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How Data Analytics Should Be Managed In Your Company, and Who Will Lead It?

How Data Analytics Should Be Managed In Your Company, and Who Will Lead It?

In the last couple of years, data management strategies have revolutionized a lot. Previously, the data management used to come under the purview of the IT department, while data analytics was performed based on business requirements. Today, a more centralized approach is being taken uniting the roles of data management and analytics – thanks to the growing prowess of predictive analytics!

Predictive analytics has brought in a significant change – it leverages data and extracts insights to enhance revenue and customer retention. However, many companies are yet to realize the power of predictive analytics. Unfortunately, data is still siloed in IT, and several departments still depend on basic calculations done by Excel.

But, of course, on a positive note, companies are shifting focus and trying to recognize the budding, robust technology. They are adopting predictive analytics and trying to leverage big data analytics. For that, they are appointing skilled data scientists, who possess the required know-how of statistical techniques and are strong on numbers.


Strategizing Analytical Campaigns

An enterprise-wide strategy is the key to accomplish analytical goals and how. Remember, the strategy should be encompassing and incorporate needful laws that need to be followed, like GDPR. This signifies effective data analytics strategies begin from the top.

C-suite is a priority for any company, especially which looks forward to defining data and analytics, but each company also require a designated person, who would act as a link between C-suite and the rest of the company. This is the best way to mitigate the wrong decisions and ineffective strategies that are made in silos within the organization.

Chief Data Officers, Chief Analytics Officers and Chief Technology Officers are some of the most popular new age job designations that have come up. Eminent personalities in these fetching positions play influential roles in strategizing and executing a successful corporate-level data analytics plan. The main objective of them is to provide analytical support to the business units, determine the impact of analytical strategies and ascertain and implement innovative analytical prospects.

Defensive Vs Offensive Data Strategy

To begin, defensive strategy deals with compliance with regulations, prevention of theft and fraud detection, while offensive strategy is about supporting business achievements and strategizing ways to enhance profitability, customer retention and revenue generation.

Generally, companies following a defensive data strategy operate across industries that are heavily regulated (for example, pharmaceuticals, automobile, etc.) – no doubt, they need more control on data. Thus, a well-devised data strategy has to ensure complete data security, optimize the process of data extraction and observe regulatory compliance.

On the other hand, offensive strategy requires more tactical implementation of data. Why? Because they perform in a more customer-oriented industry. Here, the analytics have to be more real-time and their numerical value will depend on how quickly they can arrive at decisions. Hence, it becomes a priority to equip the business units with analytical tools along with data. As a result, self-service BI tools turns out to be a fair deal. They are found useful. Some of the most common self-service BI vendors are Tableau and PowerBI. They are very easy to use and deliver the promises of flexibility, efficacy and user value.  

As final remarks, the sole responsibility of managing data analytics within an organization rests on a skilled team of software engineers, data analysts and data scientists. Only together, they would be able to take the charge of building successful analytical campaigns and secure the future of the company.

For R Predictive Modelling Certification, join DexLab Analytics. It’s a premier data science training platform that offers top of the line intensive courses for all data enthusiasts. For more details, visit their homepage.


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Top 5 Reasons to Feel Excited about Data Analytics This Year


‘Tis the year to be super excited about data analytics! Without further ado, let’s find out why:-

Cloud Infrastructure is Expanding and Fostering Fast-paced Innovations

Considering the recent trends in cloud data and related applications, 2018 is a critical time for cloud analytics. Businesses must steadily transition to a cloud environment and for that a robust and flexible analytics strategy is to be adopted. Through cloud analytics platforms businesses can leverage common data logic and unlock new analytic capabilities to plan, predict, discover, visualize, simulate and manage. In short, what businesses need is a hybrid mode that includes data, analytics and applications spread across multi-cloud and on-premise environments. Research suggests that by employing analytics that are built to work together businesses can increase the total cost of ownership (TCO) by 3-5 times and the return on investment (ROI) can be as high as 171%.

Source: ZDNet

The Power of Machine Learning Unleashed

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have made big progress in the last one year. Hence, automated and AI powered tools are becoming central in decision-making. The rapid growth in automation has profound effect on the way analytics is used. It can be said that machine learning is perking up analytics big time. With the help of automated technologies users can develop contextual insights with ease and uncover patterns from massive volumes of data. And data scientists are harnessing these automated technologies to drive scalable insights for smarter business processes.

