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Tax officials are tightening up their ropes with improved Big Data analytics to crack a whip on hoarders of black money.


  • Under the bill for amending Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act, transactions with unexplained deposits in banks will be taxed.
  • As per this amendment, tax officials can now tax people on such deposits at a rate of 60 percent (cess additional) as opposed to the previously determined 30 percent.
  • This new tax law is applicable from the 1st of April, starting this year!


Cracking a Whip on Black Money Hoarders With Data Anaytics

Cracking a Whip on Black Money Hoarders With Data Anaytics

How are the Income Tax officials leveraging Big Data Analytics to curb black money?

Here are the simple signals that showcase a rise of Big data analytics use and a more planned crack down on Black Money hoarding:


  1. The IT department is now increasingly becoming tech savvy, it is now making use of analytics tools to assess the personal bank deposits for an improved black money crack down action plan.
  2. The income tax officials are making use of Big Data analytics tools for the first time ever done in the history of the Indian economy, to further maintain a hawk’s eye affixed on the target of bringing down black money.
  3. This is a new venture and earlier such advanced tools were only employed on corporate tax assessments.


How to Append Data to Add Markers to SAS Graphs

How to Append Data to Add Markers to SAS Graphs

Would you like to create customized SAS graphs with the use of PROC SGPLOT and other ODS graphic procedures? Then an essential skill that you must learn is to know how to join, merge, concentrate and append SAS data sets, which arise from a variety of sources. The SG procedures, which stand for SAS statistical graphic procedures, enable users to overlay different kinds of customized curves, bars and markers. But the SG procedures do expect all the data for a graph to be in one single set of data. Thus, it often becomes necessary to append two or more sets of data before one can create a complex graph.

In this blog post, we will discuss two ways in which we can combine data sets in order to create ODS graphics. An alternative option is to use the SG annotation facility, which will add extra curves and markers to the graph. We mostly recommend the use of the techniques that are given in this article for simple features and reserve annotations when adding highly complex yet non-standard features.

Using overlay curves:

Here is a brief idea on how to structure a SAS data set, so that one can overlay curves on a scatter plot.

The original data is contained in the X and Y variables, as can be seen from the picture below. These will be the coordinates for the scatter plot. The secondary information will be appended at the end of the data. The variables X1 and Y1 contain the coordinates of a custom scatter plot smoother. The X2 and Y2 variables contain the coordinates of another scatter plot smoother.


This structure will enable you to use the SGPLOT procedure for overlaying, two curves on the scatter plot. One may make use of a SCATTER statement along with two SERIES statements to build the graphs.

With the right Retail Analytics Courses, you can learn to do the same, and much more with SAS.

Using Overlay Markers: Wide form

Sometimes in addition to the overlaying curves, we like to add special markers to the scatter plot. In this blog we plan to show people how to add a marker that shows the location of the sample mean. It will discuss how to use PROC MEANS to build an output data set, which contains the coordinates of the sample mean, then we will append the data set to the original data.

With the below mentioned statements we can use PROC MEANS for computing the sample mean of the four variables in the data set of SasHelp.Iris. This data contains the measurements for 150 iris flowers. To further emphasize on the general syntax of this computation, we will make use of macro variables but note that it is not necessary:

%let DSName = Sashelp.Iris;
%let VarNames = PetalLength PetalWidth SepalLength SepalWidth;
proc means data=&DSName noprint;
var &VarNames;
output out=Means(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) mean= / autoname;

With the AUTONAME option on the output statement, we can tell PROC MEANS to append the name of the statistics to names of the variables. As a result, the output datasets will contain the variables, with names like PetalLength_Mean or SepalWidth_Mean.

As depicted in the previous picture, this will enable you to append the new data into the end of the old data in the “wide form”, as shown here:

data Wide;
   set &DSName Means; /* add four new variables; pad with missing values */
ods graphics / attrpriority=color subpixel;
proc sgplot data=Wide;
scatter x=SepalWidth y=PetalLength / legendlabel="Data";
ellipse x=SepalWidth y=PetalLength / type=mean;
scatter x=SepalWidth_Mean y=PetalLength_Mean / 
         legendlabel="Sample Mean" markerattrs=(symbol=X color=firebrick);

And as here:

Scatter plot with markers for sample means



The original data is used in the first SCATTER statement and the ELLIPSE statement. You must remember that the ELLIPSE statement draws an approximate confidence ellipse for the population mean. The second SCATTER statement also makes use of sample means, which must be appended to the end of the original data. The second SCATTER statement will draw a red marker at the location of the sample mean.

