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Stories of Success: Molecular Modeling Toolkit (MMTK), Open Source Python Library

Stories of Success: Molecular Modeling Toolkit (MMTK), Open Source Python Library

Welcome again!! We are back here to take up another thrilling topic and dissect it inside out to see what compelling contents are hidden within. And this time we will take up our newly launched Python Programming Training Module – Python, invented by Guido Van Rossum is a very simple, well-interpreted and goal-specific intensive programming language.

Programmers love Python. Since there is zero compilation step, debugging Python programs is a mean feat. In this blog, we will chew over The Molecular Modeling Toolkit (MMTK) – it’s an open source Python library for molecular modeling and simulation. Composed of Python and C, MMTK eyes on bio-molecular systems with its conventional standard techniques and schemes, like Molecular Dynamics coupled with new techniques based on a platform of low-level operations.

Get a Python certification today from DexLab Analytics – a premier data science with python training institute in Delhi NCR.

It was 1996, when the officials from Python Org, including Konrad Hinsen (He was then involved in the Numerical Python project, but currently working as a researcher in theoretical physics at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). He is also the author of ScientificPython, a general-purpose library of scientific Python code) started developing MMTK. They initially had a brush off with mainstream simulation packages for biomolecules penned down by Fortran, but those packages were too clumsy to implement and especially modify and extend. In order to develop MMTK, modifiability was a crucial criterion undoubtedly and they gave it utmost attention.


The language chosen

The selection of language took time. The combination of Python and C was an intuitive decision. The pundits of Python were convinced that only a concoction of a high-level interpreted language and a CPU-efficient compiled language could serve their purpose well, and nothing short of that.

For the high-level segment, Tcl was rejected because it won’t be able to tackle such complex data structures of MMTK. Perl was also turned down because it was made of unfriendly syntax and an ugly integrated OO mechanism. Contrary to this, Python ranked high in terms of library support, readability, OO support and integration with other compiled languages. On top of that, numerical Python was just released during that time and it turned out to be a go-to option.

Now, for the low-level segment, Fortran 77 was turned down owing to its ancient character, portability issues and low quality memory management. Next, C++ was considered, but finally it was also rejected because of portability issues between compilers in those days.


The architecture of library

The entire architecture of MMTK is Python-centric. For any user, it will exude the vibes of a pure Python library. Numerical Python, LAPACK, and the netCDF library functions are observed extensively throughout MMTK. Also, MMTK offers multi-threading support for MPI-based parallelization for distributed memory machines and shared memory parallel machines.

The most important constituent of MMTK is a bundle of classes that identify atoms and molecules and control a database of fragments and molecules. Take a note – biomolecules (mostly RNA, DNA and proteins) are administered by subclasses of the generic Molecule class.

Extendibility and modularity are two pillars on which Python MMTK model is based. Without going under any modification of MMTK code, several energy terms, data type specializations and algorithms can be added anytime. Because, the design element of MMTK is that of a library, and not some close program, making it easier to run applications.

Note Bene: MMTK at present includes 18,000 lines of Python code, 12,000 lines of hand-written C code, and several machine-generated C codes. Most of the codes were formulated by one person during eight years as part of a research activity. The user community provided two modules, few functions and many ideas.

For more information, peruse through Python Training Courses Noida, offered by DexLab Analytics Delhi. They are affordable, as well as program-centric.


This article is sourced from –


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R is Gaining Huge Prominence in Data Analytics: Explained Why

Why should you learn R?

Just because it is largely popular..

Is this reason enough for you?

Budding data analytics professionals look forward to learn R because they think by grasping R skills, they would be able to nab the core principles of data science: data visualization, machine learning and data manipulation.

Be careful, while selecting a language to learn. The language should be capacious enough to trigger all the above-mentioned areas and more. Being a data scientist, you would need tools to carry out all these tasks, along with having the resources to learn them in the desired language.

In short, fix your attention on process and technique and just not on the syntax – after all, you need to find out ways to discover insight in data, and for that you need to excel over these 3 core skills in data science and FYI – in R, it is easier to master these skills as compared to any other language.

Data Manipulation

As rightly put, more than 80% of work in data science is related to data manipulation. Data wrangling is very common; a regular data scientist spends a significant portion of his time working on data – he arranges data and puts them into a proper shape to boost future operational activities. 

