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Take Small Steps With Big Feet of Business Analytics

Take Small Steps With Big Feet of Business Analytics

Do these following questions clog your mind?

I aspire to become a business analytics professional, but I don’t know what skills to possess?

I am sceptical; which training should I opt for in order to establish my career in the sphere of business analytics?

I am looking forward to switch my career into data analytics, but I don’t know which skills to imbibe for better prospects?

Answer: Yes, they do.

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Understanding The Core Components of Data Management

Understanding The Core Components of Data Management

Ever wondered why many organizations often find it hard to implement Big Data? The reason often is poor or non-existent data management strategies which works counterproductive.

Data cannot be delivered or analysed without proper technology systems and procedural flows data can never be analysed or delivered. And without an expert team to manage and maintain the setup, errors, and backlogs will be frequent.

Before we make a plan of the data management strategies we must consider what systems and technologies one may need to add and what improvements can be made to an existing processes; and what do these roles bring about in terms of effects with changes.

However, a much as is possible any type of changes should be done by making sure a strategy is going to be integrated with the existing business process.

And it is also important to take a holistic point of view, for data management. After all, a strategy that does not work for its users will never function effectively for any organization.

With all these things in mind, in this article we will examine each of the three most important non-data components for a successful data management strategy – this should include the process, the technology and the people.


Recognizing the right data systems:

There is a lot of technology implemented into the Big Data industry, and a lot of it is in the form of a highly specific tool system. Almost all of the enterprises do need the following types of tech:

Data mining:

This will isolate specific information from a large data sets and transform it into usable metrics. Some o the familiar data mining tools are SAS, R and KXEN.

Automated ETL:

The process of ETL is used to extract, transform, and also will load data so that it can be used. ETL tools also automate this process so that human users will not have to request data manually. Moreover, the automated process is way more consistent.

Enterprise data warehouse:

A centralised data warehouse will be able to store all of an organization’s data and also integrate a related data from other sources, this is an indispensible part of any data management plan. It also keeps data accessible, and associates a lot of kinds of customer data for a complete view.

Enterprise monitoring:

These are tools, which provide a layer of security and quality assurance by monitoring some critical environments, with problem diagnosing, whenever they arise, and also to quickly notify the team behind analytics.

Business intelligence and reporting, Analytics:

These are tools that turn processed data into insights, that are tailored to extract roles along with users. Data must go to the right people and in the right format for it to be useful.


And in analytics highly specific metrics are combined like customer acquisition data, product life cycle, and tracking details, with intuitive user friendly interfaces. They often integrate with some non-analytics tools to ensure the best possible user experience.

So, it is important to not think of the above technologies as simply isolated elements but instead consider them as a part of a team. Which must work together as an organized unit.

For business analyst training courses in Gurgaon and other developmental updates about the Big data industry, follow our regular uploads from DexLab Analytics.



Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Are you taking care of your digital self?

Whether you like the idea or not, we all have a digital self, a facade that we put on to engage and participate in the technological world! As per psychoanalysts and physicians, a theory proposed by them says that there is a ‘true self’ that is the instinctive core of our personality, it must be realized and nurtured. And there is also a ‘false self’ that is built to protect this true self. From what you ask? From the dangers of insults and vulnerabilities!

Dexlab blog for 12th Oct

Our true selves are usually complex and fragile but it ultimately remains to be our essence. In trying to share that self with the world, we send out our decoy selves to take on the day-to-day vulnerabilities, challenges, and anxieties that come forth.

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5 Analytics Tools To Improve Your Business Decisions

5 Analytics Tools To Improve Your Business Decisions

Big Data has proved to be inevitable for business organisations in the quest for stepping ahead of their competitors. Nevertheless, only having Big Data at hand does not solve problems. You also need the availability of efficient analytics software that can put your data to the best use.

A business analytics tool is responsible for analysing massive amounts of data in order to extract valuable information. Such information in turn, can be used for improving operational efficiency and for taking better decisions.


So, let us here go through the top 10 data analytics tools available in the market.

  • Yellowfin BI

Yellowfin Business Intelligence (BI) is a reporting, dashboard and data analysis software. The software is able to conduct analysis of huge amounts of database, in order to figure out appropriate information. With Yellowfin, your dashboard can be easily accessible from everywhere including company intranet, mobile device or web page.

  • Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools (BIRT)

BIRT is open source software programmed for JAVA and JAVA EE platforms. It consists of a runtime component and a visual report designer, which can be used for creating reports, visual data, and charts and so on. Information gathered from this software can be used for tracking historical data and analysing it and as well as for monitoring ongoing developments in various fields. BIRT can also be used for real-time decision-making purposes.

  • Clear Analytics

Clear Analytics is quite easy to manage as the software is based on Excel spreadsheets. While the software allows you to continue managing data using Excel, it also adds some extra features like reports scheduling, administrative capabilities, version control, governance etc. for better decision making. In short, Clear Analytics can be your choice in case you want high-end performance in exchange of minimal effort.

  • Tableau

Tableau is BI software that provides insight into the data that a business organisation requires for connecting the dots, in order to make clear and effective decisions. Data visualisation in Tableau is much dynamic and elaborative as compared to the other programmes available. Besides, it also provides easier access to data given its extended mobile device support. Additionally, the costs of implementing this program as well as its upgrade are relatively low.

  • GoodData

GoodData is a service BI platform. It takes into account both internal and external datasets (cloud) of an organisation to analyse and provide better governance. The platform is programmed for managing data security and governance thereby, consequently providing the user with the desired results. The most important feature of this platform is that it can analyse datasets of any size, thus making it effective for its users. Recently, the company rebranded their software as an Open Analytics platform.

