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7-Step Framework to Ensure Big Data Quality

7-Step Framework to Ensure Big Data Quality

Ensuring data quality is of paramount importance in today’s data-driven business world because poor quality can render all kinds of data completely useless. Moreover, this data is unreliable and lead to faulty business strategies if analyzed. Data quality is the key to making trustworthy business decisions.

Companies lacking correct data-quality framework are likely to encounter a crisis situation. According to certain reports, big companies are incurring losses of around $9 million/year due to poor data quality. Back in 2013, US Postal Service spent around $1.5 billion in processing mails that were undelivered due to bad data quality.


While the sources of poor quality data can be many, including data entry, data processing and stale data, data in motion is the most vulnerable. The moment data enters the systems of an organization it starts to move. There’s a lot of uncertainty about how to monitor moving data, and the existing processes are fragmented and ad-hoc. Data environments are becoming more and more complex, and the volume, variety and speed of big data can be quite overwhelming.

Here, we have listed some essential steps to ensure that your data is consistently of good quality.

  • Discover: Systems carrying critical information need to be identified first. For this, source and target system owners must jointly work to discover existing data issues, set quality standards and fix measurement metrics. So, this step ensures that the company has established yardsticks against which data quality of various systems will be measured. However, this isn’t a onetime process, rather it a continuous process that needs to evolve with time.
  • Define: it is crucial to clearly define the pain points and potential risks associated with poor data quality. Often, some of these definitions might be relevant to only one particular organization, whereas many times these are associated with regulations of the industry/sector the company belongs to.
  • Assessment: Existing data needs to be assessed against different dimensions, such as accuracy, completeness and consistency of key attributes; timeliness of data, etc. Depending upon the data, qualitative or quantitative assessment might be performed. Existing data policies and their adherence to industry guidelines need to be reviewed.
  • Measurement Scale: It is important to develop a data measurement scale that can assign numerical values to different attributes. It is better to express definitions using arithmetic values, such as percentages. For example: Instead of categorizing data as good data and bad data, it can be classified as- acceptable data has >95% accuracy.
  • Design: Robust management processes need to be designed to address risks identified in the previous steps. The data-quality analysis rules need to apply to all the processes. This is especially important for large data sets, where entire data sets need to be analyzed instead of samples, and in such cases the designed solutions must run on Hadoop.
  • Deploy: Set up appropriate controls, with priority given to the most risky data systems. People executing the controls are as important as the technologies behind them.
  • Monitor: Once the controls are set up, data quality standards determined in ‘discovery’ phase need to be monitored closely. An automated system is the best for continuous monitoring as it saves both time and money.

Thus, achieving high-quality data requires an all-inclusive platform that continuously monitors data and flags and stops bad data before they can harm business processes. Hadoop is the popular choice for data quality management across the entire enterprise.

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DexLab Analytics Presents #BigDataIngestion

If you are looking for big data Hadoop certification in Gurgaon, visit Dexlab Analytics. We are offering flat 10% discount on our big data Hadoop training courses in Gurgaon. Interested students all over India must visit our website for more details. Our professional guidance will prove highly beneficial for all those wanting to build a career in the field of big data analytics.


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A Comprehensive Guide on Clustering and Its Different Methods

A Comprehensive Guide on Clustering and Its Different Methods

Clustering is used to make sense of large volumes of data, structured or unstructured, by dividing the data into groups. The members of a group are ‘’similar’’ between them and ‘’dissimilar’’ to objects in other groups. The similarity is based on characteristics such as equal distances from a point or people who read the same genre of book. These groups with similar members are called clusters. The various methods of clustering, which we shall be discussing subsequently, help break up data into logical groupings before analyzing the data more deeply.

If a CEO of a company presents a broad question like- ‘’ Help me understand our customers better so that we can improve marketing strategies’’, then the first thing analysts need to do is use clustering methods to the classify customers. Clustering has plenty of application in our daily lives. Some of the domains where clustering is used are:

  • Marketing: Used to group customers having similar interests or showing identical behavior from large databases of customer data, which contain information on their past buying activities and properties.
  • Libraries: Used to organize books.
  • Biology: Used to classify flora and fauna based on their features.
  • Medical science: Used for the classification of various diseases.
  • City-planning: identifying and grouping houses based on house type, value and geographical location.
  • Earthquake studies: clustering existing earthquake epicenters to locate dangerous zones.

