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Harnessing Big Data for Water Management

World Water Day: Save Water with Big Data

Appalling forces are re-establishing the relationship between humans and water.

In the past, communities developed slowly, while the weather remained constant. Water sources never depleted at tumultuous rates as it has today. Water is no longer a dependable resource. That’s why many countries and cities are embracing smart technologies to manage water efficiently and preserve it for the coming generations.

As we observe the United Nations World Water Day on Wednesday, 22nd March, it is apt to assess the development being made in conserving this diminishing resource.


 Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) – a blooming worldwide network of devices and appliances linked to the internet – has materialized as a propitious solution to save water and protect clean drinking water, especially in cities.  

To begin our discussion, Netherlands is on its way to develop a pioneering program to address the relevant problems of increasing sea levels, surging number of droughts and the effect of extreme weather changes on its trains, bus networks and roadways, and the efficiency with which the entire nation tackles situations like this. The ambitious project, Digital Delta draws in local and regional water jurisdictions, top-notch scientists and proliferating businesses to implement Big Data technology for upgrading the systems of its €7 billion water management, while restricting the costs of preserving water by 15%.

Prophecies about Urban Centres

Plummeting freshwater resources: a serious challenge faced by the global population is now at its apex. An overwhelming 89 percent of the world population thrives on enhanced water supply systems, which results in a loss of more than 32 billion cubic meters of fresh water, through physical leakage. Thereby, more than 50 percent of world population will be vulnerable in water-stressed regions by 2025. And by 2040, the figures will further push the energy demand by 56%, making US the second highest energy consumer across the globe.

Saving Water Globally

In the meantime, most of the world cities should re-invent and re-structure their assets to pull together advanced functions encompassing different complex systems and to associate with new powerful allies. Urbanization comes with its own costs. Day by day, these networks are growing more complicated and even more expensive. By delving deeper into the interconnections of systems, the societies will be in a better position to grasp how to run them more efficiently.

Water has never grabbed eyeballs, as it has today. Many countries are not at all prepared to manage such burgeoning complexities of water management. Besides, water management authorities are constantly under pressure to harness their power for flood protection and drinking water standards.

Reality Check: Water demand is set to rise by 30% by 2030. Ever increasing population and swelling urbanization are the reasons behind such calamitous figures.

Smart City Technology – The Key to Urban Sustainability


New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) revealed that by 2025 smart city technologies would multiply to an industry estimating $27.5 billion. Moreover, nearly 88 smart cities will develop by the end of 2025. Smart cities whirl around the concept of using improved, interconnecting technologies to make environment safe, lives easier and urban living cost-effective and more efficient.

Societies are enduring new weather extremes. It is the high time to use big data and analytical science to cure the growing complexities in managing our water systems. Smart technology is the only viable option that can take future generations towards a sustainable future.

Seeking data science courses online? Visit us at DexLab Analytics. We offer a wide array of highly interactive online courses in data science.


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Concocting Data with GIS

Concocting Data with GIS

In supreme and sophisticated geospatial realm, data have been predominant. Or, should I say it is the matured fosterling of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Choose, whatever suits you; subject to whom you work for or what you need to work on. The meat and potatoes? To excel on location analytics, concentrate only on the best most current data.


In today’s world, data is valuable. It is vital and veritable. It is indispensable in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

To second that, today’s tech-efficient society is anchored on location-based data, than ever, especially with the rise in Twitter, Google, Facebook and other social media apps, which collects and stores data from their highly-valued users to sell them off to money-grubbing advertisers.  Though secretly. On the other hand, cell phones go a step ahead in broadcasting your current location data 24/7. Otherwise, how would your friends know that you are safe when a severe earthquake rattled your neighbouring city! (Thanks to location settings)

Feisty Predicaments


However, the real challenge lies in data identification and consumption. Countless number of users gets baffled when it comes to finding data, and if found, how to consume it to set off their business determinations. To solve this, many imminent think tanks of tech industry came out with direct and decisive solutions. Some of them were loaded with an abundance of data, i.e. digestible and disintegrated. By disintegration, they meant that the data was categorized into: points of interest, roads, boundaries and demographics, for easy comprehensibility. Furthermore, industry data bundles concerning telecommunications, retail and insurance fields were added to make the coverage global and profitable. To top it off, quality content and sprawling file formats boosted the results and mechanisms, both.

Conflux of GIS and BI

Location technology – Does this ring a bell? Yes? Then you would be familiar with GIS but others, particularly new Business Intelligence users and consumers must have just started taking baby steps on basic mapping. For BI, maps are the backdrop against which business analysts project their business data, stats and analytical information. Analysing the data to understand the insights of consumers is crucial, directly affecting the business decisions and revenues thereby. For example, heat maps, used to see the concentration of installations, customers and IoT devices provides an unparalleled accurateness of spatial relationships, which is impossible to obtain from the spreadsheets.

