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5 Things to Consider While Using Data for Artificial Intelligence

Data is the most influential strategic asset for companies in a data-powered economy. Data is used to measure the ability of a business to perform notable tasks and operations, and draw significant insights through complex machine learning algorithms.

5 Things to Consider While Using Data for Artificial Intelligence

Gaining access to data is not a problem; but the real issue lies in having the right kind of data that helps companies remain on edge. A large number of them don’t even realize they are supplied with chunks and chunks of bad data, punched with wrong formatting, plenty of duplicates, having missing fields or irrelevant information.

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4 Ways in Which Data Scientists Can Add Value to an Enterprise

4 Ways in Which Data Scientists Can Add Value to an Enterprise

Data is everywhere. There is no shortage of data – even the neophyte entrepreneurs who have just begun their business operations are sitting on mounds and mounds of data – but this often makes us introspect how can we use data to grow bigger, more productive?

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Diverse and Scientifically Overpowering, Python is the Holy Grail for Tech Nerds, Here’s Why

Diverse and Scientifically Overpowering, Python is the Holy Grail for Tech Nerds, Here’s Why

Python? What comes to your mind – the venomous snake or the multifaceted programming language?

For data freaks, of course it’s the latter.

If you are thinking of imbibing some cool skills this New Year, consider Data Science with Python Training from DexLab Analytics. Python is open source, 100% free and easily available online. Also, it’s a general-purpose programming language, which is versatile in every way and can be used for a plethora of purposes – video games, websites, business tools, and lot more.


For first-time coders, Python is EPIC

To get started with Python, you just have to install it in your computer, open a notepad app and begin coding. Python is designed immaculately to generate cleaner, easy to gauge lines of code. The code is easy to read and write, and somehow closely resembles English. In terms of readability, words like ‘not’ and ‘in’ are deliberately used to make the language superfluous and not sound like any arcane language.

Moreover, the Python web framework Django is a game-changer. What once used to take hours in PHP could now be completed in minutes in Python. No doubts, codes compiled here will be a lot faster, effective and stable.


Python is productive yet dangerous

It turns complex tasks into a piece of cake. Almost all the programming tasks are made easier with Python than its other counterparts. And this is known as Rapid Application Development. But of course, as it’s said with great power come great responsibility. You have to devise prudent ways of how to use this power to do something good, and not evil. Because, everything comes at a cost.

Python is a scripting language

The programs are furnished into Python’s interpreter, which eventually runs them directly so as to avoid compiling. It happens with some other programming languages too. But in here, the execution is faster and easier. Also, you receive feedback on your python code, like finding errors quickly, which is an added advantage. All this makes programming fun!!

Python is cross platform

Linux, Windows, Mac – Python can run on any computer operating system, large or small. Whether its large company servers or tiny PCs like Raspberry Pi, the cross platform feature poses no problem. In fact, Python programs can be run on iOS and Android devices.

Free and open-source

This means you can use Python without paying a single penny –just download and run python, and make any program your own once you write it with Python and also share if you feel like. The source code of Python is open to all, if you ever want to know how the Python developers drafted their code, take a peep into the code. It will help, trust me (though the code is written in a different programming language).


Who uses Python?

Python has become indispensable. It’s everywhere now. These are the fields in which Python is applied:

  • Space
  • Astronomy
  • Movies
  • Laboratories
  • Medicine
  • Games
  • Music
  • Video
  • Doorbell
  • OS

Now, that you know a lot of things about Python software, how do you start?

Take up Python programming tutorial, it’s bound to make an incredible impact on your future, so hope you master it well. And for that, DexLab Analytics is here.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

5 Habits of Highly Successful Data Scientists

5 Habits of Highly Successful Data Scientists

Suppose, you have two resumes of two data scientists in your hands: A and B. Both of them possess similar backgrounds and expertise: qualifications, platforms, languages, frameworks, methodologies, industries and more. Theoretically, they are more like the same person – on paper. Yet there are few things that reflect that A is more successful than B – but how you determine that?

Here we’ve whittled down a set of habits or traits of successful data scientists that make them stand out from the rest of the pack.

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How AI Is Going To Change the Marketplace: Top 6 Trends to Fix Your Eyes in 2018

According to a recently published report from McKinsey – “Alphabet invested roughly $30 billion in developing AI technologies, and Baidu, which is the Chinese equivalent of Alphabet, invested $20 billion in AI last year.”


Not only companies, but reports suggest Chinese government is pursuing AI technology relentlessly in an attempt to drive the AI innovation, singlehandedly.

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Here’s Why Indian Techies Need to Imbibe Rich AI and Data Science Skills to Ride High This 2018

Here’s Why Indian Techies Need to Imbibe Rich AI and Data Science Skills to Ride High This 2018

Amid growing anxiety over machines replacing human intelligence, Indian IT sector is seeking out expert skills in new technologies, involving big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. There exists a high demand for skills in such newer streams of technology, which now forms the backbone of businesses. It’s not like these jobs appeared out of thin air; after being labeled as “niche skills” for several years, they are now making their way into the mainstream industry. 

This year, this trend is going to gain more momentum. It is expected to create 180000 to 200000 new jobs in 2018, mostly related to these new technologies – Alka Dhingra, the general manager of IT staffing at TeamLease Services, stated. It is equally applicable for both large service organizations as well as budding startups.


The Hot-List:

Here’re the notable areas, where job creation will hit in 2018:

Artificial Intelligence

Almost all Indian IT bigwigs are going gaga over AI. TCS, Infosys, Flipkart – nearly all native companies have started delving deeper into data to scale up their business operations and secure success in the future.

