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3 Stages of a Reliable Data Science Solution to Attack Business Problems

Today, businesses are in a rat race to derive relevant intuition and make best use of their data. Several notable organizations are skimming with cutting edge data science terms and resolving intricate problems (some being more successful than others).


3 Stages of a Reliable Data Science Solution to Attack Business Problems


However, the crux lies in determining the present stage of data science your organization has embraced, followed by ascertainment of the desired level of data science.

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Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality

Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality

Scientists across the globe are looking forward towards formulating new methods to realize ‘quantum internet’, an unhackable internet, which connects particles linked together by the principle of quantum entanglement. In simple terms, quantum internet will entail multiple particles striking information at each other in the form of quantum signals – but specialists are yet to figure out what it actually does beyond that. The term ‘quantum internet’ is quite sketchy at this moment. There’s no real definition of it as of now.

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Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?

Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?


Today, Pelle Braendgaard writes distributed applications, or “DApps,” for Ethereum—a cryptography-based technology that is waiting to make an impact. It’s similar to the green field of 1990’s web, providing similar opportunities as then.

The birth of DApps

If people at all know about Ethereum, it is as Bitcoin’s first cousin that stands for everything experimental and of course Braendgaard, who is widely acclaimed as the old-guard programmer. The price of Ether, the coin underlying Ethereum, has spiked up by over a factor of 20 in the last 6 months. Unfortunately, on the zest to become rich quickly, many of us have overlooked Ethereum’s prominent significance. More than just being a new type of digital currency, Ethereum has developed into a new breed of distributed computer, which no one can control but can see inside out. Through this computer, a new creed of applications is launched -“DApps”.

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Automation Doesn’t Necessarily Make Humans Obsolete, Here’s Why

Machines are going to eat our jobs.


AI is handling insurance claims and basic bookkeeping, maintaining investment portfolios, doing preliminary HR tasks, and performing extensive legal research and lot more. So, do humans stand a chance against the automation apocalypse, where everything, almost everything will be controlled by robots?

Automation Doesn’t Necessarily Make Humans Obsolete, Here’s Why

What do you think? You might be worried about your future job opportunities and universal basic income, but I would ask you to draw a clearer picture about this competing theory – because, in the end, this question might not even be a plausible and completely valid question. Why, I will tell you now.

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Televisory Launches Data Analytics & Operational Benchmarking Platform

Televisory Launches Data Analytics & Operational Benchmarking Platform

Televisory, a start-up based out of India and Singapore, has launched its data analytics and operational benchmarking platform. The platform can measure real-time operational and financial performance of companies. While the firm has chosen to launch its platform from the US, its services are available globally.

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Data Journalism: What is it and how it works

The internet has killed some newspapers’ lunch, but it also presented them something truly remarkable – Data Journalism.

Data Journalism: What is it and how it works

Introducing Data Journalism

Data journalism is an amalgamation of a nosy reporter’s news sniffing capabilities and a statistician’s fondness for data analysis. By scrounging through vast amounts of data sets that are available through extensive connectivity, data journalists are using this data to etch out interesting stories.

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Business Intelligence: Now Every Person Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions

The fascinating world of Business Intelligence is expanding. The role of data scientists is evolving. The mysticism associated with data analytics is breaking off, making a way for non-technical background people to understand and dig deeper into the nuances and metrics of data science.
Business Intelligence: Now Every Person Can Use Data to Make Better Decisions

“Data democratization is about creating an environment where every person who can use data to make better decisions, has access to the data they need when they need it,” says Amir Orad, CEO of BI software company Sisense. Data is not to be limited only in the hands of data scientists, employees throughout the organization should have easy access to data, as and when required.

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Speaking with Tanmoy Ganguli, the expert Data Analyst Bringing Cutting Edge Technology to DexLab Analytics

Speaking with Tanmoy Ganguli, the expert Data Analyst Bringing Cutting Edge Technology to DexLab Analytics


DexLab Analytics is proud to announce that Tanmoy Ganguli, a proficient Data Analyst who has a long standing experience in Credit Risk Modelling, SAS and regression models is joining our Gurgaon institute as Program Director. Here are some excerpts from an interview we conducted, where he talks about the various challenges he faced in his career and the rapid development of Data Analytics.

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A Lead to Future: Data Analytics in Pune


“Big data analytics will help bridge India’s tax gap.” Economic Times

India’s Growing Big Data Future.” NDTV

“The Big News About Big Data.” NASSCOM

“Big data to boost job openings in 2017: Report” Tech Circle

“Big Data for the next green revolution.” Hindu Business Line

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