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Summer Internship/Training 101

Summer Internship/Training 101

Hard Fact: Nowadays, all major organizations seek candidates who are technically sound, knowledgeable and creative. They don’t prefer spending time and money on employee training.  Thus, fresh college graduates face a tricky situation.

Summer internship is a quick solution for them. Besides guaranteeing a valuable experience to the fresh graduates, internship helps them secure a quick job. However, the question is what exactly is a summer internship program and how does it help bag the best job in town?

What Is a Summer Internship?

Summer internships are mostly industrial-level training programs for students who are interested in core technical industry domain. Such internships offer students hands-on learning experience while letting them gain glimpses of the real world – following a practical approach. Put simply, summer trainings enhance skills, sharpen theoretical knowledge and are a great way to pursue a flourishing career. In most cases, the candidates are hired by the companies in which they are interning.

The duration of such internships is mostly between eight to twelve weeks following the college semesters. Mostly, they start from May or June and proceeds through August. So, technically, this is the time for summer internships and at DexLab Analytics, we offer industry-relevant certification courses that break open a gamut of job opportunities. Also, such accredited certifications add value to your CV. They help build powerful CVs.

If you are a college student and from Delhi, NCR, drop by DexLab Analytics! Browse through our business analytics, risk analytics, machine learning and data science course sections. Summer internships are your key to success. Hurry now!

Deep Learning and AI using Python

Why Is It Important?

Summers are crucial. If you are college-goer, you will understand that summertime is the most opportune time to explore diverse career interests without being bogged down by homework or classroom assignments.

Day by day, summer internships are becoming popular. Not only do they expose aspiring candidates to the nuances of the big bad world but also hone their communication skills, create great resumes and make them super confident. Building confidence is extremely important. If you want to survive in this competitive industry, you have to present a confident version of you. Summer training programs are great in this respect. Plus, they add value to your resume. A good internship will help you get noticed by the prospective employers. Always, try to add references; however, ask permission from your supervisors before including their names as references in your resume.

Moreover, summer training gives you the scope to experiment and explore options. Suppose, you are pursuing Marketing Major and bagged an internship in the same, but you are not happy with it. Maybe, marketing is not your thing. No worries! Complete your internship and move on.  

On the other hand, let’s say you are very happy with your selected internship and want to do something in the respective field! Finish the internship, wait for some time and then try for recruitment in the same company where you interned or explore possibilities in the same domain.


It’s no wonder that summer internships open a roadway of opportunities. The technical aptitude and in-demand skills learned during the training help you accomplish your desired goal in life.

For more advice or expert guide, follow DexLab Analytics.


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What Does a Business Analyst Do: Job Responsibilities and More!

What Does a Business Analyst Do: Job Responsibilities and More!

A flamboyant, sophisticated technology lashed with a heavy stroke of sci-fi, AI and machine learning – is today’s data science. To manage, control and understand such an elusive concept, we need highly skilled data specialists – they must have mastered thoroughly the art and science of machine learning, analytics and statistics.

As the world is becoming more dynamic, the roles of data analysts and professionals are found to be increasingly inclined towards precision, versatility and eccentricity. More and more, they are expected to do things differently, posing as catalysts for change. They play an incredible role in inspiring others and bringing accuracy and accountability within an organization.


Data Analysts Facilitate Solutions for Stakeholders

“Business analysis involves understanding how organizations function to accomplish their purposes and defining the capabilities an organization requires to provide products and services to external stakeholders,” shares International Institute of Business Analysis in its BABOK Guide.

The main job of a business analyst is to understand the current situation of a company and facilitate a respective solution to the problem. Mostly, a team of analysts work with the stakeholders to define their business goals and extract what they expect to be delivered. They gather a long range of business-fulfilled conditions and capabilities, document them in a collection and then eventually frame and strategize a plausible solution.

