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5 Best Data Science Resources to Ace the Game of Data

Wondering how a data scientist makes advances in his data career? Or how does he expand his skills in the future? Reading is the most common answer; nothing helps better than keeping a close eye on the industry news. Data science is evolving at a rapid speed; to be updated with the latest innovations and technology discoveries would be the best thing to stay ahead of the curve.

5 Best Data Science Resources to Ace the Game of Data

If you are a newbie in this field, make sure you are well-read about the current industry trends and articulate it well to the HR heads that you are someone who is always a step ahead to consume knowledge about data science and its related fields. This helps!

A wide number of data science blogs and articles are available over the internet, but with so many options, it’s easy to feel lost. For this and more, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 5 best data science blog recommendations that would help aspiring data scientists maneuver smoothly through this sphere.

Data Elixir

For a one stop destination for all things DATA, Data Elixir is the right choice. Crafted by ex-NASA data scientist Lon Riesberg, Data Elixir offers a list-wise view of the posts; easy categorization of content is anytime preferable and renders easy search options.

Data Science Weekly

The brain child of Hannah Brooks and Sebastian Gutierrez, Data Science Weekly is the ultimate hub for recent news, well-curated articles and promising jobs related to data science. You can either sign up for their newsletter or simply scroll through their archives dated back to 2013.

The Analytics Dispatch

The Analytics Dispatch is more like a newsletter content creating hub, wherein they send weekly emails about data science related stuff to its readers. Collected, analyzed and developed by a robust team at Mode Analytics, which also happens to be an Udacity partner, the newsletters focus on practical advices on data analysis and how data scientists should work.

Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

O’Reilly Media’s data science blog

To read some of the most amazing articles on AI and data science, make O’Reilly Media’s data science blog your best companion. The articles are curated, researched and written by influencers and data science pundits, who are technically sound and understands the advanced nuances of the field in-depth.


Being top notch big data software, Cloudera’s contribution to the world of data science is immense. Time to time, it publishes interesting articles, know-hows and guides on a plethora of open source big data software, like Hadoop, Flume, Apache, Kafka, Zookeeper and more.

Besides, DexLab Analytics, a pioneering analytics training institute headquartered in Gurgaon, India also publishes technical articles, amazing blogs, riveting case studies and interviews with analytics leaders on myriad data science topics, including Apache Spark, Retail Analytics and Risk Modeling. The content is crisp, easy to understand and offers crucial insights on a gamut of topics: it helps the aspiring readers to broaden their horizons.

The realms of data science are fascinating and intimidating as well; but with the right knowledge partner, carry suave data skill in your sleeves – Data Science Courses in Noida from DexLab Analytics are the best in town! Also, their Business Analytics Training Courses in Noida are worth checking for.

Some of the parts of the blog have been sourced from – and


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
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To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Facial Recognition Technology: Where Opportunities are Endless and Science is Terrific

Facial Recognition Technology: Where Opportunities are Endless and Science is Terrific

We are on the verge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – where massive amounts of texts, tweets, photos, videos, status updates, GPS coordinates, reposts and clickstreams are being pumped out into the digital universe. This data is like the food for colossal artificial intelligence.

If we talk about resources, the ocean that AI-induced data has filled up is nothing if compared to California gold rush, Texas Oil boom or similar events. Huge amounts of data are clogging the digital space all over. Algorithms, based on AI are driving innovation in every field of work, right from products to services, and the more data you possess, the more accurate the algorithm is expected to be. As a result, collection and analysis of big data have become a prime focus of companies, big and small.

Introducing Deep Learning

But how does this mammoth AI works? How does it digest this amount of data? Of course through interconnected, high-end devices powered by embedding “eyes”, named as Deep Learning. These artificial neural networks work on the principle of machine learning algorithms and simulate the complex structure of human brains. Employing mammoth data pools and lakes, deep learning determines and interprets intricate patterns, just the way humans do. In fact, some of the artificial neural networks are so adept at incorporating these patterns that they can even mimic the manner in which humans recognize faces.

DeepFace:  A Stiff Competitor of Human Brain

In terms of facial data, Facebook is the largest reservoir of facial data, and back in 2015, it came out with a cutting edge version of “tag photos” feature, DeepFace – it features a nine layer neural network that resembles characteristics in individual photographs with 97.25% accuracy. This fabulous technology not only connects your name with your face, but it can easily pick you out of a crowd, and the figure says a human brain is only 0.28% more effective than DeepFace.

