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Black Money in India Can be Traced With Ease by Applying Big Data Analytics

The economy took a hit with the recent demonetization of the INR 500 and 1000 currency notes. The jury of economists around the world are still debating whether the move was good or not, but it has definitely caused a huge inconvenience for the public. Moreover, exchanging such a large amount of old currency notes is nothing shy of a mammoth Herculean task, as almost 85 percent of the economy is in the form of high denomination currency.

Black Money in India Can be Traced With Ease by Applying Big Data Analytics
                Black Money in India Can be Traced With Ease by Applying Big Data Analytics


These measures have been taken by the government to curb the flow of Black Money in India and get rid of corruption from its roots. While there is still a mixed reaction from the common people about this move about it being good or bad, technological experts have a different viewpoint about preventing the flow of Black Money in the country.  They say that with use modern technologies like Big Data Analytics it will be possible to trace Black Money painlessly and with much ease.

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Are you taking care of your digital self?

Whether you like the idea or not, we all have a digital self, a facade that we put on to engage and participate in the technological world! As per psychoanalysts and physicians, a theory proposed by them says that there is a ‘true self’ that is the instinctive core of our personality, it must be realized and nurtured. And there is also a ‘false self’ that is built to protect this true self. From what you ask? From the dangers of insults and vulnerabilities!

Dexlab blog for 12th Oct

Our true selves are usually complex and fragile but it ultimately remains to be our essence. In trying to share that self with the world, we send out our decoy selves to take on the day-to-day vulnerabilities, challenges, and anxieties that come forth.

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Big Data is the New Obsession of Small Business Owners

Big Data is the New Obsession of Small Business Owners

While this may seem somewhat counterintuitive, but instead of large organizations, it is actually small business owners and midsize companies who tend to be more inclined towards the applications of Big Data. They are also the first to adopt these latest technological innovations of which analytics is no exception – as these internet and data based insights are highly accessible and also affordable for SMBs.

As per the researchers in the fields of technology, the entry level capabilities in such fields like analytics has abruptly dropped which is why almost all types of industries from an array of sectors are engaging with them to enhance their competitiveness; and the wheels have already started to roll when it comes to increasing overall global competitiveness. Continue reading “Big Data is the New Obsession of Small Business Owners”

How Amazon Uses Big Data for Success

How Amazon uses Big Data for success

Taking a stroll around the lanes of Big Data is no cake walk. The main problem being that well, Big Data is big to tackle and on top of that complex to analyze and draw insights from. That is why the world needs more data analysts. Also the many nuances of Big Data architecture make it especially difficult for the concerned personnel to grasp its requirements. Also the concept is relatively new there is a lack of understanding and experience in the field of Big Data which is often the management of major corporations misuse their Big Data.

The best way to learn about how you can use your company’s Big Data effectively is by paying a close attention to how other companies have used their data and by effectively implementing similar practices. One such company who has done so is


There is no hint of doubt about the data expertise of as it is one of the key innovators in the realm of Big Data technology. This is a giant that has given us a great idea on how to collect, analyze and then successfully implement data analytical reports. Moreover, in addition to using Big Data successfully for its own purpose the company has also leveraged its own data usage tools for helping others with tools like Amazon Elastic MapReduce.

Amazon has taught us several lessons on how to successfully implement Big Data to amplify revenue generation:

Get your eyes on the customer:

The premier uses of Amazon’s Big Data are with its customer recommendations. If one has an Amazon account they use on a regular basis then you will notice that all the recommendations on your homepage are based on your browsing history. Everything including sale items to special discount offers is based on your previous purchases and your product browsing history. Now you may argue that even several other sites including the whole of internet works like that, but while they might a frequent occurrence today Amazon was among the first ones to start this trend.

It was one of the first organizations to provide its customers with a focused and personalized buying recommendation that made them buy more. Who knew the best way to make people buy more than they want was just to tell them that with an enticing deal?! This solution is a simple one and works for several problems.

This is the best lesson that Amazon has taught the business world. For any business to succeed and to use Big Data well the main focus should be on the customers. If your customers are happy then you will be better off at your business. That is the basic rule of thumb when it comes to business after all.

Sniff out all the data you can:

This retailing giant uses Big Data gathering tools and uses it to the best of its advantages. The company gathers a lot of data by the hour or better put by the second. So, it might be easy to lose focus on why data is being gathered and which type is necessary or how it can be useful to the customers. But this company does not let those parts slide. The company gathers and analyzes its data diligently and never fails to upgrade its workings with the findings.

Big Data has worked for Amazon now make sure it works for you take Big Data courses to better handle your data.


