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For Long-term Digital Transformation Plan, Big Data is the Key

Big data and business analytics are like two sides of the same coin. Here, though the coin represents digital transformation – but reports from consulting and services firm HCL Technologies are pointing that many companies are not being able to harness these new-age technologies to their fullest capacities resulting in a loss of digital transformation efforts.

For Long-term Digital Transformation Plan, Big Data is the Key

When asked Anand Birje, the corporate vice president and head of HCL’s digital and analytics domain, he has this to say, “Over the past four or five years, enterprises were pushed hard to do anything in the field of analytics, big data and digital transformation. They were being pushed because there was this fear about what their competitors might be doing, so there was this feeling that they had to do something digital.”

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How to Secure Big data While Harnessing Its Big Power

The term Big Data stands for data that is humongous. Large volumes of data are being churned out every day to meet business needs.

How to Secure Big data While Harnessing Its Big Power

Business analytics is the bedrock of an organization. It uses data for proper analysis of business objectives, later on which helps in making better decisions and future profit generation. Also, it aids in determining the actual reasons of failures, re-evaluating risk portfolios, and detecting undergoing fraudulent activities before they swell up to affect business operations.

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Revising the Basics of Big Data Hadoop

Big data is a very powerful term nowadays. It seems to be a large amount of data. Big data means large amount of structured, unstructured, semi-structured data. We get data continuously from various data sources.

Revising the Basics of Big Data Hadoop

Just have a look on how we get data.


Nowadays we are living in a techno era in which we need to use technology so that’s why we are generating data. If you are doing any type of activity like – driving car, having some shakes in CCD, surfing internet, playing games, emails, social media, electronic media, everything plays a crucial role to develop big data.  Continue reading “Revising the Basics of Big Data Hadoop”

Time to Change the Game of Online Lending With AI and Big Data

Time to Change the Game of Online Lending With AI and Big Data

As digitization grows in size and width, more and more companies are seeking ways to modify their digital lending services. It would be effective as well as profitable for both borrowers and lenders. And as a topping on the cake, companies resort to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data as they believe they are the future powerhouse of loans.

Originally banks being the lenders make the lending decision based on a loan applicant’s credit score – which is a 3-digit number collected from renowned credit bureaus, like Equifax and Experian. Credit scores are obtained from large piles of data, such as credit history length, payment history and credit line amounts, and are used to decide whether the applicants would be able to repay their debts. They are also good to determine the interest rate of loans.


Low credit score is an indication that you are a risky borrower, which may end up in rejection of your loan application or else you have to pay excessively higher interest rate.

DexLab Analytics excels in providing superior business analysis training in Gurgaon. Visit the site for more information.

Artificial Intelligence: What the Future Holds for India, Next to US – @Dexlabanalytics.

However, according to digital lending platforms, this kind of information isn’t enough – they fail to draw the actual picture of the loan applicant’s credit worthiness. Rather, it is advisable to include hundred other data points in the scrutiny process, and they don’t have to be based on financial interactions alone. Include educational certifications, employment documents, and even you can take help from minor information, like your nap time, website browsing preferences, chatting habits and so on.

The mechanism of Peer-To-Peer Lending


At times, the concept of Big Data is downright challenging – it creates more confusion than clearing things out. Even Artificial Intelligence is included in this, though marketing teams of countless companies are relying on this advanced technology to enhance profitability and efficiency in operations – pundits from the online lending industry believes AI can actually change the way fintech companies perform.

Artificial Intelligence: Let’s Crack the Myths and Unfold the Future to You – @Dexlabanalytics.

Leveraging AI

For example, Upstart, a California-based Peer-to-Peer online lending company uses the power of AI to process loans. It implements machine learning algorithms to perform underwriting decisions. Machine Learning possesses the ability to analyze and coordinate large chunks of customer data to draw patterns that would remain unnoticed if done manually through human analysts.

According to Upstart, this process eventually works out well for people with limited credit history, lower income level and young borrowers. The company has also initiated an automation of 25% of its less risky loans to keep future prospects in mind.

Another Chicago-based startup Avant is harnessing machine learning to identify fraud – by comparing customer behavior with the initial available data belonging to normal customers, while singling out outliers. They are now planning to extend their services to brick-and-mortar banking structures that are planning to set their foot in the online lending business.

5 Hottest Online Applications Inspired by Artificial Intelligence – @Dexlabanalytics.

Today, digital lending is witnessing a steady growth worldwide, and India is not lagging behind. The perks of introducing machine learning and analytics are evident everywhere, so get yourself charged up and ride on the road of analytics. DexLab Analytics offers excellent big data hadoop certification in delhi ncr. Get enrolled today to experience the best!!