Of late, Facebook has acquired a new patent, “Techniques for emotion detection and content delivery,” – it helps in capturing user’s facial expressions through the camera in real time while they scroll across their feed, recording their emotions for various content. This new-age technology can not only customize your Facebook feed, but can also link numerous live in-store cameras for a better shopping experience, piling up data from Facebook and determining the shopper’s present mood and preference.

Facebook and Beyond

Though Facebook is dominating the waters of facial recognition, there are several other companies that are trying their luck into this domain. Ebookers, a sub-site of Expedia has launched a tool named SenseSational, which employs real time facial recognition software to monitor users’ faces, while they peruse over images and sounds that appeal to the senses.

On the other hand, Singapore Technologies Electronics is using facial recognition technology to identify the faces of commuters, as they walk across fare gates and charges their prepaid account respectively. No longer the commuters have to show their fare card while standing in queue; thus it eases the crowd buildup during rush business hours.

In conclusion, companies can anytime look up to deep learning from any angle. The giant of artificial intelligence is forever hungry, you can feed it with data whenever you like, and see it expand and flourish.

Seeking an excellent data analyst training institute in Gurgaon? Look no further; DexLab Analytics is here. With a wide set of comprehensive Data Science Courses in Delhi, this institute is here to satisfy every data need.

Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

The original article first appeared on –

Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Reigning the Markets: 4 Most Influential Analytics Leaders of 2018

Data analytics in India is grabbing attention. Data and analytics, together, they play a key role in delivering business opinions, which are high-yielding and relatively new. At the helm of such robust data analytics growth are leaders from numerous organizations who introspect into data to conjure up decisions as a seamlessly as possible. They are masterminds in the world of data analytics.

Reigning the Markets: 4 Most Influential Analytics Leaders of 2018

Here, we will talk about 4 most influential analytics leaders who acted as pioneers of bringing in newer technologies and life-changing innovations into the field of analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data across diverse domains.

Debashish Banerjee, Managing Director, Deloitte Analytics

With 17 years and more experience in predictive modeling, data analytics and data science, Mr. Banerjee’s extensive contribution in the fields of actuarial risk, data mining, advanced analytics and predictive modeling in particular is phenomenal. He started his career with GE, and initiated and headed insurance analytics, pricing and reserving team of GE, India – one of the firsts in India.

In 2005, he shifted to Deloitte with a mission to initiate the advanced analytics and modeling practice in India, through which he manages and offers leadership support to the Deloitte Consulting’s Data Science practices that stresses on AI, predictive modeling, big data and cognitive intelligence. He mostly worked in marketing, customer and HR domains.

Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

Kaushik Mitra, Chief Data Officer and Head of Big Data & Digital Analytics, AXA Business Services (ABS)

Experienced for over 25 years in integrating analytics, technology and marketing worldwide, Kaushik Mitra dons a lot many hats. Besides assuming leadership roles for diverse domains, like AI, analytics, data science, business intelligence and modeling, Mr. Mitra is at present involved in driving an array of data innovation coupled with technology restructuring in the enterprise, as well as coordinating GDPR implementation in ABS.

Before joining ABS, he worked with Fidelity Investments in Bangalore, where he played a pivotal role in establishing their data science practice. Armed with a doctorate in Marketing from the US, he is a notable figure in the world of analytics and marketing, along with being a frequent speaker in Indian industry networks, like NASSCOM and other business forums.

Ravi Vijayaraghavan, Vice President, Flipkart

Currently, Ravi Vijayaraghavan and his team are working on how to leverage analytics, data and science to improve decision-making capabilities and influence businesses across diverse areas within Flipkart. Before joining Flipkart, he used to work as Chief Data Scientist and Global Head of the Analytics and Data Sciences Organization at [24] It was here that he created, developed, implemented and optimized machine learning and analytics driven solutions. Also, he held important leadership portfolios at Mu Sigma and Ford Motor Company.

