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How Data Analytics Influences Holiday Retail Experience [Video]

Thanksgiving was right here! Half of the globe witnessed some crazy shopping kicking off the entire holiday season, and retailers had a whale of a time, offering luscious discounts and consumer gifts at half the prices.

How Data Analytics Influences Holiday Retail Experience

Before the weekend Thanksgiving sale, 69% of Americans, close to 164 million people across the US were estimated to shop– and they had planned to shell out up to 3.4% more money as compared to last year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. The forecasts came from National Retail Federation’s annual survey, headed by Prosper Insights & Analytics.

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Internet of Things: It’s Much More Than What It Appears to Be

Internet of Things: It’s Much More Than What It Appears to Be

What’s all the hype about “the next big thing”? Have you got it yet? Nope? It’s not owing to a lack of imagination, but an observation.

Currently, the Internet of Things is the big buzz. It’s all about enhancing machine-to-machine communication – being structured on cloud computing and systems of data-gathering sensors, the connection is entirely virtual, mobile and instantaneous.

Big Data And The Internet Of Things – @Dexlabanalytics.

What is IoT?

In simple terms, the concept of IoT stresses on connecting any device with the Internet – including cellphones, headphones, washing machines, lamps, coffee makers, wearable devices and almost anything that comes in your mind. The IoT is a colossal network of connected Things (inclusive of people) – the famous analyst firm Gartner says by 2020 there will be more than 26 billion connected devices in this world.

Explaining the Everlasting Bond between Data and Risk Analytics – @Dexlabanalytics.

What makes it so popular?

As we now know, IoT is a network of things and people, where communication takes place through numerous wireless and wired technologies and it comes with a wide set of advantages. Following are some of the advantages of this new breed of technology:

A better, less-complicated life

Imagine a life, where what you seek will be delivered to you right away, before you even ask for it. It may appear to you that you are dropped right into a scene from your favorite sci-fi movie or novel – the moment your morning alarm starts ringing, your bathtub automatically starts getting filled with hot water; when you leave your home, the lights get turned off automatically and doors lock itself on its own; your car takes you to the office through the less-congested roadway and when you return home, your home lights automatically start to switch on and lastly your air conditioner adjusts the temperature of your room once you are ready to hit the bed. Proper use of IoT makes your life easier and effortlessly simple.

Is Change the Only Constant: How Analytics has Changed, while Staying the Same Over the Last Decade – @Dexlabanalytics.

Less accident, better safety

How would it be if for an example you get a heart attack while driving back home and your smartwatch detects it and deploys autopilot mode in your car so that it straightaway takes you directly to the nearest hospital? On the way, your cellphone can dial up the hospital staffs and inform them about the current condition of the patient to help you get the best treatment possible.

Harnessing the power of data

Utilizing the power of data is awesome. Harnessing data to simplify things is the next best thing in today’s world. Living a life straight out of sci-fi movies is awesome, but practically, there’s still some time left for IoT to become a hardcore reality. Once IoT makes its way into our lives, a set of smart devices powered by sensors will take charge and make almost everything possible – whether it’s switching on the AC automatically when a person enters the room or driving a car to a destination without any driver.

IoT helps in taking better decisions in the best interest for businesses

Beyond making your lives easier, IoT possesses a bunch of capabilities – it’s a robust technology that collects the most valuable resource, i.e. data. Data helps businesses take better, well-informed decisions. 

Of all the recent technological developments, Internet of Things is considered to be one of the biggest trends to watch out for. In the next 5 years, it’s going to change lives forever!

To know more about the Internet of Things and more such digital trends, why don’t you settle for a good business analytics course in Delhi! DexLab Analytics is a premier Data Science training institute Gurgaon that offers hands-on experience to students alike.


