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What Role Does A Data Scientist Play In A Business Organization?

What Role Does A Data Scientist Play In A Business Organization?

The job of a data scientist is one that is challenging, exciting and crucial to an organization’s success.  So, it’s no surprise that there is a rush to enroll in a Data Science course, to be eligible for the job. But, while you are at it, you also need to have the awareness regarding the job responsibilities usually bestowed upon the data scientists in a business organization and you would be surprised to learn that the responsibilities of a data scientist differs from that of a data analyst or, a data engineer.

So, what is the role and responsibility of a data scientist?  Let’s take a look.

The common idea regarding a data scientist role is that they analyze huge volumes of data in order to find patterns and extract information that would help the organizations to move ahead by developing strategies accordingly. This surface level idea cannot sum up the way a data scientist navigates through the data field. The responsibilities could be broken down into segments and that would help you get the bigger picture.

Data management

The data scientist, post assuming the role, needs to be aware of the goal of the organization in order to proceed. He needs to stay aware of the top trends in the industry to guide his organization, and collect data and also decide which methods are to be used for the purpose. The most crucial part of the job is the developing the knowledge of the problems the business is trying solve and the data available that have relevance and could be used to achieve the goal. He has to collaborate with other departments such as analytics to get the job of extracting information from data.

Data analysis

Another vital responsibility of the data scientist is to assume the analytical role and build models and implement those models to solve issues that are best fit for the purpose. The data scientist has to resort to data mining, text mining techniques. Doing text mining with python course can really put you in an advantageous position when you actually get to handle complex dataset.

Developing strategies

The data scientists need to devote themselves to tasks like data cleaning, applying models, and wade through unstructured datasets to derive actionable insight in order to gauge the customer behavior, market trends. These insights help a business organization to decide its future course of action and also measure a product performance. A Data analyst training institute is the right place to pick up the skills required for performing such nuanced tasks.


Another vital task that a data scientist performs is collaborating with others such as stakeholders and data engineers, data analysts communicating with them in order to share their findings or, discussing certain issues. However, in order to communicate effectively the data scientists need to master the art of data visualization which they could learn while pursuing big data courses in delhi along with deep learning for computer vision course.  The key issue here is to make the presentation simple yet effective enough so that people from any background can understand it.

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The above mentioned responsibilities of a data scientist just scratch the surface because, a data scientist’s job role cannot be limited by or, defined by a couple of tasks. The data scientist needs to be in synch with the implementation process to understand and analyze further how the data driven insight is shaping strategies and to which effect. Most importantly, they need to evaluate the current data infrastructure of the company and advise regarding future improvement. A data scientist needs to have a keen knowledge of Machine Learning Using Python, to be able to perform the complex tasks their job demands.


Step-by-step guide to building a career in Data Science

Step-by-step guide to building a career in Data Science

With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being created everyday companies are scrambling to build models and hire experts to extract information hidden in massive unstructured datasets and the data scientists have become the most sought-after professionals in the world.  The job portals are full of job postings looking for data scientists whose resume has the perfect combination of skill and experience. In this world which is being driven by the data revolution, achieving your big data career dreams need a little bit of planning and strategizing. So, here is a step-by-step guide for you.  

Grabbing a high paying and skilled data job is not going to be easy, industries will only invest money on individuals with the right skillset. Your job responsibility will involve wading through tons of unstructured data to find pattern and meaning, making forecasts regarding marketing trends, customer behavior and deliver the insight in a presentable format to the company on the basis of which they are going to be strategizing.

So, before you even begin make sure that you have the tenacity and enthusiasm required for the job. You would need to undergo Data science using python training, in order to gain the necessary skills and knowledge and since this is an evolving field you should be ready to constantly upskill yourself and stay updated about the latest developments in the field.

Are you ready? If it’s a resounding yes, then, without wasting any more time let’s get straight to the point and explore the steps that will lead you to become a data scientist.

Step 1: Complete education

Before you pursue data science, you must complete your bachelors degree, if you are coming from computer science, applied mathematics, or, economics that could give you a head start. However, you need to undergo Data Science training, post that to acquire the required skillset.

Step 2: Gain knowledge of Mathematics and statistics

You do not need to have a PHD in either, but, since both are at the core of the data science you must have a good grasp on applied mathematics and statistics. Your task would require you to have knowledge regarding linear algebra, probability & statistics. So, your first step would be to update yourself and be familiar with the concepts if you happen to hail from a non-science background so that you can sail through the rest of the journey.

