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What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?

What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?

Do you also feel that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting eerily powerful day-by-day? That is because the structures of Artificial Intelligence exploit the very fundamental laws of physics and of the universe as per latest research.

These new findings help to answer a long-awaited mystery about a category of AI that employs an interesting strategy called deep learning. These are programs based on deep neural networks hence, the name deep learning. The way this works is that they have multi-layered algorithms in which the lower-level calculations feed into the higher level ones within the hierarchy. These deep neural networks often perform surprisingly well when it comes to solving problems which are highly complex, like beating the world’s best player of a strategic board game called Go or categorising cat photos, however no one truly knows why… Continue reading “What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?”

The Data of Fashion! How Chanel Turned Their Fashion Show Into a Data Centre?

In the Paris Fashion Week, Karl Lagerfield Chanel’s creative director and owner of a custom USD 25,000 worth Apple watch transformed the majestic interiors of the Grand Palais arching with regal charm into a makeshift data centre. Long tangles of Ethernet cords spewed from server stacks and had models running about clad in haute couture along with an odd pairing of a robot helmet! As they strutted down the stark white runway, it seemed like the futuristic fashion show from the Capitol of the Hunger Games.


The idea behind his creation was to juxtapose computer gear with fashionable clothes. Also the attendees assume that this fashion demonstration was a subtle hint (which was not so subtle) at them many of whom have recorded the entire show on their smart phones populating the data farms of Facebook and Instagram. 


The event opened with two robots walking out to the runway while the song I feel love by Donna Summers played in the backdrop of the Grand Palais hall with its interior decked up to resemble a data centre.




That was followed by a host of other cat-walking models with the same data centre theme at the background. Continue reading “The Data of Fashion! How Chanel Turned Their Fashion Show Into a Data Centre?”

High Demand for Data Scientist profiles in LinkedIn

High Demand for Data Scientist profiles in LinkedIn

Currently, Data Science experts are the most sought candidates in the world. According to a research report published by DJ Metrics, the number of ‘Data Scientist’ profiles in LinkedIn has nearly doubled over the last few years. At present, there are more than 11,400 data scientists on the professional networking website, out of which, 52% have added the particular job description (read Data Scientist) during the period between 2012 and 2015.

About the Research

DJ Metrics have taken into account 60,200 LinkedIn profiles of professional experts, while 27,700 records of Educational data and 254,000 records of skills sets were also used to conduct an analysis. Additionally, they have analysed the database of 6200 companies that have provided employment to the Data Scientists. The names of the Companies were collected by analysing the profiles of the Data professionals, since they have listed the names of their employers.


Great Career Opportunities

Great Career Opportunities

Researchers are forecasting that there will be a steady rise in the demand for trained Data Scientists, because of the increased adoption of Big Data and Business Intelligence by the leading global companies. High-end business organisations like Microsoft and Facebook are going through a continuous recruitment phase, as these companies had accelerated their hiring process by 151% and 39% respectively in 2014, as compared to what they had done in 2013.

According to the research report, about 65% of the total recruitments were carried out by the following industries:

  • Information Technology and Services, Internet and Computer Software Sector: 9%
  • Education: 3%
  • Banking and Finance: 2%
  • Marketing and Advertising: 2%

Big Data demands Bigger Skills

Big Data demands Bigger Skills

 DJ Metrics has analysed the database of 254,000 skills in order to figure out the growth in the number of skilful Data Science professionals. The results are significant, as apart from the general ‘power’ skills; namely, Data Analysis, Analytics and Data Mining, the top skills found among the vast number of profiles included R, Python, Machine Learning, MATLAB, JAVA, Statistics and SQL. Surprisingly, the Chief Data Scientists are found to have the least technical skills, as only 27% of the profiles had listed Python, while 26% listed R as their technical skill sets. On the other hand, 52% and 53% Junior Data Scientists have listed Python and R, respectively.

Top Recruiters

Top Recruiters

If you see the chart above, you will see that Microsoft and Facebook are the top recruiters over the given period. Surprisingly, Google has not made it to the top 10, although it has recruited quite a number of Data Science professionals. The reason may be that the Data Scientists at Google are called ‘Quantitative Analysts’, which is probably used by their employees while listing their designation on LinkedIn. Since, LinkedIn has researched about the general Data Scientists; they may not have detected the alternate titles.

