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Be Bold, Be Big: Celebrating International Women’s Day with Women in Big Data

Big Data is mentioned everywhere, but what is not mentioned is the women who have made Big Data so fetching and widely popular. Though women contribute to half the population, yet their contribution to Big Data’s success is hardly spoken of. Don’t you think they deserve better? Don’t you think they are often underestimated?

Be Bold, Be Big: Celebrating International Women’s Day with Women in Big Data

International Women’s day, celebrated on 8th March, is right here knocking at the door! So, let’s remember and appreciate the contributions by women, past and present. Here is a comprehensive list of eight influential women who made Big Data bigger in the field of data science and on this remarkable global day, we give a standing ovation to the Big ladies of Big Data.

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Our Perception Must Include Data-Ception

Our Perception Must Include Data-Ception

Considering the complex competitive global environment, the world business today is witnessing a paradigm shift from mere data storage to data mining and other subsequent activities.

Thus, from a managerial perspective it is of prime importance to develop a psyche, which can interpret the collection of data. This psyche cannot be theoretically learnt from books, as it requires a knack to make data talk. Data is no more evaluated independently. Today, a cross-domain relationship between data exists, which on analysis depicts patterns, responsible enough to do wonders for the organization.

The question is how can we connect the dots? Following the recent trends, developers are grabbing every opportunity to break a huge chunk of data into meaningful relevant information. From the standpoint of technical professionals, along with an analytical mindset, they need to get hands on experience on the technological perspective to understand the real significance of data evaluation.

 Read Also : DexLab Analytics – Training the Future to be Big Data Analytics Fluent

The data not only aligns with the internal activity of the business but also is an integral part for consumer servicing. There is an intense need to study the needs of consumer and every decision he makes, which broadens the outlook of a business on how he/she is using their product. What are the expectations of the customer from an existing product? What more my customer needs? The answers to these questions cannot always be mapped quantitatively but a qualitative approach towards data is one of the key aspects of data analytics.

In this digital era, slightest technological ripples are going to reshuffle the whole industry scenario. And, that is why the omnipresence of data will aid businesses in setting new benchmarks in consumer and market findings. Growing pace of social media would open a Pandora’s Box for companies, who have their right audience in this particular domain.

The emergence of IOT, which primarily thrives on data, will cause disruption in the current business orientation. The data producing sensor architecture directly connected to the company can help the business to be fast and robust, which is the need of an hour. In addition, this analytics might influence mid-size distribution largely.

Simple example of this model: Sensors attached to tyres could sense data, and alert a tyre manufacturer about the usage of a consumer, which will help in servicing their customer at the right moment.

Thus, on an individualistic note there is need to develop a data analytical mindset and include data-ception in perception.

This blog has been contributed by Team Frontrunners, comprising members Ria Shah, Dishank Palan, Sanjay Sonwani from Welingkar College.


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To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

Tigers will be safe in the hands of Big Data Analytics

Once again, good news is in the air for our very own ‘Big Cats’. The very recent reports on Tiger Census have proudly announced the incredible rise in the number from 1,706 to 2, 226 since 2010, when the counting started.


The previous years have seen the major downfall in the number owing to reasons like poaching, environmental degradation, dwindling habitats and of course man- nature conflict . But in contrast, the combined efforts put forwarded by local communities, conservationists and the Government has resulted in the upliftment, as stated by Marco Lambertini, Director General of WWF International.

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We Take Immense Pride in Sponsoring the Ultimate CMO Challenge – Atharva’17

We are back again with some exciting news for you! We, a team of consultants of DexLab Analytics are sponsoring Atharva – the Ultimate CMO Challenge 2017, which is to be held at the Delhi School of Economics, today.

We Take Immense Pride in Sponsoring the Ultimate CMO Challenge – Atharva’17

For detailed information, click on this link. DexLab Analytics is sponsoring “The Ultimate CMO challenge” by the Delhi School of Economics


The first round was held on 13th February, 2017, where an Initial Case Study was needed to be submitted online and a brief for solutions, in the form of 3-4 slides or 2-3 pages write-up was to be submitted by 19th February, 2017. The candidates who got selected were declared as shortlisted by 21st February, 2017. And within 27th February 2017, final solutions in the form of PPT (with maximum 15 slides) were submitted.

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The Story of Brontobyte: From a Small Byte to Bronto and More

This is the story of Brontobyte, and how it emerged from a single byte to the massive bronto! It all started on the year 1956, when bronto was a wee small Byte, born to parents unknown at a place undisclosed in pages of computerized history. We know however, that Bronto had a Godfather, from IBM Mr. Werner Buchholz who gave him his name ‘Byte’ in the month of July, 1956.