Clustering can be performed by various methods, as shown in the diagram below:

Fig 1

The two major techniques used to perform clustering are:

  • Hierarchical Clustering: Hierarchical clustering seeks to develop a hierarchy of clusters. The two main techniques used for hierarchical clustering are:
  1. Agglomerative: This is a ‘’bottom up’’ approach where first each observation is assigned a cluster of its own, then pairs of clusters are merged as one moves up the hierarchy. The process terminates when only a single cluster is left.
  2. Divisive: This is a ‘’top down’’ approach wherein all observations start in one cluster, and splits are performed recursively as one moves down the hierarchy. The process terminates when each observation has been assigned a separate cluster.

Fig 2: Agglomerative clustering follows a bottom-up approach while divisive clustering follows a top-down approach.

  • Partitional Clustering: In partitional clustering a set of observations is divided into non-overlapping subsets, such that each observation is in exactly one subset. The main partitional clustering method is K-Means Clustering.

The most popular metric used for forming clusters or deciding the closeness of clusters is distance. There are various distance measures. All observations are measured using one particular distance measure and the observation having the minimum distance from a cluster is assigned to it. The different distance measures are:

  • Euclidean Distance: This is the most common distance measure of all. It is given by the formula:

Distance((x, y), (a, b)) = √(x – a)² + (y – b)²

For example, the Euclidean distance between points (2, -1) and (-2, 2) is found to be

Distance((2, -1), (-2, 2)) 

  • Manhattan Distance:

This gives the distance between two points measured along axes at right angles. In a plane with p1 at (x1, y1) and p2 at (x2, y2), Manhattan distance is |x1 – x2| + |y1 – y2|.

  • Hamming Distance:

Hamming distance between two vectors is the number of bits we must change to convert one into the other. For example, to find the distance between vectors 01101010 and 11011011, we observe that they differ in 4 places. So, the Hamming distance d(01101010, 11011011) = 4

  • Minkowski Distance:

The Minkowski distance between two variables X and Y is defined as

The case where p = 1 is equivalent to the Manhattan distance and the case where p = 2 is equivalent to the Euclidean distance.

These distance measures are used to measure the closeness of clusters in hierarchical clustering.

In the next blogs, we will discuss the different methods of clustering in more details, so make sure you follow DexLab Analytics– we provide the best big data Hadoop certification in Gurgaon. Do check our data analyst courses in Gurgaon.


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Big Data Could Solve Drug Overdose Mini Epidemic

Big Data Could Solve Drug Overdose Mini Epidemic

Big data has become an essential part of our everyday living. It’s altering the very ways we collect and process data.

Typically, big data in identifying at-risk groups also shows signs of considerable growth; the reasons being easy availability of data and superior computational power.

The issue of overprescribing of opioids is serious, and over 63000 people has died in the United States last year from drug overdose, out of which more than 75% of deaths occurred due to opioids. Topping that, there are over 2million people in the US alone, diagnosed with opioid use disorder.

But of course, thanks to Big Data: it can help physicians take informed decisions about prescribing opioid to patients by understanding their true characteristics, what makes them vulnerable towards chronic opioid-use disorder. A team from the University of Colorado accentuates how this methodology helps hospitals ascertain which patients incline towards chronic opioid therapy after discharge.

For big data training in Gurgaon, choose DexLab Analytics.

Big Data offers helps

The researchers at Denver Health Medical Center developed a prediction model based on their electronic medical records to identify which hospitalized patients ran the risk of progressing towards chronic opioid use after are discharged from the hospital. The electronic data in the record aids the team in identifying the number of variables linked to the advancement to COT (Chronic Opioid Therapy); for example, a patient’s history of substance abuse is exposed.

As good news, the model was successful in predicting COT in 79% of patients and no COT in 78% of patients. No wonder, the team claims that their work is a trailblazer for curbing COT risk, and scores better than software like Opioid Risk Tool (ORT), which according to them is not suitable for hospital setting.

Therefore, the prediction model is to be incorporated into electronic health record and activated when a healthcare specialist orders opioid medication. It would help the physician decipher the patient’s risk for developing COT and alter ongoing prescribing practices.

“Our goal is to manage pain in hospitalized patients, but also to better utilize effective non-opioid medications for pain control,” the researchers stated. “Ultimately, we hope to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with long-term opioid use.”

As parting thoughts, the team thinks it would be relatively cheaper to implement this model and of great support for the doctors are always on the go. What’s more, there are no extra requirements on the part of physicians, as data is already available in the system. However, the team needs to test the cutting edge system a number of times in other health care platforms to determine if it works for a diverse range of patient populations.

