above data we will be using the Seaborn library and to add more attributes to our graph we will use the Matplotlib methods.

In the above graph you can see that the data is stretched towards right, hence the data is positively skewed.

  • Now let’s cross validate the notion that whether Mean>Median>Mode or not.

Since each observation in the dataset is unique mode cannot be calculated.

Calculation of skewness:


  • In case we have the value of mode then skewness can be measured by Mode ─ Mean
  • In case mode is ill-defined then skewness can be measured by 3(Mean ─ Median)
  • To obtain relative measures of skewness, as in dispersion we use the following formula:-

When mode is defined:-
When mode is ill-defined:-

To calculate positive skewness using Python programming language we use the following code:-

Negative skewness:- When the curve is stretched towards left side more it is called a negatively skewed curve. In this case mean is less than median and median is  mode.


Now let’s see how we can plot a negatively skewed graph using python programming language.

Since we have already imported all the necessary libraries we can head towards generating the data.|

In the above code instead of raising the value of observation we are reducing it.

  • To visualize the data we have created again we will use the Seaborn and Matplotlib library.

The above graph is stretched towards left, hence it is negatively skewed.

  • To check whether Mean<Median<Mode or not again we will be using the following code:-

The above result shows that the value of mean is less than mode and since each observation is unique mode cannot be calculated.

  • Now let’s calculate skewness in Python.


Kurtosis is nothing but the flatness or the peakness of a distribution curve.   

  • Platykurtic :- This kind of distribution has the smallest or the flattest peak.
  • Misokurtic:- This kind of distribution has a medium peak.
  • Leptokurtic:- This kind of distribution has the highest peak.

The video attached below will help you clear any query you might have.

So, this was the discussion on the Skewness and Kurtosis, at the end of this you have definitely become familiar with both concepts. Dexlab Analytics blog has informative posts on diverse topics such as neural network machine learning python which you need to explore to update yourself. Dexlab Analytics offers cutting edge courses like machine learning certification courses in gurgaon.


A Definitive Guide to Machine Learning

A Definitive Guide to Machine Learning

In a world that is riveting towards exploring the hidden potential of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, staying aware can not only keep you in sync but can also ensure your growth. Among all the tech terms doing the rounds now, machine learning is probably the one that you have heard frequently or, it might also be the term that intrigues you the most. You might even have a friend who is pursuing a Machine Learning course in Gurgaon. So, amidst all of this hoopla why don’t you upgrade your knowledge regarding machine learning? It’s not rocket science but, it’s science and it’s really cool!

Machine learning is a subset of AI that revolves round the concept of enabling a system to learn from the data automatically while finding patterns and improve the ability to predict without being explicitly programmed beforehand. One of the examples would be when you shop online from a particular site, you would notice product recommendations are lining up the page that particularly align with your preferences.  The data footprint you leave behind is being picked up and analyzed to find a pattern and machine learning algorithms work to make predictions based on that, it is a continuous process of learning that simulate human learning process.

The same experience you would go through while watching YouTube, as it would present more videos based on your recent viewing  pattern. Being such a powerful technology machine learning is gradually being implemented across different sectors and thereby pushing the demand for skilled personnel.  Pursuing machine learning certification courses in gurgaon from a reputed institute, will enable an individual to pick up the nuances of machine learning to land the perfect career.

What are the different types of machine learning?

When we say machines learn, it might sound like a simple concept, but, the more you delve deeper into the topic to dissect the way it works you would know that there are more to it than meets the eyes. Machine learning could be divided into categories based on the learning aspect, here we will be focusing on 3 major categories which are namely:

  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Learning

Supervised learning as the name suggests involves providing the machine learning algorithm with training dataset, an example of sort to enable the system to learn to work its ways through to form the connection between input and output, the problem and the solution. The data provided for the training purposes needs to be correctly labeled so, that the algorithm is able to identify the relationship and could learn to predict output based on the input and upon finding errors could make necessary modifications. Post training when given a new dataset it should be able to analyze the input to predict a likely output for the new dataset.  This basic form of machine learning is used for facial recognition, for classifying spams.