The Story of Brontobyte: From a Small Byte to Bronto and More

It is a funny story how Mr. Buchholz almost changed his life since the beginning by changing his name from ‘Bite’ to ‘Byte’ almost at the last minute, so, that he would not get lost in all those bits and pieces! Brontobyte must really thankful to him for doing so, this was a special bit apart from the rest of the bites, a really special – byte! So, it is safe to say that Brontobyte was born somewhere around that time in 1956. And that makes him 61 years old.


This is not a tale of bragging about something very usual. It is a tale truly special as you will see later in this biography of Brontobyte. Our friend byte here was born gifted in three unique angles. The first being, as it kept growing it also went on to acquire new names. Like at first, he got the name Kilobyte, this grew on to be called as megabyte etc. (You can find all the names he got in his later years at the infographic attached herein)


The second reason why byte is so special is because it has been growing at an exponential rate since, its birth. While most of us humans only keep growing until our 18 years of age or so, and then stop growing physically; but not our friend Bronto here.


And lastly, the third reason why Bronto is so special is because it has helped several other significant technologies that are completely revolutionary like the Personal Computer, the Internet, Big Data, and now IoT to have developed and grown with it. It may not be apt to say that Big Data was just Bronto’s creation, that is because Bronto lies inherently as a part of Big Data even today.


Here are all the names that byte received throughout its age as it grew bigger!

Byte To Brontobyte and beyond:

Image Source:
Image Source:

Some other specialities of byte are discussed here:


The name Yottabyte was kept after Yoda. Currently, it is difficult to say even how big Brontobyte is, it might even have become Gegobyte! You can help us by letting us know in the comments. Byte had its lifelong passion to store information. The more information it store the bigger it kept growing. In its present avatar Brontobyte can store the entire knowledge of the universe known till now.


An interesting thing about Brontobyte is that the more it grew the size of its houses, which have changed throughout the years, got smaller!

Here are the pictures of some of the houses byte has lived throughout his life in chronological order:

Photo Coutesy of
Photo Coutesy of

UNIVAC computer Drum memory

Photo Coutesy of
Photo Coutesy of

Hard disk drive (kept getting smaller with age)

Photo Coutesy of
Photo Coutesy of

Left: 250 MB hard disk drive from 1979, Right: first GB-capacity hard disk drive

Later, he mostly lived in much smaller houses that even spun around inside other places like in a Laser Disk, Floppy disk, Magnetic Tape etc. Brontobyte currently lives in a “Solid State Drive” (SSD). While it is small, but it is still very nice and quiet, exactly how it likes.


You can learn more about Brontobyte and its journey further with a Big Data Certification, see DexLab Analytics for details on Big Data analytics courses.


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The Future Is In Our Face! How Facial Recognition Will Change Marketing Innovation

big data facial recognition

Most us are taking a lot of technological marvels around us for granted these days. We have casually taken note of the things like how our smartphones now help us assign photos of people or organize them, or how Facebook usually knows the right people’s faces to tag. However, it has only happened recently, which most people have not realized, that this technology is not so much of a “cool trick” and will actually shape the way people are conducting their business endeavours.

These latest technological developments are already being tested out in several different industries and for a lot of different purposes. Like for instance, security scanners at the airports are now making use of this technology to allow the e-passport holders clear their customs faster. And with the further development in facial recognition technology, the border and customs officers will be able to recognize and weed out travellers with fake passports better.

Moreover, the facial recognition technology is now being implemented in several government facilities and businesses that require a higher level of security clearance. With the use of this technology, security professionals may easily run the real-time criminal searches with the use of CCTV footage.


Now if you are like us, and constantly purchase things online then you must be aware of the fact that your choice and even your face must be with them in their database as a part of your customer profile. But these days, major retailers in physical stores are using intelligent data and trying to up their game to compete with the shopping sites. This will help them target customers faster and help them provide offers specifically tailored to these people based on their buying preferences just like at online stores.

We have provided Big Data training for Snapdeal, so why not target your customers better with a Big Data certification?

Furthermore, such a technology can also be used to catch shoplifters red handed in the act, a system that Walmart has actually implemented in place in many of its stores

When your face as a customer shows up for the first time on their screens they will start to build a profile of yours, which will be based on your in-store actions. Like for instance, the amount of time one spends in a certain area, the path around the store and items that you choose to buy.

Even the entertainment industry, like theme parks, casinos, etc have already caught up in the use of this technology to not only target marketing activities, but also to keep an eye on suspicious activities. And when it comes to greater applications for facial recognition, like in the industries of banking and fintech we are only just scratching the surface.

Several industry insiders have agreed that facial recognition will allow marketers to effectively know their customers much better, the visitor photos stored may work as the cookies for referencing for identification and for storage of users as well. So, this technology can soon eliminate loyalty cards as an obsolete art.

The moment one walks into a store the staff will already have an idea of what they bought there when visited the store the last time, and thanks to the camera footage with the facial recognition technology, will provide the retailers with an advantage to keep up their pace with ecommerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba etc.