These are some of the major analytics tools used by organisations irrespective of their scale in order to enhance their business intelligence. Whether you are looking to enhance your career or take better business decisions, a Data analyst certification course can help you to achieve such objectives. Data Analysis helps you to track the competitive landscape and figure out the essentials that needs to be done, in order to get ahead of your competitors. If you are a manager, you can take precise decisions based on quantitative data. Since big data is potential of driving your success, it is your job to master the science and use it for your advantage.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

A Few Key Business Analytics Tricks Every Manager Must Know

The main objective behind using any analytics tool is to analyze data and gather commercially relevant and actionable insights to accelerate results and performances of any organization. But currently there are a variety of tools available so, it often becomes difficult for managers to know which ones to use and when. You may be considering an online certificate in business analytics so reviewing and understanding these key tools may be of great value.


A few key business analytics tricks every manager must know


So, we thought you may want to know a few of the key analytics tools in use today and how they can be helpful for different business organizations.

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Are You a Student of Statistics? – You must know these 3 things

Are you a student of statistics?

We a premiere statistical and data analysis training institute offering courses on Big Data Hadoop, Business intelligence and Ai. We asked our faculty to tell us the three most important things that every student of elementary statistics should know.

So, let us get on with it:

  1. The notion that statistics is about numbers, is in the context only: statistics involves a rich treasure trove of numeric and graphical representation of displaying data to quantify them also it is very important to be capable of generating graphs along with numbers. But that is not the half part of statistics and the main interesting aspect is related to making the big leap from numbers and graphs to the realistic worldly interpretations. Uncannily statistics also poses to be a fascinating philosophical tension raising the question and healthy skepticism about we believe in and what we do not.
  2. The analysis part is not the most crucial part of a statistical study, the most important part lies with the when, where and how of gathering the data. We must not forget when we enter each number or data, calculate and plot the strategies we build on our understanding, but many a times at the time of interpretation that each every graph, data or number is a product of a fallible machine, be it organic or mechanical. If we are able to take proper care at the stage of sampling and observation we will be able to obtain great dividends at the final stage of interpretation and analysis of all our statistical efforts.
  3. All statistical functions off all kinds of mathematical sciences are based on a two-way communication system. This communication system should be between the statistician and non-statistician end. The main aim of statistical analysis is to put forward important social, public and scientific questions. A good statistician knows how to communicate with the public especially with those who are by and large not statisticians. Also the public here plays an important role and must possess simple idea of statistical conclusions to grasp what the statisticians have to say to them. This is an important criterion to be incorporated in the K-12 and college curriculum for elementary statistical students.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

If you agree with our views and would like to discuss further on statistics and its application on data analysis then feel free drop by DexLab Analytics and stay updated on the latest trends in data management and mining.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Trending Data Job Role: Chief Data Officer

Trending data job role: Chief Data Officer

Financial firms are going berserk in order to employ the best Chief Data Officers from around the world. This is the new hype in the C-suite world who wants to manage risks associated with data and also grasp its opportunities for conducting better business.

These days all financial firms are sincerely focused on maintaining their data and governing them to comply with the latest rules and regulations. They want to comply with customer demands to maintain their competitive edge and stay on top of the game. And in order to maintain this, the financial services teams are on a hyper drive in hiring the C-suite role of a Chief Data Officer i.e. CDO.

Recent developments in the regulatory mandates of Volcker Rule of the Dodd-Frank Act in relation to capital planning have made it difficult for financial organizations to aggregate and manage their data. In a recent stress test a large number of major US corporate banks and other financial institutions have failed as the quality of their data was not up to scratch.

But expert data analyst and scientists state that only regulatory compliance is not the main issue at hand. Effective risk management goes hand-in-hand with efficient data management. And firms are lacking that front as they do not manage their data effectively and are simply gambling with chances of a hug penalty at the risk of losing customers and acquiring a bad name in the business.


The opportunities in this position of Chief Data Officer:

While the aspects of regulatory compliance and risk management are becoming more and more complex every day, but that is not the only reason to move up information management positions and invite them into the boardroom. That is why as most financial organizations know that good governance requires strong data management skills with good understanding of architecture and analytics. Companies have come to realize that this kind of information can prove to be effective and provide them with competitive advantage in terms of reaching out to customers and protecting them with the offering of innovative products and services.

According to latest research, experts predicted that 25 percent of every financial organization will have employed a Chief Data Officer by the end of 2015. The job responsibility of this role is still clouded and most organizations are trying to refine and boil it down, but as of now three main roles have been identified – data governance, data analysis and data architecture and technology. While according to this survey 77 percent of the CDOs will remain focused in governance focused but their responsibilities are likely to grow into other areas as well. The main objective behind data architecture is to oversee how data is sourced, integrated and then consumed in the global organizations. The way to lead efficiencies in this respect is to consider this aspect in depth. Thus, it can be concluded that data analytics has the most potential.

For more details on Online Certificate in Business Analytics, visit DexLab Analytics. Their online courses in data science are up to the mark as per industry standards. Check out the course module today.

DexLab Analytics Presents #BigDataIngestion

DexLab Analytics has started a new admission drive for prospective students interested in big data and data science certification. Enroll in #BigDataIngestion and enjoy 10% off on in-demand courses, including data science, machine learning, hadoop and business analytics.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Approach – Actionable Analytics

Approach – Actionable Analytics


In this blog post, we will discuss on the approach we can follow to provide an actionable analytics. Doing actionable analytics is not easier said than done. It requires a focused analytical process. Here we will outline the three important phase or levers that can improve the process of delivering actionable analytics. The three phases can help you to improve the financial aspects of the business by doing actionable analytics.


  • Discover
  • Explore 
  • Engage


For example, if we are delivering actionable analytics for the marketing function. In each phase we will identify some critical characteristics or parameters that are going to influence the financial value directly or indirectly.

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