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Role of Self Service Analytics in Businesses

Role of Self Service Analytics in Businesses

Self Service Analytics is proving useful for business users, who are working on business data without necessarily having a background in technology and statistics. It is essentially bridging the gap between trained data analysts and normal business users.

Following are the characteristics of Self Service Analytics:

  1. Business Users Independence:

Self Service Analytics reduces dependency on IT and Data warehousing teams, thereby reducing the turnaround time for a request made by a business user.

It does so by continuously collating and loading real time data into a singular stream without disparity, which is easily accessible through browsers. Thus, it helps business users in taking decisions on Real-Time basis.

This feature benefits organizations because vital decisions made within time can be more profitable as compared to the traditional way of analysing data, which may not be a good idea in respect to the urgency constraint.


  1. Easier and Reduced Cost of Operations:

Often, the company’s data are fragmented and widespread across various divisions. This increases the headache of channelling the data meaningfully and in a wholesome manner.

Further to this, preparing reports using this data becomes a cumbersome job for the IT department or the department, which is serving such request. Hence, it may lead to increased cost of time or decreased quality of efficiency at which the operations have to run. However, many a times, these reports fail to give an overview of the operations in an organisation.

Self-service BI integrates data from different systems and delivers a “Single Version of Truth”. Accessing this data and running computations on it requires only a browser for access and eliminates the need to install, maintain and administer large-footprint software clients on each user’s workstation.

If Self Service Analytics is hosted on SaaS, it will further reduce the cost of machinery and maintenance associated with it. The provision for usage can be increased or decreased in no time according to the usage pattern. This really means that Self Service Analytics helps you adapt with time and Pay-Per-Use model, which is a leading trend in most of the industries.

  1. Resolving the conflict over accuracy:

Typically, a business user using Excel would have a local copy of data and run computations on it. He can merge and transform it by using various formulas and finally derive a conclusion.

This is dangerous because in live operations, data keeps changing and data integrity is at stake by working on local copies. Thus, accuracy in decision-making becomes a game of luck.

In Self Service BI, the data from the source is extracted, transformed and loaded into a unique data model, which goes with all operations. In this case, data integrity is assured. In addition, all business users have the same source of data, removing the risk that working with different local copies have.

Therefore, from the above stated facts, we can conclude that Self Service Analytics is a need for today’s businesses.

However, there are a few risks involved in Self Service Business Analytics:

  1. Loose corporate governance and make data available to business users directly may be taken advantage of in an undue manner.
  2. Business users may not be properly trained or skilled to make decisions.
  3. Relying heavily on any tool without some real life experience and insight into the background of that data can result into an impaired decision-making.

If all the above-mentioned risks are mitigated and proper corporate governance structure is in place, Self Service Analytics can be very beneficial for the success of any organization.

To excel in Self-Service Analytics, why not take up Machine Learning courses in Delhi from DexLab Analytics! They are informative, interesting and elaborate.


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How Machine Learning Training Course and AI Made Lives Easier

How Machine Learning Training Course and AI Made Lives Easier

Technological superiority, the rise of the machines and an eventual apocalypse are often highlighted in sci-fi Hollywood movies. The unfavorable impacts of machine learning and excessive dependence on artificial intelligence have always been the hot topic for several Hollywood blockbusters, since years. And people who watch such movies develop a perception that more the technical advancement, higher is the chances that it will ignite a war against humans.

However, in reality, away from the world of Hollywood and motion pictures, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is creating a sensation! If we look past the hype of Hollywood movies, we will understand that the Rise of Machines is certainly not the end of the world or the harbinger of apocalypse but a window of opportunity to achieve technical convenience.

How Things Got Simpler Using Machine Learning Training Course

Though individual are reaping benefits from AI, but it is the business world that is deriving most of its benefits. You will find AI everywhere- from gaming parlors to the humongous amount of data piled in workstation computers. Extensive research is being carried out in this field and scientists and tech gurus are spending huge amount of time in making this improved technology reach the masses. Also, Google and Facebook have placed their high hopes on AI and have also started implementing it in their products and services. Soon, we will see how easily Machine Learning and AI will stream from one product to another.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

Who Are The Best Users of Machine Learning?

