Realtime Mobile Usage And Revenue Generated From Mobile Traffic

Statistics of Mobile Usage And Revenue Generation From Mobile Traffic

Here is some mind blowing statistics on the mammoth amount of data flowing from mobile web traffic:


The amount of mobile web traffic flowing in real is completely astounding. Industry insiders suggest that if people can read these traffic numbers correctly for every minute of time from across the world, they might even see the ebb and flow of the internet hidden somewhere in the network of disorganised data.


Data analytics is going deeper and deeper into the generation of new insights and real time statics study is one such emerging avenue. The most interesting thing to note about the system is how much can happen in just a minute or in a day. Like for instance, did you know how many products are sold on Amazon in an hour worldwide?


Here are some interesting data about such instances that are happening across the globe every moment, and guess what? You are a part of it too!

Statistics of Mobile Usage And Revenue Generation From Mobile Traffic

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September 19, 2016 11:42 am Published by , ,

Big Data, data analytics, Mobile Traffic

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