Countries with highest Data Scientist population

Countries with highest Data Scientist population

Almost 55% of the total Data Scientists in the world are currently located in the United States of America (USA), which makes the top of the list. The second country with maximum numbers of Data Science professionals is United Kingdom (UK), while the third position is occupied by India.  

Are you interested in coveted data science online courses to upgrade your data science skill-set? Look no further than DexLab Analytics. They offer cutting edge Data Science training in Gurgaon for aspiring candidates.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Our Machine Learning Training Demo Session Was a Raging Success

If you follow our social media activities at DexLab Analytics, then you must be aware of our recent event held last Sunday, on 18th September, 2016. We had welcomed people from all around the globe to join us at our Machine Learning training demo session which was completely free to join.


Our Machine Learning training demo session was a raging success


We are glad to announce that we have received a huge response from professionals around the world who made our event a complete full house! The total number of participants in the event was more than 50 people who had logged in from their own isolated remote locations to hear our instructor’s take on Machine Learning. Continue reading “Our Machine Learning Training Demo Session Was a Raging Success”

Can Creative AI Predict The Future?

Can Creative AI Predict The Future?

Artificial Intelligence is reaching new heights, as the researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have come up with a program that can estimate the future. The machines can predict the possible events that may occur in a given scenario. The scientists have programmed the machines in such a manner that they can transform a still image into a video. However, the experiment is in its initial stage and researchers wish that it would just get better with time.

Predicting the future

According to the researchers at MIT, this computer can view an image and figure out what may happen next. To be able to do so, the data scientists have fed the computers with humungous amounts of images and videos. All the videos and images were similar in terms of category. For example, videos of sea waves and beaches of previous years were input into the machines. So, the next time, when the computer is shown an image of a sea beach, it automatically generated a video from the still, which replicated how waves are hitting the shore and people are playing in the water. Similar experiments were conducted using images of newborn babies, golf players, and train stations. And in each case, the computer produced videos resembling the expression of these babies, movement of the golf clubs and trains approaching towards the platforms, respectively.

Predicting the future

But how does this machine do it?

As soon as enormous amounts of data are fed into the machine, it starts learning just as humans can. In this experiment by MIT, computers became familiar with the happenings at a sea beach. Therefore, the next time it is shown the picture of a sea beach, the machine analysed the image and eventually, showed what happens there. However, the scientists say that these videos have certain limitations.

According to Carl Vondrick, a Ph.D. student at the MIT, “AI can be trained to produce output just like human beings. They can recall an event and more importantly, AI can predict the possible outcomes of the event based on past records.” Thus, the deep learning programs are able to spot the similarity in several events and make predictions according to the past results, which may not be accurate in many times. From another perspective, these AI generated videos are too short, as their duration does not exceed 1 second. Moreover, the videos seem like some animated movements created during the 90’s.

Despite such limitations, scientists are hopeful about the future of AI because this experiment was just the beginning and the results were better than what was estimated. Vondrick expressed his views on how AI can help us stop any negative incident from happening. He said, “A machine can study the movements of an old man, which may enable it to forecast whether the person has a chance of falling. In that case, adequate measures can be taken in order to prevent the accident.”

Progress of the AI

Progress of the AI

Apart from MIT, there are several companies including the search engine giant Google that are working on AI. At the Google Cultural Institute (GCI) in Paris, computers are programmed to create new images and art forms. The GCI has developed an application that helps users to search artworks from the dataset of several museums across the world. What is fascinating is that algorithms solely administer the entire app. It can search the dataset of almost 7 million images and artworks and provide search results that match the search criteria. The most important feature of the program is that the application can figure out the difference between the emotions embedded in different pictures.  It can differentiate a peaceful picture from the rest by analysing its content. In addition, this program, also known as the ‘Deep Dream Project’ can create artworks on its own, which adds to the creativity of AI. Google is also working on the ‘Magenta Project’, which has recently created a piano melody on its own. The duration of the melody is 90-seconds and it is the first tangible music sample ever produced by AI.

Therefore, we can find that AI is enabling the computers to make judgements based on their intuition and at the same time, they are developing a sense of creativity. Days are not far when human beings will depend on AI to make their next move.