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To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

How to Devise a Big Data Architecture – Get Started

How to Devise a Big Data Architecture – Get Started

Designing Big Data architecture is no mean feat; rather it is a very challenging task, considering the variety, volume and velocity of data in today’s world. Coupled with the speed of technological innovations and drawing out competitive strategies, the job profile of a Big Data architect demands him to take the bull by the horns.

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4 Ways Airlines Industry Can Use Big Data for Better Customer Satisfaction

4Ways Airlines Industry Can Use Big Data for Better Customer Satisfaction

While waiting to board your plane, the last thing you would want to hear is – we regret to inform, your flight has been delayed or worse cancelled, leaving you exasperated at the very hour. Even though your flight takes off on time, while waiting in front of the baggage carousel, you may face some moments of anxiety before your bag arrives on time. Luckily, these distresses are now becoming a thing from the past.

Things are changing, and technology world is evolving drastically. By leveraging Big Data and technology upgrades, aircraft industry has been able to improve their operations and work more smoothly and accurately. In addition, the air travel industry is witnessing several benefits, in terms of revenue and consumer satisfaction.


Here are the ways in which airlines have been using data to derive maximum operational gains everyday:

Smart Maintenance

Wear and tear is common, even the most advanced airplane models equipped with superior technology require time to time maintenance. Owing to this, travelers may experience delays – as per 2014 survey data, mechanical glitches were the second most reason for the majority of flight cancellations and delays. Maintenance takes its toll on airlines potential as the planes need to be grounded for repairing.

With Big Data, airlines can easily track their planes, predict crucial repairs to be done, and provide advice about which parts need to be bought ahead of time and which to keep in reserve on hand for last minute technical issues.


Reducing Jet Fuel Use

It is impossible to predict how much fuel is used onboard for any given route, historically. But Big Data analytics and cloud data storage has made the impossible possible – you can now track how much fuel is being consumed by each airplane, while taking all the factors into consideration. This paves the way for airlines to draw predictions about the amount of fuel required for a trip to how many number of passengers can board at once.

Taking the Boarding Decisions

Remember, airlines lose if they fly with empty seats, so it’s in their best interest to get everyone onboard. With the help of real-time data, airlines can now easily decide whether to wait for a passenger or leave on time so as not to harass other passengers who might catch connecting flights. Smart boarding is now the key, gone are the days when decisions used to be based on instincts. It’s time to enhance efficiency and performance.


Tracking Bags

Travelers who travelled before had to be hopeful about their luggage making it back to them. But now, Big Data revolution and tracking technology has changed a lot of things. Nowadays, airlines ensure its travelers the peace of mind that they will surely receive their luggage as promised.  Delta is the first airline that offered tracking data facility for its passengers, using an app format. Customers can easily monitor their bag, reducing the uncertainty revolving luggage arrival.


Flight operations, crew operations, marketing and air cargo are some areas in airlines industry that boast of rich opportunities for Big Data solutions implementation. In our modern economy, competition is at its peak. To make your airfare rates cheaper and save big on jet fuel, shaking hands with Big Data technology is imperative.

Get Big Data Hadoop certification in Gurgaon from DexLab Analytics. We are a specialized institute to offer Big Data Hadoop courses for budding professionals.


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To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Data Science: Is It the Right Answer?

‘Big Data’, and then there is ‘Data Science’. These terms are found everywhere, but there is a constant issue lingering with their effectiveness. How effective is data science? Is Big Data an overhyped concept stealing the thunder?

Summing this up, Tim Harford stated in a leading financial magazine –“Big Data has arrived, but big insights have not.” Well, to be precise, Data Science nor Big Data are to be blamed for this, whereas the truth is there exists a lot of data around, but in different places. The aggregation of data is difficult and time-consuming.

Look for Data analyst course in Gurgaon at DexLab Analytics.

Statistically, Data science may be the next-big-thing, but it is yet to become mainstream. Though prognosticators predict 50% of organizations are going to use Data Science in 2017, more practical visionaries put the numbers closer to 15%. Big Data is hard, but it is Data Science that is even harder. Gartner reports, “Only 15% organizations are able to channelize Data Science to production.” – The reason being the gap existing between Data Science expectations and reality.

Big Data is relied upon so extensively that companies have started to expect more than it can actually deliver. Additionally, analytics-generated insights are easier to be replicated – of late, we studied a financial services company where we found a model based on Big Data technology only to learn later that the developers had already developed similar models for several other banks. It means, duplication is to be expected largely.