In R, you will find some of the best data management tools – dplyr package in R makes data manipulation easier. Just ‘chain’ the standard dplyr together and see how drastically data manipulation turns out to be simple.

For R programming certification in Delhi, drop by DexLab Analytics.


Data Visualization

One of the best data visualization tools, ggplot2 helps you get a better grip on syntax, while easing out the way you think about data visualization. Statistical visualizations are rooted in deep structure – they consist of a highly structured framework on which several data visualizations are created. Ggplot2 is also based on this system – learn ggplot2 and discover data visualization in a new way.

However, the moment you combine dplyr and ggplot2 together, through the chaining technology, deciphering new insights about your data becomes a piece of cake.

Machine Learning

For many, machine learning is the most important skill to develop but if you ask me, it takes time to ace it. Professionals, who are in this line of work takes years to fully understand the real workings of machine learning and implement it in the best way possible.

Stronger tools are needed time and often, especially when normal data exploration stops producing good results. R boasts of some of the most innovative tools and resources.

R is gaining popularity. It is becoming the lingua franca for data science, though there are several other high-end language programs, R is the one that is used most widely and extremely reliable. A large number of companies are putting their best bets on R – Digital natives like Google and Facebook both houses a large number of data scientists proficient in R. Revolution Analytics once stated, “R is also the tool of choice for data scientists at Microsoft, who apply machine learning to data from Bing, Azure, Office, and the Sales, Marketing and Finance departments.” Besides the tech giants, a wide array of medium-scale companies like Uber, Ford, HSBC and Trulia have also started recognizing the growing importance of R.

Now, if you want to learn more programming languages, you are good to go. To be clear, there is no single programming language that would solve all your data related problems, hence it’s better to set your hands in other languages to solve respective problems.

Consider Machine Learning Using Python; next to R, Python is the encompassing multi-purpose programming language all the data scientists should learn. Loaded with incredible visualization tools, machine learning techniques, Python is the second most useful language to learn. Grab a Python certification Gurgaon today from DexLab Analytics. It will surely help your career move!


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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Text Adventure – Using Control Flow In Python

Python wascreated by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.Python, as a programming platform, has gained a huge popularity within a short span of time because of its flexibility and the user-friendly interface. The software can be deployed easily for developing statistical models and machine learning algorithms

Text Adventure- Using Control Flow In Python

In fact, due to the advent of AI and ML, Python has a language has had a certain kind of rebirth as far as industrial use is concerned. Today, however, the focus is going to be on a particular section of the language, namely the control flow to create a basic system in Python.

Continue reading “Text Adventure – Using Control Flow In Python”

Open a World of Opportunities: Web Scraping Using PHP and Python

Open a World of Opportunities: Web Scraping Using PHP and Python

The latest estimates says, the total number of websites has crossed one billion mark; everyday a new site is being added and removed, but the record stays.

Having said that, just imagine how much data is floating around the web. The amount is so huge that it would be impossible for even hundreds of humans to digest all the information in a lifetime. To tackle such large amounts of data, you not only need to have easy access to all the information but should also process some scalable way to gather data in order to organize and analyze it. And that’s exactly where web data scraping comes into picture.

Web scraping, data mining, web data extraction, web harvesting or screen scraping – they all means the same thing – a technique in which a computer program fetches huge piles of data from a website and saves them in your computer, spreadsheet or database in a normal format for easy analysis.


Web Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup

In case, you are not satisfied with the internet sources of web scraping, you are most likely to develop your very own data scraping tools, which is quite easier. In this blog we will show you how to frame a web scraper with Python and very simple yet dynamic BeautifulSoup Library:

First, import the libraries we will use: requests and BeautifulSoup:

# Import libraries
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Secondly, point out the variable for the URL using request.get method and gain access to the HTML content right from this page:

import requests
URL = ""
r = requests.get(URL)

Next, we will parse a webpage, and for that, we need to create a BeautifulSoup object:

import requests 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = ""
r = requests.get(URL)

 # Create a BeautifulSoup object
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html5lib')

Now, let’s extract some meaningful information from HTML content. Look at the HTML content of the webpage, which was printed using the soup.pretify()method..

table = soup.find('div', attrs = {'id':'container'})

Here, you will find each quote inside a div container, belonging to the class quote.

We will repeat the process with each div container, belonging to the class quote. For that, we will use findAll()method and repeat the process with each quote using variable row.

