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Predictive Analytics: In conversation with Adam Bataran, Managing Director of GTM Global Salesforce Platforms at Bluewolf

To discuss about Predictive Analytics, we have Adam Bataran, Managing Director of GTM Global Salesforce Platforms at Bluewolf with us.


Follow the answers Mr. Bataran pitches to understand the entire concept better.

Predictive Analytics: In conversation with Adam Bataran, Managing Director of GTM Global Salesforce Platforms at Bluewolf

The question: What does predictive analytics mean and what value it imparts to the businesses today?


The answer: Predictive Analytics functions by implementing data, machine learning techniques and statistical algorithms to predict the future business outcomes and trends, based on past data and figures. It involves a number of distinct but advanced analytics disciplines and technologies – from deep data mining techniques and statistical analysis to predictive modeling and machine learning answers the most sought after question, “what will happen next?” or “how the customers will react to this?”.

Continue reading “Predictive Analytics: In conversation with Adam Bataran, Managing Director of GTM Global Salesforce Platforms at Bluewolf”

Apple Watch’s Strategy Analytics, Return to 1% Growth

As per the latest research from strategy analytics, the global smart watch shipments of Apple has grown by 1 percent annually to hit the major record of 8.2 million units in the 4th quarter of the year 2016. The growth of apple watch drove and got dominated with 63 percent in global smart watch share of market and Samsung still continues to hold its second position.
Apple Watch’s Strategy Analytics, Return to 1% Growth


Neil Mawston, the Executive Director at Strategy Analytics stated on the issue by saying – the global shipments have grown by 1 percent annually from the pre-existing 8.1 million units in quarter 4 in 2015 to 8.2 million in quarter 4 in 2016. The market shows a marked growth in the fourth quarter for growth in smart watches industry after the past two consecutive quarters for declining volumes. The smart watch growth is also seen to be recovering ever so slightly due to new product launches from other company giants. Moreover, there is a seasonal demand for these gadgets, and a giant such as Apple is launching stringer demand in the major developed markets in the US and UK. Hence, the international smart watch shipments grew by 1 percent annually; from the previously existing 20.8 million in full-year 2015 to a record high of 21.1 million in 2016.

Continue reading “Apple Watch’s Strategy Analytics, Return to 1% Growth”

Data-Analytics Driven Insights Still Distrusted By Executives!

While organizations are all words about having data driven decision making to drive their businesses, but maximum of business leaders seem to lack confidence in the information generated from data analytics. But in the rest of the world, demand for analytics training institute is on the rise with every passing day…


Data-Analytics Driven Insights Still Distrusted By Executives!


Data analysis is increasingly becoming central to decision-making in companies, especially in departments where people work towards increasing customer growth, improving productivity, and risk management. But although companies push to make their decision making process more data dependent, it seems business leaders are still more accustomed to taking serious business based on gut instincts and experiences. They still seem to have trouble trusting the insights shared from meticulous data analysis processes. Continue reading “Data-Analytics Driven Insights Still Distrusted By Executives!”

Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!

Back in the days of yore, parents would tell their kids that if you do not eat your veggies or study hard then your friends will be doctors, lawyers and bankers and you would have to cut grass!


Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!


My parents also told me to work hard and get good grades so that one day I become a successful doctor/engineer! But now times have changed and while the definition of true success may differ from one person to another. The title of a truly successful professional surely has seen a paradigm shift. Continue reading “Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!”

Statistics of Workforce Inequality & Life After Work

Online companies and IT firms have been frequently criticized for their lack of diversity and gender inequality in the work force. So, we researched about some facts and statistics to understand these claims as after all we are data-driven being the premiere Analytics training institute, Pune. We found a gap in several US-based internet firms which have published diversity reports since, 2014 but what they claim has been starkly different from what the truth in the numbers happened to be. Surprisingly, being a developing nation, India has fared quite well in this realm with most of IT MNCs having addressed the issue of gender inequality in their workplace.


Statistics of workforce inequality & life after work


Here are some statistical facts about workplace diversity in internet companies in the US that show lack of diversity:


With majority of people that account for the AP (Advanced Placement) test takers in total only 20 percent were female in the tests for AP computer science test takers as of the data from 2014. Various US-based online corporations have been criticized for their apparent lack of tolerance and unwelcoming nature against females and non-Caucasians. Continue reading “Statistics of Workforce Inequality & Life After Work”

Selling Big Data Certification in Pune to Sceptics

While the call of clarion in the job industry continues for data scientists and data analysts in India and across the world; but there is still widespread resistance on another hand about whether data-driven decision-making is actually a good idea.


Selling Big Data Certification in Pune to Sceptics


But this widespread confusion about Big Data roots from a lack of clarity on the topic. People still are confused about why Big Data is different from original data. Also a lot of sceptics are of the view that data solutions being sold are merely just making profits on the growing hype. Continue reading “Selling Big Data Certification in Pune to Sceptics”

Highest Paying Jobs in Noida

Noida or in other words the hub of IT firms and outsourcing services in India is based in Gautam Budh Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. Noida expands to be New Okhla Industrial Development Authority as it lies under the supervision and management of the organization named so. Over the past few years several multinational companies especially those dealing with IT outsourcing and software development services have set base in this area, due to the low prices of commercial real estate and availability of skilled workers with affordable costs. Some of the big names that have settled in Noida are – TSYS International, IBM, One97, EXL Service, Abstract Consultancy, Fujitsu, AON Hewitt, CSC, Ebix etc. and these major firms generate a number of jobs every year.


Highest paying jobs in Noida


As the young job seekers of India may already know (unless they live under a rock) Big Data is driving the job market into hyper-drive and is the new megatrend to watch out for.


But do not just take our word for it or even the internet’s, we are data driven people being the pioneering Big Data Hadoop institute in Noida and thus, believe that numbers speak louder than words. So, we conducted a survey with the help of the top job hunting sites in India to understand the job scenario and determine whether Big Data is in fact a megatrend. And this is what we found in our research… Continue reading “Highest Paying Jobs in Noida”

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