 Step 3: Get ready to do programming

Just like mathematics and statistics, having a grip on a programming language preferably Python, is essential. Now, why do you need to learn coding? Well, coding is important as you have to work with large datasets comprising mostly unstructured data and coding will help you to clean, organize, read data and also process it. Now the stress is on Python because it is one of the widely used languages in the data science community and is comparatively easier to pick up.

Step 4: Learn Machine Learning

Machine learning plays a crucial role in data science as it helps finding patterns in data and making predictions. Mastering machine learning techniques would enable you develop algorithms for the models and create an automated system that enables you to make predictions in real-time. Consider undergoing a Machine Learning training gurgaon.

Step 5: Learn Data Munging, Visualization, and Reporting

It has been mentioned before that you would mostly be handling unstructured data, which means in order to process that data you must transform that data into a format that is easy to work with. Data munging helps you achieve that. Data visualization is again a must-have skill for a data scientist as it allows you to visually present your data findings that is easy to understand through graphs, charts, while data reporting lets you prepare and present reports for businesses.

Step 6: Be certified

Now that the field has advanced so much, there is a requirement for professionals who have undergone Data Science course. Doing a certification course would upskill you and arm you with industry knowledge. Reputed institutes like Dexlab Analytics offer cutting edge courses such as Python for data science training. If you just follow this step it would take care of the rest of the worries, the best part of getting your training is that here you will be taught everything from scratch so, no need to fret if you do not know programming language. Your learning would be aided by hands-on training.

Step 7: Practice your skills

You need to test the skills you have acquired and to hone the skills you must explore Kaggle, which lets your access resources you need and this platform also allows you to take part in competitions that further helps you sharpen your abilities. You should also keep on practicing by doing projects in order to put the theories into action.

Step 8: Work on your soft skills

In order to be a professional data scientist you must acquire soft skills as well. So along with working on your communication skills, you must also need to develop problem solving skills while learning how business organizations function to understand what would be required of you when you assume the role of a data scientist.

Step 9: Get an internship

Now that you have the skill and certification you need experience to get hired, build a resume stressing on the skills you have acquired and search the job portals to land an internship. It would not only enhance your resume, but, it also gives you exposures to real projects, the more projects you handle the better and you would also learn from the experts there.

Step 10: Apply for a job

Once you have gathered enough experience start applying for full-time positions as now you have both skill and experience. But, do not stop learning once you land a job, because this field is growing many changes will happen so you have to mold yourself accordingly. Be a part of the community, network with people, keep on exploring  GitHub and find out what other skills you require.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

So, those were the steps you need to follow to build a rewarding career in data science. The job opportunities are plenty and to grab the right job you must do big data training in gurgaon. These courses are aimed to prepare individuals for the industry, so get ready for an exciting career!


Probability PART-I: Introducing The Concept Of Probability

Probability PART-I: Introducing The Concept Of Probability

Today we will begin discussion about a significant concept, probability, which measures the likelihood of the occurrence of an event. This is the first part of the series, where you would be introduced to the core concept. So, let’s begin.

What is probability?

It is a measure of quantifying the likelihood that an event will occur and it is written as P(x).

Key concepts of probability

A union comprises of only unique values.

Intersection comprises of common values of the two sets



  • Mutually Exclusive Events:- If the occurrence of one event preludes the occurrence of the other event(s), then it is called mutually exclusive event.

P(A∩B) = 0

  • Independent Events:- If the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event does not have any effect on the occurrence or non-occurrence of other event(s), then it is called an independent event. For example drinking tea is independent of going for shopping.
  • Collectively Exhaustive Events:– A set of collectively exhaustive events comprises of all possible elementary events for an experiment. Therefore, all sample spaces are collectively exhaustive sets.
  • Complementary Events:– A complement of event A will be A` i.e. P(A`) = 1 ─ P(A)

Properties of probability

  • Probabilities are non-negative values ranging between 0 & 1.
  • Ω = 1 i.e. combined probability of sample is 1
  • If A & B are two mutually exclusive events then P(A U B)= P(A) +P(B)
  • Probability of not happening of an event is P(A)= 1 ─ P(A)

Rules of Counting the possibilities

  • The mn counting rule:- When a customer has a set of combinations to choose from like two different engines, five different paint colors and three different interior packages , how will he calculate the total number of options available to him? The answer to the question is “ mn counting rule”. Simply multiply the given options, like in our case 2 * 5 * 3 will give us 30.This means the customer has 30 combinations to choose from when it comes to purchasing a car.
  • Sampling from a population with replacement:- Suppose that you roll a dice three times i.e. the number of trials is 3, now if we want to check how many combinations are possible in this particular experiment we use Nn = 63 = 216
  • Sampling from a population without replacement:- When the sample space shrinks after each trial then you use the following formula :-

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There is a video covering the same concept attached down the blog, go through it to be more clear about this.