On that note, we would like to say DexLab Analytics offers SAS certification for predictive modeling. We understand how important the concept of predictive analytics has become, and accordingly we have curated our course itinerary.


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10 Key Areas to Focus When Settling For an Alternative Data Vendor

10 Key Areas to Focus When Settling For an Alternative Data Vendor

Unstructured data is the new talk of the town! More than 80% of the world’s data is in this form, and big wigs of financial world need to confront the challenges of administering such volumes of unstructured data through in-house data consultants.

FYI, deriving insights from unstructured data is an extremely tiresome and expensive process. Most buy-sides don’t have access to these types of data, hence big data vendors are the only resort. They are the ones who transform unstructured content into tradable market data.

Here, we’ve narrowed down 10 key areas to focus while seeking an alternative data vendor.

Structured data

Banks and hedge funds should seek alternative data vendors that can efficiently process unstructured data into 100% machine readable structured format – irrespective of data form.

Derive a fuller history

Most of the alternative data providers are new kid in the block, thus have no formidable base of storing data. This makes accurate back-testing difficult.

Data debacles

The science of alternative data is punctured with a lot of loopholes. Sometimes, the vendor fails to store data at the time of generation – and that becomes an issue. Transparency is very crucial to deal with data integrity issues so as to nudge consumers to come at informed conclusions about which part of data to use and not to use.

Context is crucial

While you look at unstructured content, like text, the NLP or natural language processing engine must be used to decode financial terminologies. As a result, vendors should create their own dictionary for industry related definitions.

Version control

Each day, technology gets better or the production processes change; hence vendors must practice version control on their processes. Otherwise, future results will be surely different from back-testing performance.

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Point-in-time sensitivity

This generally means that your analysis includes data that is downright relevant and available at particular periods of time. In other cases, there exists a higher chance for advance bias being added in your results.

Relate data to tradable securities

Most of the alternative data don’t include financial securities in its scope. The users need to figure out how to relate this information with a tradable security, such as bonds and stocks.

Innovative and competitive

AI and alternative data analytics are dramatically changing. A lot of competition between companies urges them to stay up-to-date and innovative. In order to do so, some data vendors have pooled in a dedicated team of data scientists.

Data has to be legal

It’s very important for both vendors and clients to know from where data is coming, and what exactly is its source to ensure it don’t violate any laws.

Research matters

Few vendors have very less or no research establishing the value of their data. In consequence, the vendor ends up burdening the customer to carry out early stage research from their part.

In a nutshell, alternative data in finance refer to data sets that are obtained to inject insight into the investment process. Most hedge fund managers and deft investment professionals employ these data to derive timely insights fueling investment opportunities.

Big data is a major chunk of alternative data sets. Now, if you want to arm yourself with a good big data hadoop certification in Gurgaon then walk into DexLab Analytics. They are the best analytics training institute in India.

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How Data Exhaust is Leveraged for Your Business

How Data Exhaust is Leveraged for Your Business

Big data is the KING of corporate kingdom. Every company is somehow using this vital tech tool; even if they are not using it, they are thinking of it.

A 2017 survey says, around 53% of companies were relying on big data for their business operations. Each company focuses on a particular variant of data. Some of the data types are considered most important, while others are left out. Now what happens to the data that is kept aside?

Data exhaust can be a valuable addition for a company – if leveraged properly.

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Explaining Data Exhaust

It entirely deals with the data that is leftover but produced by the company itself. Keep in mind, when you try collect information from a specific set of data, a whole lot of information is also collected at the same time. So, many organizations might be sitting on a gold mine of data but without acknowledging the importance of that data. In instances like this, data exhaust can be very helpful across numerous business development channels.

Market Research

The best way to use data exhaust is through extensive market research. Know your audience is the key. Customers are crucial for effective marketing and product development. Nevertheless, the former involves manual research as well as analytical research, which once again leads us to analytics.

Through data exhaust, you get to know everything your customers do on your website – thus, can understand what they like better.

Cyber Security

As a potent threat, cyber crime results into potential costs to businesses all across the world. So, what role does data exhaust play? At best, it can help determine risk across different databases to develop superior cyber security plan.

Product Development

Importantly, businesses work on a plethora of projects at the same time. As a result, the issue of time crunch pops up. No one can do everything all at once, and data exhaust helps in sharpening whatever is important. Like, if your excess data says that most of your viewers visit your site through mobile device, it’s better to develop a mobile app to serve the customers better.