Unsupervised Learning

Again the term is suggestive like the prior category we discussed above, this is also the exact opposite of supervised learning as here there is no training data available to rely on. The input is available minus the output hence the algorithm does not have a reference to learn from. Basically the algorithm has to work its way through a big mass of unclassified data and start finding patterns on its own, due to the nature of its learning which involves parsing through unclassified data the process gets complicated yet holds potential. It basically involves clustering and association to work its way through data.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning could be said to have similarity with the way humans learn through trial and error method. It does not have any guidance whatsoever and involves a reward, in a given situation the algorithm needs to work its way through to find the right solution to get to the reward, and it gets there by overcoming obstacles and learning from the errors along the way. The algorithm needs to analyze and find the best solution to maximize its rewards and minimize penalties as the process involves both. Video games could be an example of reinforcement learning.

Although only 3 core categories have been mentioned here, there remains other categories which deserve as much attention, such as deep learning. Deep learning too is a comparatively new field that deserves a complete discussion solely devoted to understanding this dynamic technology, focusing on its various aspects including how to be adept at deep learning for computer vision with python.

Machine learning is a highly potent technology that has the power to predict the future course of action, industries are waking up to smell the benefits that could be derived from implementation of ML. So, let’s quickly find out what some of the applications are:

Malware and spam filtering

You do not have to be tech savvy to understand what email spams are or, what malware is. Application of machine learning is refining the way emails are filtered with spams being detected and sent to a separate section, the same goes for malware detection as ML powered systems are quick to detect new malware from previous patterns.

Virtual personal assistants

As Alexa and Siri have become a part of life, we are now used to having access to our very own virtual personal assistants. However, when we ask a question or, give a command, ML starts working its magic as it gathers the data and processes it to offer a more personalized service by predicting the pattern of commands and queries.

Refined search results

When you put in a search query in Google or, any of the search engines the algorithms follow and learn from the pattern of the way you conduct a search and respond to the search results being displayed. Based on the patterns it refines the search results that impact page ranking.

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Social media feeds

Whether it is Facebook or, Pinterest , the presence of machine learning could be felt across all platforms. Your friends, your interactions, your actions all of these are monitored and analyzed by machine learning algorithms to detect a pattern and prepare friend suggestions list. Automatic Friend Tagging Suggestions is another example of ML application.

Those were a couple of examples of machine learning application, but this dynamic field stretches far. The field is evolving and in the process creating new career opportunities. However, to land a job in this field one needs to have a background in Machine Learning Using Python, to become an expert and land the right job.


Machine Learning Tips From Amazon Web Services: What Are The Key Takeaways?

Machine Learning Tips From Amazon Web Services: What Are The Key Takeaways?

Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence, or, AI which draws from its past experiences to predict future action and act on it.  The growing demand for Machine Learning course in Gurgaon, is a clear pointer to the growth the field is experiencing.

If you have been on Youtube frequently then you would certainly have noticed, how it recognizes the choices you made during your last visit and it suggests results based on those past interactions.

The world of machine learning is way past its nascent stage and has found several avenues where its application has become manifold over the years. From predictive analysis to pattern recognition systems, Machine learning is being put to use for finding an array of solutions.

AWS has been a pioneer in the field as it embraced the technology almost 20 years back, recognizing its potential growth across all business verticals.

 At a recently held online tech conference, vice president of Amazon AI shared his concerns and ideas regarding the journey of ML while pointing out the hurdles still in the way and which need to be addressed.  Here are the key takeaways from the discussion

Growing need for Machine learning

Amazon was quick to realize a crucial fact in the very beginning that consumer experience is a crucial aspect of business which needs to get better with the application of ML.

Despite the impressive trajectory of machine learning and its growing application across different fields there are still issues which pose serious challenge. There are certain issues which if tackled properly would pave the way for a smarter future for all.

Get your data together

Businesses intent on building a machine learning strategy need to understand that they are missing a vital component of the model which is the data itself.  Setting out business objectives is not enough; machine learning model is basically built upon data. You need to feed the model data, accumulated over a period of time which it could analyze and to predict future action. 