So, with this we wrap up our discussion on the concept of probability. If you want more informative blogs on Data Science training, then follow the Dexlab Analytics blog. Dexlab Analytics provides machine learning certification courses in gurgaon as well.


Engineering To Data Science: What’s Causing The Professionals To Consider A Mid-Career Switch?

Engineering To Data Science: What's Causing The Professionals To Consider A Mid-Career Switch?

Among all the decisions we make in our lives, choosing the right career path seems to be the most crucial one. Except for a couple of clueless souls, most students know by the time they clear their boards what they aspire to be. A big chunk of them veer towards engineering, MBA, even pursue masters degree in academics and post completion of their studies they settle for relevant jobs. So far that used to be the happily ever after career story, but, in the last couple of years there seems to be a big paradigm shift and it is causing a stir across industries. Professionals having an engineering background, or, masters degree are opting for a mid-career switch and a majority of them are opting for the data science domain by pursuing a Data Science course. So, what’s pushing them towards DS? Let’s investigate.

What’s causing the career switch?

No matter which field someone has chosen for career, achieving stability is a common goal. However, in many fields be it engineering, or, something else the job opportunities are not unlimited yet the number of job seekers is growing every year. So, thereby one can expect to face a stiff competition grabbing a well-paid job.

There have been many layoffs in recent times especially due to the unprecedented situation the world is going through. Even before that there were reports of job cuts and certain sectors not doing well would directly impact the career of thousands. Even if we do not concentrate on the extremes, the growth prospect in most places could be limited and achieving the desired salary or, promotion oftentimes becomes impossible. This leads to not only frustration but uncertainty as well.

The demand for big data

If you haven’t been living as a hermit, then you are aware of the data explosion that impacted nearly every industry. The moment everyone understood the power of big data they started investing in research and in building a system that can handle, store and process data which is a storehouse of information. Now, who is going to process data to extract the information? And here comes the new breed of data experts, namely the data scientists, who have mastered the technology having undergone Data Science training and are able to develop models and parse through data to deliver the insights companies are looking for to make informed decisions. The data trend is pushing the boundaries and as cutting edge technologies like AI, machine learning are percolating every aspect of the industries, the demand for avant-garde courses like natural language processing course in gurgaon, is skyrocketing.

Lack of trained industry ready data science professionals

Although big data has started trending as businesses started gathering data from multiple sources, there are not many professionals available to handle the data. The trend is only gaining momentum and if you just check the top job portals such as Glassdoor, Indeed and go through the ads seeking data scientists you would immediately know how far the field has traveled. With more and more industries turning to big data, the demand for qualified data scientists is shooting up.

Why data science is being chosen as the best option?

In the 21st century data science is a field which has plethora of opportunities for the right people and this is one field which is not only growing now but is also poised to grow in future as well. The data scientist is one of the most highest paid professional in today’s job market. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report by the year 2026 there is a possibility of creation of 11.5 million jobs in this field.

Now take a look at the Indian context, from agriculture to aviation the demand for data scientists would continue to grow as there is a severe shortage of professionals. As per a report the salary of a data scientist could hover around ₹1,052K per annum and remember the field is growing which means there is not going to be a dearth of job opportunities or, lucrative pay packages.

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The shift

Considering all of these factors there has been a conscious shift in the mindset of the professionals, who are indeed making a beeline for institutes that offer data science certification. By doing so they hope to-

  • Access promising career opportunities
  • Achieve job satisfaction and financial stability
  • Earn more while enjoying job security
  • Work across industries and also be recruited by industry biggies
  • Gain valuable experience to be in demand for the rest of their career
  • Be a part of a domain that promises innovation and evolution instead of stagnation

Keeping in mind the growing demand for professionals and the dearth of trained personnel, premier institutes like DexLab Analytics have designed courses that are aimed to build industry-ready professionals. The best thing about such courses is that you can hail from any academic background, here you will be taught from scratch so that you can grasp the fundamentals before moving on to sophisticated modules.

