The Quest for Modern Marketers with Data-Sense

The Quest for Modern Marketers with Data-Sense

Today’s times where data analysis tools like Google Analytics rules supremely within the digital marketing industry, the marketing departments have been forced to adapt their creative strategies accordingly. And the result of it all has been highly resourceful with some highly valuable content curation and marketing campaigns.


The Quest for Modern Marketers with Data-Sense


It seems that the days of old school Mad Men style creative marketing have long gone, lying (or only lying) no longer help the company’s cause! People these days want transparency and with the ascent of technological advancements everyday transparency either voluntary or involuntary is not difficult to obtain. The way marketing scientists differ from marketing artists is the way the data-driven scientists trace and analyse consumer search history in order to discover and implement advertisements campaigns hand-tailored to consumers’ data history for greater involvement.


This does not make creative marketer any less sought after, but in fact, their demands have doubled with the extra pressure of being a modern data-driven marketer.


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October 17, 2016 11:57 am Published by , ,

data analytics, data science

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