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We are offering a free demo session on: R Programming Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling

DexLab Analytics is proud to announce a complimentary online demo session which will be held on Saturday 15th October, 2016 at 10:00 PM on the topic of R Programming, Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling. It will be a 30 to 45 minute session which will give the aspiring candidates a glimpse into the content quality, delivery style and intractability with the faculty at the institute.


We are offering a free demo session on:  R Programming Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling


Those who want to join this demo session must email stating their interest directly to DexLab Analytics for registering for the same. Although as is the common notion about free things that they are usually of poor quality, but for this complimentary session we can promise the case will not stand true. This session will offer ample insight about what to expect in the upcoming batches. This is a one-of-a-kind endeavour by DexLab Analytics as no other analytics training institute offers such complimentary sessions. Continue reading “We are offering a free demo session on: R Programming Core Analytics & Predictive Modelling”

5 Analytics Tools To Improve Your Business Decisions

5 Analytics Tools To Improve Your Business Decisions

Big Data has proved to be inevitable for business organisations in the quest for stepping ahead of their competitors. Nevertheless, only having Big Data at hand does not solve problems. You also need the availability of efficient analytics software that can put your data to the best use.

A business analytics tool is responsible for analysing massive amounts of data in order to extract valuable information. Such information in turn, can be used for improving operational efficiency and for taking better decisions.


So, let us here go through the top 10 data analytics tools available in the market.

  • Yellowfin BI

Yellowfin Business Intelligence (BI) is a reporting, dashboard and data analysis software. The software is able to conduct analysis of huge amounts of database, in order to figure out appropriate information. With Yellowfin, your dashboard can be easily accessible from everywhere including company intranet, mobile device or web page.

  • Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools (BIRT)

BIRT is open source software programmed for JAVA and JAVA EE platforms. It consists of a runtime component and a visual report designer, which can be used for creating reports, visual data, and charts and so on. Information gathered from this software can be used for tracking historical data and analysing it and as well as for monitoring ongoing developments in various fields. BIRT can also be used for real-time decision-making purposes.

  • Clear Analytics

Clear Analytics is quite easy to manage as the software is based on Excel spreadsheets. While the software allows you to continue managing data using Excel, it also adds some extra features like reports scheduling, administrative capabilities, version control, governance etc. for better decision making. In short, Clear Analytics can be your choice in case you want high-end performance in exchange of minimal effort.

  • Tableau

Tableau is BI software that provides insight into the data that a business organisation requires for connecting the dots, in order to make clear and effective decisions. Data visualisation in Tableau is much dynamic and elaborative as compared to the other programmes available. Besides, it also provides easier access to data given its extended mobile device support. Additionally, the costs of implementing this program as well as its upgrade are relatively low.

  • GoodData

GoodData is a service BI platform. It takes into account both internal and external datasets (cloud) of an organisation to analyse and provide better governance. The platform is programmed for managing data security and governance thereby, consequently providing the user with the desired results. The most important feature of this platform is that it can analyse datasets of any size, thus making it effective for its users. Recently, the company rebranded their software as an Open Analytics platform.

These are some of the major analytics tools used by organisations irrespective of their scale in order to enhance their business intelligence. Whether you are looking to enhance your career or take better business decisions, a Data analyst certification course can help you to achieve such objectives. Data Analysis helps you to track the competitive landscape and figure out the essentials that needs to be done, in order to get ahead of your competitors. If you are a manager, you can take precise decisions based on quantitative data. Since big data is potential of driving your success, it is your job to master the science and use it for your advantage.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!

Back in the days of yore, parents would tell their kids that if you do not eat your veggies or study hard then your friends will be doctors, lawyers and bankers and you would have to cut grass!


Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!


My parents also told me to work hard and get good grades so that one day I become a successful doctor/engineer! But now times have changed and while the definition of true success may differ from one person to another. The title of a truly successful professional surely has seen a paradigm shift. Continue reading “Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!”

Statistics of Workforce Inequality & Life After Work

Online companies and IT firms have been frequently criticized for their lack of diversity and gender inequality in the work force. So, we researched about some facts and statistics to understand these claims as after all we are data-driven being the premiere Analytics training institute, Pune. We found a gap in several US-based internet firms which have published diversity reports since, 2014 but what they claim has been starkly different from what the truth in the numbers happened to be. Surprisingly, being a developing nation, India has fared quite well in this realm with most of IT MNCs having addressed the issue of gender inequality in their workplace.


Statistics of workforce inequality & life after work


Here are some statistical facts about workplace diversity in internet companies in the US that show lack of diversity:


With majority of people that account for the AP (Advanced Placement) test takers in total only 20 percent were female in the tests for AP computer science test takers as of the data from 2014. Various US-based online corporations have been criticized for their apparent lack of tolerance and unwelcoming nature against females and non-Caucasians. Continue reading “Statistics of Workforce Inequality & Life After Work”

Data analysis resources to keep you updated

Data analysis resources to keep you updated

One should always be proactive about building upon what they already know and have learnt, and with explosion of the web such resources can be obtained fairly easily. The problem is not the availability of resources but the abundance from it. Due to the availability of too many choices it often becomes difficult to gauge if the sources are actually authentic.