Along with providing data science certification training, they also offer cutting edge courses  such as, artificial intelligence certification in delhi ncr, Machine Learning training gurgaon. Such courses enable the professionals enhance their skillset to make their mark in a world which is being dominated by big data and AI.  The faculty consists of skilled professionals who are armed with industry knowledge and hence are in a better position to shape students as per industry demands and standards.

The mid-career switch is happening and will continue to happen. There must be professionals who have the expertise to drive an organization towards the future by unlocking their data secrets. However, something must be kept in mind if you are considering a switch, you need to be ready to meet challenges,  along with knowledge of Python for data science training, you need to have a vision, a hunger and a love for data to be a successful data scientist.


Data Science: What Are The Challenges?

Data Science: What Are The Challenges?

Big data is certainly is getting a lot of hype and for good reasons. Different sectors ranging from business to healthcare are intent on harnessing the power of data to find solutions to their most imminent problems. Huge investments are being made to build models, but, there are some niggling issues that are not being resolved.

So what are the big challenges the data science industry is facing?

Managing big data

Thanks to the explosion of information now the amount of data being created every year is adding to the already overstocked pile, and, most of the data we are talking about here is unstructured data.  So, handling such a massive amount of raw data that is not even in a particular database is a big challenge that could only be overcome by implementing advanced tools.

Lack of skilled personnel

 One of the biggest challenges the data science industry has to deal with is the shortage of skilled professionals that are well equipped with Data Science training. The companies need somebody with specific training to manage and process the datasets and present them with the insight which they can channelize to develop business strategies. Sending employees to a Data analyst training institute can help companies address the issue and they could also consider making additional efforts for retaining employees by offering them a higher remuneration.

Communication gap

One of the challenges that stand in the way, is the lack of understanding on the part of the data scientists involved in a project. They are in charge of sorting, cleaning, and processing data, but before they take up the responsibility they need to understand what is the goal that they are working towards. When they are working for a business organization they need to know what the set business objective is, before they start looking for patterns and build models.

Data integration

When we are talking about big data, we mean data pouring from various sources. The myriad sources could range from emails, documents, social media, and whatnot. In order to process, all of this data need to be combined, which can be a mammoth task in itself. Despite there being data integration tools available, the problem still persists.  Investment in developing smarter tools is the biggest requirement now.

Data security

Just the way integrating data coming from different sources is a big problem, likewise maintaining data security is another big challenge especially when interconnectivity among data sources exists. This poses a big risk and renders the data vulnerable to hacking. In the light of this problem, procuring permission for utilizing data from a source becomes a big issue. The solution lies in developing advanced machine learning algorithms to keep the hackers at bay.

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Data validity

Gaining insight from data processing could only be possible when that data is free from any sort of error. However, sometimes data hailing from different sources could show disparity regardless of being about the same subject. Especially in healthcare, for example, patient data when coming from two different sources could often show dissimilarity. This poses a serious challenge and it could be considered an extension of the data integration issue.  Advanced technology coupled with the right policy changes need to be in place to address this issue, otherwise, it would continue to be a roadblock.

The challenges are there, but, recognizing those is as essential as continuing research work to finding solutions. Institutes are investing money in developing data science tools that could smoothen the process by eliminating the hurdles.  Accessing big data courses in delhi, is a good way to build a promising career in the field of data science, because despite there being challenges the field is full big opportunities.



An Introduction To The 5 V’s of Big Data

An Introduction To The 5 V’s of Big Data

The term big data refers to the massive amount of data being generated from various sources that need to be sorted, processed, and analyzed using advanced data science tools to derive valuable insight for different industries. Now, big data comprises structured, semi-structured, and mostly unstructured data. Processing this huge data takes skill and expertise and which only someone with Data Science training would be able to do.

The concept of big data is relatively new and it started emerging post the arrival of internet closely followed by the proliferation of advanced mobile devices, social media platforms, IoT devices, and all other myriad platforms that are the breeding grounds of user-generated data. Managing and storing this data which could be in text, audio, image formats is essential for not just businesses but, for other sectors as well. The information data holds can help in the decision-making process and enable people to understand the vital aspects of an issue better.

The characteristics of big data

Now, any data cannot be classified as big data, there are certain characteristics that define big data and getting in-depth knowledge regarding these characteristics can help you grasp the concept of big data better. The main characteristics of big data could be broken down into 5Vs.

