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3 Data Analytics Success Stories – to Keep the Bells On

Data is the new oil – processing it into actionable intelligence is the only way of leveraging its potentials to the fullest. On this note, CIOs are courting predictive analytics tools, curating machine learning algorithms and battle-testing cutting-edge solutions to amp up business efficiencies and devise better ways to fulfill customer needs.


3 Data Analytics Success Stories – to Keep the Bells On


For robust technological growth, CIOs are investing more than ever on newer tools and systems that supports data science. Going by the research statistics of IDC, worldwide revenues in the field of big data and data analytics are expected to soar high above $150.8 billion in 2017, an increase of 12.4%over 2016. Also, commercial purchases of software, hardware and services in pursuit of boosting big data and business analytics are expected to cross $210 billion.

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Open a World of Opportunities: Web Scraping Using PHP and Python

Open a World of Opportunities: Web Scraping Using PHP and Python

The latest estimates says, the total number of websites has crossed one billion mark; everyday a new site is being added and removed, but the record stays.

Having said that, just imagine how much data is floating around the web. The amount is so huge that it would be impossible for even hundreds of humans to digest all the information in a lifetime. To tackle such large amounts of data, you not only need to have easy access to all the information but should also process some scalable way to gather data in order to organize and analyze it. And that’s exactly where web data scraping comes into picture.

Web scraping, data mining, web data extraction, web harvesting or screen scraping – they all means the same thing – a technique in which a computer program fetches huge piles of data from a website and saves them in your computer, spreadsheet or database in a normal format for easy analysis.


Web Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup

In case, you are not satisfied with the internet sources of web scraping, you are most likely to develop your very own data scraping tools, which is quite easier. In this blog we will show you how to frame a web scraper with Python and very simple yet dynamic BeautifulSoup Library:

First, import the libraries we will use: requests and BeautifulSoup:

# Import libraries
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Secondly, point out the variable for the URL using request.get method and gain access to the HTML content right from this page:

import requests
URL = ""
r = requests.get(URL)

Next, we will parse a webpage, and for that, we need to create a BeautifulSoup object:

import requests 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = ""
r = requests.get(URL)

 # Create a BeautifulSoup object
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html5lib')

Now, let’s extract some meaningful information from HTML content. Look at the HTML content of the webpage, which was printed using the soup.pretify()method..

table = soup.find('div', attrs = {'id':'container'})

Here, you will find each quote inside a div container, belonging to the class quote.

We will repeat the process with each div container, belonging to the class quote. For that, we will use findAll()method and repeat the process with each quote using variable row.

After which, we will create a dictionary, in which all the data about the quote will be saved in a list, and is called ‘quotes’.

    quote['lines'] = row.h6.text

Now, coming to the final step – write down the data to a CSV file, but how?

See below:

filename = 'inspirational_quotes.csv'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    w = csv.DictWriter(f,['theme','url','img','lines','author'])
    for quote in quotes:

This type of web scraping is used on a small-scale; for larger scale, you can consider:

Scraping Websites with PHP and Curl

To connect to a large number of servers and protocols, and download pictures, videos and graphics from several websites, consider Scraping Websites with PHP and cURL.


function curl_download($Url){

    if (!function_exists('curl_init')){
        die('cURL is not installed. Install and try again.');

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $output = curl_exec($ch);

    return $output;

print curl_download('');


In a nutshell, the scopes of using web scraping for analyzing content and applying it to your content marketing strategies are vast like the horizon. Armed by endless types of data analysis, web scraping technology has proved to be a valuable tool for the content producers. So, when are you feeding yourself with web scraping technology?

Discover the perfect platform for excellent R programming using Python courses. For more information on R programming training institute drop by DexLab Analytics.

This post originally appeared

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How Data Preparation Changed Post Predictive Analytics Model Implementation

Data scientists assembling predictive models and formulating machine learning algorithms need to spare more time on data preparation work upfront than is required in traditional analytics applications.

How Data Preparation Changed Post Predictive Analytics Model Implementation

In today’s business sphere, the drive to structure big data architectures that would stand on predictive analytics models, data mining and machine learning applications is fast modifying the pattern of the data pipeline, along with the data preparation steps necessary to fuel it.