Analysts Have a Multifaceted Job Role

Mostly, they wear many hats as the tasks of analysts are widely versatile and always changing. Below, we have mentioned a few most common job responsibilities they have to perform every day:

  • Understand and analyze business needs
  • Address a business problem
  • Construe information from stakeholders
  • Fulfill model requirements
  • Facilitate solutions
  • Project management
  • Project development
  • Ensure quality testing

Enjoy a smooth learning experience from a reputed analytics training institute in DelhiDexLab Analytics!

The Title ‘Business Analyst’ Hardly Matters

As a matter of fact, the title ‘business analyst’ doesn’t matter much. To fulfill the role of a ‘business analyst’, you don’t have to an analyst at the first place. Many execute the tasks as part of their existing role – data analysts, user experience specialists, change managers and process analysts – each one of them can feature business analyst behaviour.

Put simply, you don’t have to be a business analyst to do the job of a business analyst.

Business Analysts Act As Interpreters

As always, different stakeholders have different goals, needs and knowledge regarding their businesses. Stakeholders can be anyone – managers to end users, vendors to customers, developers to testers, subject matter experts, architects and more. So, it depends on the analysts to bring together all this knowledge and analyze the information gathered. This, in turn, offers a clear understanding of company goals and vision. It bridges the gap between the business and IT.

For this and more, business analysts are often compared with interpreters. Just the way the latter translates French into English – analysts too translate their stakeholders’ query and needs into a language that IT professionals can easily grasp.

Hope this comprehensive list of thoughts has helped you understand what analysts do in general!

If you want to become a data analyst or interested in the study of analytics, drop by DexLab Analytics. They are a one-stop-destination to grab data analyst certification. For more, reach us at


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#AskTheExperts: Best FAQs on Business Analytics

#AskTheExperts: Best FAQs on Business Analytics

Do you want to make a living as a successful business analyst? Does the prospect of analyzing data and drawing meaningful conclusions interest you? Are you thinking of taking the next big step into the career of analytics?

The demand for business analysts is soaring. It’s even touted as the highest paid job in the field of management. The job profile of a BA includes understanding a business organization critically, tapping into the ongoing business problems and filing a proper documentation of all business requirements and securing future success for the organization.


Below, we’ve whittled down few important FAQs on Business Analytics:

To understand or delve deeper into business analysis, opt for an excellent business analytics course in Delhi. Training courses as this will help you grab the hottest job in town.

Define business analysis.

Business analysis is a series of functions, implemented to assess the business needs and requirements and craft the best solution to ring bells of success in an organization or enterprise. This sequence of actions is generally performed by a business analyst.

Mention the industry and professional standards that a BA has to adhere to.

The most popular industry standards that have been set up for Business Analysts are OOAD principles and Unified Modeling Language (UML). They are recognized across the globe, so drafting requirements from any part of the world won’t be difficult.

What are the components of UML?

UML is a concoction of diverse concepts from a lot many sources.

  • For Structure: Actor, Attribute, Class, Component, Interface, Object, Package
  • For Behavior: Activity, Event, Message, Method, Operation, State, use case
  • For Relationships: Aggregation, Association, Composition, Depends, Generalization (or Inheritance)
  • Other Concepts: Stereotype – It qualifies the symbol it is attached to

Highlight the quality procedures that a BA normally follows.

Loud and clear, there exists no specific bar for such things, but if you ask us, Six Sigma and ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructural Library UK) have specific quality standards, which are more than enough. However, here we’ve enumerated some common things to consider:

  • Ensure the quality of communication is excellent and seamless.
  • Explore and decipher requirements of system functionality and user demands.
  • Collect, manage and analyze data for better business outcomes and future success of organizations in question.

Explain the procedure of Requirement Analysis.

JAD session usually precedes a Requirement Session. Business analysts, top notch sponsors and hardcore technical folks attend these significant sessions. In the end of the discussions, Business Analysts rifles through each requirement and asks from a valuable feedback. Now, if the sponsors and technical folks conclude all the requirements are as per business requirement, they will give an official signoff on business requirement documents, along with IT managers and business managers.