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To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Discover the Best Industries to Have a Career in Data Science


Data fires up everything, nowadays. And data science is gaining exceptional traction in the job world, as data analytics, machine learning, big data, and data mining are fetching relevance in the mainstream tech world. By 2025, it is being expected that data science industry will reach $16 billion in value – this is why landing a job in data science domain is the next big thing!

The skills you will imbibe as a data scientist would be incredible, powerful and extremely valuable. You can easily a bag a dream job in corporate moguls, like Coca-Cola, Uber, Ford Motors and IBM, as well as play a significant role in any pro-social or philanthropic endeavors to make this world a better place to live in.

Check out these extremely interesting fields you could start your career in data science:


No wonder, science and medicine are intricately related to each other. As the technology pushes boundaries, more and more companies are recommitting themselves towards a better public health by nabbing biotechnology. Being a data scientist, you would help in unraveling newer ways of studying large amounts of data – including machine learning, semantic and interactive technologies. Eventually, they would influence treatments, drugs-usage, testing procedures and much more.



Power industry functions on data – and tons of it. Whether it’s about extracting mineral wealth from the earth’s crust or transporting crude oil or planning better storage facilities, the demand for data scientists is on the rise. Just as expanding oil fields ask for humongous amounts of data study, installing and refining cleaner energy production facilities relies on data about the natural environment and ways of modern construction. Data scientists are often given a ring to enhance safety standards and help companies recommit themselves towards better safety and environmental regulations.


Recently, transportation is undergoing a robust change. For example, Tesla paved a new road of development and turned countless heads by unveiling a long-haul truck that could drive on its own. Though it’s not the first time, they are prone to lead the change.

Beyond self-driving vehicle technology, the transportation industry is looking for more efficient ways to preserve and transport energy. These advancements in technology works wonders when combined with better battery technology development – in simple terms, every individual field in transportation industry is believed to benefit from a motley team of data scientists.



The internet is not only about tubes, but all about data. The future of the internet is here, with ever-increasing networks of satellites and user devices establishing communication through blockchain. Though they are yet to be used on large-scale, they have started making news. In situations like this, it would be difficult not to highlight the importance of data science and data architecture as they are becoming major influencers in the internet world. Whenever there is a dire need to make the public aware of a new product, we rely on user data – hence the role of data scientists is the key to a better future.

Today, data science is an interesting field to explore, and it is going to play an integral role as the stride in technology and globalization keeps expanding its base. If you have a keen eye for numbers, charts, patterns and analytics, this niche is perfectly suitable for you.

DexLab Analytics is a prime Data Science training institute Delhi that excels in offering advanced business analyst training courses in Gurgaon. Visit our official site for more information and make a mark in data analytics!


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Write ETL Jobs to Offload the Data Warehouse Using Apache Spark

Write ETL Jobs to Offload the Data Warehouse Using Apache Spark

The surge of Big Data is everywhere. The evolving trends in BI have taken the world in its stride and a lot of organizations are now taking the initiative of exploring how all this fits in.

Leverage data ecosystem to its full potential and invest in the right technology pieces – it’s important to think ahead so as to reap maximum benefits in IT in the long-run.

“By 2020, information will be used to reinvent, digitalize or eliminate 80% of business processes and products from a decade earlier.” – Gartner’s prediction put it so right!

The following architecture diagram entails a conceptual design – it helps you leverage the computing power of Hadoop ecosystem from your conventional BI/ Data warehousing handles coupled with real time analytics and data science (data warehouses are now called data lakes).


In this post, we will discuss how to write ETL jobs to offload data warehouse using PySpark API from the genre of Apache Spark. Spark with its lightning-fast speed in data processing complements Hadoop.

Now, as we are focusing on ETL job in this blog, let’s introduce you to a parent and a sub-dimension (type 2) table from MySQL database, which we will merge now to impose them on a single dimension table in Hive with progressive partitions.

Stay away from snow-flaking, while constructing a warehouse on hive. It will reduce useless joins as each join task generates a map task.

Just to raise your level of curiosity, the output on Spark deployment alone in this example job is 1M+rows/min.