Source: Tech Carpenter

The Spreadsheet is Nearing Retirement

The spreadsheet has come a long way since its inception. But, for many businesses it is time to move to better alternatives that are free from some of the inefficiencies and inaccuracies of spreadsheets. For these businesses the solution is shifting to cloud-based models that help connect operational plans to financial plans.


Customer Experience is the Current Competitive Battleground

According to the Harris Interactive study, 88% customers prefer purchasing products or services from a company that offers great customer service over a company that provides the latest innovations. Quality customer experience is crucial for business growth. And for that companies must invest in CEM (customer experience management). CEM technology collects data from varied sources and uses advanced analytics to leverage historical experiences and access data fast. This platform ensures that customers are satisfied, their grievances are addressed and there’s an improvement in sales, profits and brand image.

Source: StoryMiners

Big data Industry to Grow 7 times in 7 years!

Studies suggest that the big data industry in India is likely to become a 20 billion dollar industry by 2015. It is expected that analytics and data science market will grow by 7 times in the next 7 years. Currently, the analytics and big data industry is worth an estimated $2.71 billion in annual revenues and is growing rapidly at a rate of 33.5% CAGR.

Source: Analytics India

Do you know that this year over 16,000 freshers have been hired in the analytics workforce of India? That’s an increase by 33% from last year’s 12,000! Join the big data bandwagon with a professional certificate from this reputed data analyst training institute in Delhi. One of the unique features of this data analyst course in Gurgaon is that it includes trainers who are industry-experts in this field and hence bring with them excellent domain experience.




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5 Trends Shaping the Future of Data Analytics

5 Trends Shaping the Future of Data Analytics

Data Analytics is popular. The future of data science and analytics is bright and happening. Terms like ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘machine learning’ are taking the world by storm.

Annual demand for the fast-growing new roles of data scientist, data developers, and data engineers will reach nearly 700,000 openings by 2020, says Forbes, a leading business magazine.


Last year, at the DataHack Summit Kirk Borne, Principal Data Scientist and Executive Advisor at Booz Allen Hamilton shared some slivers of knowledge in the illuminating field of data science. He believes that the following trends will shape up the world of data analytics, and we can’t agree more.

Dive down to pore over a definitive list – thank us later!

Internet of Things (IoT)

Does IoT ring any bell? Yes, it does, because it’s nothing but evolved wireless networks. The market of this fascinating new breed of tech is expected to grow from $170.57 billion in 2017 to $561.04 billion by 2022 – reasons being advanced analytics and superior data processing techniques.

Artificial Intelligence

An improved version of AI is Augmented Intelligence – instead of replacing human intelligence, this new sophisticated AI program largely focuses on AI’s assistive characteristic, enhancing human intelligence. The word ‘Augmented’ stands for ‘to improve’ and together it reinforces the idea of amalgamating machine intelligence with human conscience to tackle challenges and form relationships.

Augmented Reality

Look forward to better performances and successful models? Data is the weapon of all battles. Augmented Reality is indeed a reality now. The recent launch of Apple ARkit is a pivotal development in bulk manufacturing of AR apps. The power of AR is now in the fingertips of all iPhone users, and the development of Google’s Tango is an added thrust.

Hyper Personalization

#KnowYourCustomer, it has become an indispensable part of today’s retail marketing; the better you know your customers, the higher are the chances of selling a product. Yes, you heard that right. And Google Home and Amazon Echo is boosting the ongoing operations.

Graph Analytics

Mapping relationships across wide volumes of well connected critical data is the essence of graph analytics. It’s an intricate set of analytics tools used for unlocking insightful questions and delivering more accurate results. A few use cases of graph analytics is as follows:

  • Optimizing airline and logistic routes
  • Extensive life science researches
  • Influencer analysis for social network communities
  • Crime detection, including money laundering

Advice: Be at the edge of data accumulation – because data is power, and data analytics is the power-device.

Calling all data enthusiasts… DexLab Analytics offers state of the art data analytics training in Gurgaon within affordable budget. Apply now and grab amazing discounts and offers on data analyst course.


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Data Aspirants, Consider These 4 Career Options & Jazz-up Number Games!

Data Aspirants, Consider These  4 Career Options & Jazz-up Number Games!