After which, we will create a dictionary, in which all the data about the quote will be saved in a list, and is called ‘quotes’.

    quote['lines'] = row.h6.text

Now, coming to the final step – write down the data to a CSV file, but how?

See below:

filename = 'inspirational_quotes.csv'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    w = csv.DictWriter(f,['theme','url','img','lines','author'])
    for quote in quotes:

This type of web scraping is used on a small-scale; for larger scale, you can consider:

Scraping Websites with PHP and Curl

To connect to a large number of servers and protocols, and download pictures, videos and graphics from several websites, consider Scraping Websites with PHP and cURL.


function curl_download($Url){

    if (!function_exists('curl_init')){
        die('cURL is not installed. Install and try again.');

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $output = curl_exec($ch);

    return $output;

print curl_download('');


In a nutshell, the scopes of using web scraping for analyzing content and applying it to your content marketing strategies are vast like the horizon. Armed by endless types of data analysis, web scraping technology has proved to be a valuable tool for the content producers. So, when are you feeding yourself with web scraping technology?

Discover the perfect platform for excellent R programming using Python courses. For more information on R programming training institute drop by DexLab Analytics.

This post originally appeared

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The Timeline of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

The Timeline of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Cities have been constructed sprawling over the miles, heaven-piercing skyscrapers have been built, mountains have been cut across to make way for tunnels, and rivers have been redirected to erect massive dams – in less than 250 years, we propelled from primitive horse-drawn carts to autonomous cars run on highly integrated GPS systems, all because of state-of-the-art technological innovation. The internet has transformed all our lives, forever. Be it artificial intelligence or Internet of Things, they have shaped our society and amplified the pace of high-tech breakthroughs.

One of the most significant and influential developments in the field of technology is the notion of artificial intelligence. Dating back to the 5th century BC, when Greek myths of Hephaestus incorporate the idea of robots, though it couldn’t be executed till the Second World War II, artificial intelligence has indeed come a long way.


Come and take a look at this infographic blog to view the timeline of Artificial Intelligence:


Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Over the Ages from Infographics


In the near future, AI will become a massive sector brimming with promising financial opportunities and unabashed technological superiority. To find out more about AI and how it is going to impact our lives, read our blogs published at DexLab Analytics. We offer excellent Machine Learning training in Gurgaon for aspiring candidates, who want to know more about Machine Learning using Python.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Let’s Make Visualizations Better In Python with Matplotlib

Let’s Make Visualizations Better In Python with Matplotlib

Learn the basics of effective graphic designing and create pretty-looking plots, using matplotlib. In fact, not only matplotlib, I will try to give meaningful insights about R/ggplot2, Matlab, Excel, and any other graphing tool you use, that will help you grasp the concepts of graphic designing better.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

To begin with, make sure you remember– less is more, when it is about plotting. Neophyte graphic designers sometimes think that by adding a visually appealing semi-related picture on the background of data visualization, they will make the presentation look better but eventually they are wrong. If not this, then they may also fall prey to less-influential graphic designing flaws, like using a little more of chartjunk.


Data always look better naked. Try to strip it down, instead of adorning it.

Have a look at the following GIF:

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery explained it the best.

Color rules the world

The default color configuration of Matlab is quite awful. Matlab/matplotlib stalwarts may find the colors not that ugly, but it’s undeniable that Tableau’s default color configuration is way better than Matplotlib’s.

Get Tableau certification Pune today! DexLab Analytics offers Tableau BI training courses to the aspiring candidates.

Make use of established default color schemes from leading software that is famous for offering gorgeous plots. Tableau is here with its incredible set of color schemes, right from grayscale and colored to colorblind friendly.

A plenty of graphic designers forget paying heed to the issue of color blindness, which encompasses over 5% of the graphic viewers. For example, if a person suffers from red-green color blindness, it will be completely indecipherable for him to understand the difference between the two categories depicted by red and green plots. So, how will he work then?


For them, it is better to rely upon colorblind friendly color configurations, like Tableau’s “Color Blind 10”.


To run the codes, you need to install the following Python libraries:


  1. Matplotlib
  2. Pandas


Now that we are done with the fundamentals, let’s get started with the coding.