Deep Thomas, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Aditya Birla Group

“Delivering nothing but sustained and rising profitability figures through potent digital transformation and leveraging data, business analytics, multi-disciplinary talent pool and innovative processes” – has been the work mantra of Deep for more than two decades. Being the Chief Data & Analytics Officer for Aditya Birla Group, he spearheads top of the line analytics solutions and frames organization-wide initiatives and tech-induced programs to enhance business growth, efficiencies and productivity within an organization.

Initially, he headed Tata Insights and Quants, the much acclaimed Tata Group’s Big Data and Decision Science Company. Apart from this, he held a variety of leadership positions in MNCs like Citigroup, HSBC and American Express across US and India to boost global digital and business transformation.

This article has been sourced from –

For more such interesting blogs and updates, follow DexLab Analytics. It’s a premier data science certification institute in Delhi catering to data aspirants. Take a look at their data science courses in Delhi: they are program-centric and nicely curated.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
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New Intelligence is being added to Massive Storage Management System

Pioneers of High Performance Storage System (HPSS) are devising ways to streamline and rationalize data management products for its upcoming eighth generation. 25 years back, US Department of Energy research laboratories and IBM together built HPSS to support massive government science research projects. Why? The Hierarchical storage solution is undeniably a rewarding concept which uses organization policies and software automatic tricks to decide which data to save, the location where it should be saved, the best time to move it to different storage devices and when to delete it.

New Intelligence is being added to Massive Storage Management System

“How do you know what you’re archiving? We’re talking about archives now that are hundreds of petabytes to an exabyte. We think we’re going to be there in 2-3 years,” asked Todd Herr, a storage architect for supercomputing from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA.

The HPSS website catalogues 37 publicly disclosed customers, while other customers are kept discreet. At present, version 7.5.1 from last year is on the run, but version 7.5.2 might be hit, while the next year will see 7.5.3, as given in the online roadmap.


However, version 8 is not yet available on the official roadmap, but here’s what the insiders have to say about it…

“What I think our challenge is, is to become good data curators. And I think that’s where we’re going to point the product,” Herr shared. This will turn HPSS become more capable for data mining and assign metadata to itself.

In order to do that, the first thing to be done is to reveal information in the archive about a few overarching namespace applications. Herr explained, “Right now we are working on that (referring to software made by companies such as Atempo, Robinhood, Starfish, and StrongLink). I think the next step there is scaling out metadata performance, such as database partitioning and virtualizing multiple processors when performing searches.”

Another important part of HPSS is related to the software that works with tape storage – “What we’re trying to do is enable fast access to tape. If you look across the industry spectrum, the words fast and tape generally don’t go together,” Herr intimidated. The scientists at Livermore are capable of accessing research data on tape, even that existed more than 50 years ago.

Speed-matching buffers can save the day – when placed between primary disk storage and archive tape storage, they can be used to both read and write. Some other physical improvements include faster head placements and tape motors.

“We’re going to hit a problem way faster than most sites, and certainly faster than the vendors themselves because they cannot replicate our environment in most testing,” Herr asserted.

Herr’s employer’s next supercomputer, Sierra is going to operate at up to 125 petaflops and will have a 125-petabyte file system for performing ample tests to find new ways of speeding up performance and administer advanced data storage mechanisms.


The article has been sourced from –

For more such interesting ideas and discussions, stay tuned to DexLab Analytics. It is a premier analytics training institute headquartered in Delhi, NCR. Their data science certification courses are excellent.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

How to Develop a Data-Driven Culture among the Employees and Organization?

Data creation and consumption is exploding. So is the challenge of analyzing data and transforming it into actionable insights.

How to Develop a Data-Driven Culture among the Employees and Organization?

The expert consultants at IBM say – 90% of the data in the world has been created in the last couple of years at a rate of 2.5 quintillion bytes per day. Just imagine, when such gold mines of information go unused, what toll does it take on companies who harbors them? The loss is insurmountable, isn’t it? 

But the question that makes us brood is how do companies empower employees to use such vast pools of data to reveal hidden business insights?

To keep pace with an accelerating growth of data generation and robust competitive landscape, new age companies need to shift their focus to sound Business Intelligence solutions that helps in collecting and analyzing data to determine patterns and alert users, in case of anomalies in the nature of business. And the good news is that they are doing so.

