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Infographic: How Big Data Analytics Can Help To Boost Company Sales?

Infographic: How Big Data Analytics Can Help To Boost Company Sales?

Following a massive explosion in the world of data has made the slow paced statisticians into the most in-demand people in the job market right now. But why are all companies whether big or small out for data analysts and scientists?

Companies are collecting data from all possible sources, through PCs, smart phones, RFID sensors, gaming devices and even automotive sensors. However, just the volume of data is not the main factor that needs to be tackled efficiently, because that is not the only factor that is changing the business environment, but there is the velocity as well as variety of data as well which is increasing at light speed and must be managed with efficacy.

Why data is the new frontier to boost your sales figures?

Earlier the sales personnel were the only people from whom the customers gathered data about the products but today there are various sources from where customers can gather data so people are no longer that heavily reliant on the availability of data.

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SAS Popularity Continues to Surge Upwards

SAS experienced its 40th successive year of growth as customers vied for the software in order to stay ahead of the fraud, risk and security challenges. The operating revenue of SAS stood at 3.16 billion US Dollars which was an increase of 6.4%. The sales in software also surged to 12% indicating that the SAS popularity is unlikely to abate in the coming years and it will cement its position as the market leader in the analytics sector.



Making its Presence Felt Globally

The growth of total revenue recorded was healthy across the world. The percentage growth touched double digits in most of the regions. It was no doubt facilitated by the new abilities of SAS in fraud, risk and intelligence about security.Much of the SAS revenue was fuelled by the governmental, financial and insurance sectors. The industries that led the way with greatest growth were manufacturing, banking, services and retail.

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Historians Make Use of Predictive Modeling

Predictive Modelling

Predictive modeling figures at the top of the list of new techniques put in to use by researchers in order to make out key archeological sites. The methodology used is not that complex. It makes predictions on the location of archeological sites having for its basis the qualities that are common to the sites already known. And the best news is that it works like a charm. A group of archeologists working in the company Logan Simpson which operates out of Utah discovered no less than 19 individual archeological sites containing many biface blades as well as stone points in addition to other artifacts that belong to the Paleoarchaic Period which ranges from 7,000 to 12,000 years ago.


The location of the site is about 160 km or 100 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. The group of researchers also came across lakes and streams that disappeared long before. According to archeologists the sites were perhaps put into used by a number of groups of gatherers and hunters in the ancient times. The sites are scattered widely and also are scarce and could herald an understanding of the human activity that took place throughout the length and breadth of the Great Basin as a warmer climate prevailed after the end of the Ice Age. Their remoteness ensured that they remain unfound when traditional methods are employed.

How Predictive Analysis Could Have Saved the World from Ransomware – @Dexlabanalytics.

In Nevada’s Dry Lake Valley, Delamar Valley and Kane Springs archeologists have discovered sites like Clovis, Lake Mojave and also Silver Lake that contains some stone tools constructed according to styles prevalent as far as 12,000 years back.The project was funded by the Lincoln County Archeological Initiative from the Bureau of Land Management. It made use of GIS or geographic information system technology in order to make predictions about activity belonging to the Pleistocene-Holocene period.

Read Also: How Data Preparation Changed Post Predictive Analytics Model Implementation


The predictive modeling put into use took in to account the fact that the Great Basin was way more wet and cool at the end period of the Pleistocene than the climate prevalent today and in all probability had attracted the attention of gatherers and hunters for several centuries. The process of mapping with GIS and aerial pictures amongst others was followed by pinpointing and ranking the various locations that hold the most promise.

How Predictive Analysis Works With Data Mining – @Dexlabanalytics.

Apart from the Paleoarchaic era, artifacts belonging to relatively more recent periods in History were also found which bear out that the sites at the lakeside had been used over the course of several millennia.

But the most important discovery was the proof that that Predictive Modeling on the basis of GIS works well and should be included in the arsenal of tools of archeologists trying to discover prehistoric sites .

Read Also: Predictive Analytics: In conversation with Adam Bataran, Managing Director of GTM Global Salesforce Platforms at Bluewolf

Make predictive analytics your best friend for life and career with easy and comprehensive SAS training courses in Delhi by DexLab Analytics. For more information about this premier SAS training institute, log into their website.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Will Spark Replace Hadoop?

Top 2016 Trends Expected to Turn Fruitful in 2017

I hope this post will help you to answer some questions related to Apache spark that might be coming into your mind these days related to Spark in Big Data Analytics.