This method can be used to plot other sample statistics (like the median) or to highlight special values such as the origin of a coordinate system.

Using overlay markers: of the long form

In certain circumstances, it is better to append the secondary data in the “long form”. In the long form the secondary data sets contains variables similar to the names in the original data set. One can choose to use the SAS data step to build a variable that will pinpoint the original and supplementary observations. With this technique it will be useful when people would want to show multiple markers (like, sample, mean, median, mode etc.) by making use of the GROUP = option on one of the SCATTER statement.

For detailed explanation of these steps and more on such techniques, join our SAS training courses in Delhi.

The following call to the PROC MEANS does not make use of an AUTONAME option. That is why the output data sets contain variables which have the same name as the input data. One can make use of the IN= data set option, for creating the ID variables that identifies with the data from the computed statistics:

/* Long form. New data has same name but different group ID */
proc means data=&DSName noprint;
var &VarNames;
output out=Means(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) mean=;
data Long;
set &DSName Means(in=newdata);
if newdata then 
   GroupID = "Mean";
else GroupID = "Data";

The DATA step is used to create the GroupID variable, which has several values “Data” for the original observations and the value “Mean” for the appended observations. This data structure will be useful for calling the PROC SGSCATTER and this will support the GROUP = option, however it does not support multiple PLOT statements as the following:

ods graphics / attrpriority=none;
proc sgscatter data=Long 
   datacontrastcolors=(steelblue firebrick)
   datasymbols=(Circle X);
plot (PetalLength PetalWidth)*(SepalLength SepalWidth) / group=groupID;

Scatter plot matrix with markers for sample means



In closing thoughts, this blog is to demonstrate some useful techniques, to add markers to a graph. The technique requires people to use concatenate the original data with supplementary data. Often for creating ODS statistical graphics it is better to use appending and merging data technique in SAS. This is a great technique to include in your programming capabilities.

SAS courses in Noida can give you further details on some more techniques that are worth adding to your analytics toolbox!

This post originally appeared

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What Sets Apart Data Science from Big Data and Data Analytics

What Sets Apart Data Science from Big Data and Data Analytics

Today is a time when omnipresent has a whole new definition. We no longer think about the almighty, omnipotent and omnipresent God when we speak about being everywhere. Nowadays we mostly mean data when we hear the term “present everywhere”. The amount of digital data that populates the earth today is growing at a tremendous rate, doubling over every two years and transforming the way we live.

As per IBM, an astounding amount of 2.5 Billion gigabytes of data is generated every day since the year 2012. Another revelation made by an article published in the Forbes magazine stated that data is growing faster than ever before today, and by the year 2020 almost 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second by every human being on this earth. And that is why it is imperative to know the fundamental basics of this field as clearly this is where our future lies.

In this article, we will know the main differentiating factors between data science, Big Data analysis and data analytics. We will discuss in detail about the points such as what they are, where they are used, and the skills one needs to be a professional in these fields, and finally the prospect of salary in each case.


First off we start with the understanding of what these subjects are:

What is data science?

Data science involves dealing with unstructured and structured data. It is a field that consists of everything that relates to cleansing of data, preparation and analysis. It can be defined as the combination of mathematics, analytics, statistics, programming, capture of data and problem solving. And all of that in the most ingenious ways with an amazing ability to look at things from a unique perspective. They professionals involved with this field should be proficient in data preparation, cleansing, and alignment of data.

To put it simply, this is the umbrella of techniques which is used to extract insights and information from the data.

What do we mean by Big Data?

As the name suggests, Big Data is nothing but a mammoth amount of data. This is so huge that it cannot be processed effectively with the existing traditional applications. The processing of Big Data starts with working with raw data that is not very well aggregated and is almost impossible to store in the memory of only one single computer.