Though the world is being ruled by MACHINES, at the same time it’s HUMANS who train machines the way they function to perform human-like tasks. For that reason, the country’s IT unicorn, Tata Consultancy Services has trained more than 200000 employees about IoT and AI. Also, last month, India’s e-commerce giant, Flipkart launched an AI-inspired initiative known as AI for India, through which it has planned to leverage all the data it has gathered over the last few years to frame robust AI-driven solutions that will boost their operational activities further. Millions of dollars are being invested in this program – a company representative shared.

All this is going to need professionals skilled in the domains of deep learning, natural language processing and machine learning – look up to DexLab Analytics for data science online courses.

Data Science

For several years, native internet companies have been accumulating massive consumer data, which they now plan to mine it to their best interests. Just like Flipkart’s AI for India initiative, food-delivery-tech startup Swiggy is also working hard on its consumer data so that it can start making deliveries even more efficient and faster.

Some HR experts say that pharmacy analytics – an amalgamation of healthcare and analytics will also generate several new jobs for data scientists this new year– at present, machine learning, data analytics and data scientists’ jobs are the most searched jobs on all leading job portals in India.

Blockchain Technology

While bitcoin and cryptocurrency takes the world by storm, top-notch market specialists predict this advanced field of technology is going to create an exploding number of jobs. Cryptocurrency has already started drawing in a large pool of Indian investors, and legal experts are now asking for regulations.

“There could be regulations (for bitcoin) coming, and hence somebody who knows the subject is going to be in demand,” Aditya Narayan Mishra, CEO of CIEL HR Services, said.

Digital Marketing

Digital technologies are now omnipotent. All startups and matured companies across every domain are adopting suave digital solutions for various functions, like HR, manufacturing, operations, warehousing and communications. In the same manner, marketing too is not limited to its erstwhile conventional mediums; digital marketing is the new talk of the town.

“With more companies in India wanting to increase their digital presence, there is a visible surge in job searches for digital marketing jobs,” Sashi Kumar, the managing director of jobs portal Indeed India, said.

To learn more about how machine learning and artificial intelligence can help transform your business, enroll in a machine learning training course. DexLab Analytics’ Machine Learning Using Python course is superb; it helps students grasp the concepts better.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Data Science Jobs: Luxury Today, Necessity Tomorrow

Data Science Jobs: Luxury Today, Necessity Tomorrow

A general consensus: the scene of employment is changing. The jobs in data science are spiking up, and at a robust rate. According to World Economic Forum in 2016, a nuanced state of affairs with employment fluctuations is likely to happen across sectors, jobs and geography in the coming years – hold your horses and wait with bated breath!


Job Opportunities till 2020

A wide set of factors are expected to bring upon different effects on the varying segments of employment market till 2020. For an instance, recent demographic stats in the emerging job market are likely to ace up employment by 5% approx worldwide. On the other side, the surging geopolitical instability across the globe could reduce employment by 2.7%. Amidst this, artificial intelligence, touted as a replacement key for manpower is likely to have a minute effect on job reduction by a mere 1.5%.

Considerably, the overall figure points that the computing and mathematical jobs are going to increase by 3.2% – because a sturdy compilation of technological and geopolitical instability effect is expected to generate an altogether positive effect across various employment chains, suggesting the instability will in return result in a higher demand for programming, computing and modeling.

However, recruitment procedure is going to get more challenging.

Across every sector and every job family the perception is that recruitment will be more challenging in future #ai #sasacademic

Lower University application rates

Following the latest trends, the applications to universities by students have taken a halt – in UK, the number of people applying to universities has fallen drastically – the reason anticipated is the result of Brexit.

But irrespective of any reason, lower application rate is going to affect graduate recruitment. The emergence of a gig economy is largely considered a positive effort, but a lack of benefits like annual leave may cause some hindrance in the effectuality. Also, AI is resulting in a less number of job generation, the automation of entry-level jobs mean lesser jobs.

Hone your skills further after employment

While undergraduates and postgraduates eyes employment as the end of their education, for employers it’s an entirely different ball game. For them, employment is the just a stepping stone in the process of ongoing training to make sure the fresh workforce develops cutting-edge skills. This stands true especially in complex job areas of data science, where a shortage of graduates exists. As a result, motivate your existing workforce to develop required data analytics skills in the most accomplishing way to garner expertise and thorough know-how.

The most desirable quality in a new #DataScience hire is their dedication to continually learn more. #sasacademic #ai

To get the best kind of data science online training, drop by DexLab Analytics Delhi – it is a prime learning platform in India that helps you remain up-to-date with the latest tools and trends. The field of data analytics is evolving rapidly and continuing professional development is the need of the hour.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

How Data Is Rendering Unrecognizable Change in Marketing

Business without data is like surviving without an iota of food and water. Data is indispensible. It plays a significant role in framing suave marketing campaigns, creatively, discerning the actual, productive channels to push data through them.

How Data Is Rendering Unrecognizable Change in Marketing

According to latest reports and analysis, nearly 42% of marketers have introduced more than ten solutions related to data analytics, marketing analysis or customer engagement technologies in a time span of 5 years, in which more than 9% marketers installed more than 20 solutions.

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Why Data Science Matters More Than Data Scientists?

More is always better, isn’t it? But does it always holds true, especially when it comes to customer data? Maybe not, because business is all about extracting meaningful insights from data, and if that cannot be acted upon then it is of no good.

Why Data Science Matters More Than Data Scientists?

Recently, Accenture concluded that one of the greatest challenges that marketers face nowadays is to discover the right ways to turn data into productive insights and then into action. For that, you would need analytics professionals who do know how to collect, store and integrate information, while mastering the technology aspect.

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