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The Basics Of The Banking Business And Lending Risks:

The Basics Of The Banking Business And Lending Risks:

Banks, as financial institutions, play an important role in the economic development of a nation. The primary function of banks had been to channelize the funds appropriately and efficiently in the economy. Households deposit cash in the banks, which the latter lends out to those businesses and households who has a requirement for credit. The credit lent out to businesses is known as commercial credit(Asset Backed Loans, Cash flow Loans, Factoring Loans, Franchisee Finance, Equipment Finance) and those lent out to the households is known as retail credit(Credit Cards, Personal Loans, Vehicle Loans, Mortgages etc.). Figure1 below shows the important interlinkages between the banking sector and the different segments of the economy:


Figure 1: Inter Linkages of the Banking Sector with other sectors of the economy

Banks borrow from the low-risk segment (Deposits from household sector) and lend to the high-risk segment (Commercial and retail credit) and the profit from lending is earned through the interest differential between the high risk and the low risk segment. For example: There are 200 customers on the books of Bank XYZ who deposit $1000 each on 1st January, 2016. These borrowers keep their deposits with the bank for 1 year and do not withdraw their money before that. The bank pays 5% interest on the deposits plus the principal to the depositors after 1 year. On the very same day, an entrepreneur comes asking for a loan of $ 200,000 for financing his business idea. The bank gives away the amount as loan to the entrepreneur at an interest rate of 15% per annum, under the agreement that he would pay back the principal plus the interest on 31st December, 2016. Therefore, as on 1st January, 2016 the balance sheet on Bank XYZ is:


Consider two scenarios:

Scenario 1: The Entrepreneur pays off the Principal plus the interest to the bank on 31st December, 2016

This is a win – win situation for all. The pay-offs were as follows:


Entrepreneur: Met the capital requirements of his business through the funding he obtained from the bank.

Depositors: The depositors got back their principal, with the interest (Total amount = 1000 + 0.05 * 1000 = 1050).

Bank: The bank earned a net profit of 10%. The profit earned by the bank is the Net Interest Income = Interest received – Interest Paid (= $30,000 – $10000 = $20,000).

Credit Risk Analytics and Regulatory Compliance – An Overview – @Dexlabanalytics.

Scenario2: The Entrepreneur defaults on the loan commitment on 31st December, 2016

This is a drastic situation for the bank!!!! The disaster would spread through the following channel:


Entrepreneur: Defaults on the whole amount lent.

Bank: Does not have funds to pay back to the depositors. Hence, the bank has run into liquidity crisis and hence on the way to collapse!!!!!!

Depositors: Does not get their money back. They lose confidence on the bank.


Only way to save the scene is BAILOUT!!!!!


The Second Scenario highlighted some critical underlying assumptions in the lending process which resulted in the drastic outcomes:

Assumption1: The Entrepreneur (Obligor) was assumed to be a ‘Good’ borrower. No specific screening procedure was used to identify the affordability of the obligor for the loan.

Observation: The sources of borrower and transaction risks associated with an obligor must be duly assessed before lending out credit. A basic tenet of risk management is to ensure that appropriate controls are in place at the acquisition phase so that the affordability and the reliability of the borrower can be assessed appropriately. Accurate appraisal of the sources of an obligor’s origination risk helps in streamlining credit to the better class of applicants.

Assumption2: The entire amount of the deposit was lent out. The bank was over optimistic of the growth opportunities. Under estimation of the risk and over emphasis on growth objectives led to the liquidation of the bank.

Observation: The bank failed to keep back sufficient reserves to fall back up on, in case of defaults. Two extreme lending possibilities for a bank are: a. Bank keeps 100% reserves and lends out 0%, b. Bank keeps 0% and lends out 100%. Under the first extreme, the bank does not grow at all. Under the second extreme (which is the case here!!!) the bank runs a risk of running into liquidation in case of a default. Every bank must solve an optimisation problem between risk and growth opportunities.

The discussion above highlights some important questions on lending and its associated risks:


  1. What are the different types of risks associated with the lending process of a bank?
  2. How can the risk from lending to different types of customers be identified?
  3. How can the adequate amount of capital to be reserved by banks be identified?


The answers to these questions to be discussed in the subsequent blogs.

Stay glued to our site for further details about banking structure and risk modelling. DexLab Analytics offers a unique module on Credit Risk Modelling Using SAS. Contact us today for more details!


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Top 2016 Trends Expected to Turn Fruitful in 2017

Top 2016 Trends Expected to Turn Fruitful in 2017


Since the start of this year, new development in the field of technology has been the hottest topic of discussion at several science symposiums. This blog post sheds some light on what can be expected for 2017, based on 2016 evolutions in Data Science and Machine Learning.

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3 Stages of a Reliable Data Science Solution to Attack Business Problems

Today, businesses are in a rat race to derive relevant intuition and make best use of their data. Several notable organizations are skimming with cutting edge data science terms and resolving intricate problems (some being more successful than others).


