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You Must Put These Data Analytics Books in Your Reading List This Year

To be a successful data analyst, you must share two very important attributes that you must possess:


  1. You must be a voracious reader in order to keep up with the developments in the industry
  2. You must be willing to share your knowledge with the people in a simplified manner, so that everyone around you also gets access to this knowledge
    You Must Put These Data Analytics Books in Your Reading List This Year


That is because the universe around us deals in the common currency of information and wisdom, which should flow freely without any price tags on it.

Continue reading “You Must Put These Data Analytics Books in Your Reading List This Year”


Tax officials are tightening up their ropes with improved Big Data analytics to crack a whip on hoarders of black money.


  • Under the bill for amending Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act, transactions with unexplained deposits in banks will be taxed.
  • As per this amendment, tax officials can now tax people on such deposits at a rate of 60 percent (cess additional) as opposed to the previously determined 30 percent.
  • This new tax law is applicable from the 1st of April, starting this year!


Cracking a Whip on Black Money Hoarders With Data Anaytics

Cracking a Whip on Black Money Hoarders With Data Anaytics

How are the Income Tax officials leveraging Big Data Analytics to curb black money?

Here are the simple signals that showcase a rise of Big data analytics use and a more planned crack down on Black Money hoarding:


  1. The IT department is now increasingly becoming tech savvy, it is now making use of analytics tools to assess the personal bank deposits for an improved black money crack down action plan.
  2. The income tax officials are making use of Big Data analytics tools for the first time ever done in the history of the Indian economy, to further maintain a hawk’s eye affixed on the target of bringing down black money.
  3. This is a new venture and earlier such advanced tools were only employed on corporate tax assessments.


How to Use Data Analysis For SEO and PPC:

How to Use Data Analysis For SEO and PPC:

Using custom functions in Excel VBA:

When you work in the SEO and PPC industry it is a giveaway that you will be handing a large amount of data. While there are several ways you can utilize this data and manage it with Excel functions, and several tutorials are available online to talk about them. But what if you do not have the functions on Excel to do what you have to do with the data. You can use the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) feature in MS Excel and write your own functions to help Excel carry out the functions that you want it to.

So, here in this advanced Excel training blog post, we will discuss about how to write a simple custom Excel function and will also give you readers some general advice on how to get started with Excel VBA.

Getting started with the Excel VBA editor:

First in order to work with the VBA editor in Excel, you must open a new Excel workbook or document and then press the following keys on your keyboard – ALT + F11. This will open a new window on the screen which is the VBE (Visual Basic Editor). This is where you can write your own Excel functions to use with the spreadsheet you have opened in your Excel document. This will be highlighted on the top left corner of the window. The project explorer pane will have the icons for each sheet of the document and another one for the whole of the workbook itself.   Then for the next step, right-click on the ‘ThisWorkbook’, and then go to ‘Insert’ and then ‘Module’ options. That will further add a code module along with a container for the code which we will learn to write here.

Now you are ready to write your first Excel function:


Data analysis will help you analyze the keywords:

Each element of the data gathered through the SEO and PPC will often have keywords and phrases and this can give birth to a large amount of data for people to work with. For a recent piece of analysis, our faculty member was asked to find a method for counting the number of words in a search term. In this way single keywords can be dealt with differently in comparison to phrases. Like for e.g. ‘dresses’ can be treated with a stark difference to the term ‘red party dresses’. But there are often 100s or even 1000s of keywords to work with and it will be too time consuming to manually count the number of words in each phrase. Also there are no in-built functions in MS Excel to do so for us. Hence, we must use VBA to write new functions for us.

Adding the code:

  Function countWords(phrase as string) as Integer  

This will be the first line of the function you are about to write, start by copying it into the module we just created. Copy it under the words ‘Option Explicit’ which should be anyway entered (if it is not then do not worry, just copy it at the top and we can come to this later). This sentence however, has a lot of important things to tell us about.

Function: this first word itself tells us about which code is going to follow. A function is simply a piece of code that takes one or more values, performs something with them and then returns a different value. For instance, there is a built-in function with Excel called SUM. This function may take some input values and add them together to return a different value which is the sum total of the inputs. Similarly the function we create will take the keywords or phrases as an input and then count the number of words in them, then return a value for that number.

CountWords: we have put this as the name of our function. The moment we wish to use it, we can simply input into the spreadsheet cell the words as ‘countWords’. Just like we would add ‘SUM’ to use the sum function.

Phrases as string: this is the input will be the one to be entered when we will need to search a keyword or phrase.

As integer: this is the type of information which will be returned by the function. We are only interested in the number of the whole words in the phrases and hence are aiming to return an integer value.

