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Keep Pace with Automation: Emerging Data Science Jobs in India

Indian IT market is not yet doomed. In fact, if you look at the larger picture, you will find India is expected to face a shortage of 200000 data scientists by 2020. Where traditional IT jobs are going through a rough patch, new age jobs are surfacing up, according to market reports. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and Cybersecurity are new digital domains that are replacing the old school jobs, like data entry and server maintenance, which are expected to reduce more over the next five years.
The next decade is going to witness most vacancies in these job posts:

However, just because there is a wide array of openings for a web services consultant doesn’t make it the most lucrative job position. Big Data architect job openings are much less in number, but offer handsome pays, according to reports.

A median salary of a web services consultant is Rs 9.27 lakh ($14,461) annually

A median salary of a big data architect is Rs 20.67 lakh ($32,234) annually

Now, tell me, which is better?

As technologies evolve so drastically, it becomes an absolute imperative for the techies to update their skills through short learning programs and crash courses. Data analyst courses will help them to sync in with the latest technological developments, which happens every day, something or the other. Moreover, it’s like a constant process, where they have to learn something every year to succeed in this rat race of technological superiority. Every employee needs to make some time, as well as the companies. The companies also need to facilitate these newer technologies in their systems to keep moving ahead of their tailing rivals.

Re-skill or perish – is the new slogan going around. The urgency to re-skill is creating a spur among employees with mid-level experience. If you check the surveys, you will find around 57% of the 7000 IT professionals looking forward to enroll for a short time learning course have at least 4 to 10 years of work experience. Meanwhile, a mere 11% of those who are under 4 years of experience are looking out for such online courses. It happens because, primary-stage employees are mostly fresh graduates, who receives in-house training from their respective companies, hence they don’t feel the urge to scrounge through myriad learning resources, unlike their experienced counterparts.



Today, all big companies across sectors are focusing their attention on data science and analytics, triggering major reinventions in the job profile of a data analyst. Owing to technology updates, “The role of a data analyst is itself undergoing a sea change, primarily because better technology is available now to aid in decision-making,” said Sumit Mitra, head of group human resources and corporate services at GILAC. To draw a closure, data science is the new kid in the block, and IT professionals are imbibing related skills to shine bright in this domain. Contact DexLab Analytics for data analyst course in Delhi. They offer high-in demand data analyst certification courses at the most affordable prices.


4 Ways Airlines Industry Can Use Big Data for Better Customer Satisfaction

4Ways Airlines Industry Can Use Big Data for Better Customer Satisfaction

While waiting to board your plane, the last thing you would want to hear is – we regret to inform, your flight has been delayed or worse cancelled, leaving you exasperated at the very hour. Even though your flight takes off on time, while waiting in front of the baggage carousel, you may face some moments of anxiety before your bag arrives on time. Luckily, these distresses are now becoming a thing from the past.

Things are changing, and technology world is evolving drastically. By leveraging Big Data and technology upgrades, aircraft industry has been able to improve their operations and work more smoothly and accurately. In addition, the air travel industry is witnessing several benefits, in terms of revenue and consumer satisfaction.


Here are the ways in which airlines have been using data to derive maximum operational gains everyday:

Smart Maintenance

Wear and tear is common, even the most advanced airplane models equipped with superior technology require time to time maintenance. Owing to this, travelers may experience delays – as per 2014 survey data, mechanical glitches were the second most reason for the majority of flight cancellations and delays. Maintenance takes its toll on airlines potential as the planes need to be grounded for repairing.

With Big Data, airlines can easily track their planes, predict crucial repairs to be done, and provide advice about which parts need to be bought ahead of time and which to keep in reserve on hand for last minute technical issues.


Reducing Jet Fuel Use

It is impossible to predict how much fuel is used onboard for any given route, historically. But Big Data analytics and cloud data storage has made the impossible possible – you can now track how much fuel is being consumed by each airplane, while taking all the factors into consideration. This paves the way for airlines to draw predictions about the amount of fuel required for a trip to how many number of passengers can board at once.

Taking the Boarding Decisions

Remember, airlines lose if they fly with empty seats, so it’s in their best interest to get everyone onboard. With the help of real-time data, airlines can now easily decide whether to wait for a passenger or leave on time so as not to harass other passengers who might catch connecting flights. Smart boarding is now the key, gone are the days when decisions used to be based on instincts. It’s time to enhance efficiency and performance.


Tracking Bags

Travelers who travelled before had to be hopeful about their luggage making it back to them. But now, Big Data revolution and tracking technology has changed a lot of things. Nowadays, airlines ensure its travelers the peace of mind that they will surely receive their luggage as promised.  Delta is the first airline that offered tracking data facility for its passengers, using an app format. Customers can easily monitor their bag, reducing the uncertainty revolving luggage arrival.


Flight operations, crew operations, marketing and air cargo are some areas in airlines industry that boast of rich opportunities for Big Data solutions implementation. In our modern economy, competition is at its peak. To make your airfare rates cheaper and save big on jet fuel, shaking hands with Big Data technology is imperative.

Get Big Data Hadoop certification in Gurgaon from DexLab Analytics. We are a specialized institute to offer Big Data Hadoop courses for budding professionals.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Top 10 Nifty Tools to Manage Big Marketing Data for Companies

Big Data is the latest buzz. It has to be effectively analyzed to formulate brilliant marketing and sales strategies. It’s of immense importance, as it includes humongous amount of information accumulated about customers from numerous sources like email marketing schemes and web analytics.

Top 10 Nifty Tools to Manage Big Marketing Data for Companies

However, due to the vast magnitude of information available, it may get quite difficult for marketers to analyze and evaluate all the data in an efficient way. Fortunately, plenty of tools are available in the market that can manage mammoth marketing data and here are few of them:

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Data Science: Is It the Right Answer?