So, here is a list of books, websites and other resources which we think are authentic:

To stay on top of the latest trends and analyses reports and what’s new in the realm of analytics here are the best latest blogs:

  • FiveThirtyEight: the main man behind this blog is Nate Silver, a data whiz kid, this blog is the place to find out data analysis and visualizations of political, economic and cultural issues. The content in his blogs are usually light-hearted and interactive yet pointed with illustrative examples of data can be used in day-to-day activities.
  • Flowing Data: this is an interesting blog where Dr. Nathan Yau, PhD reveals how the data personnel – like designers, analysts, scientists and statisticians can analyze and visualize data to gather a better understanding of the world around us. It is especially fun to read as Yau offers a funny approach about the regular challenges faced by a data professional in this field. One can also find job recommendations, tutorials and other resources in this blog.
  • Simply statistics: this is another blog that is managed by expert professors each from Ivy League colleges like Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University and the Dana Ferber Cancer Institute. These professors also talk about how data is being used or misused around the world in different industries.
  • Hunch: this blog has been created by John Langford from Microsoft Research, he is the doctor of learning there and his blog talks about machine learning basics of what we know and how we use what we know. This is a good read for those who are new in the field of machine learning and do not yet know how things work in machine learning as it provides an in-depth view of new ideas and events going on in this industry.

To connect to other fellow data scientists and analysts to inquire about questions that may arise while you try the tread the treacherous roads of the data world, these are few communities of data analysts you can follow.

    1. Kaggle competitions: this is a popular community that all data scientists are likely to come across. This is a platform where one can find data prediction competitors. This is a platform where one can search for upcoming competitions in data analysis the website also features a forum where a visitor can ask any question or find a partner for the competition, share resources and ask for support to make a good career in data science.
    2. Metaoptimize: this is a question and answer community for people who are into machine learning, natural language processing, data mining and more. Badges are awarded as per votes on questions are awarded. Thus, making it becomes simpler for the visitors to discover the most popular helpful answers to the questions.
    3. Datatau: this website is best described as hacker news for data scientists and it lives up to this description to the last word. People share career advice with each other; interesting articles are shared amongst the users and then commented upon also the people here share useful information to those new to the world of data analytics.
    4. DexLab Analytics blogs: while DexLab Analytics is one of the leading data analytics training institute in Gurgaon, but they maintain regular blogs about the latest developments in the field of data science and provide India-specific as well global data related news. For students pursuing or aspiring to pursue a career in data science must follow the daily posts from this institute.

In conclusion we would like to add that while there are several resources from where one can obtain valuable information about data analysis. Thus, keeping this list as a starting point you can find several other experts out there to help you learn more about data analytics.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Tips to Make Sense of All The Big Data Around Us, You Can Make a Difference

Tips To Make Sense Of All The Big Data Around Us, You Can Make A Difference

We are all in the midst of the onslaught of information overload in many ways. We create it, transfer it and heartily participate in it. To get a grasp of the actual reality faced by businesses of all sizes, one needs to understand the exact scenario. According to IDC1, “The big data and analytics market will reach $125 billion worldwide in 2015” Further, IDC predicts, “Clearly IoT (Internet of Things) analytics will be hot, with a five-year CAGR of 30%.”


Data is created from all the posts made every second globally on social media, the humongous chatter, digital photo sharing, video uploads, online transactions, all the cell phone signals etc. – are all forms of data being generated leading to a massive information overload across servers and of course the cloud platforms.

All this digitization has led to a severe business challenge – so much big data, but how to make sense of all this? How does one use it for any kind of business related decision or direction? The following are some tips to help business make some sense from all this data right within their ambit.

1-Break it down

Big data remains big, unless methods are employed to break it into tiny usable groups of information. Eliminating, cross-referencing and grouping are the first steps to sort out various disparate data bytes.


There will always be the challenge of similar data springing up and being stored. Deduplication works as a primary point of ensuring that there is a reduction in the same data coming up for analysis.

3-Technology and its role

The role of specific technology cannot be ignored, when it comes to ensuring that all this big data is streamlined, stored safely and processed using the latest available techniques.

Big Data Landscape

4-Do not discard anything

Even the smallest and seemingly insignificant amount of information may be relevant and hold key insights.

5-Best practices for data analysis

The ecosystem revolving around the actual analysis of the big data needs to evolve into a more standardized format to be used across flexible structures leading to quicker outputs, better results and arriving at useful insights.

6-Having the right talent

This is one of the most important aspects, when it comes to actually making sense of all the data lying around across organizations. This is where trained and certified big data analysts appear.

DexLab Analytics Presents #BigDataIngestion

A Special Alert: DexLab Analytics is offering #SummerSpecial 10% off on in-demand courses of big data hadoop, data science, machine learning and business analytics. Enroll now for #BigDataIngstion: the new on-going admission drive!

Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

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