How to prepare the function:

The next thing to do is to prepare the function by declaring the variables. Here we will declare the variables in ‘countWords’ as integers because it is built to only take integers. This will allow Excel to warn us if anything unexpected happens. For example, if we want to use a function to count the words in ‘red party dresses’ and it only returns with party. This will mean that something has gone wrong for sure. So, with declaration of the variable we will be able to let Excel know that it is not an integer and hence it will return with an error warning.

The variables we will use in this function are going to be called as ‘I’ and ‘counter’, however, there is no hard and fast rule to name your variables this way, you can name it the way you like. But ‘I’ is usually used as an abbreviation for index and counter will just be used as counter. The next step will be to add this line into your code.

‘Counts number of occurrences of space character in a phraseDim i as integerDim counter as integer: counter = 1

Note that ‘dim’ here is short for dimension. This describes the data type of a variable. We have told Excel through our codes that the variable ‘counter’ will always be an integer. We have also given the initial value as 1. But currently ‘I’ has no value assigned to it. The first line should appear green in the code window, this is mostly because of the apostrophe that precedes it. This line in our code is merely a comment and does not do anything within the code. It only exists as a label to let us know what the use of the code is for. It is a good practice to comment your code as otherwise it often becomes very hard to understand it otherwise. Also feel free to add in your own comments throughout to help understand and all you have to do for it is to add an apostrophe before it.

How can you count the words?

You must understand that Excel has no preconceived notions about what a word is. So to count them the concept has to be broken down for it to understand in a few short steps. One of the key features of a word is that it has a space either after or before or even at times in between it, and often both.

So we can start by simply telling Excel to count these spaces:

For i = 1 To Len(phrase)

If Mid(phrase, i, 1) = ” ” Thencounter =

counter + 1

End If

Next i

This is one of the key areas of this function, you must paste it or type it out in the code module. You can do so line-by-line as well. But here is an explanation of what is happening with each step:

For i = 1 To Len(phrase)

Here we have given ‘i’ a value, in fact not just one value but a range of values from 1 to Len (phrase). This is a built-in function with Excel that may return the number of characters (letters + spaces) in the phrase we pass it in.
f Mid(phrase, i, 1) = ” ” Then

With this line of the code we are using the ‘Mid’ function in excel. This will ask excel to look into each character in the phrases in turn. This function takes 3 inputs which is – the phrases to be looked at, the character to begin comparison on, and the number of characters to compare with. We aim to compare every letter with one at a time approach. So, we would pass on ‘I’ and 1. And then finally the ‘If’ statement which says that if a character uses spaces, then excel should proceed to the next line of code. Or pass it over to the ‘End If’ statement.

counter = counter + 1

This line is only activated when a space is discovered. So, we increase our counter variables by 1 every time to count the number of spaces in the phrase.

End If
Next i

With the above two lines, we are able to let Excel know where the If statement ends and to go back to the top and the start again for the next value of ‘i’. This is called as a ‘For Loop’ as we letting Excel know that it must repeat this task for a certain number of iterations.

There is also one last piece of code which we will make use of in order to handle a particular situation. When the phrase is passed in is blank. Then copy the following with what you already have:

If phrase = “” Then

countWords = 0


countWords = counter

End If

Here is another statement that we have. If the phrase we input is blank, countWords takes the value 0, or else it will take the value of the ‘counter’ variable. After setting the ‘counter’ to 1 initially, we ensure the code will work for single words. However, it may also return 1 for blank phrases, and this prevents errors from occurring.

End Function

Finally with that we tell excel that we have finished defining our function. Here is the full code as mentioned below, check if yours looks the same or not:

How to Use Data Analysis For SEO and PPC:

Image Source:

After you are done, you can close the VBE by clicking on the ‘X’ in the corner and then going back to the spreadsheet. Once done type in some words in a few cells and then type ‘countWords’ in another cell. And then click one of your cells containing the texts and then close the parenthesis. This cell can now contain the number of words in the cell that we have input. If it doesn’t, then we can set it to ‘automatic’ (Formulas > Calculations Options > Automatic in Excel 2010.

This simple function works best to save time as it can be dragged down over as many cells as you’d like, with hundreds of keywords and phrases. However, you must keep its limitations in mind. We are counting the spaces and not just words.


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Data-Analytics Driven Insights Still Distrusted By Executives!

While organizations are all words about having data driven decision making to drive their businesses, but maximum of business leaders seem to lack confidence in the information generated from data analytics. But in the rest of the world, demand for analytics training institute is on the rise with every passing day…


Data-Analytics Driven Insights Still Distrusted By Executives!