Machine learning cannot be implemented by every SaaS. Then who can be the active users of machine learning? As stated by a spokesperson of a reputable AI company, the implementation of Machine Learning is suitable for companies that have massive amounts of historical data stored. To train a puppy, you need a handful of treats, similarly to tackle an algorithm you need a vast amount of human corrected error-free data.

Secondly, to get the taste of success the companies, who are thinking of implementing AI, need a proper business case. You need a proper plan before you start operating. Always question yourself, whether your machine learning algorithm will be able to reduce your costs, while offering better value. If yes, then it is a green signal for you!

Take machine Learning course from experts who possess incredible math skills! The Machine Learning course in India is offered by DexLab Analytics. For more details, go through our Machine Learning Certification course brochure uploaded on the website. 



Conducting Intensive Workshops – A Holistic, Exhaustive and Multidimensional Approach to Learning

Knowledge was scattered treasure; education organized it into art, commerce and science.

― Amit Kalantri – a magician, mentalist and an author


Conducting Intensive Workshops – A Holistic, Exhaustive and Multidimensional Approach to Learning


St. Stephen’s College, Delhi presents the magnanimous Academic Conclave 2017 – an initiative to endorse intellectual exuberance of the college and to strengthen interdisciplinary education across myriad fields of study. Often, the term ‘Academics’ is misinterpreted as ‘boring’ but once you attend this stellar event, you will definitely get a sneak peek of a perfect amalgamation of enthusiasm and comprehensive knowledge offered to the up-and-coming scholars of India. The intent is to establish a common accessible platform for incubation of ideas, interaction of thoughts and infestation of intellectuality and what can be better than host interactive workshop sessions! Besides lectures and keynote addresses, workshops are being conducted to encourage an easy interaction between the students and stalwarts of specific domains.

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Darker Clouds Covering the Cloud

Darker Clouds Covering the Cloud

New age technologies are dominating the present business environment. Mobility, cloud computing, social media and analytics have been affecting the different realms of business at an ever-increasing rate. Though most of the impacts are favourable, yet it will be reckless to ignore the severity of the negative ones.

Amidst all, cloud computing grabbed the utmost attention. The benefits of cloud computing are myriad – better productivity, lower costs and quicker time to market. A surging number of employees are using cloud applications to talk about various work-related subject matters. Nevertheless, data security is still a leading concern.




Traditional threats are no more potent. Most organisations have devised manipulating ways to safeguard themselves against those predictable threats, newer threats call for better IT security to realise high profile business priorities. A well-researched study by VMware, a pioneer in cloud infrastructure and digital workspace technology revealed that though businesses – small, medium and large will be more than keen to implement cloud computing to secure better future goals and efficiency, information security thriving on the cloud will have a profound impact on enterprises in the next 3-5 years.



The Cloud Security

Another study by eminent research firm Kantar IMRB highlighted that though organisations are taking steps towards a modern workspace environment, they are more interested about having a safe and secured digital environment, thanks to a rising number of cyber threats and thefts. If you follow the figures, in the next 3-5 years, more than 86% of enterprises are going to enhance their IT Budget and 80% of organisations will be eager to expend more time, skill and money on cloud technology.




In respect to the above context, Arun Parameswaran, managing director of VMware India said, “With nearly 25% of all IT workloads being managed on the cloud today, and the number expected to double by 2021, it is evident that the traditional on-premises IT environment is undergoing a profound change.” He further added, “Today, CIOs play an extremely essential role in their organisations’ IT, and it is of utmost importance to have enterprise data available always—anytime and anywhere while tightly secured.”

Enhanced productivity and better profitability will always remain a prime priority, but now as per the recent studies, IT security has also become a chief concern in the list of business priorities. However, despite heavy investments in IT, CIOs of well-established companies are unhappy because the budget is either not structured properly or inadequate. The studies also reveal that the government and BFSI respondents think that the budget for IT security is quite low, and it should be increased at least by 25% by next year.