How do you define UML?

UML is the abbreviated form of Unified Modeling Language – which is referred to as a generic language for mentioning, envisioning, building and documenting the objects of software systems, business models and other non-software structures. Together, it’s a compilation of superior engineering practices that screams of proven success and functionability of large and complex models.

DexLab Analytics offers top of the line business analyst training Delhi – the course itinerary is crafted according to industry demands and seasoned consultants impart in-demand skill training to the aspiring candidates. For more information, visit their official site now.


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Citizen Data Scientists: Who Are They & What Makes Them Special?

Citizen Data Scientists: Who Are They & What Makes Them Special?

Companies across the globe are focusing their attention on data science to unlock the potentials of their data. But, what remains crucial is finding well trained data scientists for building such advanced systems.

Today, a lot many organizations are seeking citizen data scientists – though the notion isn’t something new, the practice is fairly picking up pace amongst the industries. Say thanks to a number of factors, including perpetual improvement in the quality of tools and difficulty in finding properly skilled data scientists!

Gartner, a top notch analyst firm has been promoting this virgin concept for the past few years. In 2014, the firm predicted that the total number of citizen data scientists would expand 5X faster than normal data scientists through 2017. Although we are not sure if the number forecasted panned out right but what we know is that the proliferating growth of citizen data scientists exceeded our expectations.

Recently, Gartner analyst Carlie Idoine explained a citizen data scientist is one who “creates or generates models that use advanced diagnostic analytics or predictive and prescriptive capabilities, but whose primary job function is outside the field of statistics and analytics.” They are also termed as “power users”, who’ve the ability to perform cutting edge analytical tasks that require added expertise. “They do not replace the experts, as they do not have the specific, advanced data science expertise to do so. But they certainly bring their OWN expertise and unique skills to the process,” she added.

Of late, citizen data scientists have become critical assets to an organization. They help businesses discover key big data insights and in the process are being asked to derive answers from data that’s not available from regular relational database. Obviously, data can’t be queried through SQL, either. As a result, citizen data scientists are found leveraging machine learning models that end up generating predictions from a large number of data types. No wonder, SQL always sounds effective, but Python statistical libraries and Jupyter notebooks helps you further.

 A majority of industries leverages SQL; it has been data’s lingua franca for years. The sheer knowledge of how to write a SQL query to unravel a quiver of answers out of relational databases still remains a crucial element of company’s data management system as a whole lot of business data of companies are stored in their relational databases. Nevertheless, advanced machine learning tools are widely gaining importance and acceptance.

A wide array of job titles regarding citizen data scientists exists in the real world, and some of them are mutation of business analyst job profile. Depending on an organization’s requirements, the need for experienced analysts and data scientists varies.

Looking for a good analytics training institute in Delhi? Visit DexLab Analytics.

DataRobot, a pioneering proprietary data science and machine learning automation platform developer is recently found helping citizen data scientists through the power of automation. “There’s a lot happening behind the scenes that folks don’t realize necessarily is happening,” Jen Underwood, a BI veteran and the recently hired DataRobot’s director of product marketing said. “When I was doing data science, I would run one algorithm at a time. ‘Ok let’s wait until it ends, see how it does, and try another, one at a time.’ [With DataRobot] a lot of the steps I was taking are now automated, in addition to running the algorithms concurrently and ranking them.”

To everyone’s knowledge, Big Data Analytics is progressing, capabilities that were once restricted within certain domains of professionals are now being accessible by a wider pool of interested parties. So, if you are interested in this new blooming field of opportunities, do take a look at our business analyst training courses in Gurgaon. They would surely help you in charting down a successful analyst career.