3 Stages of a Reliable Data Science Solution to Attack Business Problems


However, the crux lies in determining the present stage of data science your organization has embraced, followed by ascertainment of the desired level of data science.

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What to Do and What Not to Do With Data Visualization

What to Do and What Not to Do With Data Visualization

Data Visualization can be your bow and arrow provided you know the exact way to use it.

In modern day scenario, data visualization has become the crux of efforts – raw data in various forms and statistics tends to be incredibly powerful, but only if you decide to work with them as a whole. After all, it’s not just the numbers but the story behind those numerical figures that reveals something. So, you require data visualization to brush up these notions and turn them into something more compelling to target audience. Data Visualization makes your messages more attractive, lively and enhances the impact, along with keeping your audience hooked.

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Regulatory Credit Risk Management: Improve Your Business with Efficient CRM

Regulatory Credit Risk Management: Improve Your Business with Efficient CRM

In the aftermath of the Great Recession and the credit crunch that followed, the financial institutions across the globe are facing an increasing amount of regulatory scrutiny, and for good reasons. Regulatory efforts necessitate new, in-depth analysis, reports, templates and assessments from financial institutions in the form of call reports and loan loss summaries, all of which ensures better accountability, thus helping business initiatives.

Help yourself with credit risk analysis course online at DexLab Analytics.

Also, regulators have started asking for more transparency. Their main objective is to know that a bank possesses thorough knowledge about its customers and their related credit risk. Moreover, new Basel III regulations entail an even bigger regulatory burden for the banks.

What are the challenges faced by CRM Managers?

  • Sloppy data management – Unable to access the data when it’s needed the most, due to inefficient data management issues.
  • No group-wide risk modeling framework – Banks need strong, meaningful risk measures to get a larger picture of the problem. Without these frameworks, it becomes really difficult to get to the tip of the problem.
  • Too much duplication of effort – As analysts cannot alter model parameters they face too much duplication of work, which results in constant rework. This may negatively affect a bank’s efficiency ratio.
  • Inefficient risk toolsBanks need to have a potent risk solution, otherwise how can they identify portfolio concentrations or re-grade portfolios to mitigate upcoming risks!
  • Long, unwieldy reporting processManual spreadsheet based reporting is simply horrible, overburdening the IT analysts and researchers.

What are the Best Practices to fight the Challenges Noted Above?

For the most effective credit risk management solution, one needs to gain in-depth understanding of a bank’s overall credit risk. View individual, customer and portfolio risk levels.

While banks give immense importance for a structured understanding of their risk profiles, a lot of information is found strewn across among various business units. For all this and more, intensive risk assessment is needed, otherwise bank can never know if capital reserves precisely reveal risks or if loan loss reserves sufficiently cover prospective short-term credit losses. Banks that are not in such good shape are mostly taken under for close scrutiny by investors and regulators, as they may lead to draining losses in the future.

Data Science Machine Learning Certification

Adopt a well-integrated, comprehensive credit risk solution. It helps in curbing loan losses, while ensuring capital reserves that strictly reflect the risk profile. Owing to this solution, banks buckle up and run quickly to coordinate with simple portfolio measures. Fortunately, it will also lead to a more sophisticated credit risk management solution, which will include:

  • Improved model management, stretching over the whole modeling life cycle
  • Real-time scoring and limits monitoring
  • Powerful stress-testing capabilities
  • Data visualization capabilities and robust BI tools that helps in transporting crucial information to anyone who needs them

In summary, if your credit risk is controlled properly, the rest of the things are taken care by themselves. To manage credit risk perfectly, rest your trust on credit risk professionals – they understand the pressing needs of decreasing default rates and improving the veracity with which credit is issued, and for that, they need to devise newer ways and start applying data analytics to Big Data.  

Get more insights on credit risk management including articles, research and other hot topics, follow us at DexLab Analytics. We offer excellent credit risk management courses in Delhi. For further queries, call us today!



Wanna Talk to a Database? Tableau Acquires ClearGraph


For 14 years, Tableau has solely focused on helping people understand their data better. To take this mission a notch higher, this August, Tableau announced they have acquired ClearGraph, a robust Palo Alto startup that facilitates smart data discovery and data analysis through Natural Language Processing (NLP). They have decided to work with ClearGraph team to incorporate its cutting edge technology into their own products to make data interaction easier via natural language, query technology. Continue reading “Wanna Talk to a Database? Tableau Acquires ClearGraph”

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