Data Journalism: What is it and how it works

Data Journalism: What is it and how it works

The internet has killed some newspapers’ lunch, but it also presented them something truly remarkable – Data Journalism.

Data Journalism: What is it and how it works

Introducing Data Journalism

Data journalism is an amalgamation of a nosy reporter’s news sniffing capabilities and a statistician’s fondness for data analysis. By scrounging through vast amounts of data sets that are available through extensive connectivity, data journalists are using this data to etch out interesting stories.


Thanks to the magical powers of the internet and computer, data journalism is now a reality. As the internet is present all around, data is now widely available and easily accessible. What was once limited to the locked closets stacked with papers is now publicly searchable, just a Control-F away from unveiling vast streaks of secrets.


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How data is used?

Some information remains restricted, hidden from prying eyes of the public, but some data lies undiscovered in plain sight beneath massive pools of disconnected data. With the use of high-end statistical tools, investigative reporters, computer programmers, and data journalists are trying to uncover these mysteries by lifting up the layer of obscurity.


Today, data examination is possible. Noble bloggers and deadline-focused journalists can quickly peruse through vast pools of data in just five minutes, which would have taken a full day previously. The method of journalism has changed too, with interactive charts, innovative tech of storytelling and forage-through data sets, journalism has become a lot more internet-friendly.


What makes it so useful?

The increased use of internet by public and government means the documents mentioning how our government works is easier to find. That means the whistleblowers now have a rich powerhouse of information at their disposal, which they can draw on anytime. Irrespective of what you think of Edward Snowden’s interests, there is no question that he could have sneaked out such confidential information in the paper records days. A leading example is WikiLeaks, the way it smuggles out information on a daily basis is a true testament that private communications are no longer inaccessible.





With the advent of data journalism, we now encounter a new stream of news aggregation and tracking sites. Websites, such as Google Trends and Trump Today merges the techniques of web aggregation and data journalism to identify trending keywords and calculate their impact. 


Why is it important for you?

Are you a journalist or a news fanatic? No? Then it might be difficult for you to muster up much interest for data journalism. Though it has been abuzz with lots of improvements and updates, it won’t bring any change in your life.


However, as a loyal consumer of news, you should know how data journalism works. It functions wonderfully in keeping government honest and accountable to the public. With huge troves of data available for public, journalists can now surface stories about the real-world problems that the societies face and accordingly evaluate potential solutions. These instances show how data is incredibly powerful in uplifting societies at large.



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July 27, 2017 6:35 am Published by , , , , , , , , ,

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