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#TimeToReboot: 10 Random, Fun Facts You Must Know About IT Industry

#TimeToReboot: 10 Random, Fun Facts You Must Know About IT Industry

Indian IT sector is expected to grow at a modest rate this fiscal year, which started from April – companies are expanding their scopes and building new capabilities or enhancing the older ones. Demand for digital services is showing spiked up trends. The good news is that the digital component industry is flourishing, faster than expected. It’s forming a bigger part of tech-induced future, and we’re all excited!!

On that positive note, here we’ve culled down a few fun facts about IT industry that are bound to intrigue your data-hungry heart and mind… Hope you’ll enjoy the read as much as I did while scampering through research materials to compile this post!

Let’s get started…

Email is actually older than the World Wide Web.

Our very own, Hewlett Packard started in a garage… In fact, several other top notch US digital natives, including Microsoft, Google and Apple had such humble beginnings.

Bill Gates’ own house was designed using a MAC PC, yes you heard that right!

The very first computer mouse was carved out of wood. Invented by Dough Engelbart, first-ever mouse wasn’t made of any plastic or metal of any kind, but plain, rustic WOOD.

The QWERTY keyboard, which we use now, is simple, easy to use and effective. But, did you know: DVORAK keyboard was proven to be at least 20X faster?

The original name of Windows OS was Interface Manager.

Do you think 1GigaByte is enough? Well, the first 1 GB hard drive made news in 1980 with a price tag of $40.000 and gross weight of 550 pounds.

Very first PC was known as ‘Simon’ from Berkley Enterprise. It was worth $300, which was quite an ostentatious amount back in the 1950s, the year when this PC was launched.

In 1950’s computers were called ‘Electronic Brains’.

1 out of 8 marriages in the US happened between couples who’ve met online. Wicked?


Feeling excited to know all these stuffs… Now, on serious note, in the days to come, the Indian IT industry is all set to transform itself with high velocity tools and technology, and if you want to play a significant role in this digital transformation, arm yourself with decent data-friendly skill or tool.

The deal turns sweeter if you hail from computer science background or have a knack to play with numbers. If such is the case, we have high end business analyst training courses in Gurgaon to suit your purpose and career aspiration – drop by DexLab Analytics, being a top of the line analytics training institute, they bring to you a smart concoction of knowledge, aptitude and expertise in the form of student-friendly curriculum. For more details, visit their site today.


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How To Incorporate Embedded Analytics In Your Products or Applications?

How To Incorporate Embedded Analytics In Your Products or Applications?

The adept R&D team shares a common responsibility – devising incredible products and solutions.  Right from VPs and directors of development to DevOps and system engineers – every professional is well aware about their customer expectations.

In today’s data-driven industry, customers desire to collect information regarding product use, numerous status updates, number of times they engaged with the product and so on. In short, they need access to data that not only help unravel crucial insights but also makes the product fetching.

Definitely, you can create your very own analytics solution, but what if it takes so much time that your competitors outgo you? So, what next?

Embedding analytics into your product or application can be your thing for the day, but how to do it effortlessly?


Collect Data from Various Sources

We are surrounded by IoT (Internet of Things) and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) revolution, where each connected device and sensor accumulates data and this collection and analysis of data is significant to customers. Teams need to sit together and discuss out options for creating an analytics overlay for the product, which will trigger a million questions – how can we get through it? Will our solution scale the growth of number of users? How can we go on improving our products? How do we keep up with all the developments happening in analytics?

Things to Consider While Embedding Analytics

“Start by looking for specific analytic applications that complement your ERP and BI platform investments. In the long term, review vendor capability to support reusable analytics artifacts (i.e., services) in a service-oriented architecture environment,” – says Gartner.

To this, we’ve listed a few functionalities waiting for your attention:

Data Access – How simple do you want your platform to be so as to integrate your data well across all sources and types?

Visualization – Does the platform you chose comprise widgets you need? If not, can you develop them using customization options?

Modeling – How much easier will it be to code for data preparation for user consumption?

Embeddability (iFrame, JS libraries, JavaScript) – Dashboards should be built in a way to suit your customer’s requirements either in mobiles or in web-based applications.