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Read the data into a pandas DataFrame.  
gender_degree_data = pd.read_csv("")  

# These are the "Tableau 20" colors as RGB.  
tableau20 = [(31, 119, 180), (174, 199, 232), (255, 127, 14), (255, 187, 120),  
             (44, 160, 44), (152, 223, 138), (214, 39, 40), (255, 152, 150),  
             (148, 103, 189), (197, 176, 213), (140, 86, 75), (196, 156, 148),  
             (227, 119, 194), (247, 182, 210), (127, 127, 127), (199, 199, 199),  
             (188, 189, 34), (219, 219, 141), (23, 190, 207), (158, 218, 229)]  

# Scale the RGB values to the [0, 1] range, which is the format matplotlib accepts.  
for i in range(len(tableau20)):  
    r, g, b = tableau20[i]  
    tableau20[i] = (r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)  

# You typically want your plot to be ~1.33x wider than tall. This plot is a rare  
# exception because of the number of lines being plotted on it.  
# Common sizes: (10, 7.5) and (12, 9)  
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 14))  

# Remove the plot frame lines. They are unnecessary chartjunk.  
ax = plt.subplot(111)  

# Ensure that the axis ticks only show up on the bottom and left of the plot.  
# Ticks on the right and top of the plot are generally unnecessary chartjunk.  

# Limit the range of the plot to only where the data is.  
# Avoid unnecessary whitespace.  
plt.ylim(0, 90)  
plt.xlim(1968, 2014)  

# Make sure your axis ticks are large enough to be easily read.  
# You don't want your viewers squinting to read your plot.  
plt.yticks(range(0, 91, 10), [str(x) + "%" for x in range(0, 91, 10)], fontsize=14)  

# Provide tick lines across the plot to help your viewers trace along  
# the axis ticks. Make sure that the lines are light and small so they  
# don't obscure the primary data lines.  
for y in range(10, 91, 10):  
    plt.plot(range(1968, 2012), [y] * len(range(1968, 2012)), "--", lw=0.5, color="black", alpha=0.3)  

# Remove the tick marks; they are unnecessary with the tick lines we just plotted.  
plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", bottom="off", top="off",  
                labelbottom="on", left="off", right="off", labelleft="on")  

# Now that the plot is prepared, it's time to actually plot the data!  
# Note that I plotted the majors in order of the highest % in the final year.  
majors = ['Health Professions', 'Public Administration', 'Education', 'Psychology',  
          'Foreign Languages', 'English', 'Communications\nand Journalism',  
          'Art and Performance', 'Biology', 'Agriculture',  
          'Social Sciences and History', 'Business', 'Math and Statistics',  
          'Architecture', 'Physical Sciences', 'Computer Science',  

for rank, column in enumerate(majors):  
    # Plot each line separately with its own color, using the Tableau 20  
    # color set in order.  
            gender_degree_data[column.replace("\n", " ")].values,  
            lw=2.5, color=tableau20[rank])  

    # Add a text label to the right end of every line. Most of the code below  
    # is adding specific offsets y position because some labels overlapped.  
    y_pos = gender_degree_data[column.replace("\n", " ")].values[-1] - 0.5  
    if column == "Foreign Languages":  
        y_pos += 0.5  
    elif column == "English":  
        y_pos -= 0.5  
    elif column == "Communications\nand Journalism":  
        y_pos += 0.75  
    elif column == "Art and Performance":  
        y_pos -= 0.25  
    elif column == "Agriculture":  
        y_pos += 1.25  
    elif column == "Social Sciences and History":  
        y_pos += 0.25  
    elif column == "Business":  
        y_pos -= 0.75  
    elif column == "Math and Statistics":  
        y_pos += 0.75  
    elif column == "Architecture":  
        y_pos -= 0.75  
    elif column == "Computer Science":  
        y_pos += 0.75  
    elif column == "Engineering":  
        y_pos -= 0.25  

    # Again, make sure that all labels are large enough to be easily read  
    # by the viewer.  
    plt.text(2011.5, y_pos, column, fontsize=14, color=tableau20[rank])  

# matplotlib's title() call centers the title on the plot, but not the graph,  
# so I used the text() call to customize where the title goes.  

# Make the title big enough so it spans the entire plot, but don't make it  
# so big that it requires two lines to show.  

