A New Course Alert! DexLab Analytics Launches Market Risk Analytics and Modelling

A New Course Alert! DexLab Analytics Launches Market Risk Analytics and Modelling

We are back again with some great news! Technology enthusiasts and hardcore industry professionals got another reason to cheer for DexLab Analytics, as we feel extremely delighted to announce our new Market Risk Analytics and Modelling online live sessions. We welcome hundreds and thousands of young, aspiring data enthusiasts from various parts of the country who are driven by hunger, passion and robust dreams of a data-friendly future to get enrolled in our online course on Market Risk Analytics using SAS. In our quest for expanding our horizons, these types of analytics course play a significant role.

A New Course Alert! DexLab Analytics Launches Market Risk Analytics and Modelling

Recently, Market Risk Analytics have gained a lot of prominence – a lot of tech pundits and industry practitioners have repeatedly emphasized on the importance of having sound market risk management policies and strong internal controls. Especially, since the global financial crisis, the critical aspect of risk management analytic has doubled.


Having said that, our market risk certification course offers an ideal platform for aspiring professionals brimming with future potentials, to shift focus from the fundamentals towards mastering, and striking success in an ever-expansive role. Our highly interactive courses act as catalysts for fresh understanding, training and detailed knowledge intensification.


Market Risk is basically the risk that the banks are being exposed due to any change in equity prices, commodity prices, foreign exchange rates, interest rates, credit spreads and other market indicators whose values are determined in the public market. As a result, market risk management analysts are asked to provide companies crucial information about ongoing market trends. They need to grasp the industry frameworks in order to conduct extensive research so that they can put on the table a comprehensive market assessment. The information and insights offered by analysts are used extensively for decision-making about future possible investments and signing of ventures and deals.



The course that we are offering on Market Risk Modelling Training is imparted on weekends in compliance with working professionals. And the course is entirely live in nature. The complete duration of the course is of 70 hours, which will include:


  • Major types of risks faced by banks
  • Financial Crisis and its impact on the Banking system
  • Sources and scope of market risk
  • Theoretical Probability distributions required to assess the market risks
  • Volatility forecasting and clustering models
  • Value at Risk Modelling
  • Quantitative Models of market risk
  • Description of Key Financial Products: Derivatives, Options, Mortgage Back Securities


Risk analytics forms the core element of any risk management framework – the reasons being complicated regulatory environment, incessant market pressure and the pressing need to make viable decisions.




Going by the stats, the opportunities in the Global Risk Analytics market is bound to increase significantly over the coming years. More and more sectors are adopting risk analytics to offer improved results in a lesser time period at bare minimum costs. So, what are you waiting for! Market risk analytics modeling course is just designed for you. Give a robust push to your career in risk management by fixing your eyes on this promising value at risk model online training. For more information, visit the official site.



Interested in a career in Data Analyst?

To learn more about Machine Learning Using Python and Spark – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with Advanced excel course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with SAS Course – click here.
To learn more about Data Analyst with R Course – click here.
To learn more about Big Data Course – click here.

October 9, 2017 1:29 pm Published by , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Credit and Market Risk, Market Analysis, Market Risk Analytics, market risk certification, market risk courses, Market Risk Management, market risk modeling analyst, market risk modeling training, Market Risk Modelling, Market Risk Training, market risk training courses, marketing analytics course, Risk Management Courses

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