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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Big Data Hacks: 5 Amazing Free Data Sources

Big data hacks: 5 amazing free data sources

With the data explosion revealing a continuum of numbers and facts and figures across the web and across businesses, it is of no doubt that data is omnipresent. But as the saying goes, sometimes it is hard to see the forest due to all the trees.  A big myth among several companies is that they need to hire data analysts to look for their own data for analysis and to reap the benefits from Big Data analytics. But you must realize that this is far from the truth.

There are more than hundreds in fact even thousands of free data sets available for analysis and use for those who are smart enough to know where to look for them. Here is a list of 5 most popular free data set sources that are widely used globally. There are several more out there for those who are keen enough to look for them.


  • in compliance to the promise made by the US government last year all the government data is available for free on the internet in this site. The site is a useful source of information on everything starting from numbers in association to crime to climate change and much more.
  • Socrata: another great place to get scoop on the latest government related data along with some useful visualization tools that come built into the web portal.
  • org another place to access government data for free. One can get access to government data from the US, Canada, EU, CKAN and more.
  • World Health Organization data portal: a place to access all the statistics of hunger, health and disease of the world can be accessed here.
  • FaceBook Graph: FaceBook over the past few years has tightened their security and privacy settings. But there are still some amounts of data open to eyes without any privacy. And FaceBook provides information and access to all this data with their Graph API. While users may not be happy to share them with the world, they probably have not yet figured out how to hide them.

A bonus free data source that could also be fun to explore. get face recognition data with this fascinating tool and analyze possibilities like the creator.

These days a lot of forward thinking companies are trying to data driven, but they may not have ample resources to get their own data right away. So, it may be a good idea to begin with these publicly available free data sources. The best tip for data scientists is to learn to ask the right questions to get the right answers.

For more updates on big data hadoop training, follow DexLab Analytics. They are a premier big data training institution offering intensive career courses.


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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

A few easy steps to be a SUCCESSFUL Data Scientist

A-few-easy-steps-to-be-a-successful-data-scientist (1)

Data science has soared high for the past few years now; sending the job market into turbo pace where organizations are opening up their C-suite positions for unicorns to take their mountainous heap of data and make sense of it all to generate the big bucks. And professionals from a variety of fields are now eyeing the attractive position of data analyst as a possible profitable career move.

We went about questioning the faculty at our premiere data science and excel dashboard training institute to know how one can emerge as a successful data scientist, in this fast expanding field. We wanted to take an objective position from a recruiter’s point of view and create a list of technical and non-technical skills which are essential to be deemed an asset employee in the field of data science.

Keep Pace with Automation: Emerging Data Science Jobs in India – @Dexlabanalytics.

A noteworthy point to be mentioned here is that every other organization will evaluate skills and knowledge in different tools with varying perspectives. Thus, this list in no way is an exhaustive one. But if a candidate has these songs then he/she will make a strong case in their favor as a potential data scientist.

The technical aspects:


Most data scientists are highly educated professionals with more than 88 percent of them having a Master’s degree and 46 percent of them have a PhD degree. There are exceptions to these generalized figures but a strong educational background is necessary for aspiring data scientists to understand the complex subject of data science in depth. The field of data science can be seen in the middle of a Venn diagram with intersecting circles of subjects like Mathematics and Statistics 32%, Engineering 16% and Computer Science and Programming 19%.

Knowledge in applications like SAS and/or R Programming:

In depth knowledge in any one of the above tools is absolutely necessary for aspiring data scientists as these form the foundation of data analysis and predictive modeling. Different companies give preference to different analysis tools from R and SAS, a relatively new open source program that is also slowly being incorporated into companies is Hadoop.


For those from a computer science background:

  • Coding skills in Python – the most common coding language currently in use in Python. But some companies may also demand their data scientists to know Perl, C++, Java or C.
  • Understanding of Hadoop environment – not always an absolute necessity but can prove to be advantageous in most cases. Another strong selling point may be experience in Pig or Hive. Acquaintance with cloud based tools like Amazon S3 may also be advantageous.
  • Must have the ability to work with unstructured data with knowledge in NoSQL and must be proficient in executing complex queries in SQL.

Non-technical skills:

  • Impeccable communicational skills so that data personnel can translate their technical findings into non-technical inputs comprehensible by the non-techies like sales and marketing.
  • A strong understanding of the business or the industry the company operates in. leverage the company’s data to achieve its business objectives with strong business acumen.
  • Must have profound intellectual curiosity to filter out the problem areas and find solutions against the same.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

The Most Important Algorithms Every Data Scientist Must Know

Algorithms are now like the air we breathe; it has become an inevitable part of our daily lives and is also included in all types of businesses. Experts like Gartner has called this age as the algorithm business which is the key driving force that is overthrowing the traditional ways in which we do our business and manage operations.