Seeking data analytics certification courses to boost your business growth? Go through our comprehensive Online Courses in data science at DexLab Analytics.

One of the integral location analytics issues is to help in identifying the high-risk zones at the time of natural disasters, like tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes or mudslides. For example, in the US, the East Coast is vulnerable to a lot of hurricanes and floods, whereas earthquakes and mudslides snap the West Coast time to time. Assessment of these location problems is intrinsically important for mortgage underwriters, insurance agents and public safety departments. And best data along with effective geo-coding is the solution to all the inconveniences. 

Discover easy Data Science Courses Online by logging in to DexLab Analytics. To know more on Business Analytics Online Certification, contact us.


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Data Analytics for the Big Screen

Can the film industry leverage more on data analytics?

Film making as an industry is as dependent on good marketing as it is on good content.

Data Analytics for the Big Screen

And it is here that data analytics comes to the picture, for not only does it govern marketing strategies of a Studio but in future it might govern the creative half as well.

For a conventional Hollywood blockbuster, an average of $70 Million are spent within 10-12 weeks and data analytics might direct us as to how much cash needs to be spent and where. Nowadays companies such as IBM are experimenting with Deep Sentiment Analysis, which tries to gauge the market sentiment by listening to the constant stream of content being posted by the users in a given area. The data comes from all sorts of sources, both structured and unstructured, which then needs to be cleaned before gaining any actionable insights from it. Nowadays, companies are working towards developing Market Optimisation Models where they can use historical data to create models, which are then fed current data in order to guide marketing budget allocation decisions. Another way studios are using data analytics is to predict market reaction in USA and Europe by analysing moviegoer’s reaction to the initial run of the movie (usually in smaller markets of Asia). They then proceed to rebrand/improve its offering to make it more ‘commercial’ for a given region.

But does this seemingly endless data and ever improving predictive model point towards a future, where Big Data might tell writers what to write, directors how to direct and actors how to act? If the answer is in affirmative, then are we diluting cinema as an artistic medium? Studios, such as Netflix have now extracted about 70,000 unique characteristics from its movie collection, and now they are analysing how the presence/absence of a characteristic has an impact on the movie revenue/rating/viewing. It then uses these findings to develop and fine-tune the shows it will produce in future. This increasingly ‘scientific’ manner of developing movies is taking over at other studios as well, along with experts fearing that this practice might lead to the industry losing its experimental and creative edge.

With proved benefits, including increased revenue and minimal risk, it is imperative for studios to invest into Data Analytics. It has become imperative to design their marketing strategy using this mine of user data to make their offerings economic, popular, efficient and successful.

Seeking data analytics certification courses to boost your business growth? Go through our comprehensive Online Courses in data science at DexLab Analytics.


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What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?

What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?

Do you also feel that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting eerily powerful day-by-day? That is because the structures of Artificial Intelligence exploit the very fundamental laws of physics and of the universe as per latest research.

These new findings help to answer a long-awaited mystery about a category of AI that employs an interesting strategy called deep learning. These are programs based on deep neural networks hence, the name deep learning. The way this works is that they have multi-layered algorithms in which the lower-level calculations feed into the higher level ones within the hierarchy. These deep neural networks often perform surprisingly well when it comes to solving problems which are highly complex, like beating the world’s best player of a strategic board game called Go or categorising cat photos, however no one truly knows why… Continue reading “What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?”

Are you taking care of your digital self?

Whether you like the idea or not, we all have a digital self, a facade that we put on to engage and participate in the technological world! As per psychoanalysts and physicians, a theory proposed by them says that there is a ‘true self’ that is the instinctive core of our personality, it must be realized and nurtured. And there is also a ‘false self’ that is built to protect this true self. From what you ask? From the dangers of insults and vulnerabilities!

Dexlab blog for 12th Oct

Our true selves are usually complex and fragile but it ultimately remains to be our essence. In trying to share that self with the world, we send out our decoy selves to take on the day-to-day vulnerabilities, challenges, and anxieties that come forth.

Continue reading “Are you taking care of your digital self?”

High Demand for Data Scientist profiles in LinkedIn

High Demand for Data Scientist profiles in LinkedIn

Currently, Data Science experts are the most sought candidates in the world. According to a research report published by DJ Metrics, the number of ‘Data Scientist’ profiles in LinkedIn has nearly doubled over the last few years. At present, there are more than 11,400 data scientists on the professional networking website, out of which, 52% have added the particular job description (read Data Scientist) during the period between 2012 and 2015.

About the Research

DJ Metrics have taken into account 60,200 LinkedIn profiles of professional experts, while 27,700 records of Educational data and 254,000 records of skills sets were also used to conduct an analysis. Additionally, they have analysed the database of 6200 companies that have provided employment to the Data Scientists. The names of the Companies were collected by analysing the profiles of the Data professionals, since they have listed the names of their employers.