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New R Packages- 5 Reasons for Data Scientists to Rejoice


One of the fundamental advantages of the ecosystem related to R and the primary reason that lie behind the phenomenal growth of R is the practice and facility to contribute new packages to R. When this is added to the highly stable CRAN which happens to be the primary repository of packages of R,gives it a great advantage. The effectiveness of CRAN is further enhanced by the ability of people with sufficient technical expertise and to contribute packages through a proper system of submission.

It is only with sufficient effort and time that one realizes the system of packages submitted through proper procedures can yield integrated software of high quality.Even those who are relatively new to R Programming the process of discovering the packages that serves as the bedrock of R language growth. Such packages add value to the language in a reliable way.


The following 5 new packages listed in the paragraphs that follow may trigger the curiosity of data scientists.

  •  AzureML V0.1.1

Cloud computing is and will continue to be of great interest to all data scientists. The AzureML provides Python and R Programmers a rich environment for machine learning. If you are yet to be initiated to Azure as a user this package will go long ways in helping you get started. It provides functions that let you push R code from your local system to the Azure cloud in addition to publishing models and functions as web services.

  •  Distcomp V0.25.1

Using distributed computing when dealing with large sets of data is invariable an irksome problem. This is truer in cases where sharing data amongst collaborators is difficult or simply not possible. The distcomp package implements a crafty partial likelihood algorithm which lets users build statistical models of complexity and sophistication on data sets that are not aggregated.

  • RotationForest V0.1

If there is any primary ensemble method that performs well on diverse sets of data on a constant basis is the forests algorithm. This particular variety performs principal analysis of components on subsets taken at random in the feature space and holds great promise.

  • Rpca V0.2.3

In case there is a matrix that forms a superposition of a component that is lowly ranked along with a sparse component, rcpa calls in a robust PCA method that recovers all of these components. The algorithm was publicized by the data scientists at Netflix.

  •  SwarmSVM V0.1

One of the primary machine learning algorithm happens to be the support vector machine. SwarmSVM has for its basis an approach that may be said to be as a clustering approach and makes provisions for 3 different ensemble methods that train support vector machines. A practical introduction to this particular method is also attached with the vignette that comes with the package.

For more such interesting technical blogs and insights, follow us at DexLab Analytics. We are a pioneering R programming training institute. Our industry experts impart the best possible R programming courses, so when are you contacting us!!


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

How Data Scientists Take Their Coffee Every Morning

How Data Scientists Have Their Coffee

To a data scientist we are all sources of data, from the very moment we wake up in the morning to visit our local Starbucks (or any other local café) to get our morning coffee and swipe the screen of our tablets/iPads or smart phones to go through the big headlines for the day. With these few apparently simple regular exercises we are actually giving the data scientists more data which in-turn allows them to offer tailor-made news articles about things that interest us, and also prepares our favorite coffee blend ready for us to pick up every morning at the café.

The world of data science came to exist due to the growing need of drawing valuable information from data that is being collected every other day around the world. But is data science? Why is it necessary? A certified data scientist can be best described as a breed of experts who have in-depth knowledge in statistics, mathematics and computer science and use these skills to gather valuable insights form data. They often require innovative new solutions to address the various data problems.

Data Science: Is It the Right Answer? – @Dexlabanalytics.

As per estimates from the various job portals it is expected that around 3 million job positions are needed to be fulfilled by 2018 with individuals who have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field of data analytics and can handle big data. Those who have already boarded the data analytics train are finding exciting new career prospects in this field with fast-paced growth opportunities. So, more and more individuals are looking to enhance their employability by acquiring a data science certification from a reputable institution. Age old programs are now being fast replaced by new comers in the field of data mining with software like R, SAS etc. Although SAS has been around in the world of data science for almost 40 years now, but it took time for it to really make a big splash in the industry. However, it is slowly emerging to be one the most in-demand programming languages these days.What a data science certification covers?

Tracing Success in the New Age of Data Science – @Dexlabanalytics.

This course covers the topics that enable students to implement advanced analytics to big data. Usually a student after completion of this course acquires an understanding of model deployment, machine language, automation and analytical modeling. Moreover, a well-equipped course in data science helps students to fine-tune their communication skills as well.

Keep Pace with Automation: Emerging Data Science Jobs in India – @Dexlabanalytics.

Things a data scientist must know:

All data scientists must have good mathematical skills in topics like: linear algebra, multivariable calculus, Python and linear algebra. For those with strong backgrounds in linear algebra and multivariable calculus it will be easy to understand all probability, machine learning and statistics in no time, which is a requisite for the job.