Data analysis is increasingly becoming central to decision-making in companies, especially in departments where people work towards increasing customer growth, improving productivity, and risk management. But although companies push to make their decision making process more data dependent, it seems business leaders are still more accustomed to taking serious business based on gut instincts and experiences. They still seem to have trouble trusting the insights shared from meticulous data analysis processes. Continue reading “Data-Analytics Driven Insights Still Distrusted By Executives!”

A Data Analyst’s Guide to Choosing The Right Halloween Costume

There are a handful of decisions that seldom wrap people in mind-boggling conundrum – whether to take the job or not, to get married or not and to choose between Batman and Superman for Halloween costume!

A Data Analyst’s Guide to Choosing The Right Halloween Costume

For a data analyst, there is an easy way out all we need is a bigger boat and when we say boat, we mean efficient analytical software. Let us dive right into the data of it all and determine which superhero to smart for our Halloween shindig. Continue reading “A Data Analyst’s Guide to Choosing The Right Halloween Costume”

Why Getting a Big Data Certification Will Benefit Your Small Business

Do you know how much data is currently produced globally every year?


As per the reports published by IBM, the figures are 2.5 QB (Quintillion Bytes). The numeric representation of the same looks as: 2,500,000,000,000,000,000. And we thought that our mobile devices with 64GB memory space are capable of storing huge data.


Why Getting a Big Data Certification Will Benefit Your Small Business

Increasing reliance on Big Data

As technology is expanding at the speed next to light, more companies are planning to invest in Big Data platforms for getting the best out of it. Gartner Inc. had conducted a research recently among 437 global organisations across different industries and figured out that more than 75% of them are looking forward to the benefits they can derive from Big Data. The purpose for using Big Data varied to some instance across these organisations, however most of the companies were found to use data analytics for enhancing their customer service segments. Recently, security breach has hit the headline more often than global warming and that has been a factor of worry for many data driven companies. Thus, they are opting for Big Data tools in order to strengthen their online security. Continue reading “Why Getting a Big Data Certification Will Benefit Your Small Business”

Here Are 6 Ways Banks Can Avoid Data Breaches

Hackers when combined with data breaches make a lethal combination for small banks. The recent attack on major Indian banks is a good example of why that should be necessary for banks.

 Here Are 6 Ways Banks Can Avoid Data Breaches

When a major hack or data breach occurs small banks have a lot more to lose than the larger banks. They face a battle for climbing uphill to win back the lost trust of customers. And the component of customer trust is a core value proposition for small and medium sized banks. Moreover, they have a bigger shortcoming at their disposal rather than large financial institutions. Continue reading “Here Are 6 Ways Banks Can Avoid Data Breaches”

How are The Tweets of Donald Trump Faring For Him?

We ran sentiment analysis with R

A massive stir in the global political scenario piqued the interests of several data analysts, politicians and global onlookers alike with a revelation made by David Robinson, a data scientist. He recently revealed into the media an analysis of Trump’s tweets, wherein he figured that those that happened from an android device were done by the presidential candidate himself, but those that were done from an iPhone device were done by a campaign staff.


How are The Tweets of Donald Trump Faring For Him?


While many may not think too deeply about this minor information, the main distinguishing point about this revelation has something to do with sentiments behind the tweets. The android device based tweets from the candidate himself (Trump) use angrier, more negative words but the iPhone-based tweets tended to be more straightforward ones with campaign announcements and hash tag promotions; something that a simple campaigner with digital marketing and clickbaits in mind would do with their docile mannerisms. The news was initially reported by the Scientific American, PC Magazine, and the LA Times. In fact, David Robinson even gave an interview with Time Magazine about his deductions. Continue reading “How are The Tweets of Donald Trump Faring For Him?”

The Quest for Modern Marketers with Data-Sense

Today’s times where data analysis tools like Google Analytics rules supremely within the digital marketing industry, the marketing departments have been forced to adapt their creative strategies accordingly. And the result of it all has been highly resourceful with some highly valuable content curation and marketing campaigns.


The Quest for Modern Marketers with Data-Sense


It seems that the days of old school Mad Men style creative marketing have long gone, lying (or only lying) no longer help the company’s cause! People these days want transparency and with the ascent of technological advancements everyday transparency either voluntary or involuntary is not difficult to obtain. The way marketing scientists differ from marketing artists is the way the data-driven scientists trace and analyse consumer search history in order to discover and implement advertisements campaigns hand-tailored to consumers’ data history for greater involvement. Continue reading “The Quest for Modern Marketers with Data-Sense”

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