Clarity regarding machine learning application

It is understood that you need to apply machine learning in order to find solutions, to do that you need to identify that particular area of your business where you need the solution. Once you have done that, you need clarity regarding data backup, applicability and impact on business. Swami Sivasubramaniam, vice president of Amazon AI at Amazon Web Services referred to these aspects as “three dimensions”.

Another point he stressed was regarding a collaboration between domain experts and machine learning teams.

Dearth of skill

Although there has been a quantum growth in the application of machine learning, there is a significant lack of trained personnel for handling machine learning models. Undergoing a Machine Learning course in Gurgaon, could bridge the skill gap.

Since, this sector is poised to grow, people willing to make a career should consider undergoing training.

In fact, organizations looking to implement machine learning model, should send their employees for corporate training programs offered at a premier MIS Training Institute in Delhi NCR.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

Avoid undifferentiated heavy lifting

Most companies tend to shift their focus from the job at hand and  according to Sivasubramaniam, starts dealing with issues like “server hosting, bandwidth management, contract negotiation…”, when they should only be concerned with making the model work for their business model and should look for cloud-based solutions for handling the rest of the issues.

Addressing these issues would only pave the way towards a brighter future where Machine learning would become an integral part of every business model.




How Artificial Intelligence Powers Earthquake Prediction

How Artificial Intelligence Powers Earthquake Prediction

Artificial Intelligence is the key to the future of weather forecasting, a fact well known. But did you know it is also powering earthquake prediction the world over? Yes. Artificial Intelligence techniques like machine learning are gradually being enlisted in forecasting seismic activity.

While earthquake prediction has not yet become an exact science, efforts are on to make improvements and make forecasts reliable. For this, AI powered neural networks, the same technology behind the success of driverless cars and digital assistants, is being used to enhance research based on seismic data.

Neural Networks

A report says that, “Scientists say seismic data is remarkably similar to the audio data that companies like Google and Amazon use in training neural networks to recognize spoken commands on coffee-table digital assistants like Alexa.”

When it comes to studying earthquakes, it is the computer, a fast and able machine, looking for patterns in mountains of data rather than relying on the weary eyes of a scientist. Also, instead of a sequence of words, what the computer is studying is a sequence of ground-motion measurements.

Studying Aftershocks
Image Source:

Studying Aftershocks

Scientists in the US have experimented with neural networks to accelerate earthquake analysis and the speed at which they were producing results and studies was 500 times faster than they could in the past. Also, AI is not only useful in studying earthquakes but it is being used in forecasting earthquake aftershocks as well.

In fact, researchers say it is a time of great scientific advancement, so much so, that “technology can do as well as — or better than — human experts”.

Artificial Intelligence
Image Source:

Artificial Intelligence

Geophysicist Paul Johnson’s team in the US has been studying earthquakes for quite some time now and it has made advancements in “using pattern-finding algorithms similar to those behind recent advances in image and speech recognition and other forms of artificial intelligence, (where) he and his collaborators successfully predicted temblors in a model laboratory system — a feat that has since been duplicated by researchers in Europe”, says a report.

Now Mr Johnson’s team has published a paper wherein artificial intelligence has been used to study slow slip earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest. While advancements are being made in the field of studying slow slip earthquakes, it is the bigger and more potent ones that really need to be studied. But they are rare. So the question remains – Will Machine Learning be able to analyse a small data set and predict with confidence the next big earthquake?

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Machine Learning 

Researchers claim “that their (machine learning) algorithms won’t actually need to train on catastrophic earthquakes to predict them.” Studies conducted recently suggest “seismic patterns before small earthquakes are statistically similar to those of their larger counterparts”. So, a computer trained on hundreds and thousands of those small temblors might be able enough to predict the big ones.

For more on artificial intelligence, and its varied applications, do peruse the DexLab Analytics website today. DexLab Analytics is a premier institute in India offering Machine Learning courses in Delhi.



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