# Note that if the title is descriptive enough, it is unnecessary to include  
# axis labels; they are self-evident, in this plot's case.  
plt.text(1995, 93, "Percentage of Bachelor's degrees conferred to women in the U.S.A."  
       ", by major (1970-2012)", fontsize=17, ha="center")  

# Always include your data source(s) and copyright notice! And for your  
# data sources, tell your viewers exactly where the data came from,  
# preferably with a direct link to the data. Just telling your viewers  
# that you used data from the "U.S. Census Bureau" is completely useless:  
# the U.S. Census Bureau provides all kinds of data, so how are your  
# viewers supposed to know which data set you used?  
plt.text(1966, -8, "Data source:"  
       "\nAuthor: Randy Olson ( / @randal_olson)"  
       "\nNote: Some majors are missing because the historical data "  
       "is not available for them", fontsize=10)  

# Finally, save the figure as a PNG.  
# You can also save it as a PDF, JPEG, etc.  
# Just change the file extension in this call.  
# bbox_inches="tight" removes all the extra whitespace on the edges of your plot.  
plt.savefig("percent-bachelors-degrees-women-usa.png", bbox_inches="tight")



import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import sem

# This function takes an array of numbers and smoothes them out.
# Smoothing is useful for making plots a little easier to read.
def sliding_mean(data_array, window=5):
    data_array = array(data_array)
    new_list = []
    for i in range(len(data_array)):
        indices = range(max(i - window + 1, 0),
                        min(i + window + 1, len(data_array)))
        avg = 0
        for j in indices:
            avg += data_array[j]
        avg /= float(len(indices))
    return array(new_list)

# Due to an agreement with the admin, I cannot make the data
# for this plot publicly available. This function reads in and parses the
# chess data set into a tabulated pandas DataFrame.
chess_data = read_chess_data()

# These variables are where we put the years (x-axis), means (y-axis), and error bar values.
# We could just as easily replace the means with medians,
# and standard errors (SEMs) with standard deviations (STDs).
years = chess_data.groupby("Year").PlyCount.mean().keys()
mean_PlyCount = sliding_mean(chess_data.groupby("Year").PlyCount.mean().values,
sem_PlyCount = sliding_mean(chess_data.groupby("Year").PlyCount.apply(sem).mul(1.96).values,

# You typically want your plot to be ~1.33x wider than tall.
# Common sizes: (10, 7.5) and (12, 9)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))

# Remove the plot frame lines. They are unnecessary chartjunk.
ax = plt.subplot(111)

# Ensure that the axis ticks only show up on the bottom and left of the plot.
# Ticks on the right and top of the plot are generally unnecessary chartjunk.

# Limit the range of the plot to only where the data is.
# Avoid unnecessary whitespace.
plt.ylim(63, 85)

# Make sure your axis ticks are large enough to be easily read.
# You don't want your viewers squinting to read your plot.
plt.xticks(range(1850, 2011, 20), fontsize=14)
plt.yticks(range(65, 86, 5), fontsize=14)

# Along the same vein, make sure your axis labels are large
# enough to be easily read as well. Make them slightly larger
# than your axis tick labels so they stand out.
plt.ylabel("Ply per Game", fontsize=16)

# Use matplotlib's fill_between() call to create error bars.
# Use the dark blue "#3F5D7D" as a nice fill color.
plt.fill_between(years, mean_PlyCount - sem_PlyCount,
                 mean_PlyCount + sem_PlyCount, color="#3F5D7D")

# Plot the means as a white line in between the error bars. 
# White stands out best against the dark blue.
plt.plot(years, mean_PlyCount, color="white", lw=2)

# Make the title big enough so it spans the entire plot, but don't make it
# so big that it requires two lines to show.
plt.title("Chess games are getting longer", fontsize=22)

# Always include your data source(s) and copyright notice! And for your
# data sources, tell your viewers exactly where the data came from,
# preferably with a direct link to the data. Just telling your viewers
# that you used data from the "U.S. Census Bureau" is completely useless:
# the U.S. Census Bureau provides all kinds of data, so how are your
# viewers supposed to know which data set you used?
plt.xlabel("\nData source: | "
           "Author: Randy Olson ( / @randal_olson)", fontsize=10)

# Finally, save the figure as a PNG.
# You can also save it as a PDF, JPEG, etc.
# Just change the file extension in this call.
# bbox_inches="tight" removes all the extra whitespace on the edges of your plot.
plt.savefig("chess-number-ply-over-time.png", bbox_inches="tight");




import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Due to an agreement with the admin, I cannot make the data
# for this plot publicly available. This function reads in and parses the
# chess data set into a tabulated pandas DataFrame.
chess_data = read_chess_data()

# You typically want your plot to be ~1.33x wider than tall.
# Common sizes: (10, 7.5) and (12, 9)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))

# Remove the plot frame lines. They are unnecessary chartjunk.
ax = plt.subplot(111)

# Ensure that the axis ticks only show up on the bottom and left of the plot.
# Ticks on the right and top of the plot are generally unnecessary chartjunk.