Cloud is the best thing since sliced bread. Companies are relying more on cloud to store sensitive data. Cloud is the future; so companies should look up to ways to balance the risks with explicit advantages that this evolving technology brings in.


Looking forward to a credit risk analysis course online? Check out a wide range of interactive Credit Risk Analysis online course at DexLab Analytics.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Data Analytics for the Big Screen

Can the film industry leverage more on data analytics?

Film making as an industry is as dependent on good marketing as it is on good content.

Data Analytics for the Big Screen

And it is here that data analytics comes to the picture, for not only does it govern marketing strategies of a Studio but in future it might govern the creative half as well.

For a conventional Hollywood blockbuster, an average of $70 Million are spent within 10-12 weeks and data analytics might direct us as to how much cash needs to be spent and where. Nowadays companies such as IBM are experimenting with Deep Sentiment Analysis, which tries to gauge the market sentiment by listening to the constant stream of content being posted by the users in a given area. The data comes from all sorts of sources, both structured and unstructured, which then needs to be cleaned before gaining any actionable insights from it. Nowadays, companies are working towards developing Market Optimisation Models where they can use historical data to create models, which are then fed current data in order to guide marketing budget allocation decisions. Another way studios are using data analytics is to predict market reaction in USA and Europe by analysing moviegoer’s reaction to the initial run of the movie (usually in smaller markets of Asia). They then proceed to rebrand/improve its offering to make it more ‘commercial’ for a given region.

But does this seemingly endless data and ever improving predictive model point towards a future, where Big Data might tell writers what to write, directors how to direct and actors how to act? If the answer is in affirmative, then are we diluting cinema as an artistic medium? Studios, such as Netflix have now extracted about 70,000 unique characteristics from its movie collection, and now they are analysing how the presence/absence of a characteristic has an impact on the movie revenue/rating/viewing. It then uses these findings to develop and fine-tune the shows it will produce in future. This increasingly ‘scientific’ manner of developing movies is taking over at other studios as well, along with experts fearing that this practice might lead to the industry losing its experimental and creative edge.

With proved benefits, including increased revenue and minimal risk, it is imperative for studios to invest into Data Analytics. It has become imperative to design their marketing strategy using this mine of user data to make their offerings economic, popular, efficient and successful.

Seeking data analytics certification courses to boost your business growth? Go through our comprehensive Online Courses in data science at DexLab Analytics.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Can We Fight Discrimination With Better Machine Learning?

Can We Fight Discrimination With Better Machine Learning?

With the increase in use of machine learning, for taking important corporate as well as national operational decisions, it is important to set across some core social domains. They will work to make sure that these decisions are not biased with discrimination against certain categories whatever they may be applied into.

In this post, we will discuss the crucial matters of “threshold classifiers”, a part of some machine learning operations that is critical to the issues of discrimination. With a threshold classifier one can essentially make a yes/no decision, which in turn helps to put things in perspective with one category or the other. Here we will take a look at how these classifiers work, the ways in which they can potentially be biased and how one may be able to turn an unfair classifier into a much fairer one.

By opting for a course on Machine Learning Using Python, you will be able to grasp the subject matter of this topic better.

In order to provide an illustrative example, we will concentrate on loan granting scenarios where the bank may approve or deny a loan based on one single, number computed automatically like a Credit score.


In the above-mentioned diagram, the dark dots represent people who do pay off their loans and debts, while the lighter dots show those who would not. In an ideal scenario, we may get to work with statistics that cleanly distinguish the classes as in the left example. However, sadly this is far more common to see a situation wherein at the right where the group overlaps.

A standalone statistic can stand in for several different variables, and boiling them down to just one number. In case of the credit score, which is evaluated by looking at several numbers of factors, that include income, promptness in debt repayment and much more. The number might even correctly represent the likelihood that a person may pay off a debt or also default, or might not. This relationship is actually pretty blurred and it is rare to find a statistic that correlates perfectly with real-world outcomes.