One may also use facial recognition to retarget their customers with several personal offers. Like you decide to buy a certain product at a certain store, but then leave as it is slightly over budget for you. Soon you may find an internet ad or a personal message about a good discount on that product from that retailer offering you a good deal. But for all this to take proper shape, there must be a strong backup strategy, which certainly plays a strong role when it comes to way people collect, use and store data of any kind.

Thus, this will begin a whole new chapter to targeted campaigns be it online or offline or both, through the leveraging of Big Data for even a single customer.

Big Data courses from the industry leaders now just a click away, with DexLab Analytics.

Big Data Hadoop training from Dexlab Analytics


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To learn more about Data Analyst with Apache Spark Course – Enrol Now.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Market Risk Analytics and Modelling Course – Enrol Now.

We are Proud to Host Corporate Training for WHO Reps!

We are happy to announce our month-long corporate training session for the representatives of WHO, who will be joining us to discuss data analytics all the way from Bhutan. The team of delegates who have come to seek training from our expert in-house trainers are for the Central of Disease Control, Ministry of Health Royal Government of Bhutan.

We are Proud to Host Corporate Training for WHO Reps!

The training is on the concepts of R Programming, Data Science using R and Statistical Modelling using R, and will go on from the 8th of February 2017 to the 8th of March 2017. We are hosting this training session at our headquarters in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR. It is a matter of great pride and honour for the team of seasoned industry expert trainers at DexLab Analytics to be hosting the representatives from WHO.

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Power BI is The New Revolutionary Tool For Business! This is Why

Power BI is The New Revolutionary Tool For Business! This is Why

Microsoft launched its Power BI tool quite some time ago now, and the way things seem to advance is pretty amazing to say the least. This is a great Business Intelligence and analytics tool and it seems it is only a matter of time before the Power BI becomes the tool of choice for Business Intelligence and analytical works in almost all of the foresighted corporations.

This is a powerful BI tool now available in the hands of enterprises, who are looking to extract data from multiple disparate sources in order to derive meaningful insights from it. The tool offers unprecedented interactive visualization opportunities along with true self-servicing analytical capacities.

With all of these it helps the whole look of the same data to appear from varying angles and also allows the reports and dashboards to be made by anybody within the organization without assistance from IT administrators and developers.

The international analytics and BI market is to reach the mark of  USD 16.9 Billion in 2016 says Gartner!

Are you keen on acquiring a Big Data certification then check out DexLab Analytic’s Machine Learning courses in Delhi now!

Power BI is leading the way in cloud business analytics and intelligence. It offers the services, which can directly be harnessed from the cloud, and it is a huge advantage when it comes to how BI can be utilized. The desktop version of power BI is also available and is known as the Power BI desktop.

The entire range of ordinary tasks can be performed with this Power BI like – data discovery, data preparation, designing of the interactive dashboards. Microsoft also went a step ahead by putting up the embedded version of Power BI in its highly revered Azure cloud platform.

The company already has a pretty good presence in the analytics environment with its popular products like SSAS – SQL Server Analysis Service. However, it did not have any strong presence in the BI delivery system and OLAP segment i.e. Online Analytical Processing.

Excel for a long time has been Microsoft’s attempt at being a presentation layer for its data analysis tools. However, Excel has a lot of disadvantages like limited memory, integrity issues with data which are the main reasons why it is often not very appealing to the corporate clients who want something more malleable for business analytics.

You can give your career a powerful boost with Big Data training from the leading Big Data training institute in Delhi NCR.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

However, a really powerful BI tool is what takes Excel to a great new level; it helps to offer a whole new experience to working with tools like Power Query for data extraction and its transformation. The Power Pivot tool which, is deployed for data analysis and modelling and lastly, the Power View which, is used to map the data and visualize it distinctly in unprecedented ways. With Power Bi one can put all of these tools into a consolidated manner and will make it easier to work without having to depend on to MS Office solely.

In closing thoughts, thus, it is safe to say that Power Bi is putting the right use of power in the right hands of the customers. so, a power BI training can be a good decision for one’s career at this point, for those who consider themselves as a forward-thinking IT professional.  



Participate at the Atharva’17 “The Ultimate CMO Challenge, sponsored by DexLab Analytics

We have some intriguing news, The Ultimate CMO Challenge from the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi is being held and we are sponsoring the event. Participate at the Ultimate CMO Challenge if you a PG student or are pursuing a course in MBA.

Participate at the Atharva’17 “The Ultimate CMO Challenge, sponsored by DexLab Analytics

The first round will be an online round where participants would have to submit their solutions online. Problem case will be sent to the teams that have registered for the challenge, the solution to be submitted should be of 6 slides except the cover slides. One can mail their solutions to

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