The Employee table (300,024 rows) and a Salaries table (2,844,047 rows) are two sources – here employee’s salary records are kept in a type 2 fashion on ‘from_date’ and ‘to_date’ columns. The main target table is a functional Hive table with partitions, developed on year (‘to_date’) from Salaries table and Load date as current date. Constructing the table with such potent partition entails better organization of data and improves the queries from current employees, provided the to_date’ column has end date as ‘9999-01-01’ for all current records.

The rationale is simple: Join the two tables and add load_date and year columns, followed by potent partition insert into a hive table.

Check out how the DAG will look:


Next to version 1.4 Spark UI conjures up the physical execution of a job as Direct Acyclic Graph (the diagram above), similar to an ETL workflow. So, for this blog, we have constructed Spark 1.5 with Hive and Hadoop 2.6.0

Go through this code to complete your job easily: it is easily explained as well as we have provided the runtime parameters within the job, preferably they are parameterized.

Code: MySQL to Hive ETL Job

__author__ = 'udaysharma'
# File Name:
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, HiveContext
from pyspark.sql import functions as sqlfunc

# Define database connection parameters
MYSQL_DRIVER_PATH = "/usr/local/spark/python/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-bin.jar"
MYSQL_PASSWORD = '********'
MYSQL_CONNECTION_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/employees?user=" + MYSQL_USERNAME+"&password="+MYSQL_PASSWORD 

# Define Spark configuration
conf = SparkConf()
conf.set("spark.executor.memory", "1g")

# Initialize a SparkContext and SQLContext
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
sql_ctx = SQLContext(sc)

# Initialize hive context
hive_ctx = HiveContext(sc)

# Source 1 Type: MYSQL
# Schema Name  : EMPLOYEE
# Table Name   : EMPLOYEES
# + --------------------------------------- +
# + --------------------------------------- +
# | EMP_NO     | INT          | PRIMARY KEY |
# | BIRTH_DATE | DATE         |             |
# | FIRST_NAME | VARCHAR(14)  |             |
# | LAST_NAME  | VARCHAR(16)  |             |
# | GENDER     | ENUM('M'/'F')|             |
# | HIRE_DATE  | DATE         |             |
# + --------------------------------------- +
df_employees = sql_ctx.load(

# Source 2 Type : MYSQL
# Schema Name   : EMPLOYEE
# Table Name    : SALARIES
# + -------------------------------- +
# + -------------------------------- +
# | EMP_NO      | INT  | PRIMARY KEY |
# | SALARY      | INT  |             |
# | TO_DATE     | DATE |             |
# + -------------------------------- +
df_salaries = sql_ctx.load(

# Perform INNER JOIN on  the two data frames on EMP_NO column
# As of Spark 1.4 you don't have to worry about duplicate column on join result
df_emp_sal_join = df_employees.join(df_salaries, "emp_no").select("emp_no", "birth_date", "first_name",
                                                             "last_name", "gender", "hire_date",
                                                             "salary", "from_date", "to_date")

# Adding a column 'year' to the data frame for partitioning the hive table
df_add_year = df_emp_sal_join.withColumn('year', F.year(df_emp_sal_join.to_date))

# Adding a load date column to the data frame
df_final = df_add_year.withColumn('Load_date', F.current_date())


# Registering data frame as a temp table for SparkSQL
hive_ctx.registerDataFrameAsTable(df_final, "EMP_TEMP")

# Target Type: APACHE HIVE
# Database   : EMPLOYEES
# Table Name : EMPLOYEE_DIM
# + ------------------------------- +
# + ------------------------------- +
# | EMP_NO     | INT    |           |
# | BIRTH_DATE | DATE   |           |
# | FIRST_NAME | STRING |           |
# | LAST_NAME  | STRING |           |
# | GENDER     | STRING |           |
# | HIRE_DATE  | DATE   |           |
# | SALARY     | INT    |           |
# | FROM_DATE  | DATE   |           |
# | TO_DATE    | DATE   |           |
# | YEAR       | INT    | PRIMARY   |
# | LOAD_DATE  | DATE   | SUB       |
# + ------------------------------- +
# Storage Format: ORC