More and more data-hungry professionals are seeking excellent Data Science training in Delhi. If you are one of them, kindly drop by DexLab Analytics: we are a pioneering Data Science training institute. Peruse through our course details for better future.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Trials Against WPL Awarded SAS With Damages

In a groundbreaking trial judgment, WPL (World Programming Ltd.) was found to have conducted software license breach and fraud and was made to pay damages to SAS. A federal jury found that WPL violated its software license for SAS learning edition with reverse engineering parts of the product to create their own WPS or World Programming System software while still using the SAS Learning edition to meet their production requirements.

Trials against WPL awarded SAS with damages


After the jury found this misconduct, the company was directed to pay SAS a penalty of USD 26.4 million in damages. Furthermore, WPL was also found to have committed fraud against SAS by the jury that required them to further pay another USD 3 million to SAS in terms of punitive damages. It was also concluded by the jury that WPL violated the NC Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act that mandates the company to pay treble damage charges to SAS. The cumulative penalty judgment amounted to as much as USD 79 million. As per reports SAS will seek the help of parliament injunction on the issue to control sale of or use of WPS products in the US.

A representative of SAS revealed in a statement that the proofs they were able to collect enabled the jury to come to a conclusion quite fast that further validated the talk of the town about the practices of WPS that suggests that they did take part in unfair practices.SAS is currently the leading programming software in the world of Business Analytics. As per records the program helps users of more than 75,000 websites to make better and faster decisions using data.

Their work philosophy of – giving clients around the world “the power to know” (as is their tagline); using data tools is slowly taking over the market. They have been operating in the data industry since 1976. And all their products and services are trademarked under the name SAS Institute Inc. in the US and other countries.


Source :

Gain Expertise in MS Excel with DexLab Analytics


MS Excel needs no introduction as spreadsheet program. As part of the MS Office suite it has been a regular software skill expected from employees across the globe regardless their roles or levels. But the utility of MS Excel in the world of Big Data is not so widely acknowledged due to the lack of awareness. But that does not rob it of any of its sting as a Big Data tool to advanced Excel users.

So if you are keen to know more about the emerging technology that elite techies cannot stop raving about, a solid grounding in MS Excel will serve you well. Accordingly DexLab Analytics has scheduled a symposium on the topic of Designing MS Excel Dashboards as an introduction to the Big Data capabilities of Big Data to aspiring data analystand data scientists. The symposium is going to be MS Excel Experts who also instruct students of DexLab Analytics most of whom have been advanced users of MS Excel for more than a decade.

How to Create a Macro With MS Excel – @Dexlabanalytics.

The main speaker of the symposium is an industry expert who is currently attached with a leading Multi-National Company for over 5 years. He will bring with himself invaluable information regarding the latest developments in data science. We will cover the following topics in the meet scheduled to be held on the 26th of January:

  •  MS Excel functions overview like V Look Up, Match, H Look Up, Address, Match, Countlfs, Indirect, Sumlfs amongst many others.
  •  Introducing the world of recording macros and building VBA.
  • Introducing Advanced Excel with abilities in Dynamic Referencing and pivot.
  • Hot to make use of Excel and VBA in order to generate KPI dashboards.

The interactive session with industry professionals with many years of experience and help you acquire invaluable exposure to the basics of MS Excel so that you get a foretaste of what lies in store for you in this new and exciting world called Big Data.

Note: It is assumed that the participants of this event have a basic understanding of the rudiments of statistics.

Looking for an Advanced excel training in Gurgaon? Drop by DexLab Analytics – their Excel dashboards training is unparalleled!


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
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To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Using Hadoop Analyse Retail Wifi Log File

Since a long time we are providing Big Data Hadoop training in Gurgaon to aspirant seeking a career in this domain.So, here our Hadoop experts are going to share a big data Hadoop case study.Think of the wider perspective, as various sensors produce data. Considering a real store we listed out these sensors- free WiFi access points, customer frequency counters located at the doors, smells, the cashier system, temperature, background music and video capturing etc.


big data hadoop


While many of the sensors required hardware and software, a few sensor options are around for the same. Our experts found out that WiFi points provide the most amazing sensor data that do not need any additional software or hardware. Many visitors have Wi- Fi-enabled smart phones. With these Wifi log files, we can easily find out the following-

Continue reading “Using Hadoop Analyse Retail Wifi Log File”

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