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Blockchain Technology 101: A Beginner’s Guide

The Blockchain, the brainchild of a single curator or a group of specialists known by the nom de guerre, Satoshi Nakamoto is indisputably a brilliant invention. With the passage of time, it evolved into something greater and more insightful.

Blockchain Technology 101: A Beginner’s Guide

Drop by DexLab Analytics to know more about Big Data and Data Analytics courses.

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Classifying Bank Customer Data Using R? Use K-means Clustering

Before delving deeper into the analysis of bank data using R, let’s have a quick brush-up of R skills.


Classifying Bank Customer Data Using R? Use K-means Clustering


As you know, R is a well-structured functional suite of software for data estimation, manipulation and graphical representation.

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5 Hottest Online Applications Inspired by Artificial Intelligence

5 Hottest Online Applications Inspired by Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence projects, applications and platforms are being churned out from every corner of the world. A majority of them now possess the ability to break loose lab life and hit mainstream trends, making an appearance in myriad online tools, open source APIs and mass gadgets.

Though the machines are yet to take over our lives, they are filtrating their way into our lives, influencing day-to-day activities, be it work or entertainment. From personal assistants like Alexa and Siri, to self-driving vehicles powered by predictive modeling and more intense and fundamental machine learning technologies, a wide set of applications of AI are in use of late.

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We perused through a handful number of AI apps so that we can enlist the ones that are more practical and thus really deserving! Let’s leverage piles of data with these effective applications:


As per Creative Strategies report, 70% of iPhone users have used Siri at least for once or sometimes, but everyone has tried it at least. We are here to tell you don’t hire a personal assistant, instead implement Siri.


This voice-powered virtual assistant makes business operations smoother and hassle-free, while making your workday more productive. The software is activated by voice, and it is at present available in 20 languages.


Developed and powered by Amazon for Amazon Echo intelligent speaker, Alexa, a robust voice service was launched in 2014. It can help you in ordering supplies, translating and controlling office’s vacuum.


However, connecting your Echo to IFTTT may allow you to coordinate with services that aren’t supported originally by the Echo, while allowing you to integrate multiple actions into a single command to the Echo.

Google Now

This is one of the most popular artificial intelligence applications. Google Now functions by keeping a tab on your calendar, mail, web searches and lot more, along with sending relevant alerts and news on your device as and when detected. It can also carry out tasks, and answer queries, based on voice commands.


The best part of this application is that you don’t have to log in to use it. Just set up alerts that will be sent to the device, and that’s all. At present, it is available in English and is considered a tailing rival of Siri.


If you know the exact way to maneuver it, Cortana would be the most effective AI personal assistant. It can perform all sorts of things, right from dictating and sending emails, tracking flights to searching something on the internet or checking weather forecasts. The more time you spent on it, its functionality gets better and better.


Even, the company is so impressed by its services that it has integrated the service into Power BI, its most intuitive BI tool.


Brain Artificial, aka Braina is self-regulating software, which enables easy hands-free operation in your computer to perform basic tasks by listening to voice based commands in English language.


Braina enjoys a certain edger over its run of the mill competitors as it can precisely work with a variety of accents, which is not so common. The pro version is equipped with a bonus of deep learning – it is programmable as well as observes user behavior over time.

Hope, AI applications serves the humanity well!

Check out some more interesting stuff on Machine Learning at DexLab Analytics. We offer world-class machine learning courses in Delhi for all your data aspirations. Come, explore!


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Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality

Quantum Internet Is Now Turning Into a Reality

Scientists across the globe are looking forward towards formulating new methods to realize ‘quantum internet’, an unhackable internet, which connects particles linked together by the principle of quantum entanglement. In simple terms, quantum internet will entail multiple particles striking information at each other in the form of quantum signals – but specialists are yet to figure out what it actually does beyond that. The term ‘quantum internet’ is quite sketchy at this moment. There’s no real definition of it as of now.

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Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?

Why Ethereum Is the Next Big Thing for Today’s Netizens?


Today, Pelle Braendgaard writes distributed applications, or “DApps,” for Ethereum—a cryptography-based technology that is waiting to make an impact. It’s similar to the green field of 1990’s web, providing similar opportunities as then.

The birth of DApps

If people at all know about Ethereum, it is as Bitcoin’s first cousin that stands for everything experimental and of course Braendgaard, who is widely acclaimed as the old-guard programmer. The price of Ether, the coin underlying Ethereum, has spiked up by over a factor of 20 in the last 6 months. Unfortunately, on the zest to become rich quickly, many of us have overlooked Ethereum’s prominent significance. More than just being a new type of digital currency, Ethereum has developed into a new breed of distributed computer, which no one can control but can see inside out. Through this computer, a new creed of applications is launched -“DApps”.