Is crunching numbers your favorite hobby?

Are you interested in deciphering how many people use smartphones, regularly?

Do you feel fascinated by the way businesses use data to frame decisions?

If yes, then you are at the right place – a career, where you could leverage this inquisitiveness and knack for numbers is just carved for you. Not necessarily it has to be data science career option, but we’ve charted down top 5 career choices for the data curious you!

Data Scientist

Tagged as the sexiest job of 21st century, data scientist jobs are irresistible. First of all, the field of data science is expanding steadfastly – IBM prediction says the demand for data scientists will increase by 28% by the end of 2020. This brings good news for job seekers, who are on toes to enter the fascinating world of data science, where the salaries are pumping up – already they have touched six figures.

The main objective of data scientists is to collect meaningful data to help businesses formulate strategic decisions. Cleaning up and structuring the data is of primary importance – followed by cutting edge tool implementation, such as algorithms, statistical models and deep learning structures – all of them aids in extracting insights out of relevant data.


Other than data geeks, very few love the very idea of becoming a statistician. But for guys who love churning data, the role of statistician is the most fascinating in the world. They help solve the toughest problem with data, while finding and providing answers to crucial questions.

Statisticians’ aptitude for numbers knows no bounds – and the range of projects on which they work is diverse. From ascertaining unemployment rates to nabbing the discerning the effectiveness of prescription drugs to calculating the number of endangered animals living in a given area – from designing the strategies for data collection to nabbing the latest trends, statisticians need to juggle between a lot of tasks, and solve crucial problems.

Computer Scientist

The computers are lifeline of today’s businesses – so jobs related to computing power is selling like hot cakes. The field of computer science is encompassing – nerds in love with data can discover a treasure trove of career options under this umbrella term. If you are a true blue crime buff, choose computer forensics as your leading career option. Or else, are you a major computer game aficionado? Then aspire to become a game developer or architect.

 Today, software developers and architects are witnessing surging demand, and most of the jobs in this technology domain help draw salaries over $100000 annually. So, what you waiting for?!


Database Administrator

Data is next to oil; of late, it’s been treated as a valuable resource. Thus, we should look for ways to keep it safe and well-protected. Database administrators are ideal for this defensive job. They not only toil to set up fortified databases but also are responsible for maintenance, model up-keeping and implementing security measures. Undeniably, it’s one of the most challenging jobs in the world of data but at the same time, it’s also the most rewarding one – at present, it ranks as the world’s #7 best technology job, according to a notable US tabloid.

Done reading? Now, data-lovers, when are you taking the next step to turn your avocation into your vocation? Pretty soon, right!

Quick Note: DexLab Analytics is offering state of the art Data Science Courses at affordable prices. For more details on Data Science Certification, visit the official page today.


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Here’s How Technology Made Education More Enjoyable and Interactive

Here’s How Technology Made Education More Enjoyable and Interactive

Technology is revamping education. The entire education system has undergone a massive change, thanks to technological advancement. The institutions are setting new goals and achieving their targets more effectively with the help of new tools and practices. These cutting edge methods not only enhances the learning approach, but also results in better interaction and fuller participation between teachers and students.

The tools of technology have turned students into active learners; they are now more engaged with their subjects. In fact, they even discover solutions to the problems on their own. The traditional lectures are now mixed with engaging illustrations and demonstrations, and classrooms are replaced with interactive sessions in which students and teachers both participate equally.

Let’s take a look at how technology has changed the classroom learning experience:

Online Classes

No longer, students have to sit through a classroom all day. If a student is interested in a particular course or subject, he or she can easily pursue degrees online without going anywhere. The internet has made interactions between students and teachers extremely easy. From the comfort of the home, anyone can learn anything.

DexLab Analytics offers Data Science Courses in Noida. Their online and classroom training is over the top.

Free educational resources found online

The internet is full of information. From a vast array of blogs, website content and applications, students as well as teachers can learn anything they desire to. Online study materials coupled with classroom learning help the students in strengthening their base on any subject as they get to learn concepts from different sources with examples and practice enough problems. This explains why students are so crazy for the internet!


