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The Data of Fashion! How Chanel Turned Their Fashion Show Into a Data Centre?

In the Paris Fashion Week, Karl Lagerfield Chanel’s creative director and owner of a custom USD 25,000 worth Apple watch transformed the majestic interiors of the Grand Palais arching with regal charm into a makeshift data centre. Long tangles of Ethernet cords spewed from server stacks and had models running about clad in haute couture along with an odd pairing of a robot helmet! As they strutted down the stark white runway, it seemed like the futuristic fashion show from the Capitol of the Hunger Games.


The idea behind his creation was to juxtapose computer gear with fashionable clothes. Also the attendees assume that this fashion demonstration was a subtle hint (which was not so subtle) at them many of whom have recorded the entire show on their smart phones populating the data farms of Facebook and Instagram. 


The event opened with two robots walking out to the runway while the song I feel love by Donna Summers played in the backdrop of the Grand Palais hall with its interior decked up to resemble a data centre.




That was followed by a host of other cat-walking models with the same data centre theme at the background. Continue reading “The Data of Fashion! How Chanel Turned Their Fashion Show Into a Data Centre?”

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