All Data Is Not Important

All data is not useful. Though data exhaust is useful, yet there would be times when you will come across bad data. You need to shed off those data, and get rid of data of that manner that is meaningless. Ask data experts which data to keep and which is irrelevant. Data that is of no use needs to be destroyed, because a company cannot keep trash for long.

Be Responsible for Data

Its clear data exhaust is all good and great for business, but it’s always suggestible to be cautious and responsible. There can be many legal implications, hence its suggestible to consult a data professional who have the desired know-how, otherwise things can get a bit complicated.

In this world of competitive technology, businesses have to be very careful about how they are using data to avoid any kind of negative outcomes. Be responsible and use data correctly; big data help frame a highly effective business strategy.

Looking for good big data courses? We have good news rolling your way – DexLab Analytics offers excellent big data training in Gurgaon. If interested, check out the course itinerary RN.

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AI is enhancing careers: How can you gain advantage in this AI-era?

Artificial intelligence has a significant impact on our lives. Several AI powered automation tools are already in use such as customer service applications and voice-powered assistants, like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Adoption of AI will benefit the business by improving the quality and consistency of work. Based on a discussion between Forbes Agency council members, we have listed the ways in which artificial intelligence can help workers improve their career.

  1. More valuable insights

AI will bring positive changes in the job of PR professionals. AI technology will take over manual jobs such as news monitoring, researching, reporting and making media lists. AI based predictive analytics will help PR professionals make better market predictions. They will reduce manual workload and help in strategic and creative thinking.

  1. Replace mundane tasks

AI, automation and machine learning will replace daily low-quality cognitive tasks such as scheduling calendar invites, daily food ordering, determining whether to answer/review/delete emails based on facts. They will eventually aid in quality tasks such as identifying connections, analyzing correlation and drawing inferences.

  1. Act as concierge

Popularity of Alexa, Watson, and Einstein suggest that consumers will expect tech to provide concierge services in the future. As AI techs evolve post their purchase, it will anticipate an individual’s daily tasks and provide highly personal recommendations.

  1. Make marketing smarter

AI will enable companies develop stronger relationships with their customers. IBM’s Watson and other cognitive technology will help analyze unstructured text, audio, images and video. AI’s ability to perceive and process personality, tone and feelings will help deliver better personal recommendations. It will help companies carry out conversations using chatbots.

  1. Automate customer support

The availability of chatbots round the clock will save a lot of time. They answer customer questions, give recommendations and guide customers to the next step. They will reduce the workload of customer support systems. Bots can draw insights on the needs, engagements and emotions of customers.

  1. Unleash the full potential of your mind

Workers will be spared from carrying out mundane tasks. They will have the time to focus on productive tasks, which require problem-solving skills and creativity.

  1. On-the–fly video editing

AI will eventually edit videos in real time.  Real- time user engagement will perform multiple instantaneous tasks such as changing sound effects on the fly.

  1. Create jobs and assimilate workflow

AI will interfere with regular workflow but in return it will create new jobs. It will help integrate the workforce. Humans will be instrumental in helping the AI work in harmony with the employees.

  1. Improve future strategies

Humans will always be a part of the PR industry, as they are crucial in maintaining a healthy customer relationship. The data that is collected through AI will enable making more informed decisions for the future. AI will help companies stay abreast of information related to their competitors through better media monitoring.

  1. Shrink 40 hours of analysis to 4 minutes

Manual analysis is very time consuming. The future of marketing efficiency lies in automation tools that will drastically reduce the time taken to analyze data and form strategies.

  1. Productivity even during commute

AI has made automated driving a reality. Driving in autopilot mode greatly reduces driver fatigue and can affect productivity during commute, especially to and from work.

  1. Improve brand engagement

AI can help devise customized experiences in real time. It interprets customer interactions and instantly creates customized content.

  1. Make routine processes easier

Entrepreneurs describe AI as the ultimate efficiency driver. The day to day tasks can be entrusted to digital hands, which enable human hands to be more productive. AI driven technology is benefitting manufacturing processes as well as advertising platforms.

  1. Give edge in competition

Businesses using AI will have a competitive edge over their clients. This is because AI implementation replaces manual processes of sorting complex data, drawing key insights and chalking out an action plan. AI improves decision-making, ROI, operational competence and cost savings.

AI related employment opportunities are on the rise. Compared to the demand, there is a lack in the number of professionals proficient in AI. It is predicted that by 2020, 20 percent of companies will need their workers to monitor and direct neural networks. About 2 million jobs in the cyber security sector are about to go vacant in the coming years.

