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Introducing Scala and Spark for Seamless Big Data Analysis

Introducing Scala and Spark for Seamless Big Data Analysis

Application of Big Data through network clusters has become the order of the day. Multiple industries are embracing this new trend. The elaborate use of Hadoop and MapReduce justifies the popularity of this evolving phenomenon. What’s more, the rise of Apache Spark, an incredible data processing engine written in Scala programming language also lends proof.

Introducing Scala

Somewhat similar to Java programming, Scala is a generic object-oriented programming language. Also known as Scalable Language, Scala is a multi-purpose language with capabilities to grow along the lines of many requirements. The capabilities range from an ordinary scripting language to a mission-critical language for complex applications. A wide number of technologies are being built on this robust platform.


Why Scala?

  • It supports functional programming equipped with features, such as immutability, pattern matching, type interference, lazy evaluation and currying.
  • It includes an advanced type system – with algebraic data types.
  • It helps you explore features that are not available in Java, including raw strings, operator overloading and named parameters.

Besides, Scala runs on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and endorses cluster computing on Spark.

Introducing Apache Spark

An open source big data processing framework, Apache Spark offers a sound interface for fast processing of huge datasets. It aids in programming data clusters using fault tolerance and data parallelism.

Since 2009, more than 200 companies and 1000 developers have been leveraging Apache Spark and the numbers are still on the rise.

Features of Spark

Comprehensive Framework

Apache Spark is a unified framework ideal for managing big data processing. It also aids a diverse range of datasets, such as batch data, text data, graphical data and real-time streaming data.

Easy to Use

Spark lets programmers write Scala, Java or Python applications – thanks to its built-in set of more than 80 A-grade operators.

Fast and Effective

Talking of speed, Spark runs programs up to 100 X faster than Hadoop clusters in memory and 10 X quicker while running on disk. Powered by a cutting-edge DAG (Directed Acrylic Graph) execution engine, Spark enhances cyclic data flow and in-memory data sharing across DAGs for smoother execution of different jobs but with similar data.

Robust Support

Along with managing MapReduce operations, Spark offers support for streaming data, graphic data processing, SQL queries and machine learning.


Besides Scala programming language, programmers can leverage Python, R, Java and Clojure for developing ace applications using Spark.


Spark applications are run either in the cloud or on a distinctive cluster mode. Spark can be employed as an individual server or as a part of the distributed framework, like YARN or MESOS. It gives access to versatile data structures, such as HBase, HDFS, Hive, Cassandra and similar Hadoop data sources.

Encompassing Library Support

Are you a Spark programmer? Fuse together additional libraries within the same application and enhance big data and analytics capabilities.

Some of the supported libraries are as follows:

  • Spark SQL
  • Spark GraphX
  • BlinkDB
  • Spark MLib
  • Tachyon
  • Spark R
  • Spark Cassandra Connector

As parting thoughts, Apache Spark is the perfect alternative to MapReduce – for installations. The former effortlessly tackles humongous volumes of data that need low latency processing.

DexLab Analytics is a refined Apache Spark training institute in Gurgaon. The comprehensive courses, on-point faculty and flexible batch timings make this institute the best pick for Apache Spark training Gurgaon. For more information, reach us at dexlabanalytics.com.


The blog has been sourced from  —  www.knowledgehut.com/blog/big-data/analysis-of-big-data-using-spark-and-scala


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Top Things to Know About Scala Programming Language

Top Things to Know About Scala Programming Language

Scalable Language, Scala is a general-purpose programming language, both object-oriented and highly functional programming language. It is easy to learn, simple and aids programmers in writing codes in a simple, sophisticated and type-safe manner. It also enables developers and programmers in being more productive.

Even though Scala is a relatively new language, it has garnered enough users and has wide community support – because it’s touted as the most user-friendly language.

About Scala and Its Features

Scala is a completely object-oriented programming language

In Scala, everything is treated as an object. Even, the operations you conduct are termed as a method call. Scala lets you add new operations to already existing classes – thanks to the implicit classes.

One of the best things about Scala is that it makes it effortlessly easy to interact with Java code. You can easily write a Java code inside Scala class – interesting, isn’t it? The Scala makes way for hi-tech component architectures with the help of classes and traits.


Scala is a functional language

No wonder, Scala has implemented top-notch functional programming concepts – in case you don’t know, in functional programming, each and every computation is regarded as a mathematical function. Following are the characteristics of functional programming:

  • Simplicity
  • Power and flexibility
  • Suitable for parallel processing

Not interpreted, Scala is a compiler-based language

As Scala is a compiler based language, its execution is relatively faster than its tailing competitor, Python. The latter is an interpreted language. The compiler in Scala functions just like a Java compiler. It taps the source code and launches Java byte-code that’s executable across any standard JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Pre-requisites for Mastering Scala

Scala is a fairly simple programming language and there are minimal prerequisites for learning it. If you possess some basic knowledge of C/C++, you can easily start acing Scala. As it is developed upon Java, the fundamental programming functions of Scala are somewhat similar to Java.