However, Big Data is the key to Data Science success. For years, the market remained exhilarated about Big Data. Yet, years after big data infused into Hadoop, Spark, etc., Data Science is nowhere near a 50% adoption rate. To get the best out of this revered technology, organizations need vast pools of data and not the latest algorithms. But the biggest reason for Big Data failure is that most of the companies cannot muster in the information they have, properly. They don’t know how to manage it, evaluate it in the exact ways that amplify their understanding, and bring in changes according to newer insights developed. Companies never automatically develop these competencies; they first need to know how to use the data in the correct manner in their mainframe systems, much the way he statisticians’ master arithmetic before they start on with algebra. So, unless and until a company learns to derive out the best from its data and analysis, Data Science has no role to play.

Even if companies manage to get past the above mentioned hurdles, they fail miserably in finding skillful data scientists, who are the right guys for the job in question. Veritable data scientists are rare to find these days. Several universities are found offering Data Science programs for the learners, but instead of focusing on the theoretical approach, Data Science is a more practical discipline. Classroom training is not what you should be looking for. Seek for a premier Data analyst training institute and grab the fundamentals of Data Science. DexLab Analytics is here with its amazing analyst courses in Delhi. Get enrolled today to outshine your peers and leave an imprint in the bigger Big Data community for long.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
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To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Top 4 Best Big Data Jobs to Look For in 2017

Data is now produced at an incredible rate – right from online shopping to browsing through social media platforms to navigating through GPS-enabled smartphones, data is being accessed everywhere. Big Data professionals now fathom the enormous business opportunities by perusing petabytes of data, which was impossible to grasp previously. Organizations are taking the best advantage of this situation and rushing to make the best of these revelations about.


Big data courses are now available in India. DexLab Analytics is the one providing such advanced Big Data Hadoop certification in Gurgaon.

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Move Your Career towards Big Data Analytics: The Future Looks Bright

Move Your Career towards Big Data Analytics: The Future Looks Bright

With state-of-the-art technology looming on the horizon, the $150-billion Indian IT industry has a high appetite for workers accomplished in the fields, like AI, Data Science, Big Data, and more.

Soon, it wouldn’t be enough to flash an engineering degree or some minor knowledge in Java or Python – the need for data science and artificial intelligence is on the rise. Automation is going to be the key to change. Globally, 12% of employers have started thinking of downsizing their workforce owing to technological advancement. Amidst all this, don’t think India would be spared. Indian bosses fear automation will reduce their headcount too. But fret not, it’s not all a bad news – there is always a silver lining after rains and that is Big Data jobs.


Shine bright with Big Data

In India, the number of job openings in the Analytics field almost doubled from the last year. Digital natives, like Amazon, Citi, HCL, IBM, and Accenture are waiting to fill close to 50000 positions, according to a study conducted by Analytics India Magazine and Edvancer. All these definitely signify parting off the dark clouds, and I can’t agree more!


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are building a base of its own. Moreover, AI is deemed to be the hottest technical sector in the next 5 years and would beam in success. Along with top-of-the-line tech firms, more than 170 startups have transfixed their gaze on this field. To surf on the next wave of IT jobs, candidates need to step aside from low-in-demand stale skills to excel on budding Analytics skills. Every single HR Manager out there is seeking professionals who can manipulate algorithms and work wonders in various machine-learning models and you can be one of them!

Get better, get evolved

Expertise in languages, like Java/C/C++ gives you a certain edge, but to enter the dominating field of Big Data, techies will be asked to master intricate languages, such as Scala and Hive that are less conventional. Millennial recruiters are also looking out for those who have a keen insight for good design and flawless code architecture. “Programmers who focus on good design principals are always preferred over programmers who can just code,” Rajat Vashishta, founder of Falcon Minds, a resume consulting firm, says. “User experience matters a lot more than it used to, say, five years ago.”100793293-102628471r.1910x1000

Where skills in technology, like business intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning and DevOps are flourishing, minute attention need to be given on proper implementation of these skills, according to Aditya Narayan Mishra, chief executive officer of CIEL HR Services, a recruitment firm, otherwise all of it would be a total waste.

It’s all in the layout

Presentation matters, you agree or not! Make your resume ready to strike the job criteria you are applying for. For example, if a user interface developer wants to become a full stack developer, he must mention back-end programming skills in the profile. This will give an instant boost to the resume. The design of a resume has also changed over the years. Now, the shorter your resume the better response you get. “Most techies write pages and pages of projects in their resumes. While it is important, in most cases, the same information gets repeated. Anything above two pages is a big no,” says Vashishta.

Feel free to get in touch with our in-house experts for a data analyst course at DexLab Analytics, the premier platform for Data Science Online training in Noida.


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