And that is exactly where the idea of a “threshold classifier” comes in: the bank selects a particular cut-off or threshold, and the people who have their credit scores are mentioned below it, will be denied of loans and people above it are usually granted the lending. However, real banks have several more additional complexities, but this simple model is often useful for studying some of the fundamental issues. Also to be clear, Google does not use credit scores for their products!

Take our credit risk management courses in Delhi to know more about financial management with data driven insights.

The above-mentioned diagram makes use of synthetic data to show how a threshold classifier works. For further simplification of the explanation, we will be staying away from realistic credit scores  or the data what you see shows just the simulated data with a score based on the range of 0 to 100.

As can be well understood, selecting a threshold needs some tradeoffs. Too low and the bank wil l end up giving loans to many people who default; if too high many people who actually do deserve a loan will not get them.

So, how to determine the right threshold? That is subjective. One important goal may be to maximize the number of appropriate decisions. (Can you tell us what threshold will do that in this example scenario?)

Another financial situational goal may be to, maximize profit. At the bottom of the above mentioned diagram, is a readout hypothetical “profit” which is based on the model wherein a successful loan will make USD 300, but a default will cost a bank USD 700. So what will be the most profitable threshold? And does it match the threshold with the maximum correct decisions?

Discrimination and categorization:

The aspect of how to make a correct decision is defined, and with sensitivities to which factors will become particularly thorny, when a statistic like a credit score ends up distributed separately in between the two teams.

Let us imagine that we have two teams of people ‘orange’ and ‘blue’. We are keen on making small loans, subject to the following rules:

  • A successful loan will make USD 300
  • But an unsuccessful loan will make USD 700
  • Everyone will have a credit score of range 0 to 100

DexLab Analytics offers credit risk analysis course online for the ease of promoting financial credit risk knowledge and data analytics know-how to the right personnel conveniently.

How to simulate loan decisions for different groups:

Drag the black threshold bars either left or right to alter the cut-offs for loans. Click on the varying preset loan strategies:

In the above mentioned case, the distributions of the two groups are slightly varying. While the blue and the orange people are equivalently likely to pay off a debt. But if you take look for a pair of thresholds that maximize total profit (or click on max profit button), then you will be able to see that the blue group is held in a slightly higher standard than the orange one.

How to improve machine-learning systems:

An important outcome of the paper by Hardt, Price, and Srebro depicted that – when mentioned essentially in any scoring system, it will be possible to efficiently to find the thresholds that meet any of the above mentioned criteria. Put in other words, even if you do not posses control over   the underlying scoring system (which is quite a common case) it will still be possible to attack the issue of discrimination.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Take Small Steps With Big Feet of Business Analytics

Take Small Steps With Big Feet of Business Analytics

Do these following questions clog your mind?

I aspire to become a business analytics professional, but I don’t know what skills to possess?

I am sceptical; which training should I opt for in order to establish my career in the sphere of business analytics?

I am looking forward to switch my career into data analytics, but I don’t know which skills to imbibe for better prospects?

Answer: Yes, they do.

Continue reading “Take Small Steps With Big Feet of Business Analytics”

Pandora: Blending Music with Machine Learning

Pandora: Blending Music with Machine Learning

Erik Schmidt, a Senior Scientist at Pandora is going to propose an insight of recommendations and deeper challenges involved with Pandora at the Machine Intelligence Summit. This global tech event will take place in San Francisco on 23rd and 24th of March 2017. Continue reading “Pandora: Blending Music with Machine Learning”

Big Data in Every Day Living

Big Data in Every Day Living


Business Intelligence combined with Big Data analytics is stimulating the progress of Enterprises across the globe, along with pulling whooping amount of investment within the Big Data community. The infographic given below on big data in shaping everyday lives elucidates people about how Big Data is making our lives better.

Continue reading “Big Data in Every Day Living”

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