So it is absolutely imperative to future-proof your career for the imminent AI era. Broaden your skill set and increase your proficiency by taking professional training in Machine Learning, Business Analytics and Data Science. Get an edge in your career by joining the Data science and machine learning certification course offered by Dexlab Analytics- a premier institute offering multiple courses on data science.

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5 Examples that Show Artificial Intelligence is the Order of the Day of Daily Life

Artificial Intelligence is no more an elusive notion from science fiction; in fact, it’s very much in use in everyday life. Whether you realize it or not, the influence of AI has grown manifold, and is likely to increase further in the coming years.

5 Examples that Show Artificial Intelligence is the Order of the Day of Daily Life

Here are a few examples of AI devices that lead you to a brighter future. Let’s have a look:

Virtual Personal Assistants

The world around you is full of smart digital personal assistants – Google Now, Siri and Cortana though available on numerous platforms, such as Android, Ios and Windows Mobile strives to seek meaningful information for you, once you ask for it using your voice.

In these apps, AI is the power giver. With the help of AI, they accumulate information and utilize that data to better understand your speech and provide you with favorable results that are tailor-made just for you.  

Smart cars

Do you fantasize about reading your favorite novel, while driving to office? Soon, it might be the reality! Google’s self-driving car project and Tesla “autopilot” characteristic are two latest innovations that have been stealing the limelight lately. In the beginning of this year, there was a report that, Google developed an algorithm that could potentially allow self-driving cars learn the basics of driving just like humans, i.e. through experience.

Fraud detection

Have you ever found mails asking if you have made any particular transaction using your credit card? Several banks send these kinds of emails to their customers to verify if they have purchased the same to avoid frauds being committed on your account. Artificial Intelligence is employed to check this sort of fraud.

Like humans, computers are also trained to identify fraudulent transactions based on the signs and indications a sample shows about a purchase.

Buying pattern prediction

Distinguished retailers, like Amazon do make a lot of money, as they anticipate the buyer’s needs beforehand. Their anticipatory shipping project sends you products even before you ask for them, saving you from the last-minute online shopping. If not online retailers, brick-and-mortar retailers also use the same concept to offer coupons; the kind of coupons distributed to the shoppers is decided by a predictive analytics algorithm.

Video games

Video games are one of the first consumers of AI, since the launch of the very first video games. However, over the years, the effectiveness and intricacies of AI has doubled, or even tripled, making video games more exciting, graphically and play wise. The characters have become more complex, and the nature of game-play now includes a number of objectives.

No matter, video games are framed on simple platforms, but as industry demand is burgeoning at an accelerating pace, a huge amount of money and effort are going into improving AI capabilities to make games more entertaining and downright exciting!

Fact: Artificial Intelligence is serving millions of people on earth today. Right from your smartphone to your bank account, car and even house, AI is everywhere. And it is indeed making a huge difference to all our lives.

To gain more knowledge on AI, enroll in Big Data Certification Gurgaon by DexLab Analytics. Their big data and data analytics training is of high quality and student-friendly. The prices of the course are also fairly convenient.

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R Programming, Python or Scala: Which is the Best Big Data Programming Language?

R Programming, Python or Scala: Which is the Best Big Data Programming Language?

For data science and big data, R, Python and Scala are the 3 most important languages to master. It’s a widely-known notion, organizations of varying sizes relies on massive structured and unstructured data to predict trends, patterns and correlations. They are of expectation that such a robust analysis will lead to better business decisions and individual behavior predictions.

In 2017, the adoption of Big Data analytics has spiked up to 53% in companies – says Forbes.

The story of evolution

To start with, big data is just data, after all. The entire game-play depends on its analysis – how well the data is analyzed so as to churn out valuable business intelligence. With years, data burgeoned, and it’s still expanding. The evolution of big data mostly happened because traditional database structures couldn’t cope with such multiplying data – scaling data became an important issue.

For that, here we have some popular big data programming languages. Dive down:

R Programming

R Programming is mainly used for statistical analysis. A set of packages are available for R named Programming with Big Data in R (pbdR), which encourages big data analysis, across multiple systems via R code.

R is robust and flexible; it can be run on almost every OS. To top that, it boasts of excellent graphical capabilities, which comes handy when trying to visualize models, patterns and associations within big data structures.

According to industry standards, the average pay of R Programmers is $115,531 per year.