What are the 5Vs of data?

The 5Vs of data basically refers to the core elements of big data, the presence of which acts as a differentiating factor. Although many argue in favor of the essential 3 VS, other pundits prefer dissecting data as per 5Vs. These 5Vs denote Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Value the five core factors but, not necessarily in that order. However, Volume would always be the element that lays the foundation of big data. Pursuing a Data Science course would further clarify your idea of big data.


This concept is easier to grasp as it refers to the enormous amount of data being generated and collected every day. This amount is referred to as volume, the size of data definitely plays a crucial role as storing this data is posing a serious challenge for the companies. Now the size of the data would vary from one industry to the other, the amount of data an e-commerce site generates would vary from the amount generated on a popular social media platform like Facebook. Now, only advanced technology could handle and process and not to mention deal with the cost and space management issue for storing such large volumes of data.


Another crucial feature of big data is velocity which basically refers to the speed at which data is generated and processed, analyzed, and moved across platforms to deliver insight in real-time if possible. Especially, in a field like healthcare the speed matters, crucial trading decisions that could result in loss or profit, must also be taken in an instant. Only the application of advanced data science technology can collect data points in an instant and process those at a lightning speed to deliver results. Another point to be noted here is the fact that just like volume the velocity of data is also increasing.


The 3rd V refers to the variety, a significant aspect of big data that sheds light on the diversity of data and its sources. As we already know that the data now hails from multiple sources, including social media platforms, IoT devices, and whatnot. The problem does not stop there, the data is also diverse in terms of format such as videos, texts, images, audios and it is a combination of structured and unstructured data. In fact, almost 80%-90% of data is unstructured in nature. This poses a big problem for the data scientists as sorting this data into distinct categories for processing is a complicated task. However, with advanced data science technologies in place determining the relationship among data is a lot hassle-free process now.

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It is perhaps the most significant aspect of all other elements, no matter how large datasets you have and in what variety, if the data is messy and inaccurate then it is hardly going to be of any use. Data quality matters and dirty data could be a big problem especially because of the fact that data comes from multiple sources. So, you have apparently no control, the problems range from incomplete data to inconsistency of information. In such situations filtering the data to extract quality data for analysis purposes is essential. Pursuing Data science using python training can help gain more skill required for such specific tasks.


The 5th V of big data refers to the value of the data we are talking about. You are investing money in collecting, storing, and processing the big data but if it does not generate any value at the end of the day then it is completely useless. Managing this massive amount of data requires a big investment in advanced infrastructure and additional resources, so, there needs to be ROI. The data teams involved in the process of collecting, sorting, and analyzing the data need to be sure of the quality of data they are handling before making any move.

The significance of big data in generating valuable insight is undeniable and soon it would be empowering every industry. Further research in this field would lead to the development of data science tools for handling big data issues in a more efficient manner. The career prospects in this field are also bright, training from a Data analyst training institute can help push one towards a rewarding career.



Branding Can Get Smarter With Data Science

Branding Can Get Smarter With Data Science

In the competitive world of business, branding plays a pivotal role in making sure that your company can rise above the noise and be noticed. The concept of branding thrives on the dual power of brand recognition and brand recall meaning the customer’s ability to identify your brand among a host of other similar products.

 Creating brand awareness is a crucial task for any business done through carefully measured and planned strategies. Familiarizing the audience with a specific brand takes time and apt utilization of all available communication platforms.

What role data science can play in devising branding strategy?

The emergence of online shopping, as well as the proliferation of communication channels, are making the job complicated for marketers, along with the explosion of information sources causing an exponential increase in data generation. The large data if assessed correctly can reveal useful information regarding customers and allow them to make data-driven branding strategies. Data Science training is required for enabling the professionals to help companies assess valuable data.

Handling this vast data can baffle any seasoned marketing team, but, with the application of data science tools and techniques manipulating and extracting valuable information becomes easier. Not just that, but, the marketing team now has the power to peek into customer preferences to angle their branding strategy the right away to make their imprint on the customer’s mind.

So, here is how branding is getting smarter

Personalized messages

 Data science allows the marketers to assess the customer data spread across various channels including social media platforms. When analyzed this data points the marketers towards the customers’ buying habits, preferences, and they can develop a message for individual customers keeping these preferences in mind.  Marketing personnel having undergone customer market analysis courses would be able to guide their team better.