Extensibility (APIs, SDK, JavaScirpt) – No hard fact, for incorporating analytics workflow, solutions supporting API is the key. Otherwise, not getting extensibility will leave you tied to the same analytics platform and can cost you consulting fees and vendor-developed modifications.

Process integration – Generally, integration takes months – so find a vendor who is capable enough to integrate with your products in a week or two so that you remain focused on the benefits alone.

Security – Judge a vendor based on his security credentials – it’s one of the most crucial considerations to tick off your checklist.

As last thoughts, the consideration of these 7 functionalities is just the beginning of embedding analytics into your products or applications. To sail through, the most important thing to do is to choose a suitable vendor who will grow and start thinking of you as a partner and not just any customer. Let him offer you quick, easy and seamless integration, and you solely focus on your customer needs and preferences, and for this, they will LOVE YOU for sure!

If you are still confused about embedded analytics or related concept, let career-building business analyst training courses in Noida help you! For more information on business analyst training delhi, drop by DexLab Analytics.


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Transforming Society with Blockchain and Its Potential Applications Worldwide

Transforming Society with Blockchain and Its Potential Applications Worldwide

According to Google Search, ‘blockchain’ is defined as “a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or in other cryptocurrency is recorded chronologically and publicly.”

Speaking in a way of cryptocurrency, a block is a record of new transactions that could mean the actual location of cryptocurrency. Once each block has completed its transaction, it’s added to the chain, creating a chain of blocks known as blockchain.

Suppose a Google spreadsheet is shared by each and every computer which is connected to the internet in this world. When a transaction happens, it will be recorded in a row of this spreadsheet. Just like a spreadsheet has rows, Blockchain consists of Blocks for each transaction.

Whoever has access to a computer or mobile can connect to the internet and can have access to the spreadsheet and add a transaction, but the spreadsheet doesn’t permit anyone to edit the information which is already available. No third party can interfere into its transactions, therefore saves time and conflict.


Types of Blockchains:

  • Open and permission-less: Public and permissionless blockchains look like bitcoin, the first blockchain. All exchanges in these blockchains are open and no authorizations are required to join these circulated elements.
  • Private and permission: These blockchains are constrained to assigned individuals, exchanges are private, and authorization from a proprietor or supervisor substance is required to join this system. These are frequently utilized by private consortia to oversee industry esteem chain openings.
  • Hybrid blockchains: An extra region is a developing idea of sidechain, which takes into consideration distinctive blockchains (open or private) to speak with each other, empowering exchanges between members crosswise over blockchain systems.

Various Applications Of Blockchain Are As Follows:

a) Smart Contracts:

Smart Contracts eases the way we exchange money, property, shares and avoids third person/party conflicts. Smart keys access can only be permitted to the authorized party. Basically, computers are given the command to control the contracts and to release or hold the funds by giving the keys to the permitted persons.

For example, if I want to rent an office space from you, we can do this in blockchain using cryptocurrency.  You will get a receipt which is saved in the virtual contract and I will get the digital entry key which will reach me by a specified date. If you send the key before the specified date, the function holds it and releases both receipt and the key when the date arrives.

If I receive the key I surely should pay you. And this contract will be canceled when the time gets complete, and it cannot interfere as all the participants will be alerted. The Smart contracts can be used for insurance premiums, financial derivatives, financial services, legal processes etc.

b) Digital Identity:

The future of blockchain will be blooming in the coming years. Blockchain technologies make both managing and tracking digital identities reliable and systematic, resulting in easy registering and minimizing fraud.

Be it national security, citizenship documentation, banking, online retailing or healthcare, identity authentication and authorization is a process entangled in between commerce and culture, worldwide.  Introducing blockchain into identity-based mechanisms can really bring captivating solutions to the security problems we have online.

Blockchain technology is known to offer a solution to many digital identity issues, where identity can be uniquely validated in an undeniable, unchangeable, and secured manner.