Webinars and video streaming

The facilitators and educationists are nowadays looking up to video streaming to communicate ideas and knowledge to the students. Videos are anytime more helpful than other digital communications; they help deliver the needful content, boosting the learning abilities among the learners, while making them understand the subject matter to the core. Webinars (seminars over the web) replaces classroom seminars; teachers look up to new methods of video conferencing for smoother interaction with the students.


Podcasts are digital audio files. Users can easily download them. They are available over the internet for a bare subscription fee. It’s no big deal to create podcasts. Teachers can easily create podcasts that syncs well with students’ demand, thus paving a way for them to learn more efficiently. In short, podcasts allow students a certain flexibility to learn from anywhere, anytime.

Laptops, smartphones and tablets

For a better learning experience overall, both students and teachers are looking forward to better software and technology facilities. A wide number of web and mobile applications are now available for students to explore the wide horizon of education. The conventional paper notes are now replaced with e-notes that are uploaded on the internet and can be accessible from anywhere. Laptops and tablets are also used to manage course materials, research, schedules and presentations.

No second thoughts, by integrating technology with classroom training, students and teachers have an entire world to themselves. Sans the geographical limitations, they can now explore the bounties of new learning methods that are more fun and highly interactive.

DexLab Analytics appreciates the power of technology, and in accordance, have curated state of the art Data Science Courses that can be accessed both online and offline for students’ benefit. Check out the courses NOW!


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Microsoft Introduces FPGA Technology atop Google Chips through Project Brainwave

Microsoft Introduces FPGA Technology atop Google Chips through Project Brainwave

A Change Is In the Make – due to increasing competition among tech companies working on AI, several software makers are inventing their own new hardware. A few Google servers also include chips designed for machine learning, known as TPUs exclusively developed in-house to ensure higher power and better efficiency. Google rents them out to its cloud-computing consumers. Of late, Facebook too shared its interest in designing similar chips for its own data centers.

However, a big player in AI world, Microsoft is skeptical if the money spent is for good – it says the technology of machine learning is transforming so rapidly that it makes little sense to spend millions of dollars into developing silicon chips, which could soon become obsolete. Instead, Microsoft professionals are pitching for the idea of implementing AI-inspired projects, named FPGAs, which can be re-modified or reprogrammed to support latest forms of software developments in the technology domain.  The company is buying FPGAs from chip mogul, Intel, and already a few companies have started buying this very idea of Microsoft.

This week, Microsoft is back in action with the launch of a new cloud service for image-recognition projects, known as Project Brainwave. Powered by the very FPGA technology, it’s one of the first applications that Nestle health division is set to use to analyze the acuteness of acne, from images submitted by the patients. The specialty of Project Brainwave is the manner in which the images are processed – the process is quick as well as very low in cost than other graphic chip technologies used today.

It’s been said, customers using Project Brainwave are able to process a million images in just 1.8 milliseconds using a normal image recognition model for a mere 21 cents. Yes! You heard it right. Even the company claims that it performs better than it’s tailing rivals in cloud service, but unless the outsiders get a chance to test the new technology head-to-head against the other options, nothing concrete can be said about Microsoft’s technology. The biggest competitors of Microsoft in cloud-service platform include Google’s TPUs and graphic chips from Nvidia.

Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

At this stage, it’s also unclear how widely Brainwave is applicable in reality – FPGAs are yet to be used in cloud computing on a wide scale, hence most companies lack the expertise to program them. On the other hand, Nvidia is not sitting quietly while its contemporaries are break opening newer ideas in machine learning domain. The recent upgrades from the company lead us to a whole new world of specialized AI chips that would be more powerful than former graphic chips.

Latest reports also confirm that Google’s TPUs exhibited similar robust performance similar to Nvidia’s cutting edge chips for image recognition task, backed by cost benefits. The software running on TPUs is both faster and cheaper as compared to Nvidia chips.

In conclusion, companies are deploying machine learning technology in all areas of life, and the competition to invent better AI algorithms is likely to intensify manifold. In the coming days, several notable companies, big or small are expected to follow the footsteps of Microsoft.

For more machine learning related stories and feeds, follow DexLab Analytics. It is the best data analytics training institute in Gurgaon offering state of the art machine learning using python courses.

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10 Key Areas to Focus When Settling For an Alternative Data Vendor

10 Key Areas to Focus When Settling For an Alternative Data Vendor

Unstructured data is the new talk of the town! More than 80% of the world’s data is in this form, and big wigs of financial world need to confront the challenges of administering such volumes of unstructured data through in-house data consultants.