When a brand approaches a specific customer with recommendations specifically tailored to their preferences they tend to return to that brand. Furthermore, it also helps them to find reasons why the customers change buying decision midcourse and leave a site, or, product page. Data analysis will assess that behavior and offer insight.

 Another factor to consider here is that the marketing team can also find the errors in their previous marketing campaigns contained in past data through the right analysis.

Shaper social media strategy

Accessing social media platforms to target customers is a strategy all marketers resort to, after all, a huge chunk of their target audience spends a significant amount of time here. However, creating content and aiming it randomly at all platforms or, some platforms based on guesswork can go for a toss.

Data collected regarding social media usage patterns of customers can point the strategists towards the platforms to invest in. A certain section of their targeted customers might spend time on Twitter, while another segment might veer towards Instagram. So, identifying those platforms for specific segments and delivering content accordingly needs data-backed insight. Assessing data patterns can help marketers position their brands on the right platform.

 Delivering the right content

Brands reach out to the target audience via different types of content that they promote across various channels to gain customer attention and push their brand identity. However, their strategy is often very loosely based on an assumption that might go wrong. Engaging the customer gets a lot easier if the team puts the data-driven insight into their content marketing plan.

Data regarding customer age, gender, personal interests, the time they spend over different types of content and what they retweet, or, share on their timeline matters. The team can gain a perspective analyzing the search data of customers to understand what they are looking for and what kind of content resonates with which demographic.  Data analysis can solve this entire puzzle and enable the team to devise a content marketing strategy accordingly.

When the customers find that a specific brand has the answers to their queries and offers meaningful information they will naturally gravitate towards it.

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Assess brand performance

Application of data science tools can not only lead towards measuring customer behavior but also allow the company to assess its performance. Data could reveal valuable information regarding the bounce rate, the social media image of the brand, customer reviews all of that to point out the problem areas that need immediate attention.

The insight gained from the data could help the team to collaborate with other teams to work on the problem areas and make changes. This does send out a positive message regarding the brand which continuously works to improve itself.

Understanding the value of data is vital for any brand wishing to win customers’ hearts. Applying data science tools to process this data requires skill. Companies should invest in building a team comprising data scientists, analysts to get the job done. They can also train their personnel by sending them to Data analyst training institute.



Get Ready for a Rewarding Career in Data Science

Get Ready for a Rewarding Career in Data Science

With the big data field experiencing an exponential growth, the need for skilled professionals to sort, analyze data is also growing. Not just businesses but other sectors too are realizing the significance of big data to leverage their growth.

In order to move forward with confidence, big data can help. With digitization the amount of data being generated is also increasing and to process such vast amount of data skilled professionals are required.

The field is surely opening up for the young generation who needs the right blend of skill and passion to land high-paying jobs in the field. Help is available in the form of training institutes which offer cutting edge courses like big data training in gurgaon.

So how much data we are talking about here?

The amount of data that is generated now thanks to IOT, stands at more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data and this amount is being generated everyday as per the sixth edition of DOMO’s report. By this current year it was estimated that every person will create 1.7MB of data every second.

With IOT being primarily the reason behind this data proliferation, we are looking at a huge data avalanche heading our way comprising mostly unstructured data.

All of the data generated along with past stock are of importance now as crucial sectors like banking, healthcare, communication, manufacturing, finance are being reliant on data to extract valuable information for taking pivotal decisions.

 A Data analyst training institute can be of immense value as they take up the responsibility of shaping data skills of the professionals needed by these sectors.

The expanding field of data requires data experts

Processing through mountains of unstructured data, cleaning it, preparing it for further processing and then analyzing it to find pattern takes skill which could be attained by pursuing Data science using python training.

As per survey findings, there is a huge gap in the demand and supply chain. The field might be expanding and organizations being eager to embrace the power of data, but, the dearth of professionals is posing a big problem which is why the companies in dire need of trained workforce are taking the salary graph higher to lure talent.

However, there are courses available such as business analyst training delhi, that are aimed at training up the new generation of geeks to handle the big data, thereby helping them carve out successful career avenues.

What are the trending jobs in this sector?

Data scientist

A data scientist basically works with a business organization to process raw data, cleaning, analyzing the data to detect patterns that could be of immense value for the organization concerned. A data scientist can play a big role in helping a company decide the next business strategy. They also create algorithms and build machine learning models.  Data Science training can help you be prepared for such a high-profile position.