Present-day methods involve problematic password-based systems of known secrets which are exchanged and stored on insecure computer systems. Blockchain-based certified systems are actually built on undeniable identity verification for using digital signatures based on the public key related cryptography.

In blockchain identity confirmation, the only check that is performed is to know if the transaction was signed by the authorized private key. It is implied to whoever has access to the private key is the owner and the exact identity of the owner is deemed unrelated.

c) Insurance:

Claims dealing can be disappointing and unrewarding. Insurance agents need to go through deceitful cases and deserted approaches, or divided information sources for clients to express a few – and process these documents manually. Space for mistake is enormous. The blockchain gives an ultimate framework for hazard-free administration and clarity. Its encryption properties enable insurers to represent the ownership to be protected.

“This will be the toughest on the portions of the industry that are least differentiated, where consumers often decide based on price: auto, life, and homeowner’s insurance.” — Harvard Business Review

d) Supply-Chain Communications and Proof-of-Provenance:

The majority of the things we purchase aren’t made by a single organization, yet by a chain of providers who offer their ingredients (e.g., graphite for pencils) to an organization that gathers and markets the final commodity. On the off chance that any of those commodities flops, in any case, the brand takes the brunt of the backfire — it holds most of the duty regarding its supply chain network.

However, consider the possibility that an organization could proactively give carefully perpetual, auditable records that show stakeholders the condition of the item at each esteem included process.

This is not a little task: The worldwide supply chain network is evaluated to be worth $40 trillion; and from a business-process point of view, it’s a fabulously incapable chaos. As a related issue, blockchain can be utilized to track diamonds, creative skill, real estate, and practically any other resources.

e) Music Industry:

While music lovers have hailed digitization as the popular government of the music business, 15.7 billion dollar music industry is confusingly continuing as before. Music piracy through unlawfully downloaded, duplicated and shared content eats into the artist’s sovereignties and music labels’ income. Added to this, is the absence of a vigorous rights administration framework, which prompts loss of income to the artist.

Also, the income, when it really achieves the artist, can take up to two years! Another region of concern is unpaid sovereignties, which are frequently suspended in different stages because of missing data or rights possession. There is additionally an absence of access to continuous advanced sales information, which if accessible can be utilized to strategize advertising efforts more successfully.

These very zones are the place Blockchain can have stunning effects. As a publically accessible and decentralized database that is distributed over the web, Blockchain keeps up lasting and undeletable records in cryptographic format. Exchanges happen over a peer to peer system and are figured, confirmed and recorded utilizing a computerized agreement strategy, disposing of the requirement for an intermediator or outsider to oversee or control data.

The very engineering of Blockchain being unchanging, dispersed and distributed conveys enormous potential to manage the present troubles influencing the music business.

An essential region in which Blockchain can bring out positive change is in the formation of a digital rights database. Digital rights articulation is one of the basic issues distressing the present music industry. Recognizing copyright of a melody and characterizing how sovereignties ought to be part of musicians, entertainers, distributors, and makers are troublesome in digital space. Regularly artists miss out on sovereignties because of complicated copyright condition.

Blockchain’s changeless distributed ledger framework, which guarantees that no single organization can assert proprietorship, ensures an ideal arrangement. Secure documents with all applicable data, for example, structure, versus, straight notes, cover craftsmanship, permitting, and so on, can be encoded onto the Blockchain making a changeless and inerasable record.

f) Government and Public records:

The administration of public services is yet another region, where blockchain can help diminish paper-based procedures, limit fraud, and increment responsibility amongst specialists and those they serve.

Some US states are volunteering to understand the advantages of blockchain: the Delaware Blockchain Initiative propelled in 2016, expects to make a proper legitimate foundation for distributed ledger shares to increase productivity and speed of consolidation administrations.

Illinois, Vermont, and different states have since reported comparative activities. Startup companies are sponsoring in the effort also: in Eastern Europe, the BitFury Group is presently working with the Georgian government to secure and track government records.