Once companies start off with data handling and data mining, the issue of utilization needs to be addressed next – the trickiest problem with data utilization is the insights that take place within the departments –while creating data silos. Siloed data results in creating a lot of issues, but the larger one is that it creates only a partial view of whatever is happening within an organization and a bigger picture is not available.

As a result, a data-driven culture is to be adapted – but how?


Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

Right from the top-level

The true DNA of any organization lies within its top-level management team, including the founders and managing directors – and that’s where the foundation stone of data-driven culture should be implanted. Implementing something new and offbeat is intimidating, but when the company leaders promote it, the idea gains familiarity and merges with other data-driven decisions.


Employees need to feel empowered – then only they can independently mine data and share crucial findings with colleagues and seniors without asking for help from the IT guys. A common misconception that exists around is that data analytics is a cumbersome task which requires heavy involvement from IT- but in reality, things are changing – BI tools are being revamped to make users more independent and self-sufficient to take better business decisions.

Time and again, it’s important for the executive management to show some token of appreciation to employees for their hard work. It is in these subtle ways the data-driven culture gets promoted across company walls.



Sharing is caring

Now, the data siloes come into the picture. Once employees are comfortable with using data and bearing the fruits of success – insights need to be shared across the business fronts to draw a much larger picture.  Not only it promotes cross-team and departmental collaboration, but also brings in newer data into the limelight that wouldn’t have been possible before. Hence, sharing of insights is crucial for business success.

From the above discussion it is clear, insights gained from data is extensively beneficial for business, as they offer new answers for innovation and development. However, achieving data nirvana is no mean feat – the steps highlighted above should be followed, and then only the companies would be able to achieve their desired goal, i.e. a seamless data-driven culture.

Accelerate your career with business analyst training Delhi NCR. DexLab Analytics offers 360-degree Data Science Online training in Delhi – interested candidates please visit the website.


5 Ways to Grab the Hottest Job in Town

Even though it’s expected that the unemployment rate will follow a steep decline, yet finding the right job can still be challenging enough. On the other hand, hiring the right candidate is also an equally difficult task.

5 Ways to Grab the Hottest Job in Town

At times, it may seem your job search not working. You are sending resume after resume for matching job positions, but nothing fruitful is coming out. Then you start giving it a thought, why is this happening? How come, others are getting new gigs and you are stuck in the same mundane job or still looking for one!


In some cases, you might need to learn new skills or receive any particular kind of training, but in a majority of cases there are plenty of normal things that you can do to boost your candidacy. Some are right here, please take a look:



Make your LinkedIn Profile attractive as much as possible

Internet is everything now. Probably, you have been busy devoting a lot of time on building a powerful resume, but instead you should create a good, powerful LinkedIn profile with updated information. Having an optimized profile helps you gain the interest of notable recruiters who are in search for people like you. Include a summary, a headline, a photo and specializations, so that it pleases anyone who visits your profile.

Be a complete standout

A promising candidate should have all the attributes of being competent, adaptable, flexible, collaborative and influential. Flexibility is the key to success and a fuller career.

Do your homework before interview

Culture fit is essential.  A certain skillset can be taught, but the zeal to do homework on the company you are going for an interview cannot be taught. That you have to develop on your own. Recruiters appreciate people who do homework on the respective company and frame answers about how they can be an asset to the company. It’s always advisable to do your homework. Applicants whose answers are down to earth, authentic and show passion stands out in any interview.

Go get a personal website

The best way to impress your employers or recruiters is by having a personal website – with just one URL, you can allow hiring managers derive a whole lot of information about yourself and your work. And if you are looking forward to change your career path, you can flaunt your new passion in a great way on your personal platform.

Tap into your network

Every company receives a lot of internal referrals for recruiting and some of them are quite successful. Through this procedure, they make it sure that they find the right candidates for designated job positions. Hence, networking matters – let your network know what kind of job you are looking for. You never know which conversation will lead you where – because here every interaction is seen as an opportunity. So, just don’t waste it in vain.



Today, jobs in the field of data science and big data are flourishing. More and more interested candidates are getting trained to join the bandwagon of data analytics. DexLab Analytics is a premium data science learning platform that offers in-depth training on all major data related in-demand courses. Their data science training online is excellent. Get all the details from the website.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

How Big Data is Influencing the Sports Industry?