For R language training, drop by DexLab Analytics.


Compared to R, Python is more of a general-purpose programming language. Developers adore it, because it’s easy to learn, a huge number of tutorials are available online and is perfect for data analysis, which requires integration with web applications.

Python gives excellent performance and high scalability for a series of complicated data science tasks. It is used with high-in-function big data engines, like Apache Spark through available Python APIs.

Their Machine Learning Using Python courses are of highest quality and extremely student-friendly.

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Last but not the least, Scala is a general-purpose programming language developed mainly to address some of the challenges of Java language. It is used to write Apache Spark cluster computing solution. Hence, Scala has been a popular programming language in the field of data science and big data analysis, in particular.

There was a time when Scala was mandatory to work on Spark, but with the proliferation of many API endpoints approachable with other languages, this problem has been addressed. Nevertheless, it’s still the most significant and popular language for several big data tools, including Finagle. Also Scala houses amazing concurrency support, which parallelizes a whole many processes for huge data sets.

The average annual salary for a data scientist with Scala skills is $102,980.

In the end, you can never go wrong with selecting any one of the big data programming languages. All of them are equally good, productive and easy to excel on. However, Python is probably the best one to start off with.

For more updates or information on big data courses, visit DexLab Analytics.

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How Big Data Plays the Key Role in Promoting Cyber Security

The number of data breaches and cyber attacks is increasing by the hour. Understandably, investing in cyber security has become the business priority for most organizations. Reports based on a global survey of 641 IT and cyber security professionals reveal that a whopping 69% of organizations have resolved to increase spending on cyber security. The large and varied data sets, i.e., the BIG DATA, generated by all organizations small or big, are boosting cyber security in significant ways.

How Big Data Plays the Key Role in Promoting Cyber Security

Business data one of the most valuable assets of a company and entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of this data in their success in the current market economy. In fact, big data plays the central role in employee activity monitoring and intrusion detection, and thereby combats a plethora of cyber threats.

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Using an employee system monitoring program that relies on big data analytics can help a company’s human resource division keep a track on the behavioral patterns of their employees and thereby prevent potential employee-related breaches. Following steps may be taken to ensure the same:

  • Restricting the access of information only to the staff that is authorized to access it.
  • Staffers should use theirlogins and other system applications to change data and view files that they are permitted to access. 
  • Every employee should be given different login details depending on the complexity of their business responsibilities.



A crucial measure in the big data security system would be the incorporation of IDS – Intrusion Detection System that helps in monitoring traffic in the divisions that are prone to malicious activities. IDS should be employed for all the pursuits that are mission-crucial, especially the ones that make active use of the internet. Big data analytics plays a pivotal role in making informed decisions about setting up an IDS system as it provides all the relevant information required for monitoring a company’s network.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends continuous monitoring and real-time assessments through Big Data analytics. Also the application of predictive analytics in the domain of optimization and automation of the existing SIEM systems is highly recommended for identifying threat locations and leaked data identity.


Security experts realize the necessity of bigger and better tools to combat cyber crimes. Building defenses that can withstand the increasingly sophisticated nature of cyber attacks is the need of the hour. Hence advances in big data analytics are more important than ever.

Relevance of Hadoop in big data analytics:

  • Hadoop provides a cost effective storage solution to businesses.
  • It facilitates businesses to easily access new data sources and draw valuable insights from different types of data.
  • It is a highly scalable storage platform.
  • The unique storage technique of Hadoop is based on a distributed file system that primarily maps the data when placed on a cluster. The tools for processing data are often on the same servers where the data is located. As a result data processing is much faster.
  • Hadoop is widely used across industries, including finance, media and entertainment, government, healthcare, information services, and retail.
  • Hadoop is fault-tolerant. Once information is sent to an individual node, that data is replicated in other nodes in the cluster. Hence in the event of a failure, there is another copy available for use.
  • Hadoop is more than just a faster and cheaper analytics tool. It is designed as a scale-out architecture that can affordably store all the data for later use by the company.


Developing economies are encouraging investment in big data analytics tools, infrastructure, and education to maintain growth and inspire innovation in areas such as mobile/cloud security, threat intelligence, and security analytics.

Thus big data analytics is definitely the way forward. If you dream of building a career in this much coveted field then be sure to invest in developing the relevant skill set. The Big Data training and Hadoop training imparted by skilled professionals at Dexlab Analytics in Gurgaon, Delhi is sure to give you the technical edge that you seek. So hurry and get yourself enrolled today!


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

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