In the USA, a data scientist can earn upto $1,13,309, while in India it could be ₹500,000 per annum.

Data Engineer

A data engineer is a person who is well versed in programming and SQL, and works with stored data. He basically has to work with data systems and is charged with the responsibility of creating data infrastructure and maintaining it. A data engineer also works to build data pipelines to channelize valuable data to data analysts and scientists fast.

The salary range of a data engineer in the USA could be near $128,722 per annum and in India it could hover around ₹839,565.

Data Analyst

The data analyst is basically the guy who runs the show as he is in charge of manipulating huge data sets. He is involved with the tasks of gathering data and he also creates databases, analytics models,  extracts information and analyzes that to aid in decision making. Not just that but he also needs to present the insight into a format that everybody can grasp.

Having a background in computer science, statistics could give you a great boost along with pursuing business analysis training in delhi.

If you aim to grab this job then you could expect a pay around $62,453 in United States. In India that number might be around ₹419135 on average.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

BI Analyst

A BI Analyst has to put his entire focus on analyzing data in order to identify the potential areas for a company to prosper along with the main obstacles standing in their way to success. They have to update the database on a continuous basis along with monitoring the performance of rivals in the field concerned.

Along with possessing sharp business acumen, he must be proficient in data handling. He basically offers data-driven insight while donning the role of a consultant.

A background in computer science or, business administration, statistics, finance could work in your favor if only you can couple that with big data courses in delhi.

A skilled BI Analyst could expect a pay around $94906 in the USA, and in India they might get upto ₹577745.

There are more lucrative job opportunities and exciting job roles awaiting the next generation of professionals that can help them build a highly successful career. Regardless of which background they hail from undergoing a Data Science course can push them in the right direction.



A Quick Guide to Data Mining

A Quick Guide to Data Mining

Data mining refers to processing mountainous amount of data that pile up, to detect patterns and offer useful insight to businesses to strategize better. The data in question could be both structured and unstructured datasets containing valuable information and which if and when processed using the right technique could lead towards solutions.

Enrolling in a Data analyst training institute, can help the professionals involved in this field hone their skills. Now that we have learned what data mining is, let’s have a look at the data mining techniques employed for refining data.  

Data cleaning

Since the data we are talking about is mostly unstructured data it could be erroneous, corrupt data. So, before the data processing can even begin it is essential to rectify or, eliminate such data from the data sets and thus preparing the ground for the next phases of operations. Data cleaning enhances data quality and ensures faster processing of data to generate insight. Data Science training is essential to be familiar with the process of data mining.

Classification analysis

Classification analysis is a complicated data mining technique which basically is about data segmentation. To be more precise it is decided which category an observation might belong to. While working with various data different attributes of the data are analyzed and the class or, segments they belong to are identified, then using algorithms further information is extracted.   

Regression analysis

Regression analysis basically refers to the method of deciding the correlation between variables. Using this method how one variable influences the other could be decided. It basically allows the data analyst to decide which variable is of importance and which could be left out. Regression analysis basically helps to predict.  

Anomaly detection

Anomaly detection is the technique that detects data points, observations in a dataset, that deviate from an expected or, normal pattern or behavior. This anomaly could point to some fault or, could lead towards the discovery of an exception that might offer new potential. In fields like health monitoring, or security this could be invaluable.


This data mining technique is somewhat similar to classification analysis, but, different in the way that here data objects are grouped together in a cluster. Now objects belonging to one particular cluster will share some common thread while they would be completely different from objects in other clusters. In this technique visual presentation of data is important, for profiling customers this technique comes in handy.  


This data mining technique is employed to find some hidden relationhip patterns among variables, mostly dependent variables belonging to a dataset. The recurring relationships of variables are taken into account in this process. This comes in handy in predicting customer behavior, such as when they shop what items are they likely to purchase together could be predicted.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

Tracking patterns

This technique is especially useful while sorting out data for the businesses. In this process while working with big datasets, certain trends or, patterns are recognized and these patterns are then monitored to draw a conclusion. This pattern tracking technique could also aid in identifying some sort of anomaly in the dataset that might otherwise go undetected.

Big data is accumulating every day and the more efficiently the datasets get processed and sorted, the better would be the chances of businesses and other sectors be accurate in predicting trends and be prepared for it. The field of data science is full of opportunities now, learning Data science using python training could help the younger generation make it big in this field.



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