‘Big Data’, and then there is ‘Data Science’. These terms are found everywhere, but there is a constant issue lingering with their effectiveness. How effective is data science? Is Big Data an overhyped concept stealing the thunder?

Summing this up, Tim Harford stated in a leading financial magazine –“Big Data has arrived, but big insights have not.” Well, to be precise, Data Science nor Big Data are to be blamed for this, whereas the truth is there exists a lot of data around, but in different places. The aggregation of data is difficult and time-consuming.

Look for Data analyst course in Gurgaon at DexLab Analytics.

Statistically, Data science may be the next-big-thing, but it is yet to become mainstream. Though prognosticators predict 50% of organizations are going to use Data Science in 2017, more practical visionaries put the numbers closer to 15%. Big Data is hard, but it is Data Science that is even harder. Gartner reports, “Only 15% organizations are able to channelize Data Science to production.” – The reason being the gap existing between Data Science expectations and reality.

Big Data is relied upon so extensively that companies have started to expect more than it can actually deliver. Additionally, analytics-generated insights are easier to be replicated – of late, we studied a financial services company where we found a model based on Big Data technology only to learn later that the developers had already developed similar models for several other banks. It means, duplication is to be expected largely.

However, Big Data is the key to Data Science success. For years, the market remained exhilarated about Big Data. Yet, years after big data infused into Hadoop, Spark, etc., Data Science is nowhere near a 50% adoption rate. To get the best out of this revered technology, organizations need vast pools of data and not the latest algorithms. But the biggest reason for Big Data failure is that most of the companies cannot muster in the information they have, properly. They don’t know how to manage it, evaluate it in the exact ways that amplify their understanding, and bring in changes according to newer insights developed. Companies never automatically develop these competencies; they first need to know how to use the data in the correct manner in their mainframe systems, much the way he statisticians’ master arithmetic before they start on with algebra. So, unless and until a company learns to derive out the best from its data and analysis, Data Science has no role to play.

Even if companies manage to get past the above mentioned hurdles, they fail miserably in finding skillful data scientists, who are the right guys for the job in question. Veritable data scientists are rare to find these days. Several universities are found offering Data Science programs for the learners, but instead of focusing on the theoretical approach, Data Science is a more practical discipline. Classroom training is not what you should be looking for. Seek for a premier Data analyst training institute and grab the fundamentals of Data Science. DexLab Analytics is here with its amazing analyst courses in Delhi. Get enrolled today to outshine your peers and leave an imprint in the bigger Big Data community for long.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Top 4 Best Big Data Jobs to Look For in 2017

Data is now produced at an incredible rate – right from online shopping to browsing through social media platforms to navigating through GPS-enabled smartphones, data is being accessed everywhere. Big Data professionals now fathom the enormous business opportunities by perusing petabytes of data, which was impossible to grasp previously. Organizations are taking the best advantage of this situation and rushing to make the best of these revelations about.


Big data courses are now available in India. DexLab Analytics is the one providing such advanced Big Data Hadoop certification in Gurgaon.

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The Big Boost in Big Data Jobs in 2017: What the Study Suggests

Big Data is the new big name in the present tech industry. Day by day, it is burgeoning and becoming capacious for companies, including corporate, SMBs and budding startups. It is also the major reason for better opportunities for people, who want to explore newer career realms across sectors, such as healthcare, banking, education, government, retail and manufacturing.


The Big Boost in Big Data Jobs in 2017: What the Study Suggests


The current IT industry is passing through a jinxed phase, where a lot of layoff fears are on the airwaves but the field of analytics remains largely unaffected. In fact, the number of analytics jobs in the past one year has nearly doubled, as per a report by Analytics India Magazine – a platform for big data, analytics and data science and Edvancer Eduventures – an online analytics training institute. The Analytics & Data Science India Jobs Study 2017 has predicted nearly 50000 positions related to analytics are at present available to be filled in India.

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The Tides Of Change Is Here: Accenture’s Bhaskar Ghosh Talks About AI, IoT and Big Data

With the Fourth Industrial Revolution looming ahead, many would think that we are already in a digital economy era. Well, somewhat it holds true even. There are countless new apps and software programmes that help people hail a cab, make reservations in a hotel or mop floors by using robotic technology. Smart machines have become really smart to do a plethora of highly adept jobs, which would have been a little bit difficult on the part of humans to perform.

The Tides Of Change Is Here: Accenture’s Bhaskar Ghosh Talks About AI, IoT and Big Data

“While technology has long been developed to serve specific business needs, we are now in an era where people are central to the design and development of technologies,” stated Bhaskar Ghosh, group chief executive, Accenture Technology Services. In a recent interview with a leading financial magazine, he talked over Accenture’s Technology Vision 2017 and gave snippets about the latest trends and innovations that have become a pre-requisite to achieve success in the more-than-ever digitised economy.

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Big Data Salary Report 2017: A Gateway to a Great Career in Analytics

Big Data Salary Report 2017

In the US, big data engineer salaries are predicted to range between $135000 and 196000 in 2017, an increase of 5.8% from 2016 salary structure.  


In India, big data professionals are predicted to earn salaries in the range of 9.8L INR to 13.10L INR, increasing 6.4% over 2016 salary level.

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When Machines Do Everything – How to Survive?

In the coming years, jobs and businesses are going to be impacted; reason AI. Today’s generation is very much concerned about how the bots will consume everything; from jobs to skills, the smart machines will spare nothing! It is true that machines are going to replace man-powered jobs – by using robots, mundane jobs can be performed in a flick of an eye freeing people working in bigger organisations to innovate and succeed.


Machine Learning training course Pune

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