FYI, deriving insights from unstructured data is an extremely tiresome and expensive process. Most buy-sides don’t have access to these types of data, hence big data vendors are the only resort. They are the ones who transform unstructured content into tradable market data.

Here, we’ve narrowed down 10 key areas to focus while seeking an alternative data vendor.

Structured data

Banks and hedge funds should seek alternative data vendors that can efficiently process unstructured data into 100% machine readable structured format – irrespective of data form.

Derive a fuller history

Most of the alternative data providers are new kid in the block, thus have no formidable base of storing data. This makes accurate back-testing difficult.

Data debacles

The science of alternative data is punctured with a lot of loopholes. Sometimes, the vendor fails to store data at the time of generation – and that becomes an issue. Transparency is very crucial to deal with data integrity issues so as to nudge consumers to come at informed conclusions about which part of data to use and not to use.

Context is crucial

While you look at unstructured content, like text, the NLP or natural language processing engine must be used to decode financial terminologies. As a result, vendors should create their own dictionary for industry related definitions.

Version control

Each day, technology gets better or the production processes change; hence vendors must practice version control on their processes. Otherwise, future results will be surely different from back-testing performance.

Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

Point-in-time sensitivity

This generally means that your analysis includes data that is downright relevant and available at particular periods of time. In other cases, there exists a higher chance for advance bias being added in your results.

Relate data to tradable securities

Most of the alternative data don’t include financial securities in its scope. The users need to figure out how to relate this information with a tradable security, such as bonds and stocks.

Innovative and competitive

AI and alternative data analytics are dramatically changing. A lot of competition between companies urges them to stay up-to-date and innovative. In order to do so, some data vendors have pooled in a dedicated team of data scientists.

Data has to be legal

It’s very important for both vendors and clients to know from where data is coming, and what exactly is its source to ensure it don’t violate any laws.

Research matters

Few vendors have very less or no research establishing the value of their data. In consequence, the vendor ends up burdening the customer to carry out early stage research from their part.

In a nutshell, alternative data in finance refer to data sets that are obtained to inject insight into the investment process. Most hedge fund managers and deft investment professionals employ these data to derive timely insights fueling investment opportunities.

Big data is a major chunk of alternative data sets. Now, if you want to arm yourself with a good big data hadoop certification in Gurgaon then walk into DexLab Analytics. They are the best analytics training institute in India.

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How is AI Shaping the Indian Job Market?

How is AI Shaping the Indian Job Market?

Currently, startups focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are on the rise in India. According to a recent report by AI Task Force, there are 750 startups in India that are actively working to build a robust AI ecosystem in India. Initiatives to promote AI by Indian government include establishment of NITI Aayog, the policy think tank of India, and Digital India, which is a campaign to improve technological infrastructure of the country.

65% of participants of a PwC survey believed that AI will have a grave impact on the employment scenario of India. Interestingly, the majority of participants of this survey were of the opinion that AI will allow employees to do more value-added tasks as it will take up all the daily mundane tasks.

Deep Learning and AI using Python

Job market outlook:

‘’We expect a 60 per cent increase in demand for AI and machine learning specialists in 2018’’, said BN Thammaiah, Managing Director, Kelly Services India. Belong, a Bengaluru-based outbound hiring firm startup, shares the same view, stating that the demand for AI professionals has risen by leaps and bounds due to the widespread adoption of AI and automation technologies across companies. Consulting industry leader, Accenture, expects AI to add $957 to India’s GDP by 2035.

Jump in demand:

Only 4 percent of AI professionals have work experience in core domains, like deep learning and neural networks.

For every 1000 jobs in the field of Deep learning, there are approximately 530 professionals available. Similarly, for every 1000 jobs in the field of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), there are only 710 professionals available.

The lack of core data science disciplines in engineering institutes across the country is responsible for the disparity between demand and supply of AI professionals. Only a few selected institutes, like IITs and IISc, have ML programs in their curriculum. The active AI researchers in India are a meager 386 in number.