# Make sure your axis ticks are large enough to be easily read.
# You don't want your viewers squinting to read your plot.
plt.yticks(range(5000, 30001, 5000), fontsize=14)

# Along the same vein, make sure your axis labels are large
# enough to be easily read as well. Make them slightly larger
# than your axis tick labels so they stand out.
plt.xlabel("Elo Rating", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Count", fontsize=16)

# Plot the histogram. Note that all I'm passing here is a list of numbers.
# matplotlib automatically counts and bins the frequencies for us.
# "#3F5D7D" is the nice dark blue color.
# Make sure the data is sorted into enough bins so you can see the distribution.
plt.hist(list(chess_data.WhiteElo.values) + list(chess_data.BlackElo.values),
         color="#3F5D7D", bins=100)

# Always include your data source(s) and copyright notice! And for your
# data sources, tell your viewers exactly where the data came from,
# preferably with a direct link to the data. Just telling your viewers
# that you used data from the "U.S. Census Bureau" is completely useless:
# the U.S. Census Bureau provides all kinds of data, so how are your
# viewers supposed to know which data set you used?
plt.text(1300, -5000, "Data source: | "
         "Author: Randy Olson ( / @randal_olson)", fontsize=10)

# Finally, save the figure as a PNG.
# You can also save it as a PDF, JPEG, etc.
# Just change the file extension in this call.
# bbox_inches="tight" removes all the extra whitespace on the edges of your plot.
plt.savefig("chess-elo-rating-distribution.png", bbox_inches="tight");

Here Goes the Bonus

It takes one more line of code to transform your matplotlib into a phenomenal interactive.



Learn more such tutorials only at DexLab Analytics. We make data visualizations easier by providing excellent Python courses in India. In just few months, you will cover advanced topics and more, which will help you make a career in data analytics.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Python Vs R- Which You Want To Learn First

Python Vs R- Which You Want To Learn First

If Big Data interests you as a career choice and you are pretty much aware of the skills you need in order to be proficient in this field, in all likelihood you must be aware that R and Python are two leading languages used for analyzing data. And in case you are not really sure as to learn which of the mentioned articles first, this post will help you in making that decision.


In the field of analysis of data, R and Python both are free solutions that are easy to install and get started with. And it is normal for the layman to wonder which to learn first. But you may thank the heavens as both are excellent choices.

Let’s Make Visualizations Better In Python with Matplotlib – @Dexlabanalytics.

A recent poll on the most widely used programming languages for analytics and data science reveal the following:

Python Vs R- Which You Want To Learn First


Reasons to Choose R

R has an illustrious history that stretches for a considerable period of time. In addition you receive support from an active, dedicated and thriving community. That translates to the fact that you are more likely to be helped in case you are in need of some assistance or have any queries to resolve. In addition another factor that works in the favor of R is the abundance of packages that contribute greatly to increasing its functionality and make it more accessible which put R as one of the front runners to being the data science tool of choice. R works well with computer languages like Java, C and C++.

How to Parse Data with Python – @Dexlabanalytics.

In situations that call for heavy tasks in statistical analysis as well as creating graphics R programming is the tool that you want to turn to. In R, you are able to perform convoluted mathematical operations with surprising ease like matrix multiplication. And the array-centered syntax of the language make the process of translating the math into lines of code far easier which especially true of persons with little or no coding knowledge and experience.

Reasons to Opt for Python

In contrast to the specialized nature of R, Python is a programming language that serves general purposes and is able to perform a variety of tasks like munging data, engineering and wrangling data, building web applications and scraping websites amongst others. It is also the easier one to master among the two especially if you have learned an OOP or object-oriented programming language previously. In addition the Code written in Python is scalable and may be maintained with more robust code than it is possible in case of R.

The Choice Between SAS Vs. R Vs. Python: Which to Learn First? – @Dexlabanalytics.

Though the data packages available are not as large and comprehensive as R, Python when used in conjunction with tools like Numpy, Pandas, Scikit etc it comes pretty close to the comprehensive functionality of R. Python is also being adopted for tasks like statistical work of intermediate and basic complexity as well as machine learning.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
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