Now, if you happen to know about Java syntax or OOPs concept, it would prove better for you to work in Scala.

Basic Scala Terms to Get Acquainted With


An entity which consists of state and behavior is defined as an Object. Best examples – person, table, car etc.


Described as a template or a blueprint for designing different objects that reflects its behavior and properties, a Class is a widely popular term.


It is reckoned as a behavior of a class, where a class may include one or more methods. For example, a deposit can be reckoned as a method of bank class.


It is defined as any function that ends within the environment in which it’s defined. A closure return value is determined based on the value of one or more variables declared outside the closure.


These are used to determine object types by mentioning the signature of the supported methods. It is similar to a Java interface.

Things to Remember About Scala

  • Scala is case sensitive
  • When saving a Scala program, use “.scala”
  • Scala execution process begins from main() methods
  • Never can an identifier name start with numbers. For an instance, the variable name “789salary” is not valid.

Now, if you are interested in understanding the intricacies and subtle nuances of Apache Spark in detail, you have to enroll for Scala certification Training Gurgaon. Such intensive Scala training programs not only help you master the programming language but ensure secure placement assistance. For more information, reach us at DexLab Analytics, a premier Scala Training Institute in Gurgaon.

The blog has been sourced from ― www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2017/01/scala

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Databricks Supports Apache Spark 2.4 and Adds ML Runtime

Databricks Supports Apache Spark 2.4 and Adds ML Runtime

Databricks recently embraced the Apache Spark 2.4, a latest version. They are integrating it into their platform of analytics. Also, the company is on its way to unveil another runtime feature that would simplify the intricacies of deep learning.

Needless to say, Databricks is one of the most powerful supporters of version 2.4 of Spark, the notable stream processing framework.  The latest upgraded version features improvement in the performance of machine learning framework running on Spark as well as distributed deep learning. It also includes modifications that would instantly address dependency issues related to deep learning tasks.

Project Hydrogen is an ambitious initiative; it’s under this tag the Spark upgrades were fused and introduced as a new scheduling mode, known as ‘barrier execution’. It encourages developers to embed training in lieu of distributed deep learning posed as an Apache Spark workload.

In context to above, Reynold Xin, a staunch Spark contributor and co-founder at Databricks said, “This is the largest change to Spark’s scheduler since the inception of the project.” He further mentioned that the upgrades will actually help reduce the complexities of machine learning structures and ensure high efficacy.

The latest runtime detail categorized HorovodRunner is developed to rationalize scaling and streamlining of distributed deep learning workloads. It is performed from a single machine to huge clusters. Previously, drifting from single-node workloads to huge distributed training on GPU or CPU clusters needed a bunch of full code rewrites – it was exceedingly challenging enough. Undeniably, HorovodRunner reduces training as well as programming time cutting down them from hours to a few minutes. This was claimed by the professionals working at Databricks.

Besides Horovod, Databricks is found to be saying that its platform offers native integration with TensorFlow, Kera and several other machine learning programs coupled with MLib and GraphFrames super machine learning algorithms.

On top of all this, a few weeks back, Databricks associated itself with a versatile cloud data integrator Talend with a sole aim to integrate the cloud service with their own data analytics platform to allow data scientists leverage the cluster computing framework – it would help process large data sets at scale.

About Apache Spark:

Apache Spark is a robust, well-integrated analytics engine efficient in processing large datasets. Crafted for high speed, productivity and generic use, it is considered as one of the most popular projects in motion under Apache software umbrella. It is also one of the most volatile and active open source big data projects.

DexLab Analytics is a top-notch Apache Spark training institute in Gurgaon. It provides top of the line in-demand skill training on a plethora of new-age IT related courses, such as data science, data analytics courses, big data, risk analytics and more.


The blog was sourced from ― www.datanami.com/2018/11/19/databricks-upgrades-spark-support-adds-ml-runtime


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The ABC Basics of Apache Spark

The ABC Basics of Apache Spark

Amazon, Yahoo and eBay has embraced Apache Spark. It’s a technology worth taking a note of. A bulk of organizations prefers running Spark on clusters along with thousands of nodes. Till date, the biggest known cluster consists of more than 8000 nodes.

Introducing Apache Spark

Spark is basically an Apache project tagged as ‘lightning fast cluster computing’. It features a robust open-source community and is the most popular Apache project right now.

Spark is equipped with a faster and better data processing platform. It runs programs faster in memory as well as on disk as compared to Hadoop. Furthermore, Spark lets users write code as quickly as possible – after all, you’ve more than 80 high-level operators for coding!


