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We are offering a free demo session on: R Programming Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling

DexLab Analytics is proud to announce a complimentary online demo session which will be held on Saturday 15th October, 2016 at 10:00 PM on the topic of R Programming, Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling. It will be a 30 to 45 minute session which will give the aspiring candidates a glimpse into the content quality, delivery style and intractability with the faculty at the institute.


We are offering a free demo session on:  R Programming Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling


Those who want to join this demo session must email stating their interest directly to DexLab Analytics for registering for the same. Although as is the common notion about free things that they are usually of poor quality, but for this complimentary session we can promise the case will not stand true. This session will offer ample insight about what to expect in the upcoming batches. This is a one-of-a-kind endeavour by DexLab Analytics as no other analytics training institute offers such complimentary sessions. Continue reading “We are offering a free demo session on: R Programming Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling”

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