Imagine you have stepped off the field, and your team has lost. Obviously you can look at it as a failure, but if you closely introspect, you could look at it as an opportunity to improve. Why? Because of those embedded sensors in your jersey that are tracking your every move, and proper data analysis of that data will help you get better in the next game.

How Big Data is Influencing the Sports Industry?

Yes, you heard it right – data plays a key role in the world of sports. Collected data now guides team towards victory. Whether you are a cricket fanatic or a rugby supporter, you will find several instances that would show how big data is influencing this mega industry. Today, the professional sports industry stands at a whooping value of $90 billion – just as other industry domains are utilizing the power of big data and putting it to good use, why should sports industry lag behind? They also are looking for ways to enhance their athlete’s performance and improve organizations’ and fans’ total experience. Continue reading “How Big Data is Influencing the Sports Industry?”

3 Ways to Increase ROI with Data Science

3 Ways to Increase ROI with Data Science

In 2018, companies have decided to invest $3.7 trillion on machine learning and digital transformation so as to embrace a promising return on that sizeable investment for professionals involved in managerial roles. Nevertheless, 31% of the companies using the potent tools of machine learning and data science are not yet tracking their ROI or are in no mood to do so in the near future.

But to be on the side, ROI is very crucial for any business success – if you fail to see the ROI you expect from data science implementation, look into bigger and complex processes at work – and adjust likewise.


Take cues from these 3 ways, explained below:

Implementing data science strategy into C-Suite

According to Gartner, by next year 90% of big companies would hire a Chief Data Officer, a promising role that was almost nonexistent a few years ago. Of late, the term C-Suite is gaining a lot of importance – but what does it mean? C-Suite basically gets its name from a series of titles of top level executives who job profile name starts with the letter C, like Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Information Officer. The recent addition of CDO to the C-Suite has been channelized to develop a holistic strategy towards managing data and unveil new trends and opportunities that the company has been attempted to tab for years.

The core responsibility of a CDO is to address a proper data management strategy and then decode it into simple, implementable steps for business operations. Its prime time to integrate data science into bigger processes of business, and soon company heads are realizing this fact and working towards it.

Your time and resources are valuable, don’t waste them

Before formulating any strategy, CDOs need to ensure the pool of professionals working with data have proper access to the desired data tools and support or not. One common problem that persists is that the data science work that takes place within an organization is done on silo, and therefore remains lost or underutilized. This needs to be worked out.

Also, besides giving special attention on transparency, data science software platforms are working towards standardizing data scientists’ efforts by limiting their resources for a given project, thereby ensuing cost savings. In this era of digitization, once you start managing your data science teams efficiently, half the battle is won then and there.

Stay committed to success

Implementing a sophisticated data science model into production process can be a challenging, lengthy and expensive process. Any kind of big, complicated project will take years to get completed but once they do, you expect to see the ROI you desire from data science but the journey might not be all doodle. It will have its own ups and downs, but if you stay committed and deploy the right tools of technology, better outcome is meant to happen.

In a nutshell, boosting of ROI is crucial for business success but the best way to trigger it would be by getting a bird’s eye view of your data science strategy, which will help in predicting success accurately and thus help taking ROI-supported decisions.

If you are looking for a good data analyst training institute in Delhi NCR, end your search with DexLab Analytics. Their data analyst certification is student-friendly and right on the point.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
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To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Technology is Bringing off the Best for Students, Here’s how

Technology is omnipresent. And when it comes to imparting engineering education, technology is the meat and potatoes. Gone are the days of traditional teaching methods practiced within the walls of a classroom, following a set of particular curriculum. They have become a history. These days, technology-powered smart classes are in – they keep students enticed and hooked into learning. Laptops, smartphones and tablets have made gaining access to knowledge anywhere anytime downright easy. Not only that, access to education has enhanced versatility in the form of videos, audios and images that are available right at our fingertips through smartphones and tablets.

Technology is Bringing off the Best for Students, Here’s how

Technology is taking a new shape, each day. None other than ace modern engineers and scientists understands this better, and as a result, they try adopting innovative technologies for better, powerful future harnessing newer opportunities.

Continue reading “Technology is Bringing off the Best for Students, Here’s how”

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