Conducting Intensive Workshops – A Holistic, Exhaustive and Multidimensional Approach to Learning

Conducting Intensive Workshops – A Holistic, Exhaustive and Multidimensional Approach to Learning

Knowledge was scattered treasure; education organized it into art, commerce and science.

― Amit Kalantri – a magician, mentalist and an author


Conducting Intensive Workshops – A Holistic, Exhaustive and Multidimensional Approach to Learning


St. Stephen’s College, Delhi presents the magnanimous Academic Conclave 2017 – an initiative to endorse intellectual exuberance of the college and to strengthen interdisciplinary education across myriad fields of study. Often, the term ‘Academics’ is misinterpreted as ‘boring’ but once you attend this stellar event, you will definitely get a sneak peek of a perfect amalgamation of enthusiasm and comprehensive knowledge offered to the up-and-coming scholars of India. The intent is to establish a common accessible platform for incubation of ideas, interaction of thoughts and infestation of intellectuality and what can be better than host interactive workshop sessions! Besides lectures and keynote addresses, workshops are being conducted to encourage an easy interaction between the students and stalwarts of specific domains.


Headquartered in Gurgaon, the consultants at DexLab Analytics, a premier data-analytics training institute will be conducting an intensive workshop on ‘Neural Networks using Python’ at the Academic Conclave 2017. The workshop will take place on Friday, 31st March 2017, under the day themed on Artificial Intelligence at the college premise. St. Stephen’s College, founded in 1881, is one of the oldest colleges in India and DexLab Analytics take immense pride in being associated with such an elite institute’s event. It is a matter of great honour for us to be a part of the great Academic Conclave 2017.



Further, DexLab Analytics is conducting another 8-hour workshop on ‘Introducing R Programming and Sentiment Analysis on live Twitter data’ at MBE, Delhi University on Thursday, 30th March 2017. MBE (Masters in Business Economics) is unique in its own ways, because it offers a Masters in Business Economics with dual specialization, wherein Analytics is a primary subject and Marketing/Finance is the secondary one. DexLab Analytics have always shared a pleasant relationship with MBE. Previously, the adept consultants of DexLab Analytics conducted workshops in association with MBE to educate their student force about the boons of Big Data. Even, they absorbed MBE candidates as interns and recruits.



DexLab Analytics is conducting various corporate seminars, training sessions and knowledge imparting events over the past few months. In association with numerous elite colleges and institutes across India, this prime data-science training establishment is in its endeavour to ignite interest among the student community of the nation for Data Science – a complex yet in-demand subject matter. Making the youth data-friendly and data-efficient is their primary target. In order to fulfil their goals, they are collaborating with various like-minded institutions and universities.


Are you in lookout for Big Data Hadoop courses? Visit us at DexLab Analytics. We offer comprehensive big data hadoop training in Delhi.

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DexLab Analytics Is Heading an Intensive Workshop in Collaboration with St. Stephen’s College




Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

March 30, 2017 7:29 am Published by , , , , , ,

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