This article focused on the blockchain and its applications in various industries explains challenges and potentials and how people can secure their information digitally without any issues and increasing their ability. As these applications are still under development and yet to be untangled in the future, blockchain could become a powerful tool conducting fair trade, improving business and supporting the society.

To never miss a beat of technology related news and feeds – follow DexLab Analytics. We are a team of experts offering state of the art business analyst training courses in Gurgaon. Not only that, we provide a plethora of machine learning and Hadoop courses too for all the data-hungry candidates. So, drop by and quench your thirst for data from us!

About the Author:

K.Maneesha is an SEO Developer At She holds a masters degree in Marketing from Alliance University, Bangalore. Maneesha is a dog-lover and enjoys traveling with friends on trips. You can reach her at Her LinkedIn profile Maneesha Kakulapati.


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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
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To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

Business Intelligence Software in the Key for an Organization to Gain Competitive Advantage

Business Intelligence, or BI, is crucial for organizations as strategic planning is heavily dependent on BI. BI tools are multi-purpose and used for indicating progress towards business goals, quantitatively analyzing data, distribution of data and developing customer insights.

Advanced computer technologies are applied in Business Intelligence to discover relevant business data and then analyze it. It not only spots current trends in data, but is also able to develop historical views and future predictions. This helps decision-makers to comprehend business information properly and develop strategies that will steer their organization forward.

BI tools transform raw business information into valuable data that increase revenue for organizations. The global business economy is completely data driven. Companies without BI software will be jeopardizing their success. It is time to shed the belief that BI software is superfluous. Rather, it is a necessity.

Here is a list of 10 important things that BI solutions can help your organization achieve. After reading these you will be convinced that BI is vital in taking your business forward.

  1. Provide speedy and competent information for your business

Nowadays, there isn’t much time to ponder over data sheets and then come to a conclusion. Decisions have to be taken on the spot. Valuable information doesn’t include business data alone, but also what the data implies for your business. BI gives you a competitive lead as it provides valuable information with the push of a button.

  1. Provide KPIs that boost the performance of your business.

Business Intelligence software provides KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which are metrics aligned with your business strategies. Thus, businesses can make decisions based on solid facts instead of intuition. This makes business proceedings more efficient.

  1. Employees have data-power

BI solutions help employees to make informed decisions backed by relevant data. Access to information across all levels ensures company-wide integration of data. This helps employees nurture their skills. A competitive workforce will help a company gain global recognition.

  1. Determine the factors that generate revenue for your business

Business intelligence is able to determine where and how potential customers consume data, how to convert them to paying customers, and chalk out an appropriate plan that will help increase revenue for your business.

  1. Avoid blockages in markets

There are many BI applications that can be incorporated with accounting software. Business intelligence provides information about the real health of an organization, which cannot be determined from a profit and loss sheet. BI includes predictive features that help avoid blockages in markets and determine the right time for important decisions, like hiring new employees. Easy-to understand dashboards enable decision-makers to stay informed.

  1. Create an efficient business model

As explained by Jeremy Levi, Director of Marketing,, ‘’ Why is BI more important than ever? In one word: oversaturation. The internet and the continued growth of e-commerce have saturated every market…For business owners, this means making smart decisions and trying to know where to put your marketing dollars and where to invest in infrastructure. Business intelligence lets you do that, and without it, you’re simply fumbling around for the light switch in the dark.”

  1. Improved customer insights

In the absence of BI tools, one can spend hours trying to make sense out of previous reports without coming to a satisfactory conclusion. It is crucial for businesses to meet customer demands. BI tools help map patterns in customer behavior so businesses can prioritize loyal customers and improve customer satisfaction.

  1. Helps save money

BI tools help spot areas in your business where costs can be minimized. For example, there is unnecessary spending occurring in the supply chain. BI can identify whether it is inefficient acquisition or maintenance that is translating to increased costs. Thus, it enables businesses to take the necessary actions to cut costs.