It is now a popular buzzword filling up the job portals with vacancies. And is used to denote basically a large number of data, both structured and unstructured. It inundates a business on a daily basis. It is a prime source of information that can be used to take better decisions and proper strategic business moves.

As per Gartner, Big Data can be defined as high velocity, high volume and high variety information assets which demand cost efficient, innovative forms of information processing that enable improved insight, better decision making, and a procedural automation.

Thus a Big Data certification, can help you bag the best paying jobs in the market.

Understanding data analytics:

Data Analytics is the science of assessing raw data with the purpose of drawing actionable insights from the same.

It basically involves application of algorithms in a mechanical and systematic process to gather information. For instance, it may involve a task like running through a large number of data sets to look for comprehensible correlations between one another.

The main focus for data analytics is concentrated on interference, which is the procedure for deriving conclusions which are mainly based on what the researchers already are aware of.

Where can I apply my data science skills?

  • On internet searching: search engines use data science algorithms
  • For digital ads: data science algorithms is an important aspect for the whole digital marketing spectrum.
  • Recommender systems: finding relevant products from a list of billions available can be found easily. Several companies and ecommerce retailers use data to implement this system.

Big Data applicability:

The following sectors use Big Data application:

  • Customer analysis
  • Fraud analytics
  • Compliance analytics
  • Financial services, credit risk modelling
  • Operational analytics
  • Communication systems
  • Retailers

Data analysis scope and application:

  1. Healthcare sector for efficient service and reduction of cost pressure
  2. Travel sector for optimizing buying experience
  3. Gaming industry for deriving insights about likes and dislikes of gamers
  4. For management of energy, with smart grid management, energy optimization distribution and also used by utility companies.

Here is an infographic that further describes all there is to know about these trending, job-hungry sectors that are growing at a tremendous rate:

Don’t Be Bamboozled by The Data-Jargon: Difference in Detween The Data Fields


Now that you know what the path to career success, looks like stop waiting and get a R Analytics Certification today.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
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To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

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To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Here Are 6 Ways Banks Can Avoid Data Breaches

Hackers when combined with data breaches make a lethal combination for small banks. The recent attack on major Indian banks is a good example of why that should be necessary for banks.

 Here Are 6 Ways Banks Can Avoid Data Breaches

When a major hack or data breach occurs small banks have a lot more to lose than the larger banks. They face a battle for climbing uphill to win back the lost trust of customers. And the component of customer trust is a core value proposition for small and medium sized banks. Moreover, they have a bigger shortcoming at their disposal rather than large financial institutions. Continue reading “Here Are 6 Ways Banks Can Avoid Data Breaches”

How are The Tweets of Donald Trump Faring For Him?

We ran sentiment analysis with R

A massive stir in the global political scenario piqued the interests of several data analysts, politicians and global onlookers alike with a revelation made by David Robinson, a data scientist. He recently revealed into the media an analysis of Trump’s tweets, wherein he figured that those that happened from an android device were done by the presidential candidate himself, but those that were done from an iPhone device were done by a campaign staff.


How are The Tweets of Donald Trump Faring For Him?


While many may not think too deeply about this minor information, the main distinguishing point about this revelation has something to do with sentiments behind the tweets. The android device based tweets from the candidate himself (Trump) use angrier, more negative words but the iPhone-based tweets tended to be more straightforward ones with campaign announcements and hash tag promotions; something that a simple campaigner with digital marketing and clickbaits in mind would do with their docile mannerisms. The news was initially reported by the Scientific American, PC Magazine, and the LA Times. In fact, David Robinson even gave an interview with Time Magazine about his deductions. Continue reading “How are The Tweets of Donald Trump Faring For Him?”

How do you Like your Coffee? Strong with a Lot of Numbers!?



In the health conscious world today, people are often engaging in hot debates as to which drinks have the most and least amounts of caffeine in them. But as data analysts we do not like to engage in any critical discussion without having a few graphs to show for our arguments! So, the moment someone put the kettle on, we turned on our computers to sip a cuppa and make a few caffeinated graphs.