To get into the depth of the prowess of AI, opt for Machine Learning course online. DexLab Analytics is a leading Machine Learning training institute in Gurgaon. Go through their course itinerary.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Statistics of Mobile Usage And Revenue Generation From Mobile Traffic

Here is some mind blowing statistics on the mammoth amount of data flowing from mobile web traffic:


The amount of mobile web traffic flowing in real is completely astounding. Industry insiders suggest that if people can read these traffic numbers correctly for every minute of time from across the world, they might even see the ebb and flow of the internet hidden somewhere in the network of disorganised data.


Data analytics is going deeper and deeper into the generation of new insights and real time statics study is one such emerging avenue. The most interesting thing to note about the system is how much can happen in just a minute or in a day. Like for instance, did you know how many products are sold on Amazon in an hour worldwide? Continue reading “Statistics of Mobile Usage And Revenue Generation From Mobile Traffic”

The Journey of Iphone Battery Life With Data

The Journey of Iphone Battery Life With Data


iPhones have become synonymous with innovation, technology and luxury soon after their iconic release by the former CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs. People all over the worlds have been caught in the hype of making the big switch from android phones known for their economic price points and customization to the feel the premium quality usability of an iPhone. Continue reading “The Journey of Iphone Battery Life With Data”

5 Analytics Tools To Improve Your Business Decisions

5 Analytics Tools To Improve Your Business Decisions

Big Data has proved to be inevitable for business organisations in the quest for stepping ahead of their competitors. Nevertheless, only having Big Data at hand does not solve problems. You also need the availability of efficient analytics software that can put your data to the best use.

A business analytics tool is responsible for analysing massive amounts of data in order to extract valuable information. Such information in turn, can be used for improving operational efficiency and for taking better decisions.


So, let us here go through the top 10 data analytics tools available in the market.

  • Yellowfin BI

Yellowfin Business Intelligence (BI) is a reporting, dashboard and data analysis software. The software is able to conduct analysis of huge amounts of database, in order to figure out appropriate information. With Yellowfin, your dashboard can be easily accessible from everywhere including company intranet, mobile device or web page.

  • Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools (BIRT)

BIRT is open source software programmed for JAVA and JAVA EE platforms. It consists of a runtime component and a visual report designer, which can be used for creating reports, visual data, and charts and so on. Information gathered from this software can be used for tracking historical data and analysing it and as well as for monitoring ongoing developments in various fields. BIRT can also be used for real-time decision-making purposes.

  • Clear Analytics

Clear Analytics is quite easy to manage as the software is based on Excel spreadsheets. While the software allows you to continue managing data using Excel, it also adds some extra features like reports scheduling, administrative capabilities, version control, governance etc. for better decision making. In short, Clear Analytics can be your choice in case you want high-end performance in exchange of minimal effort.

  • Tableau

Tableau is BI software that provides insight into the data that a business organisation requires for connecting the dots, in order to make clear and effective decisions. Data visualisation in Tableau is much dynamic and elaborative as compared to the other programmes available. Besides, it also provides easier access to data given its extended mobile device support. Additionally, the costs of implementing this program as well as its upgrade are relatively low.

  • GoodData

GoodData is a service BI platform. It takes into account both internal and external datasets (cloud) of an organisation to analyse and provide better governance. The platform is programmed for managing data security and governance thereby, consequently providing the user with the desired results. The most important feature of this platform is that it can analyse datasets of any size, thus making it effective for its users. Recently, the company rebranded their software as an Open Analytics platform.

These are some of the major analytics tools used by organisations irrespective of their scale in order to enhance their business intelligence. Whether you are looking to enhance your career or take better business decisions, a Data analyst certification course can help you to achieve such objectives. Data Analysis helps you to track the competitive landscape and figure out the essentials that needs to be done, in order to get ahead of your competitors. If you are a manager, you can take precise decisions based on quantitative data. Since big data is potential of driving your success, it is your job to master the science and use it for your advantage.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!

Back in the days of yore, parents would tell their kids that if you do not eat your veggies or study hard then your friends will be doctors, lawyers and bankers and you would have to cut grass!


Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!


My parents also told me to work hard and get good grades so that one day I become a successful doctor/engineer! But now times have changed and while the definition of true success may differ from one person to another. The title of a truly successful professional surely has seen a paradigm shift. Continue reading “Tell Your Kids To Be a Data Scientist Instead of a Doctor/Lawyer/Banker!”

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