  1. Improve efficiency of workers

Business intelligence solutions can monitor the output of members and functioning of teams. These help improve efficiency of the workers and streamline the business processes.

  1. Protects businesses from cyber threats

Cyber crimes like data breaches and malware attacks are very common. Cyber security has become the need of the hour. Businesses should invest in BI solutions equipped with security tools that help protect their valuable data from hackers and other cyber attacks.

Businesses will progress rapidly through the use of smart BI solutions. Organizations small or big, can use BI tools in a variety of areas, starting from budgets to building relationship with customers.

If you want to empower your business through BI then enroll yourself for the Tableau BI certification course at DexLab Analytics, Delhi. DexLab is a premium institute providing business analysis training in Delhi.

Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

How Credit Unions Can Capitalize on Data through Enterprise Integration of Data Analytics

credit risk analysis

To get valuable insights from the enormous quantity of data generated, credit unions need to move towards enterprise integration of data. This is a company-wide data democratization process that helps all departments within the credit union to manage and analyze their data. It allows each team member easy-access and proper utilization of relevant data.

However, awareness about the advantages of enterprise-wide data analytics isn’t sufficient for credit unions to deploy this system. Here is a three step guide to help credit unions get smarter in data handling.

Improve the quality of data

A robust and functional customer data set is of foremost importance. Unorganized data will hinder forming correct opinions about customer behavior. The following steps will ensure that relevant data enters the business analytics tools.

  • Integration of various analytics activity- Instead of operating separate analytics software for digital marketing, credit risk analytics, fraud detection and other financial activities, it is better to have a centralized system which integrates these activities. It is helpful for gathering cross-operational cognizance.
  • Experienced analytics vendors should be chosen- Vendors with experience can access a wide range of data. Hence, they can deliver information that is more valuable. They also provide pre-existing integrations.
  • Consider unconventional sources of data- Unstructured data from unconventional sources like social media and third-parties should be valued as it will prove useful in the future.
  • Continuous data cleansing that evolves with time- Clean data is essential for providing correct data. The data should be organized, error-free and formatted.

Data structure customized for credit unions

The business analytics tools for credit unions should perform the following analyses:

  • Analyzing the growth and fall in customers depending on their age, location, branch, products used, etc.
  • Measure the profit through the count of balances
  • Analyze the Performances of the staffs and members in a particular department or branch
  • Sales ratios reporting
  • Age distribution of account holders in a particular geographic location.
  • Perform trend analysis as and when required
  • Analyze satisfaction levels of members
  • Keep track of the transactions performed by members
  • Track the inquires made at call centers and online banking portals
  • Analyze the behavior of self-serve vs. non-self serve users based on different demographics
  • Determine the different types of accounts being opened and figure out the source responsible for the highest transactions.

User-friendly interfaces for manipulating data

Important decisions like growing revenue, mitigating risks and improving customer experience should be based on insights drawn using analytics tools. Hence, accessing the data should be a simple process. These following user-interface features will help make data user-friendly.

Dashboards- Dashboards makes data comprehensible even for non-techies as it makes data visually-pleasing. It provides at-a glance view of the key metrics, like lead generation rates and profitability sliced using demographics. Different datasets can be viewed in one place.

Scorecards- A scorecard is a type of report that compares a person’s performance against his goals. It measures success based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and aids in keeping members accountable.

Automated reports- Primary stakeholders should be provided automated reports via mails on a daily basis so that they have access to all the relevant information.

Data analytics should encompass all departments of a credit union. This will help drawing better insights and improve KPI tracking. Thus, the overall performance of the credit union will become better and more efficient with time.

Technologies that help organizations draw valuable insights from their data are becoming very popular. To know more about these technologies follow Dexlab Analytics- a premier institute providing business analyst training courses in Gurgaon and do take a look at their credit risk modeling training course.

Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

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