The moment we head on to a cafe or a breakfast joint these days, we are bombarded with a long list of beverages which include an assortment of coffees, tea and other sugary drinks that promise to refresh our Monday-blues thirst with a shot of energizing elixir! It is not only spoiling to have so many options, but in fact confusing to say the least when the waiter/waitress keenly asks us how we would like our coffee.

But coffee, that is dubbed as the Devil’s juice (which I believe, further adds to its charm) is known to be bad for our health when drunk too much. So, we analysed and researched and downloaded some of the data of caffeine in various drinks like tea, soda and different blends of coffee pasted them on an Excel sheet and then used Proc Import to feed and read the data into SAS datasets.

The problem we faced next was that each category still had a few too many drinks to get a quick mental grasp on the matter (i.e. typically 100+). So, we took a two stage approach. The first thing we did was to plot just a handful of drinks in each of the categories which we then recognized as we have or want to drink, and then we plotted the entire list. The images of the small subset graphs are attached below:



Here’s a graph of caffeine content in the most popular coffees:




Here is the complete list of data for all coffees:


Fluid ounces


mg Caffeine

  (mg)per fluid oz
Nescafe Ice Java0.9100117.6
Stok Black Coffee Shots0.44090.9
Coffee Crave Fearless Black1284470.3
Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee32216067.5
Black Insomnia Coffee1270258.5
Death Wish Coffee1266055
Coffee (Espresso)1.57751.3
Killer Coffee8.543050.8
Biggby Espresso210050
Gourmesso Coffee Pods1.46548.1
Bizzy Cold Brew1675046.9
Peet’s Coffee Espresso1.57046.7
Nespresso Coffee Capsules1.46044.4
Robusta Coffee826533.1
Gloria Jean’s Coffee26733
Shock Coffee Triple Latte823128.9
Chameleon Cold Brew RTD Coffee1027027
Stumptown Cold Brew Coffee10.527926.6
Long Black615425.7
Greek Coffee (Metrios)25025
Turkish Coffee25025
Illy Issimo Cafe6.815522.8
Seattle’s Best Brewed Coffee1226021.7
Stumptown Cold Brew Chocolate + Milk1634021.2
Coffee Bean & Tea leaf Coffee1633320.8
Starbucks Grande Coffee1633020.6
Coffee (Brewed)816320.4
High Brew Coffee816320.4
Stumptown Cold Brew + Milk1631919.9
Starbucks Doubleshot6.512519.2
Caribou Brewed Coffee1630519.1
Black Medicine Iced Coffee1120618.7
TrueStart Performance Coffee5.19518.6
Costa Coffee15.227718.2
Bulletproof Coffee814518.1
Don Tomas Estate Coffee814518.1
Starbucks Via Ready Brew813516.9
Peet’s Brewed Coffee1626716.7
Gold Peak Coffee812615.8
Cafe Viva Probiotic Coffee812515.6
Dunkin’ Donuts Brewed Coffee1421015
K-Cup Coffee812015
Keurig Vue Pack1218015
Starbucks Grande Caffe Americano1622514.1
Starbucks Iced Espresso1622514.1
Starbucks Latte Macchiato1622514.1
Barista Bros Iced Coffee16.921913
Einstein Bros Coffee1620612.9
Americano Coffee1215412.8
Dutch Bros. Coffee2025612.8
Caffe Mocha1215212.7
Starbucks Protein and Coffee1114012.7
Biggby Brewed Coffee1620012.5
Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee1620012.5
Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Coffee2429712.4
Biggby Iced Coffee1619212
Panera Bread Coffee1618911.8
Pronto Coffee66711.2
Muscle Milk Coffee House1112010.9
Starbucks Grande Caffe Mocha1617510.9
Dunkin’ Donuts Latte1415110.8
Dunkin’ Donuts Mocha1415110.8
Vita Coco Cafe11.112010.8
Starbucks Discoveries Caffe Mocha50.753910.6
Starbucks Bottled Iced Coffee1111510.5
McDonalds (McCafe) Mocha1616710.4
Peet’s Caffe Mocha1616510.3
Peet’s Iced Mocha1616510.3
Tim Hortons Large Brewed Coffee2020010
Baskin Robbins Cappuccino Blast242349.8
Starbucks Doubleshot Energy + Coffee151459.7
Dare Iced Coffee16.91609.5
Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino9.5909.5
Peet’s Iced Coffee161509.4
Starbucks Grande Caffe Latte161509.4
Starbucks Grande Cappuccino161509.4
Flat White8.5779.1
McDonalds Coffee161459.1
McDonalds Iced Coffee222009.1
V Double Espresso Iced Coffee16.11479.1
Bean and Body Coffee8729
McDonalds (McCafe) Latte161428.9
Peet’s Caffe Americano161408.8
Peet’s Caffe Latte161408.8
Peet’s Cappuccino161408.8
Peet’s Iced Latte161408.8
Skinny Cow Iced Coffee8708.8
International Delight Iced Coffee8658.1
Starbucks Verismo Coffee Pods8607.5
Coffee (Instant)8577.1
Zola Coconut Water Espresso17.51257.1
Real Beanz Iced Coffee9.5666.9
Caffe Nero Coffee12806.7
Chick-fil-A Iced Coffee14946.7
Peet’s Decaf Espresso1.5106.7
Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Latte241516.3
Biggby Creamy Lattes161006.2
Biggby Frozen Lattes161006.2
Big Train Java Chip Ice Coffee8496.1
CoolBrew Coffee10606
Tim Hortons Small English Toffee Coffee10606
Tim Hortons Small French Vanilla Coffee10606
Dunkin’ Donuts Dunkaccino14835.9
Svelte Cappuccino Protein Shake11655.9
SlimFast Cappuccino Delight Shake10404
Choffy (roasted cacao)6233.8
Starbucks Refreshers16503.1
Indulgio Cappuccino8202.5
Starbucks Decaf Coffee16251.6
Coffee Leaf Tea8121.5
Dunkin’ Donuts Coolatta24180.8
Nescafe’ Ricoffy860.8
Arby’s Jamocha Shake16120.7
Coffee (Decaf, Brewed)860.7
Coffee (Decaf, Instant)830.3