AI hotspots in India:

AI-work hubs in India are Bengaluru, New Delhi and Mumbai. IBM, Microsoft, Flipkart and Amazon are carrying out good research work in AI. Companies like Adobe, Accenture, Amazon, JP Morgan, SAP, L&T Infotech, Nvidia, Intel and Wipro are actively hiring AI professionals. The main sectors fostering AI employment are e-commerce, banking and finance. Kamal Karanath, Co-founder of Xpheno, a recruitment company, said that there would be a huge demand for AI engineers in these sectors in the next 5 years. AI-powered technology boosts efficiency and security of Indian banking and financial sector.

India Inc is endeavoring to upskill workers in subjects like machine learning, cloud computing and big data. In efforts to nurture talent and obtain solutions from vertical focused AI startups, which are developing innovative technologies, enterprises have set up many accelerator programs. Flipkart is developing AI products that will boost their business growth.


A peek into the future of AI:

The Indian government intends to establish research institutes and Centres of Excellence that foster training and skilling in fields like AI, robotics, big data analysis and internet of things. Top engineering schools, like IITs, IIITs and IISc are collaborating with industries to bridge the gap in AI talent, provide targeted solutions and steer growth of the AI industry. Government of India is framing numerous policies to promote industry-academic partnerships.

Get an edge in this AI-era by enrolling yourself for the Machine Learning training course at DexLab Analytics– a leading data analyst training institute in Delhi.


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How Artificial Intelligence is Boosting the Design of Smarter Bionics

How Artificial Intelligence is Boosting the Design of Smarter Bionics

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are a set of technologies that empower machines and computers to learn and evolve upon their own learning through constant reiteration and consistent data bank upgrades. The entire chain of mechanism stands on recursive experiments and human intervention.


Advances in technology have greatly benefited the field of prosthetics in the last few years. Today’s prosthetic limbs are made using space-age materials that provide increased durability and function. In addition, many prosthetics make use of bionic technology. These types of prosthetics are called myoelectric prosthetics.

Let’s Take Your Data Dreams to the Next Level

Myoelectric prosthetics picks up the electrical action potential from the residual muscles in the amputated limb. Upon receiving the action potentials, the prosthetic amplifies the signal using a rechargeable battery. Detected signal can be used further into usable information to drive a control system. Artificial Intelligence helps to identify motion commands for the control of a prosthetic arm by evidence accumulation. It is able to accommodate inter-individual differences and requires little computing time in the pattern recognition. This allows more freedom and doesn’t require the person to perform frequent, strenuous muscle contractions. The inclusion of AI technology in prosthetics has helped thousands of amputees return to daily activities. While technologies that make bionic implants possible are still in infancy stage, many bionic items already exist.

The Bionic Woman

 Angel Giuffria is an amputee actress and Ottobock Healthcare’s Brand Champion who has been wearing electromechanical devices since she was four months old. Following are excerpts of an interview with her.

“I wear currently the bebionic 3 small-size hand which sounds like a car. But at this point, that’s where we’re getting with technology. It’s a multi-articulating device. That small-size hand is really amazing… this technology wasn’t available to them previously”

She further added, “..The new designs that look more tech are able to showcase the technology. I’ve really become attached to and I think a lot of other people have really clung onto as well because it just gives off the impression of showing people how capable we are in society now.”

 She also spoke about prosthetics like the Michelangelo Hand which is stronger, faster and has multiple hook options. Modern additions to prosthetics such as lights and cameras are added advantages. She describes her hand to be able to do multiple functions like change grip patterns and control wrist movements which enable her to hold small items like keys and credit cards.



Bertolt Meyer’s amazing bionic hand controlled via an iPhone app is another glimpse at the advances being made in prosthetics.

In 2009, Meyer, a social psychologist at the University of Zurich was fitted with an i-limb, a state-of-the-art bionic prosthesis developed by a Scottish company, Touch Bionics, which comes with an aluminum chassis and 24 different grip patterns. To select a new suite of gestures, Meyer simply taps an app on his iPhone. He describes his i-limb to be the first, where aesthetics match engineering.


In the world of prosthetics, function is the key. Most amputees are constantly searching for the same level of functionality that they enjoyed before they lost their limb. With the introduction of artificial intelligence in prosthetic limbs, amputees are closer to their goals than ever before. Bionics having access to the relevant databases are capable of learning new things in a programmed manner which improves their performance.

For more such interesting blogs follow Dexlab Analytics. Also take a look at the Machine Learning courses being offered by Dexlab Analytics– a premier analytics training institute in Gurgaon.


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