Great Career Opportunities

Great Career Opportunities

Researchers are forecasting that there will be a steady rise in the demand for trained Data Scientists, because of the increased adoption of Big Data and Business Intelligence by the leading global companies. High-end business organisations like Microsoft and Facebook are going through a continuous recruitment phase, as these companies had accelerated their hiring process by 151% and 39% respectively in 2014, as compared to what they had done in 2013.

According to the research report, about 65% of the total recruitments were carried out by the following industries:

  • Information Technology and Services, Internet and Computer Software Sector: 9%
  • Education: 3%
  • Banking and Finance: 2%
  • Marketing and Advertising: 2%

Big Data demands Bigger Skills

Big Data demands Bigger Skills

 DJ Metrics has analysed the database of 254,000 skills in order to figure out the growth in the number of skilful Data Science professionals. The results are significant, as apart from the general ‘power’ skills; namely, Data Analysis, Analytics and Data Mining, the top skills found among the vast number of profiles included R, Python, Machine Learning, MATLAB, JAVA, Statistics and SQL. Surprisingly, the Chief Data Scientists are found to have the least technical skills, as only 27% of the profiles had listed Python, while 26% listed R as their technical skill sets. On the other hand, 52% and 53% Junior Data Scientists have listed Python and R, respectively.

Top Recruiters

Top Recruiters

If you see the chart above, you will see that Microsoft and Facebook are the top recruiters over the given period. Surprisingly, Google has not made it to the top 10, although it has recruited quite a number of Data Science professionals. The reason may be that the Data Scientists at Google are called ‘Quantitative Analysts’, which is probably used by their employees while listing their designation on LinkedIn. Since, LinkedIn has researched about the general Data Scientists; they may not have detected the alternate titles.

Countries with highest Data Scientist population

Countries with highest Data Scientist population

Almost 55% of the total Data Scientists in the world are currently located in the United States of America (USA), which makes the top of the list. The second country with maximum numbers of Data Science professionals is United Kingdom (UK), while the third position is occupied by India.  

Are you interested in coveted data science online courses to upgrade your data science skill-set? Look no further than DexLab Analytics. They offer cutting edge Data Science training in Gurgaon for aspiring candidates.


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Know The Answer To These Interview Questions To Get A Job As Data Analyst

List of Interview Questions for Data Analysts

With this Data analyst interview guide you will know what to expect in an interview round for a position of data analyst.

A good data analyst or scientist must be capable of drawing actionable insights from the data that a company generates. They must possess a good sense of what data they must collect and should have a solid process for carrying it out effectively using processes of data analysis and building predictive models.

A data analyst must possess a strong foundation in the following topics: operations research, statistics, machine learning along with some database skills, such as SQL or SAS in order to clean, retrieve and process the data from different sources. One can lead to this role from different pathways thus candidates can expect to be bombarded with questions relevant to statistics ort mathematics and even computer programming or engineering.

Data scientists are also often required to script programs using R or Python or Matlab and the role will typically not place emphasis on the programming skills or practices and the general software engineering skills which is necessary for working with production quality software.

Here is a list of common data analyst interview questions:

Operational questions:

  1.  Describe the steps that you follow when creating a design a data-driven model to manage a business problem. For example you may try and automatically classify customer support mails, by either sentiment or topic. Another task may be to predict a company’s employee churn.
  2. What models would you classify as simple models and which are the ones that are complex according to you? What are the comparative strengths and weaknesses of choosing a more complex model over a simplistic one?
  3. What are the possible ways in which you can combine models to create an ensemble model and what are the main advantages of doing this?
  4. Tell us about certain pre-processing steps that you may carry out on data before using them to train a model and describe the conditions under which they may be applied.

Role specific questions:

About basic ideas in probability, statistics and machine learning:

  1. Define what is confidence interval and why do you think it is useful?
  2. What is the main difference between correlation and independence?
  3. What is Bayes Theorem? What is conditional probability? What is its use in practice?
  4. When and how do you understand that you have collected ample data for building a model?
  5. Tell us the difference between classification and regression.

Hope this list of common data science interview questions will prepare you for a job at a reputable data analysis company. For more such data science news, tutorials and articles with emphasis on programming and analytics view our regular updates from DexLab Analytics.


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Quantitative Analysis 1 – Five Number Summary

To be a successful analyst or be a part of great analytics team, there are 3 important dimensions one would aspire to be or have. They are technical, business and tools. Hence, we would begin with one of the sub dimension of the technical skills, i.e. being quantified self or developing quantitative skills.

 Quantitative Analysis 1 – Five Number Summary

As per the Informs, the definition of Analytics shall be:

  Continue reading “Quantitative Analysis 1 – Five Number Summary”

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