Detailed data on all kinds of popular sodas:

DrinkFluid ouncesCaffeinemg Caffeine
(mg)per fluid oz
Bawls Exxtra161509.4
Blink Energy Water16.91508.9
Flatt Cola8658.1
Afri Cola12897.4
Fritz Kola11.2837.4
Premium Cola11.2837.4
Hansen’s Diet Red8.3576.9
Bawls Orange10646.4
Bawls Cherry161006.2
Bawls Root Beer161006.2
Mountain Dew Game Fuel201216
Monster Mutant201155.8
Pepsi Max12695.8
Ski Soda12695.8
Sun Drop Soda12645.3
Mountain Dew Black Label16835.2
DOC 360201005
Mountain Dew Voltage12554.6
Diet Mountain Dew12544.5
Mountain Dew12544.5
Mountain Dew Baja Blast16724.5
Mountain Dew Live Wire12544.5
Pepsi One12544.5
Cult Cola16.9754.4
Surge Citrus Soda16694.3
Dr Pepper 1012514.2
Mello Yello12514.2
Mello Yello Zero12514.2
Starbucks Refreshers Canned12504.2
Diet Cheerwine12484
Diet RC Cola12473.9
Diet Coke12463.8
Diet Coke Plus12453.8
Diet Coke with Lemon12453.8
Diet Coke with Lime12463.8
Diet Vanilla Coke12453.8
Hint Caffeine Kick Water16603.8
Soda Stream16603.8
TAB Diet Cola12453.8
Zevia Cola12453.8
RC Cola12433.6
RC Cola, Cherry12433.6
Shasta Cola12433.6
Diet Pepsi UK, AU, NZ12433.5
Diet Sunkist Orange Soda12423.5
Faygo Cola12423.5
Pepsi Max UK, NZ, AU12433.5
Diet Dr Pepper12413.4
Dr Pepper12413.4
Sunkist Orange Soda12413.4
Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade12413.4
Sunkist Ten20683.4
Diet Mr. Pibb12403.3
Honest Professor Fizz12403.3
Kickapoo Soda: Joy Juice & Fruit Shine12403.3
Pibb Xtra12403.3
Pibb Zero12403.3
Diet Dr Pepper Cherry12393.2
Diet Dr Pepper Cherry Vanilla12393.2
Diet Ruby Red Squirt12393.2
Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi12383.2
Dr Pepper Cherry12393.2
Dr Pepper Cherry Vanilla12393.2
Jazz Caramel Cream12383.2
Pepsi Cola12383.2
Pepsi Diet Lemon12383.2
Pepsi Diet Lime12383.2
Pepsi Diet Vanilla12383.2
Pepsi Throwback12383.2
Pepsi True7.5243.2
Ruby Red Squirt12393.2
TK Diet Cola12383.2
Wild Cherry Pepsi12383.2
Ale 8 112373.1
Crystal Pepsi20633.1
Inca Kola16503.1
Red Flash12373.1
Co-Operative Diet Cola16.9503
Double Cola12363
1893 Cola12342.8
Big Red Soda12342.8
Caffeinated Club Soda12342.8
Cherry Coke12342.8
Cherry Coke Zero12342.8
Coca-Cola Classic12342.8
Coke Zero12342.8
Diet Cherry Coca-Cola12342.8
Diet Coke with Splenda12342.8
Diet Pepsi12342.8
Vanilla Coke12342.8
Pepsi Next12322.7
A&W Cream Soda12292.4
Coca-Cola Life12282.3
Red Rock Cola12262.2
Barq’s Root Beer12221.8
Diet A&W Cream Soda12221.8
Pepsi Slurpee8141.8
Faygo Moon Mist12201.6
PC Cola Diet12131.1
PC Cola12121
Ritz Cola12100.9
Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale1290.8
Boost Nutritional Drink850.6
A&W Root Beer1200
Barq’s Red Creme Soda1200
Coca-Cola caffeine free1200
Diet Barq’s Root Beer1200
Ginger Ale or Ginger Beer1200
IBC Root Beer1200
Kinley Soda1200
Mug Root Beer1200
Orange Crush2000
Pepsi Caffeine Free1200
Squirt Soda1200
Tonic Water11.900
Tropicana Twister Soda2000
Vernors Ginger Ale1200