# Inserting data into the Target table
            SALARY, FROM_DATE, TO_DATE, year, Load_date FROM EMP_TEMP")

As we have the necessary configuration mentioned in our code, we will simply call to run this job


As soon as the job is run, our targeted table will consist 2844047 rows just as expected and this is how the partitions will appear:





The best part is that – the entire process gets over within 2-3 mins..

For more such interesting blogs and updates, follow us at DexLab Analytics. We are a premium Big Data Hadoop institute in Gurgaon catering to the needs of aspiring candidates. Opt for our comprehensive Hadoop certification in Delhi and crack such codes in a jiffy!


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality

Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality

Scientists across the globe are looking forward towards formulating new methods to realize ‘quantum internet’, an unhackable internet, which connects particles linked together by the principle of quantum entanglement. In simple terms, quantum internet will entail multiple particles striking information at each other in the form of quantum signals – but specialists are yet to figure out what it actually does beyond that. The term ‘quantum internet’ is quite sketchy at this moment. There’s no real definition of it as of now.

Continue reading “Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality”

Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?

Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?


Today, Pelle Braendgaard writes distributed applications, or “DApps,” for Ethereum—a cryptography-based technology that is waiting to make an impact. It’s similar to the green field of 1990’s web, providing similar opportunities as then.

The birth of DApps

If people at all know about Ethereum, it is as Bitcoin’s first cousin that stands for everything experimental and of course Braendgaard, who is widely acclaimed as the old-guard programmer. The price of Ether, the coin underlying Ethereum, has spiked up by over a factor of 20 in the last 6 months. Unfortunately, on the zest to become rich quickly, many of us have overlooked Ethereum’s prominent significance. More than just being a new type of digital currency, Ethereum has developed into a new breed of distributed computer, which no one can control but can see inside out. Through this computer, a new creed of applications is launched -“DApps”.

Continue reading “Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?”

Tracing Success in the New Age of Data Science

Each year, pronouncements are made. And each year, a particular job field rides high above the tides of fortune.
For 2017, Data Scientist jobs seem to be #1 Best Job in India. Several magazines and research associates have put Data Scientist jobs at #1 position. No wonder, data science jobs are the hottest jobs in today’s market, hopefully in future too.
So, how do you become a good data scientist? Affordable Data Science Training Course in Gurgaon is now available in India that too quite easily. DexLab Analytics is one such institute that offers state-of-the-art data science training facilities for young aspiring candidates.

Get hold of SAS skills

If you are aware of the top data science skills, you must have known that statistical analysis and data mining calls for SAS specialization. SAS plays an important role in all these disciplines. It has been the pioneer and the most reliable software suit, and for a long time enjoying the monopoly position.

However, since the advent of R and Python, the powerful open source competitors, it is true that the growth curve of SAS has been little but hampered. Nevertheless SAS skills still boast of astounding demand all over the world.

SAS training courses help you understand the nuances of data science. Nowadays, these training’s are not too difficult to find, myriad institutes offer online and classroom training for its students on a regular basis. It is no more too difficult to get a grip on the fundamentals of this subject matter.

The number speaks of positivity

It would be like mine 11th commandment – there is a shortage of data science jobs. It is being predicted that there could be a shortage of 200,000 data scientists by 2020, and this is for real. Indian market is an emerging economy, though data science may not be so famous here as it is in the US, yet I am proud to say that the importance of this field is on the rise.

The survey says – the global demand for data scientists grew by more than 50% in between 2014 and 2015, while the searches have increased by 73%.