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How to Devise a Big Data Architecture – Get Started

How to Devise a Big Data Architecture – Get Started

Designing Big Data architecture is no mean feat; rather it is a very challenging task, considering the variety, volume and velocity of data in today’s world. Coupled with the speed of technological innovations and drawing out competitive strategies, the job profile of a Big Data architect demands him to take the bull by the horns.

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Automation Doesn’t Necessarily Make Humans Obsolete, Here’s Why

Machines are going to eat our jobs.


AI is handling insurance claims and basic bookkeeping, maintaining investment portfolios, doing preliminary HR tasks, and performing extensive legal research and lot more. So, do humans stand a chance against the automation apocalypse, where everything, almost everything will be controlled by robots?

Automation Doesn’t Necessarily Make Humans Obsolete, Here’s Why

What do you think? You might be worried about your future job opportunities and universal basic income, but I would ask you to draw a clearer picture about this competing theory – because, in the end, this question might not even be a plausible and completely valid question. Why, I will tell you now.

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The Alliance between MongoDB and Tableau Makes Visual Analysis Easier

The Alliance between MongoDB and Tableau Makes Visual Analysis Easier

After a volley of speculations, in 2015 the BIG revelation was made – MongoDB, the database for mammoth ideas has partnered with Tableau, the master in visual analytics to make visual analysis of rich JSON-like data structures easier directly in MongoDB. This is a fascinating telltale about a leader in modern databases for robust application development teaming with a leader in rapid-fire visual analytics to serve users’ better.



Recently, the two global tech players are again in the news – Tableau certified MongoDB’s connector for BI as a “named” connector, which means users for the first time can visually analyze rich JSON-like data structures incorporated with modern applications directly in MongoDB Enterprise Advanced. “Data is a modern software team’s greatest asset, so it needs to be easy for them to both store and visualize it in performant, flexible and scalable ways,” said Eliot Horowitz, CTO, MongoDB. He further added, “With Tableau’s certification of the MongoDB Connector for BI, executives, business analysts and data scientists can benefit from both the engineering and operational advantages of MongoDB, and the insights that Tableau’s powerful and intuitive BI platform make possible.”

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Keep Pace with Automation: Emerging Data Science Jobs in India

Indian IT market is not yet doomed. In fact, if you look at the larger picture, you will find India is expected to face a shortage of 200000 data scientists by 2020. Where traditional IT jobs are going through a rough patch, new age jobs are surfacing up, according to market reports. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and Cybersecurity are new digital domains that are replacing the old school jobs, like data entry and server maintenance, which are expected to reduce more over the next five years.
The next decade is going to witness most vacancies in these job posts:

However, just because there is a wide array of openings for a web services consultant doesn’t make it the most lucrative job position. Big Data architect job openings are much less in number, but offer handsome pays, according to reports.

A median salary of a web services consultant is Rs 9.27 lakh ($14,461) annually

A median salary of a big data architect is Rs 20.67 lakh ($32,234) annually

Now, tell me, which is better?

As technologies evolve so drastically, it becomes an absolute imperative for the techies to update their skills through short learning programs and crash courses. Data analyst courses will help them to sync in with the latest technological developments, which happens every day, something or the other. Moreover, it’s like a constant process, where they have to learn something every year to succeed in this rat race of technological superiority. Every employee needs to make some time, as well as the companies. The companies also need to facilitate these newer technologies in their systems to keep moving ahead of their tailing rivals.

Re-skill or perish – is the new slogan going around. The urgency to re-skill is creating a spur among employees with mid-level experience. If you check the surveys, you will find around 57% of the 7000 IT professionals looking forward to enroll for a short time learning course have at least 4 to 10 years of work experience. Meanwhile, a mere 11% of those who are under 4 years of experience are looking out for such online courses. It happens because, primary-stage employees are mostly fresh graduates, who receives in-house training from their respective companies, hence they don’t feel the urge to scrounge through myriad learning resources, unlike their experienced counterparts.



Today, all big companies across sectors are focusing their attention on data science and analytics, triggering major reinventions in the job profile of a data analyst. Owing to technology updates, “The role of a data analyst is itself undergoing a sea change, primarily because better technology is available now to aid in decision-making,” said Sumit Mitra, head of group human resources and corporate services at GILAC. To draw a closure, data science is the new kid in the block, and IT professionals are imbibing related skills to shine bright in this domain. Contact DexLab Analytics for data analyst course in Delhi. They offer high-in demand data analyst certification courses at the most affordable prices.


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