While we are not too big a fan of the dancing bologna to be added into serious graphs, but in this we figured we would add a few minimalistic pictures of the drinks to make it easier to be distinguished.

Feel free to share how well your favourite drink fared in this very hotly debated list. And for more interesting data analysis news and Big Data courses stay tuned with DexLab Analytics. 

[Infographic] Food for thought with thoughts on food!

Did you know that insects are the most efficient forms of food available for us? 80 percent of a cricket is edible whereas, only 55 percent of a pig and 40 percent of a cow are edible. So, up for a meal at the bush at the backyard anyone? If that fact did not sound too appetizing to most of you with an acquired taste, then may these few interesting stats on food consumption and production churn your stomachs and stop you from wasting food.



  Continue reading “[Infographic] Food for thought with thoughts on food!”

What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?

What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?

Do you also feel that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting eerily powerful day-by-day? That is because the structures of Artificial Intelligence exploit the very fundamental laws of physics and of the universe as per latest research.

These new findings help to answer a long-awaited mystery about a category of AI that employs an interesting strategy called deep learning. These are programs based on deep neural networks hence, the name deep learning. The way this works is that they have multi-layered algorithms in which the lower-level calculations feed into the higher level ones within the hierarchy. These deep neural networks often perform surprisingly well when it comes to solving problems which are highly complex, like beating the world’s best player of a strategic board game called Go or categorising cat photos, however no one truly knows why… Continue reading “What Makes Artificial Intelligence So Incredibly Powerful?”

Are you taking care of your digital self?

Whether you like the idea or not, we all have a digital self, a facade that we put on to engage and participate in the technological world! As per psychoanalysts and physicians, a theory proposed by them says that there is a ‘true self’ that is the instinctive core of our personality, it must be realized and nurtured. And there is also a ‘false self’ that is built to protect this true self. From what you ask? From the dangers of insults and vulnerabilities!

Dexlab blog for 12th Oct

Our true selves are usually complex and fragile but it ultimately remains to be our essence. In trying to share that self with the world, we send out our decoy selves to take on the day-to-day vulnerabilities, challenges, and anxieties that come forth.

Continue reading “Are you taking care of your digital self?”

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