The most important algorithms of machine learning

In fact the algorithm boom with uber diversification has reached a new high, so much so that now each function in a business has its own algorithm and one can buy their own from the algorithm marketplace. This was developed by algorithm developers at Algorithmia to save the precious time and money of business operators and other fellow developers and offers a plethora of more than 800 algorithms in the fields of machine learning, audio and visual processing and computer vision.


But we as data enthusiasts in the same field with an undying love for algorithm would like to suggest that not all the algorithms from the Algorithmia marketplace may be suitable for your needs. Business needs are highly subjective and environment based. And things as dynamic as algorithms can produce different types of results even in the slightly different situations. Also the use of algorithms depends on a number of factors on how they can be applied and what results one can expect from their application. The variables on which the application of algorithms depends are as follows: type and volume of the data sets, the function the algorithm will be applied for and the industry in which the algorithm will be applied.

Hence, not always reaching for the easy option of buying a readymade algorithm off the shelf and simply tweaking it to fit into your model may not always be the most cost-effective or time saving way to go. So, it is highly recommended for data scientists to educate themselves well on the most important algorithms that must be known by them, as well as the back of their hands. A data scientist must also know how each algorithm is developed and also which purpose calls for which algorithm to be applied.

So, our experts associated with DexLab Analytics developed an infographic to let big data analysts know the 12 most essential algorithms that must still be included in the repertoire of a skilled data scientist. To know more about data science courses drop DexLab Analytics and find your true data-based calling.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

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To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

The Eclectic Mix of Big Data and Marketing


Marketers with even rudimentary knowledge of Big Data are better placed to precisely reach the largest amount of potential target customers than their counterparts who are uninitiated to the world of Big Data. Good marketers know the customers they target very well. Big Data facilitates this process.

The collection of data and its storage into separate data banks is simply a process part in acquiring raw data. This data should be reproduced in such a manner that marketers are able to easily grasp. And with the impending explosion of IoT devices, the amount of data too is expected to increase by leaps and bounds.

Marketers need to analyze the data available to them very carefully. The process involved is a complicated one which requires the use of specialized software tools.

This is where a translation management system comes into play. These tools may readily be used in order to get the desired insight from the vast pool of data available. Applications like these have made the process so simple that some people who are using it on a daily basis are even unaware that they are dealing with Big Data.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

Big Data Uses in Marketing

  • Honing Market Strategy Through Monitoring Trends Online

You may use tools as simple as Google Trends to keep abreast of the latest trends in the world of the internet. With a number of ways to customize and filter the results marketers have an easy access of that is trending at any instant and associate the product in ways that let it have increased traction.

  • Define Customer Profiles With Big Data

It is a good idea to consult Big Data while drawing up your ideal profile of customers. There is no more need to make educated guesses with things as they stand of today. Through the use of Big Data marketers have access to the various details like demographics, age, work profile of the consumers they target. The case study of the Avis Budget may be cited where it was found that Big Data facilitated the formation of an effective contact strategy.

  • Engaging the Buyer at the Correct Time

Timing, according to some marketers, of the essence when it comes to marketing. This process too is facilitated by Big Data which makes relevant and timely marketing strategies possible. We may take the case of displaying mobile ads at timings when the customer is most like to be online.

  • Content That Boosts Sales

Big Data also lets marketers know the content that gives them the extra edge when it comes to marketing their products. Some of the tools used in translation management make such an analysis possible with scores on individual pieces of content. Success and efficiency of assets both may be gauged through the use of such tools. With the required information marketers will be able to pinpoint content that customers liked.

  • Predictive Analysis

If the base CRM information of a particular company and other providers of Big Data is taken into account the marketer may get a predictive lead score which in turn may be used to make an accurate prediction of the behavior of leads in the future. The end result is that marketers acquire an indication of considerable clarity on their digital behaviors and should be taken into account more when considering lead scoring.

End Words

Now, do not both of them make up an eclectic mix.


Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Big Data Course – Enrol Now.

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

The Worst Techniques To Build A Predictive Model

While some of these techniques may be a little out of date and most of them have evolved over time greatly, for the past 10 years rendering most of these tools completely different and much more efficient to use. But here are few bad techniques in predictive modelling that are still widely in use in the industry:


Predictive Model


1. Using traditional decision trees: usually too large decision trees are usually really complex to handle and almost impossible to analyze for even the most knowledgeable data scientist. They are also prone to over-fitting which is why they are best avoided. Instead we recommend that you combine multiple small decision trees into one than using a single large decision tree to avoid unnecessary complexity.

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