Key elements of Spark are:

  • It offers APIs in Java, Scala and Python in support with other languages
  • Seamlessly integrates with Hadoop ecosystem and other data sources
  • It runs on clusters controlled by Apache Mesos and Hadoop YARN

Spark core

Ideal for wide-scale parallel and distributed data processing, Spark Core is responsible for:

  • Communicating with storage systems
  • Memory management and fault recovery
  • Arranging, assigning and monitoring jobs present in a cluster

The nuanced concept of RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) was first initiated by Spark. An RDD is an unyielding, fault-tolerant versatile collection of objects that are easily operational in parallel. It can include any kind of object, and supports mainly two kinds of operations:

  • Transformations
  • Actions

Spark SQL

A major Spark component, SparkSQL queries data either through SQL or through Hive Query Language. It first came into operations as an Apache Hive port to run on top of Spark, replacing MapReduce, but now it’s being integrated with Spark Stack. Along with providing support to numerous data sources, it also fabricates several SQL queries with code transformations, which makes it a very strong and widely-recognized tool.

Spark Streaming:

Ideal for real time processing of streaming data – Spark Streaming receives input data streams, which is then divided into batches only to be processed by Spark engine to unleash final stream of results, all in batches.

Look at the picture below:

The Spark Streaming API resembles Spark Core – as a result, it becomes easier for programmers to tackle for batch and streaming data, effortlessly.


MLib is a versatile machine learning library that comprises of numerous fetching algorithms that are designed to scale out on a cluster for regression, classification, clustering, collaborative filtering and more. In fact, some of these algorithms specialize in streaming data, such as linear regression using ordinary least squares or k-means clustering.


An exhaustive library for fudging graphs and performing graph-parallel operations, GraphX is the most potent tool for ETL and other graphic computations.

Want to learn more on Apache Spark? Spark Training Course in Gurgaon fits the bill. No wonder, Spark simplifies the intensive job of processing high levels of real-time or archived data effortlessly integrating associated advanced capabilities, such as machine learning – hence Apache Spark Certification Training can help you process data faster and efficiently.

The blog has been sourced fromwww.toptal.com/spark/introduction-to-apache-spark

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Latest Open Source Tools in Data Analytics Beyond Apache Spark

Latest Open Source Tools in Data Analytics Beyond Apache Spark

In the IT world change is always in the air, but especially in the realm of data analytics, profound change is coming up as open source tools are making a huge impact. Well you may already be familiar with most of the stars in the open source space like Hadoop and Spark. But with the growing demand for new analytical tools which will help to round up the data holistically within the analytical ecosystem. A noteworthy point about these tools is the fact that they can be customized to process streaming data.

With the emergence of the IoT (Internet of things) that is giving rise to numerous devices and sensors which will add to this stream of data production, this forms one of the key trends why we need more advanced data analytics tools. The use of streaming data analysis is used for enhanced drug discovery, and institutes like SETI and NASA are also collaborating with each other to analyze terabytes of data, that are highly complex and stream deep in space radio signals.


The Apache Hadoop Spark software has made several headlines in the realm of data analytics that allowed billions of development funds to be showered at it by IBM along with other companies. But along with the big players several small open source projects are also on the rise. Here are the latest few that grabbed our attention:

Apache Drill:

This open source analytics tool has had quite good impact on the analytics realm, so much so that companies like MapR have even included it into their Hadoop distribution systems. This project is a top-level one at Apache and is being leveraged along with the star Apache Spark in many streaming data analytics scenarios.

Like at the New York Apache Drill meeting in January this year, the engineers at MapR system showed how Apache Spark and Drill could be used in tandem in a use cases that involve packet capture and almost real-time search and query.

But Drill is not ideal for streaming data application because it is a distributed schema free SQL engine. People like IT personnel and developers can use Drill to interactively explore data in Hadoop and NoSQL databases for things such as HBase and MongoDB. There is no need to explicitly describe the schemas or maintain them because the Drill has the ability to automatically leverage the structure which is embedded in the data. It is capable of streaming the data in memory between operators and minimizes the use of disks unless you need to complete a query.


Both big and small organizations are constantly working on new ways to cull actionable insights from their data streaming in constantly. Most of them are working with data that are generated in clusters and are relying on commodity hardware. This puts a premium label on affordable data centric work processes. This will do wonders to enhance the functionality and performance of tools such as MapReduce and even Spark. With the open source project Grappa that helps to scale the data intensive applications on commodity clusters and will provide a new type of abstraction which will trump the existing distributed shared memory (DSM) systems.

Grappa is available for free on the GitHub under a BSD license. And to use Grappa one can refer to its quick start guide that is available readily on the README file to build and execute it on a cluster.

These were the latest open source data analytics tools of 2017. For more such interesting news on Big Data analytics and information about analytics training institute follow our daily uploads from DexLab Analytics.


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