The skills you require to possess

By analyzing a whole lot of LinkedIn job postings, we have come to a conclusion that there are 5 high-in demand skills that you need to master in order to ace in data analytics – SQL, Hadoop, Python, Java, and R. Apart from these five, you also need to be quite proficient in Data Visualization and statistics, and try to bring out your creative side to the front.

How much difficult is it to choose a data analytics course?

Make sure, you know what you want, very clearly. Prepare yourself well, before getting into any course. Experience matters, but before that you need encompassing training on the subject matter that can only be offered by a pioneering institute of data science. However, before investing money and your time, check properly if the curriculum satisfies your needs. The material needs to be crisp, to the point and in line with the current industry standards.

DexLab Analytics is a top-of-the-line data science training institute in Gurgaon, offering high-in demand courses on analytics. For any assistance, reach us.

Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Business Intelligence: Now Every Person Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions

The fascinating world of Business Intelligence is expanding. The role of data scientists is evolving. The mysticism associated with data analytics is breaking off, making a way for non-technical background people to understand and dig deeper into the nuances and metrics of data science.
Business Intelligence: Now Every Person Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions

“Data democratization is about creating an environment where every person who can use data to make better decisions, has access to the data they need when they need it,” says Amir Orad, CEO of BI software company Sisense. Data is not to be limited only in the hands of data scientists, employees throughout the organization should have easy access to data, as and when required.

Continue reading “Business Intelligence: Now Every Person Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions”

Data Science: Is It the Right Answer?

‘Big Data’, and then there is ‘Data Science’. These terms are found everywhere, but there is a constant issue lingering with their effectiveness. How effective is data science? Is Big Data an overhyped concept stealing the thunder?

Summing this up, Tim Harford stated in a leading financial magazine –“Big Data has arrived, but big insights have not.” Well, to be precise, Data Science nor Big Data are to be blamed for this, whereas the truth is there exists a lot of data around, but in different places. The aggregation of data is difficult and time-consuming.

Look for Data analyst course in Gurgaon at DexLab Analytics.

Statistically, Data science may be the next-big-thing, but it is yet to become mainstream. Though prognosticators predict 50% of organizations are going to use Data Science in 2017, more practical visionaries put the numbers closer to 15%. Big Data is hard, but it is Data Science that is even harder. Gartner reports, “Only 15% organizations are able to channelize Data Science to production.” – The reason being the gap existing between Data Science expectations and reality.

Big Data is relied upon so extensively that companies have started to expect more than it can actually deliver. Additionally, analytics-generated insights are easier to be replicated – of late, we studied a financial services company where we found a model based on Big Data technology only to learn later that the developers had already developed similar models for several other banks. It means, duplication is to be expected largely.

However, Big Data is the key to Data Science success. For years, the market remained exhilarated about Big Data. Yet, years after big data infused into Hadoop, Spark, etc., Data Science is nowhere near a 50% adoption rate. To get the best out of this revered technology, organizations need vast pools of data and not the latest algorithms. But the biggest reason for Big Data failure is that most of the companies cannot muster in the information they have, properly. They don’t know how to manage it, evaluate it in the exact ways that amplify their understanding, and bring in changes according to newer insights developed. Companies never automatically develop these competencies; they first need to know how to use the data in the correct manner in their mainframe systems, much the way he statisticians’ master arithmetic before they start on with algebra. So, unless and until a company learns to derive out the best from its data and analysis, Data Science has no role to play.

Even if companies manage to get past the above mentioned hurdles, they fail miserably in finding skillful data scientists, who are the right guys for the job in question. Veritable data scientists are rare to find these days. Several universities are found offering Data Science programs for the learners, but instead of focusing on the theoretical approach, Data Science is a more practical discipline. Classroom training is not what you should be looking for. Seek for a premier Data analyst training institute and grab the fundamentals of Data Science. DexLab Analytics is here with its amazing analyst courses in Delhi. Get enrolled today to outshine your peers and leave an imprint in the bigger Big Data community for long.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

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